When I use the spell checker in Photoshop CS5 to check a text layer (in English), all I ever get is a message saying "Spell check complete" -- never any evidence of any errors being detected. It would be nice to think I'm a perfect speller, but the reality is it does this even when I can clearly see there are mistakes (for example, I've tested it by inserting gibberish words into my text).
Where are the spelling dictionaries, etc. installed, and what files should I find there for English spelling?
I have read that spell checking IS available for Photoshop Elements, but is disabled if I don't have the proper dictionaries. True? If so, where do I get the necessary dictionaries and how do I enable the spell check function?
When I add a word to the spell check dictionary or select ignore all the red underline stays and if I do misspell the word that I just added later, it will not suggest my addition as a possible correction...
I'm writing a manual using Corel Draw X5. The manual is 125 pages. When I spell check the whole document it freezes. I waited well over 20 minutes before concluding that something was wrong. Forcing Corel to close during the "not responding" state corrupts the document. When I try to reopen it, it hangs during the opening process.
I am fully updated on the software. Is this document too big for Corel Draw?
I have some blocks with invisible attributes that I use to put information a wiring schedule. How to have those checked in a spell check? I can see that they are misspelled in the table but when I run a spell check it will not fix them.
In AutoCAD 2011 and 2012 my spell check instantly recognizes a misspelled word as soon as you enter a space after the word as you type.
AutoCAD 2013 does not recognize the misspelling until I go back (still within the text editor) and click on the word. Only then will it show the red underline. This is using Dtext only. Mtext works fine.
For the bad spellers or missed keystrokes, the fast "on the fly" spell checking was great. How to get my AutoCAD 2013 to behave similarly?
How to change the spell check in Illustrator CC to check spelling using UK English spelling permanently.
So everytime I start a new document or even open an existing document and go Edit- Check Spelling it will check the spelling as UK English not USA English?
The spell check works, almost. when I type a word that spell check does not recognize, I get the red underline, but when I choose to add it to dictionary, no dice. if I ignore, close the editor and reopen, the red underline is there.
When I use the spell checker in Photoshop CS5 to check a text layer, it always tells me there are no errors, even when I know there are, so it's a useless exercise. Where is the spellling dictionary installed, and how do I make sure it's working properly?
I want to create a label with a textbox (myabe) in which i will write by my keyboard a word.After that i want to press the "Enter" button and the programm do this simple thing...."SPELL" each letter of my word, an activate a specific command each time and in my case a specific RULE from iLogic.
For example, i wanna whrite my name.....NIKOS....and after pressing the ENTER button, firstly my programm read the letter "N" and trigger the Rule1....After a specific time (that i want to defined by myself, probably with a timer) the programm read the right next letter which is "I" and activate the next Rule2...Until the last letter where it will end.
I should note here that i already have the code that i can calling as Rule i wish.But i dont know how to use it for my job....
The code is the following...
Dim iLogicAuto As Object Set iLogicAuto = GetiLogicAddin(ThisApplication) If (iLogicAuto Is Nothing) Then Exit Sub
Dim doc As Document Set doc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
When can I expect hyphenation and spell checking for selectable language sin Xara Designer 6 Pro? I am doing a lot of Flyers and some text based graphics with Xara and this is the one feature I am still missing. If it's getting to complicated I switch to Corel Ventura Publisher which has not been maintained since ages, but is still a good piece of software. By teh way: Why does Xara/Magix not simply buy Ventura from Corel an include into their packages.
I'm using Photoshop CS 3 to design a website. I used several shapes such as rectangle, line or ellipse of different size. Probably it is a stupid question but I don't know how to check the size of an existing rectangle. I tried free transform tool that selects my rectangle but doesn't show its size. Then I made a selection with rectangular marquee tool but I see nowhere the size of the selected area.
I'm trying to use the spelling check in Spanish, and not being able to. Spanish is on the character palette setting, I selected my layer and my text an nothing is happening, I am using Photoshop cs3 .
I have CS5 and wonder if there is a SIMPLE way to check to see if it needs any updates since the newer software version of Apple was applied to my computer. The website seems extremely confusing unless you know exactly what you need and what you are looking for. Photoshop has begun to run slower on my IMAC.
I was wondering if there was a way to check and see if a program has been activated?
I have a few previous Adobe programs that I have unistalled from my computer years ago, after I upgraded the program, and I wanted to find out if there was a way to see if the activation code was deactivated or not. Is there a page that Adobe has that you can go and enter in an activation code and see if it is activated or if it has not activated?
I'm totally newbie in this section and I recently put my license key in my Photoshop Cs6 Extended.But first i use a trail version than i use a license key for activation. Now i can't find any way to sure that is my PS is really activate or not.
When I try to open images on a 2 year old Fuji CD, some of them will not open and the error message 'cyclic redundancy check' or 'invalid MS-DOS function' comes up. The CD is in perfectly good condition.
Just starting to work with CS6. I click on a path, which shows the path nodes.... then go to the top menu interactive menu bar at the top of the screen to 'click-ON' the checkbox to display the path's transform corner handles.... and discover it is no longer there?
Where the heck did they put it? Don't tell me Adobe deleted this basic and oft - used function and made it a multi-finger, cluster-hump keyboard ONLY command?
Can I get this feature to display at the top menu header bar again?