Photoshop :: Some Of The Tools Like Paintbrush, Clone Etc Doesn't Work
Sep 20, 2006
I've got this problem with Photoshop. Some of the tools, e.g. paintbrush, clone, just don't work. Using alt click to select the colour/area works but the tool just doesn't work on the image. Any ideas?
Photoshop 7. Clone tool (etal) won't work. I've verified I am in RGB mode, and the 'Aligned' box is unchecked. Since the background layer is locked, I duplicated the background and tried working in the unlocked layer. Still no luck. These tools were working fine before, and sometimes when I open PS they do. Other times, like now, they are inaccessible.
I'm making a timelapse, and want to remove dust from certain scenes. I found a pretty neat tut from Angie Taylor [URL] which I tried MANY times following here instructions. After numerous failing attempts I would like to know why this don't work.
Suddenly the Alt key doesn't work with Clone and other Tools. When it's pressed, it shows a double arrow (black/white)cursor and a selection is not defined ...
When attempting to edit a photo (on PS CS3), the cursor for the paintbrush and clone stamp tools does not display on the image - it'll come up when the mouse isn't directly over it (ie around the borders, & workspace etc, but not on the image itself). All other tools the cursor will display (eg marque and crop etc). Is anyone able to offer any help on the subject?
i'm using my corelphoto paint x3 for a year now and it is working fyn then on one occassion i don't know but while editing an image, i suddenly discovered that my effect tools, paint tools, clone tools wont work or wont make changes on the image i'm editing... i've already checked the menus and settings but still no work..i also tried reinstalling the program but still it's all the same..
I just began editing a portrait shoot and realized that my paintbrush effects only work on about the bottom 1/3rd of my photo.
The little target with the plus sign in the middle shows up when I mouse over this photo from the mouth down, but when I mouse over the top part it turns back into the normal cursor. If I start using the brush at the bottom of the photo where the target/plus sign actually shows up and then drag it to the forehead, it works. But if i unclick at all it goes back to the original problem.
Photoshop cc. I am having trouble with the clone stamp tool, it will often change back to the tool I was using before it when I try to change the size of the brush. It will sometimes happen when I go to use the hand tool (space bar short cut) it will go into the hand tool navigator mode (space+H) and then jump back to the previously used tool when I let go?
i have photoshop cs3 running on windows xp. the delete, clone and paint tools do not work on any layer. (other tools do work. susch as red eye removal) . the layers are not locked. i have used these tools on many many occasions. they just stopped working. i have tried: resetting the tool preferences to their defaults, restarted my computer, restarted photoshop. i hope to avoided having to re-install cs3.
I am having a big problem when using the new CS6 on my Mac (os x 10.7.4). When switching to a new tool, like a brush, or clone stamp, or healing brush etc, Photoshop hangs for about 20 seconds before resuming. It's not 3rd party plug-ins, because I get the same behaviour when I run using the shift key and third party plug-ins are disabled. It doesn't happen every time, but it happens frequently.
I have some problems with th CLONE STAMP TOOL at the right hand. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. I do the correct thing: I press ALT-button, the click.
I have also noticed that this also is a problem when I use the BURN and DODGE tool. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt.
How come sometimes the Clone Stamp Tool doesn't clone, and the Healing Brush doesn't heal.
Sometimes I can get it to work, and sometimes I can't.
Sometimes it works only partially. The thing I want to cover over gets partially obscured behind a translucent clone spot.
On a recent attempt, I had the Healing Brush working, but after I made a selection mask to limit the area to be healed, the Healing Brush no longer worked.
I have Opacity and Flow on 100%. I tried a variety of different Modes. Aligned samples is checked, as Layer is set to Current. Layer is not locked. I am working on the top layer of three layers. I set layer to all three posible options, including Current, and Current and Below. I left Aligned Samples unchecked, and then I checked it.
I Reset the Tool in the configuration drop down menu next to the tool icon in the tool options bar. I Reset All Tools.
I am cloning a photo... no problem... I changed the resolution, then the clone stamp doens't do anything. I changed the resolution back, still doesn't work.
I click on the color I want it to clone using the option key (I have a mac), then when I put it on the area that I want to change, nothing happens.
How to get the 'Shape to Block' command to work (under express tools).
It says select object, but no matter what object I select eg. circle, pline or line, it says invalid selection. I am running AutoCAD 2012. Are 'shape' objects somehow different from any other objects?
I am using PS 5.1. The cloning stamp tool has never worked.
If I alt/opt and click to attempt to select my source for cloning it does nothing. There are no presets on the cloning stamps and all settings are at zero.
I am running a MAC OS X recently updated system. I use a MS compatible wireless key board. All other PS short cuts works with this key board and always have I just have to use the PC short cuts. The only item changed in preferences for CS 5.1 is the way my mouse is display with crosshairs.
I use PShop CS5 + Bridge on a Mac “All in one”, all options works fine.Some time ago I changed some option (don’t remember which) to try new way of using the clone stamp.That is ok, but after that the “preview” of the clone stamp does not appear, as I was moved the the previous version of PS.
Some details:
I activate the clone stampset dimension, etc.I see the pointer, okMove the pointer to the source and clickThen simply move the pointer to the target areaBefore the problem without pressing any key I saw the “preview” of the effect. Now, I see the correct effect but only AFTER having clicked the mouse Reading previous thread, I reset the tool options, then reset all tools option, then checked the dimension of the pointer (in the general option section).Nothing changed.
I read that reinstall PShop is useless, since reinstall does not remove corrupted files if any (but which file?).Since every other feature is working properly, it looks like a strange setting I set without being aware of that …
I loaded the free trial of CS6 to see if I should buy the upgraded version, or be happy with the less expensive older programs.
Although I can grab the color (alt+click) -- and I see the "spot" that I drag to clone/paint over the object that I'm trying to remove... NOTHING HAPPENS. No color applies, nothing disappears - nada.
When I use Photoshop Elements 9, I get the following error: Could not use clone stamp tool because of a program error. I uninstalled Photoshop Elements and reinstalled it with the same results. This error shows up on both my XP computer and my Windows 7 computer.
Having touble with some of my tools in photoworkshop (CS4), like the blur tool doesn't respond, making it very difficult to do touch ups. Should I uninstal, then reinstal?
I am using photoshop CS6. Some of the tools work and some of them do not. I know I can use the crop tool while I can't use the brush or the ruler tool.
none of my tools will work. I can adjust color, contrast etc., but I can't dodge, burn, etc. I have rebooted my computer and still can't make the tools work.
I have photoshop CS2 and photoshop 7.0. Sometimes when I go into edit a picture my erase, clone and other tools will not work. It shows up in history that i've used the tool but it doesn't alter the picture. I usually copy the background first then delete the locked background layer and work with the copy. This happens randomly. I must be missing something ( a setting, ??). I have uninstalled and reinstalled to make sure it was not a software issue. When I attempt to clone it just justs me a little cross next to where I'm trying to copy and never alters the pic.
I'm using GIMP 2.8.3 with Mac OSX 10.6.8. I can't figure out how to get rid of a red line through my pictures, or even how to make the clone or the heal tools work at all. Isn't it true that you're supposed to click Control and a spot next to the blemish you want to erase, then click the blemish and it's suppose to disappear?
for a while now, my photoshop tools wouldnt work. it was only the tools that involved "painting" like the brush tool and quick select. after reinstalling, they would work but suddenly they'd stop again. eventually i figured out that it was the pen for my wacom tablet. every time i used the pen, it would make the mouse not work untill i reinstalled the program. this means that a setting changes (pen pressure or something) when i use the pen and it doesnt change back when i use the mouse. i cant deturmine which setting changes.
Normally I do all of my initial editing in Raw Editor and then save the files to a 16-bit Photshop format file. In Photoshop, all my Nik and PhotoKit filters work fine as well as adjustment layers.
But when I try to use any of the tools, e.g. clone, healing, dodging, burning, all I get is a hand cursor on the photo and I cannot do whatever it is that I want to do with any of the tools. Am I missing something in the setup?
I recently had a computer virus. The hard drive was scrubbed, and we had to reinstall all our programs.
Now, on my CorelDraw X3 graphics suite, the photo paint program is only partially functional. The clone and paint tools do not work anymore. I have uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times, rebooted the computer, but no progress. We have Windows XP, the same as before.