Photoshop :: Save As "copy" In CS

Mar 16, 2005

I just discovered that in CS, when I click the "copy" button in the "save as" window, the file is NOT automatically labeled "copy" as it is in PS7. Is there a way to make this happen?

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Photoshop :: "save As" Becomes "save As A Copy" In Action

Jul 14, 2005

I've got a couple of actions that do various things and then as a last step do a "save as" (without a dialog). They work just fine on MOST images but on just a couple of images when they get to the "save as" step I get a dialog and the "as a copy" box is checked. It happens on the same images every time so it must be something about those particular images but I can't figure out what it is.

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Photoshop :: Remove "copy" From "save As"?

May 20, 2006

At work, whenever I "save as" a jpg or tif or whatever, it just renames the extension. eg. 'Work.psd' -> 'Work.jpg'. But when I work from home, whenever I "save as" it appends "copy" to the end, which I really hate. eg. 'Work.psd' -> 'Work copy.jpg'. I know this is a trivial matter, but it puts an annoying kink in my workflow having to remove "copy" from the file name during my extremly frequent saves. I've tried to google this, but I'm at wit's end trying to find where the preference is hidden.

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Photoshop :: Modal "File Save As" Action Ignores...

Aug 25, 2008

I am attempting to execute a set of actions containing two "Save" commands. The first works fine while the second does not. (The destination folder is ignored and the file is saved in the same folder as the first Save.) The only difference I can see is that the second "Save" is modal and the other is not. The fact that the destination folder is contained in the action makes me think this ought to work and I'm missing something obvious.

I have a JPG of the action set but I can't see how to attach it....

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Photoshop :: "Use Adobe Dialog" In Open/save Screens...

Oct 21, 2008

I just upgraded to photoshop cs4 from cs2, and I noticed that a feature which I really, really loved is now gone, and that is the Use Adobe Dialog option in the open/save/save as file browser.

I don't see any option for this anymore...was it taken out in CS4 or CS3? Or is there an option to enable it that I'm just missing?

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Photoshop :: How To Save A Large Banner Design (108" X 18")

Apr 9, 2013

I design custom banners which include both text and images and have no problem saving my files as PSDs or PDFs as long as I stay under 96" wide. 

The minute I go wider, CS4 no longer gives me all my normal options, instead it gives me TIF, PSB, Photoshop RAW, or DICOM. 

I usually try to give my banner production house files that are not undersized as I don't want to have all the edges aliased and jaggy. 

Especially photographic portions of the banner.  Is there a size limitation with CS4 Photoshop regarding saving in "normal" file formats? 

Typically I give my production house 300dpi PDFs and it works out great.

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Photoshop :: Changing Photoshop6 "Save As..." Default?

Jan 10, 2009

How do I change? If it would default to the last format and place saved would be what I want. Or at least let me change the default folder.

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Photoshop :: Do You Find Files "Save" All Over The Place ?

Jan 30, 2005

I am an old Doshead from way back in the '80's.

One thing that has concerned me and caused me a lot of headaches (and lost hair) over the last few years has been the seemingly erratic nature of file saving in Windows graphics programs.

As a Doshead I know directory structures quite well.

Yet often when I go to save a file in a desired folder they seem to get saved somewhere else and I have to run a search to find them which is a pain.

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Photoshop :: Disable "save Changes" Question

Aug 25, 2006

The past days my friend asked me how to remove the "save changes" question at the exit in Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Automatize "save JPG Without Asking Quality"

Jan 23, 2005

I have hundreds of jpg files which I need to change their size.

The action I run is:

Image size 50%

Quite easy but I need to save the file without asking the quality because in that way I have to stay behind the computer clicking ACCEPT every time it saves one.

I tried overriding and not overriding but in both cases it asks for "quality".

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Photoshop :: "Save For Web" Keeps Desaturating Image!

Apr 7, 2005

I've noticed when working in Photoshop CS, that everytime I save an image as a JPG for the web (by choosing "save for web"), that it REALLY desaturates the image WAY too much.

I don't know how to go about solving this -- I never encountered it in any of the other versions I've used.

I found an odd workaround though -- I do a screen capture of the image (automatically saved as a PDF of the image on my Mac), then I open the PDF of the screen capture up in Photoshop CS, then I SAVE TO WEB. ONLY THEN, does it reproduce accurately with NO desaturation.

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Photoshop :: Why Does The Color Change When I "save For Web.."

Oct 28, 2004

I have a picture i took with my digital camera when i use photoshop to edit the size and everything and then when i wanna save for the web.. the colors come out slightly different.

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Photoshop :: A Way To Save "layer Sets"?

Mar 1, 2006

I work with virtual shoe samples made in Photoshop. I draw shoes in PS and make thousands of combinations of materials in colors, which mean thousands of layers as well.

I have then various sets of layers, each one a different combination, and many times I want to go back to a combination I used before; that is, make every layer of it visible again, something that takes lots of time when you have thousands of layers.

Every file is 300 MB, so I have no chance to save it again with that combination I need.

Basically, I need to find a way to save which layers are visible and invisible!

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Photoshop :: "Save For Web" & Older PS Versions

Jun 23, 2004

I was explaining to my sister how to use "save the web" but it turns out she has PS 4.0 and says she doesn't see that option anywhere.

Does anyone know where in PS 4 she would find this option or it's equivalent.

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Photoshop :: PS "Not Responding" ... NEED TO SAVE!

Jan 28, 2005

I go to do a Mosaic Tile, and PS locks up. I look at Task Manager ... doesn't say it's not responding ... just using 400,000 Kb of CPU or so. So, I've been waiting it out for at least 15 to 20 minutes. I can do stuff like surf and open other progs ... but PS is still thinking. how I can save my work that so desperately needs it?

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Photoshop :: "cannot Save To Dat File"

Nov 8, 2008

When I click to implement action by a third party plugin (buZZ Pro 3) I get an error message -

"buzz error - cannot save to dat file".

If I click the only option - "OK" - the action proceeds correctly. I'd be grateful if anyone can tell me what the error message means. What is likely to be the problem if the buzz action is not being saved to a dat file? I am not clear what a dat file is.

This happened first when I was using CS3 and weirdly when I installed another plugin (Nik Sharpener) this corrected the buZZ problem and I stopped getting the buZZ error message. However, in CS4, installing Nik Sharpener did not sort out the buZZ problem. I have no idea why.

It's not the end of the world because I can still use the buZZ plugin but it's a nuisance - compounded by the fact that buZZ settings are not staying from one buZZ use to another. Perhaps this inability to keep the last settings used is related to a failure to save to a dat file.

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Photoshop :: Problem With "save As"

Feb 17, 2008

I needed to make a photo that was 7" x 9" for a frames I had. I have photoshop CS3. I started out by going to NEW and resizing width,height and resolution at 300ppi abd 16 bit. I colored the background blue and then made a 1" border around the background and then dragged over two pic that were sized 6" x 4". I resized them to fit nice using the shift/mouse and that gave me 3 layers. I flatened them and then stroked a black line around the images on the background. I went to "save as" and I tryed to save as a Jpeg but it did not give me that option. Only PDF, tiff, ex.... no Jpeg. so I saved as tiff thinking I could go back later to save it as Jpeg but no. So I started over and all I did was change the 16 bit to 8 bit. that gave me the jpeg format that I wanted. Can anyone tell me why bit is so inportant? or wasn't it that? I just don't know why it did what it did. I don't want to make that mistake again. I made 11 pics before having to start all over.

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Photoshop :: SC3, Hang When I Use "save As"

Jul 16, 2009

technical problem with my Photoshop SC3, when I want to save my photo with the "save as" button, the programe hang and I have to reset it. I uninstall it and re-install the whole program but it keep on doing the same.

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Photoshop :: "Save For Web" Automatation

Jun 11, 2004

I am trying to batch convert a whole bunch of images using a macro, but I can´t make it work with the save for web option.

how to do the same optimization as "save for web" function does manually?

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Photoshop :: "Save For Web"

Feb 5, 2003

I currently purchase photoshop templates from a variety of sources, and customize them for my clients. The problem is.:

If I have text in photoshop, when I do a "save for web" and choose "all html and images", it saves any text as an image.

How do I make sure that when I save a .psd file for use on the web, it will automatically insert tables for me to put text into?

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Photoshop :: "Save For Web"

Jul 25, 2005

I am using the "Save for Web" function, and the jpeg conversion process is changing my color adjustments on it's own.

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Photoshop :: Static Picture, Make Water "shimmer" Or "move"

May 26, 2007

I have a picture of a cabin on a lake, I want to use this as the flash intro for a website. I would like a mist to cover the picture and then float away, and the water in the lake to "shimmer" or make it look as if it is "moving"...kind of like you were looking at a video clip, not a static picture.

Is this something I would do in any of the creative suite programs? or studio 8 programs? or is it something completely different.

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Photoshop :: Photoshop 7.0 Crash In "Save For Web" Mode

Dec 9, 2003

Whenever I try to save a picture for web, as soon as I click on "Save" Photoshop closes without any warning - just shuts down! I have no idea what is causing this problem as it's never happened before.

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Photoshop :: Put 4"x8" Image Into 4"x6" Space Without Too Much Distortion?

Mar 29, 2013

I want to put a 4"x8' image into a 4"x6" space without too much distortion.

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Photoshop :: Photoshop CS Will Not "save" Or "save...

May 28, 2009

No need to upgrade. But it does not like my jpeg files from a Canon 5d. The program just freezes when I try to save or save as.I've looked at the file permissions and preferences. Can't see anything, but who knows? Any advice gratefully received. Tried renaming file, tried converting to TIFF but no luck so far.

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Photoshop :: 'Instruction At "0x1a3c4b6b" Referenced At Memory "0x00000028" Memory Could Not Be Read

Jul 22, 2009

when I try to open an existing file or create a new one -- the application will shut down unexpectedly and without warning.But I also experience application errors: 'Instruction at "0x1a3c4b6b" referenced at memory "0x00000028" Memory could not be read.

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Photoshop :: "Paths" Or "Curves"

Oct 31, 2005

I'm having a heckuva hard time figuring this one out.

At the bottom of my canvas, I have a half-circle, with the curve facing up and the flat edge at the bottom border of my canvas.

At the top of my canvas, I have some text that is actually a graphic instead of text.

I'm trying to make the picture of the text curve to the same arc as the half-circle at the bottom of the canvas.

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Photoshop :: "outer Glow"/"inner Glow" No Longer...

Aug 16, 2009

I'm created a photo of an alien boy being beamed down to someone's house in a cone of bright white light from a flying saucer, and I tried to use the "layer style" to create the glowing light effect in this cone of bright light - but somehow I'm not getting the "glow" effect that I got before. I'm stumped as to what I'm doing wrong/not doing right to produce the glow effect.  In other words, the outer/inner glow effect no longer works. Can anyone please help me?

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AutoCad 3D :: How To Make Oval Dish 15" X 12" X 5" Inches

May 18, 2012

how to make an Oval dish that's 15" x 12" x 5" inches

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Lightroom :: Correct Way To Print A 16" X 20" Print On 17" X 22" Paper Using LR5

Jul 27, 2013

What is the correct way to print a 16" x 20" print on 17" x 22" paper using LR5.

In LR4, using 17" x 22" paper, I used to set the cell size to 16" x  20" and print. Doing the same thing in LR5 gives me a slightly larger print.

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Photoshop :: "Photoshop Jpgs" Vs "jpgs." Files Default

Apr 28, 2006

I have given a disc of photos to a client that she can't access without launching Photoshop on her Mac. They were scanned by me on an Epson as jpgs, then run through Photoshop (CS1) for touch-up and resaved as jpgs by me. Now I look under "get info" and see that they are all saved as "Photoshop Jpgs". this can be a big problem, as I intend to make a lot of discs for clients in the future. I don't want to have to tell them to use "Open with" every time they want to view a photo.

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