I am using photoshop CS3 to edit some pictures for a catalogue. Usually i cut around the picture, select magic wand, select inverse, and refine edges to soften the pictures jagged edges.
Now all of a sudden refine edges doesnt behave this way! It doesn't do anything! it shows a preview, but once i click ok, nothing happens. I know this has nothing to do with layers as have checked and there is only one, otherwise i wouldnt see a preview either.
One curious thing it does do is, once ok'd, refine edges actually changes my selection field radius to what it would be had i actually refined the edges. But no change to the graphic itself.
I'm using CS3 and I'm applying a feathered edge to a photo using the refine edges command. The only thing I can't for the life of me figure out, is how to get the now white border to be transparent, so that when it's placed into my InDesign document (overlayed onto another photo) the underlaying photo isn't blocked by the white box.
I'm having an issue with Refine Edge. I like to often add a slightly feathered edge to my masks. I figured recording an action of using Refine Edge would give me a quick way to do that to prevent harsh-edged selections. Well, RF gives me a soft edge, but also adds sort of an aliasing to it as well, which of course I don't want. get smooth edges using RF? Below shows an example.
I am trying to learn how to use Photoshop CS4 and to print images. I have consulted several books, web sites, manuals, etc. and one of the things I realize I need to do is to learn how to relate the image on my screen with the print that comes off my printer.
I'm using a Spyder 3 Pro monitor calibration device, I have adjusted the color settings in Photoshop, I have downloaded ICC profiles off the web (I'm having trouble installing them) etc., etc. etc.
And at the end of all this, the prints I created when I was 'winging it', are far superior to what I'm printing after all these adjustments. My instinct is telling me that its still worth trying to follow these instructions and that it will all come together at some point but the variables seem endless. Can anyone send me to a clearly written site, source?
How do I uninstall all the things that Photoshop CS6 installs? I don't see a "custom" or "advanced" installer option, but it puts all kinds of things on my computer that I do not want (I only want Photoshop installed). The full installation is 2GB, which is quite a lot (I have a small SSD)
I am a new member and a fairly new user of Photoshop. The company wehre I work had outsourced icons in 16 px x 16 px size bitmaps with magenta background. They got the results they were looking for. Please see blown up image below:
Notice that the image has a uniform background color that we require!!
I created a similar image of 160 px x 160 px size in Photoshop. When I reduce the image to the icon size of 16 px x 16 px and save as a bitmap file, the background is pixalated.
The following processes: Fill, Stroke, Text Coloring (highlighted selections from chromatic palette), Mask Layer coloring, etc. are all failing unaccountably. When Menu-selecting Fill or Stroke, or when clicking the color wells to access the Color Picker (for text, mask-layer color, etc.) I do NOT get the usual Color Picker window. Instead, the icon instantly changes to the eyedropper (and sometimes the color sampler) icon, all menu options are greyed out, and all attempts to select another tool or do anything at all result in that awful 'doonk! doonk!' sound. I learned, (after a horrible 24hrs of even reformatting my computer to cure PShop) that at least the freeze can be broken by hitting 'Enter', and sometimes only after hitting it many, many times. The command in question then executes without new editing, and is usually useless. I have realized that all of these: Fill, Stroke, Mask/Text color, ALL involve the Color Picker, to which I seem to have been denied access. That last time 2 years ago it involved the Hue/Sat sliderwindow, but at least that seems to be working fine.
To compound and complicate the problem: Duplicate and Print Preview are also failing to offer any kind of editing window before I must inevitably just hit 'Enter' many, many times before the process is executed to whatever settings were last recorded before this problem, and of course, it is useless to me. I can't even resize images on the page before printing them anymore and they end up just zoomed and cropped.
So basically, I created coloured text inside Adobe Illustrator and however much I zoom into the text, the text always appears to have smooth edges. Once I click on 'Save For Web', the edge all around the text becomes rough and aliased. I chose GIF and PNG, but it still happens. The text is on a transparency background. The same problem applies to images when I am creating a logo.
I just upgraded from CS4 to CS6 and have been looking forward to using the incredible masking tools. I found a video by Russell Brown on Adobe TV that was very good....but it was for CS5 and I just wasted an hour of my life trying to figure out where the "Refine Mask" window was in CS6. I finally called support and AFTER the support person watched the video while I was on hold, she was able to tell me that in CS6, you double click on the mask to open the properties tab and have access to the sliders. They are different than in CS5, though.
In PS CS4, I've been working with the "Refine Edge" feature. Or, at least trying to. I open up the feature and I adjust the settings to make the photo look like I want it to. Then I press "OK" and everything disappears. Then, while everything is still selected, I clicked on the pointer arrow to move the selected image to another canvas and the feathering effects don't carry over! Nothing sticks! ? I have a book about Photoshop CS4, but it doesn't tell what to do when something doesn't work right.
I did a rough selection on the photo. When I'm trying to refine the edge, I increase the radius in edge detection, but nothing happened at all.When the Radius is set at 0.0px
When the Radius is set at 250.0px, there was no changes.
I am running CS5 and for some reason, the Refine Edge Brush doesn't appear as normal, It has been working fine in the past. Instead it's a circle with a line through it and I can't refine any edges, regardless of what view I select. I have restarted my PC, as well as Photoshop but I can't refine edge. I sent the jpg to another PC with CS6 and it worked just fine.
When using Refine Edge with a Wacom tablet is there any way to change the brush size (when using the Refine Radius and Erase Refinements tools) other than with pen pressure?
I realise that most tablet users like changing brush size this way but personally I am more comfortable using the keyboard shortcuts.
I display an image and i take quick selection tool and make a circle or some formation and if I paint on either side of the selection I get a very distinct line of where I have paint and it is separated perfectly where the selection is. In other words where I painted it is pure and only the color I painted. and this the way it should be and the brush is 100% opacity. OK this is the easy part..if I take the same selection and do a refine edge on it and make a adjustment in refine edge...ie...move the radius slider or any other control that moves the selection and we will say the selection get larger or smaller does not make any difference and I say OK and then I get back my image and I go to paint it there is always some discoloration within the painted surface it is not even the color is discolored or contaminated...even when I give the command remove contaminated colors it is still there and even on a layer you can see the little square in varying shades of grey...it makes no difference if say get rid of the contaminated colors....I still get that discoloration..
I have tried it all and cannot say that I can use Refine Edge/Mask successfully. I have seen tutorials in youtube, in [URL]...... etc and they make it look so simple! I keep getting horrible grayish tones in the edge of hair. I am attaching a the mask used, the base image and the resulting image and the settings I used in the Refine Edge dialog box.
Whenever I try to use the Refine Edge tool for a mask, it will not add what I have selected to the mask, rather it will take it away. This always happens when I use the tool, no matter what view I am in.
I took this pic and try cs5 refine edge with it, then drag the cut image of the cat with no background, on to a new canvas. and save as a png (no background) . but then I've upload it to photobucket, and put it as an avatar on a cat forum. once there the background came back.
I've been trying to select some fine hairs with the Refine Edge tool, but it always ends up looking terrible. This image is my from my most recent struggle. I shot on a gray muslin backdrop and either a ton of gray bleeds through or almost no hair is selected. I've tried viewing tutorials online, used the exact same settings shown in those tutorials, and my images still look messed up. It doesn't matter what settings I use either, nothing looks natural.
I can't give an image to a client looking like this, but I can't really reshoot it either if the results are just going to be the same.
What's a good way to refine a selection when it's a similar color to the background? I have a photo of a dark skinned, black haired person in a white hoodie against an off-white background. I got a pretty good overall selection with the Quick Selection Tool; then I went to Refine Edge.That worked good on his hair, but it made the edge of the white hoodie blotchy, as if it had worn part of it away.
I'm practicing with Refine Edge and moving subjects from one image to another. What do you look for in an image that you use Refine Edge with to determine if it looks good/believable after an object or person is extracted from a background. Besides making sure that the edge is not jagged, hairs are not clumpy, details around an edge are not too soft, are there other things that will make someone looking at an image know that it was extracted from another location?
I'm trying to get the refine edge tool to work. I selected my image using the quick select tool, then I click refine edge. When I move my cursor around the edge pressing the mouse button to make my adjustments the image is being erased instead of picking up the hairs. I do not have my refine edge brush set to "-", it is set to "+". I dont have anything else in the refine edge menus selected, it is at default. I even tried to enable Smart Edge and other features in the refine edge menu, but it still doesnt pick up my hairs instead it removes my "line"...
I hear a lot of people talking blithely about how superior Refine Edge is to the previous Extract Filter.
If you look at the two sample files called "Auto Align 1" and "Auto Align 2" in the tutorials folder a couple of versions back you'll find 2 children with sharp outlines against the background and frothy hair around the girl. How refine edge can - in 1 fell swoop - eliminate the clearly defined background around the shoulders AND leave the frothiness of the girls' hair? Until then I stand resolute that REFINE EDGE is NOT a substitute for the EXTRACT FILTER at all!
I recently purchased a new iMac and eventually found this error: refine mask could not complete the refine mask because of a program error.
I was in 32 bit mode and use CS5. I switched out of 32 bit mode but receive the same error. A program error would indicated an issue with Adobe (to me) but can't find any solutions. Refine mask is a prominent feature that I can't live without unlike some of the other quarky progamming issue.