Photoshop :: Refine Mask Is Not Working?

Jun 6, 2013

I did a rough selection on the photo. When I'm trying to refine the edge, I increase the radius in edge detection, but nothing happened at all.When the Radius is set at 0.0px

When the Radius is set at 250.0px, there was no changes.

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Photoshop :: Refine Mask In CS6

May 18, 2012

I just upgraded from CS4 to CS6 and have been looking forward to using the incredible masking tools. I found a video by Russell Brown on Adobe TV that was very good....but it was for CS5 and I just wasted an hour of my life trying to figure out where the "Refine Mask" window was in CS6. I finally called support and AFTER the support person watched the video while I was on hold, she was able to tell me that in CS6, you double click on the mask to open the properties tab and have access to the sliders. They are different than in CS5, though.

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Photoshop :: Use Of Refine Edge / Mask

Nov 19, 2013

I have tried it all and cannot say that I can use Refine Edge/Mask successfully. I have seen tutorials in youtube, in [URL]...... etc and they make it look so simple! I keep getting horrible grayish tones in the edge of hair. I am attaching a the mask used, the base image and the resulting image and the settings I used in the Refine Edge dialog box.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Refine Mask Edge

May 29, 2012

Whenever I try to use the Refine Edge tool for a mask, it will not add what I have selected to the mask, rather it will take it away. This always happens when I use the tool, no matter what view I am in.

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Photoshop :: Get Mask And Refine Edge Filters In CS6 Version?

Nov 20, 2013

how do I get mask and refine edge filters in CS6 version?

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Photoshop :: Refine Mask Feature - Hair Masking

Mar 11, 2013

Still getting mixed results using "Refine Mask" feature. I have seen the tutorials on this -Russel B, and Juleane Kost. Sometimes the results are outstanding, other times I have to resort to contrast masking, etc. I currently have a series of portraits shot against blue (basically a blue screen). Some of the subjects have good hair contrast (very dark brown or grey). There are many parameters to set in the refine mask dialog. I need a clean, sharp silo of hair edges.

I have tried many combinations, and typically use "smart radius". But I am particularly disappointed with the results of one subject who has grey hair -good contrast against the blue. They mask tool keeps including too much of the BG blue. I have also tried decontaminating colors, but prefer to do that later with a layer set to "color". Some of the tutorials sneer at the use of Contrast Masks (which I typically get good results from). But the the Refine Mask options often produce flawed results -which is surprising with these blue screen portraits.

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Photoshop :: Adjusting Settings In Refine Edge After Outputting New Layer Mask?

May 23, 2012

After using Refine Edge in CS5.5 and removing the background from an image, I set it to output as a new layer mask. Next I place the image on top of a background and see that it needs some additional adjustments. How do I now get back to the Refine Edge window where I can see the changes I made previously and modify some of the settings? When I reopen the Refine Edge window the settings from before are no longer there.

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Photoshop :: Refine Edge Tool Is Not Working?

Nov 18, 2012

I've been trying to select some fine hairs with the Refine Edge tool, but it always ends up looking terrible.  This image is my from my most recent struggle.  I shot on a gray muslin backdrop and either a ton of gray bleeds through or almost no hair is selected.  I've tried viewing tutorials online, used the exact same settings shown in those tutorials, and my images still look messed up.  It doesn't matter what settings I use either, nothing looks natural. 

I can't give an image to a client looking like this, but I can't really reshoot it either if the results are just going to be the same.

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Photoshop :: The Refine Edge Tool Is Not Working?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm trying to get the refine edge tool to work. I selected my image using the quick select tool, then I click refine edge. When I move my cursor around the edge pressing the mouse button to make my adjustments the image is being erased instead of picking up the hairs. I do not have my refine edge brush set to "-", it is set to "+". I dont have anything else in the refine edge menus selected, it is at default. I even tried to enable Smart Edge and other features in the refine edge menu, but it still doesnt pick up my hairs instead it removes my "line"...

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - Refine Edge Not Working

Dec 27, 2012

I cannot figure out the refine edge tool in PSE 11. When I'm using the refine edge tool, no hair is selected, and if some hair IS selected it leaves a white fog over it. I don't understand why this isn't working. I was sooo excited about this feature!

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask Is Not Working?

May 13, 2012

I cannot get the clipping mask to work. I have tried Ctrl + G and have gone the long route and it will not blend in at all. I am trying to teach myself and have searched and searched but cannot find an answer. I have also checked to make sure I am on the correct layer.

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Photoshop :: De-Saturation Mask Not Working

Mar 9, 2012

I am trying to create one of those images where you desaturate all the color out of an image and leave only a few select "highlight" components in color for effect...  so I go to the layer, click on the "Create new fill or adjustment layer" button at the bottom of the layers panel (next to create mask), and use the Hue/Saturation option, then desaturate the setting, then paint bucket the layer to black, and then use a white brush to wipe out the colors in the areas that I want.  It seems like it does it fine, but the thing is, it doesnt desaturate 100%.  This has happened in another "desaturate" process (cant remember what it was exactly).  It seems to take out the color but there is still definitely some brownish or whatever hue in there.. it shows as such when I use an eyedropper to check the "new color," and when I turn the image into grayscale, it defintely is different.
So why can tthe white brush desaturate the colors 100%  There must be some other setting I am missing?

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Photoshop :: Mask Not Working Properly?

Aug 14, 2012

I have two layers. The top layer has a layer mask, and the bottom layer is the background. After using black to hide parts of the top layer, I try to reveal those parts again with the white brush...nothing happens. I've tried everything. Brush selected, layers visible, not a hidden selection...

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Photoshop :: Layer Mask Not Working

Nov 29, 2012

I am using Photoshop CS5 I am trying to use a layer mask when I apply the mask the paint brush has no effect on the layer. I made sure I was using my default black and white colors and I insured the the mask was selected on the layer panel my brush flow is at 100 and still nothing happens

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Photoshop :: Quick Mask Not Working

Nov 24, 2008

This issue has been around for the last 4 versions at least, Quick Mask stops working, I am getting fed up with having tio reset photoshop to its defaults, because this means that it takes me a good 30 min to reset all of my settings again, and as this has now happened 4 times today, it is costing me money, at least CS3 was a little bit more reliable than CS4, I certainly will not be upgrading our copies of Photoshop.

Has anyone got a simple way to get Quick Mask working again without loosing the other settings from Photoshop...

Or does anyone know why this happens? My system is 4 x Quad Core CPU, running 16Gb RAM and 2 x 8800 Video Cards on x64 Windows XP, so it cannot be down to memory.

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Photoshop :: Quick Mask Not Working

Oct 31, 2008

I run SC3 on a PC. The other day I did something that has made it so my quick mask selection no longer works but I do not know what it was. What happens is after in go into the quick mask mode (tap the q key) and with the brush color the section I wish to mask; I then tap the q key again to exit the quick mask mode but the marching ants surround the entire photo not my selection. When in the quick mask mode it does show on the title bar that I am in the quick mask mode and when I tap q again that I am going back to normal mode.

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Photoshop :: Quick Mask Mode - Not Working?

Nov 10, 2013

i have 3 layers in photoshop. Backgroundlayer1layer2Now on layer 2 i did a selection and entered into quick mask mode and then applied gussian blur.

When this is done does the selection borders try to blend with the back ground or will they try to blend with the layer 1 as it is the layer just behind the layer 2. In case if there is no background, I mean if all three are layers then what happens?

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask Shortcut Not Working?

Nov 16, 2013

So i'm trying to get the clipping mask shortcut working for Photoshop CC on OS X 10.9, when I try to use the shortcut, nothing happens. I even tried deleting the shortcut and remaking it, but when I remake it, it doesn't recognize I'm pressing Command Option G, even though I can press these keys in the System Keyboard Shortcuts and it works, for some reason Photoshop is ignoring me pressing Command and Option at the same time?
Also sometimes when I press Command Option Z to undo it just ignores it as well, I have to manually undo the change using my mouse, then it works again.

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Photoshop :: Fx Clipping Mask From Selection Not Working

Oct 17, 2012

I'm new to the CS6 interface. In the past this was my process to make add a gradient overlay adjustment to a portion of a layer:
1. Make a selection on a layer
2. Go to the Layers Panel > Select 'fx' menu
3. Choose 'Gradient Overlay' and go from there
Result: a Gradient Overlay adjustment layer with a clipping mask applied to the layer below.
Now in CS6 when I follow this process, it does not automatically create a clipping mask from my selection and make a new adjustment layer with the clipping mask. Instead, it applies the Gradient Overlay to the entire layer. It does this for any option in the 'fx' menu in the Layers Panel. It behaves the same as it did before with any of the options in the Adjustment Layer, however.

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Photoshop :: Layer Mask Not Working Properly

Aug 30, 2007

I have an action that I created in Photoshop CS2. I used layer masks to be able to edit each layer. All of the masks work fine except for one. On this one layer (we'll call it layer 1) the mask works fine at first, but if I click onto another layer and then come back to layer 1, the mask won't work!

Instead of painting to reveal the layer beneath it, the brush starts painting black.
Why would the layer mask work fine until I click on another layer?

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Black Brush On Layer Mask Not Working

Sep 28, 2012

I have been using CS6 for a while now.  CS 6 decided that I can't use my black brush on a white layer mask. At all. I can use the white one on a black mask, but not the black one I.  I restarted the computer, but I am annoyed.

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Photoshop :: Alt + Click On Layer Mask Not Working / Enabled

Nov 13, 2012

Basically, when I go to view the layer mask by holding alt and clicking on the layer mask it doesn't function. Along with this problem, when I go to toggle my adjustment layers on and off, by holding alt and clicking on the eye symbol next to the background layer... again this doesn't work.
Im not sure if I have accidently clicked on something that has disabled these functions or its just a bug.

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Photoshop :: Brush Tool Is Not Working With Layer Mask

Oct 25, 2012

Working with Windows platform, using Photoshop CS4, Brush Tool is not working with Layer Mask, how can I resolve this challenge?

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Photoshop :: Quick Mask Mode Not Working In CS6 64bit?

Sep 19, 2012

I have recently installed Photoshop CS6 after previous happy experience with CS3. The software appears to be seizing up when editing a selection in quick mask mode (image or layer mask) under the following conditions:
- 64 bit mode
- image > screen size, especially at 100% maginification
- or image magnification adjusted whilst in quick mask
The red mask appears slowly and only where I move the mouse curser - but will not cover the entire masked area.The software freezes, and I have to kill the process from the OS. Task manager shows its status as 'running' and memory / CPU do not appear to be maxed out.
System info:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:5, Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading


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Photoshop :: Quick Mask Mode STOPPED WORKING?

Aug 1, 2005

For some reason my quick mask mode stopped working. I can go into quick mask mode. I can highlight what I want to select. but when I exit out to make the changes I wanted to, the only thing selected is the outside edge of the image I'm working on. So instead of having the extent of the image and the part I highlighted selected (basically everything except what I colored in QMM) only the extent of the image is selected.

I have even uninstalled photoshop, re-booted, and re-installed photoshop and I still have the same problem.

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Photoshop :: Layer Mask Brush / Gradient Tool Not Working In Black

Feb 15, 2013

I have cannot paint in black to conceal on a layer mask.  I have "NORMAL" mode set and the foreground color is set to black.  When I paint or use the gradient tool in "normal" mode with black it paints to transparent.Before the upgrade it was normal.   I have this problem on both CS6 apps pc-and-laptop.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Background Mask Not Working

Nov 28, 2011

I can't get background mask to work on one dwg

I can go into another drawing on my machine and it works just fine

it looks like its working until I zoom in or out then it doesn't work at all

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AutoCad 2D :: Background Mask Not Working Over Viewports

Nov 12, 2010

How come my background masks on text no longer mask the background?!

I have looked done new drawings and it works. It also works in the drawing in question but only over items in paperspace, it does not work over the viewports.

If you select the text you can see that the mask is there.

I tried draw order but everytime I did it everything always seemed to back to "back" even if I just changed it to "front"

Another draftee had worked on these drawings but I doubt he would have sabotaged them (and he wouldnt know how..)

I have seen this happen randomly before.

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Illustrator :: Clipping Mask Not Working When Exported To WMF

Jul 9, 2013

When i do clipping mask in illustrator CS5 and exported to WMF, it does not comes like vector image. The clipping mask area becomes blurred when exported to WMF.

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Illustrator :: Clipping Mask Not Working - Shape Filled With Solid White

Sep 10, 2012

I have created a compound path in illustrator and when I try to make a clipping mask, rather than revealing the image behind the path, the shape is filled with solid white. I am able to successfully make the mask using one shape or the other, but once I create the compound path, I just get this white fill.
I am in CS5 on Mac OS X (Snow Leopard). See screenshots below.
The two shapes still separated.

The compound path.

After I make the clipping mask.

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Photoshop :: Copy Layer Mask To Smart Filter Mask....

Nov 2, 2008

How do I do this in CS4?

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