I have recently started using a printer profile (Epson photo 1270). My query is this. I take a picture with my camera (Canon 10D), which when viewed on my monitor in ACDsee looks about right, colors ok, just needs a few touches here and there maybe. I then open it in Photoshop using the printer profile and the pictures looks very different. Now I realise what is happening but I am having great trouble adjusting the picture back to how it looked originally(which I was fairly happy with). I also know that if I can adjust the picture to how it looked it will print out almost identical to how it looks on the screen, so that is ok. It just takes a lot of time to do this using the Photoshop tools, and it is so hit and miss to try and put it right and get back to the original colors etc. Is there a shortcut that can be used, using the color values from the original view before it was opened in Photoshop or something like that? It just seems a lot of work for every individual photograph I may want to print out. I can compare the two views of the same photograph by having Photoshop and ACDsee open together.
I am running under XP SP3 with Photoshop CS3 version 10.0.1 with an Epson R2400. All of the profiles are present in windows/system32/spool/drivers/color, but are not listed in Photoshop's printer profile list. Everything was working fine as recently as 3-4 weeks ago, and everything is still working fine in CS2 which is also installed on this machine (3.7gig processor with 1gig ram) and several large hard drives).
I noticed the problem after installing SP3 today, but the problem remained after I restored a Ghost image created just prior to the SP3 update. Thus, it seems not to be caused by SP3. I have reinstalled SP3 based on that conclusion.
The only items on the printer profile list look like things that ship with Photoshop such as Apple RGB.
I used to use Photoshop CS on my old computer. There it was possible to choose from a large list of profiles for different paper-types and different printers. I have now got a new Intel Mac (OS 10.8.3). I have installed Parallels so that I can run a 10.6 Snow Leopard server; and I have installed Photoshop CS2 in it. To my surprise and dismay, I cannot find out how to access the list of paper and printer profiles any more.
When I try to print to my Epson PRO 3800, asking Photoshop to handle colors, this printer profiles are not available. I have this printer for years and have always used PS CS3 to print (and handle colors).
Now I have PS CS5 but continue to use 3 for printing to the 3800, because the Epson profiles disappeared from CS5. Now they have disappeared from CS3 too.
I cannot seem to see the custom Printer Profiles I have for certain papersin the Print Dialog.I have added the Print Profiles to Library > Application Support > Adobe > Color > Profiles (and also in Recommended) Â But in the Print Dialog under Colour Management > Photoshop Handles Colour > Print Profile - they are not showing. I have done things like restarting Photoshop and converting the image to CMYK from RGB. Â I can see the profiles in the Proofing menu and am able to select them.without using the profiles my colour management is completely off kilter.Also, can I confirm that I am putting the printer profiles in the correct folder?
Note that the Illustrator, Indesign and Acrobat print dialogues see all my (custom) printer profiles. Â Even Photoshop sees them in the Apply Profile and Convert to Profile dialogues: just not when trying to print.
If i want to get my files offeset printed so they will be done in CMYK...The word "working space" CMYK confuses me a little i thought printer profiles would be "output space" or something
1. Are the CMYK working space options in photoshop actually printer profiles? eg. U.S Web coated (SWOP) v2 2. I ask the guys who do the offset printing what printer profile they use and that is the one i should select in photoshop. 3. So when I soft proof it uses the CMYK working space and my file is previewed or it mimics what i would look like printed on the paper/ink combination at the printers. 4. All the CMYK working spaces available in photoshop are all ICC compliant?
I cannot change printer profiles in Colour Management on PSE10.  Whenever I try to do this it looks like I have changed it, and click OK...but when I check back it has actually not taken effect and has defaulted back to the original stored profile.  Consequently I cannot use different paper types now.  This has only just started happening and was ok before. I am using Mac OS 10.7.5 along with an Epson R3000.Â
I have a number of printer colour profiles in the 'System32SpoolDriversColour' folder but I can't see them from Lightroom's Develop module (although the display profiles do appear).
Short version: My printer profiles are not showing up in the "choose profile" dialog in LR4. Â Â Long versioin: I'm trying to print an image from LR4 to my Xerox Phaser 8560 using a custom color profile I created with my ColorMunki. However the profile isn't showing up in the "choose profile" dialog box. There is also no apparent way to open a dialog box to search for the file. The profile is recently created. Works in Indesign CS4. It's located in the main Library/Colorsync/Profiles/ and my user (~/Library/Colorsync/Profiles/). It doesn't show up even when checking the "include display profiles" checkbox which is the only option available. Â System: iMac 27" 3.4Ghz i7 16G Ram; Xerox Phaser 8560DN; LR 4.0
Macosx 10.7.5  When I start up PSE11 and go to print I set up the paper size then select a Printer Profile. When print the image it is a mess and seem to be black and white it is as if I printed on the wrong side of the paper.  I then go and try to print it again.  Now it all works as it should beutiful colours and spot on. all other print following this works.  Then I shut down PSE11.  Start it up again. Guess what first print is a mess again.  all others after are fine.  I uninstalled PSE11, deleted prefs. and reinstalled PSE11.   Same thing..  first print a mess all others ok.
I am unable to access correctly loaded RGB printer profiles in Lightroom 5. In the print module when color management profile "Other" is selected no loaded profiles appear; and Lightroom usually freezes. Using Photoshop v6 on same computer I can access all loaded printer profiles. I have reloaded LR5.
A friend who is new to gimp asked if gimp can recognize epson printer color profiles? He told me that when he uses photoshop, it allows him to choose papers and color settings? Can gimp do the same thing?
I am running LR4 and CS6 on an HP desktop with 4Gig Ram, Win 7 Home, Profiled Monitor using DataColor.
In CS6, all my loaded ICC printer profiles appear when setting up the soft proofing... Â Â In LR4, most of the profiles do not appear... Â The problem is that I print to an Epson 7600 CMYK printer with UltraChrome Ink and mostly on Canvas so I need to proof for that environment.
How to make the printer profiles made by the COLOR MUNKI PHOTO work in PSPX4?
I have tried a lot of different settings in the Color Management of PSP X4, in the Color Management of Windows (Win 7), and in the Printer Driver (Epson Stylus NX300), all with no success.
I also have problems when trying to SOFT PROOF these profiles in PSPX4: what I get is an unusable image covered with a deep fog, an image that is far from what is printed. And I know these printer profiles are good because they work correctly in Photoshop Elements 10.
Trying to find ICC Profiles. I am a college student going for my BS in Photography. Our assignment is to take photo paper from three different manufactures and download the ICC Profiles for each of our papers chosen. Let me tell you this is not as easy as it seems! Where I can find the profiles for Adobe PS for different types of photo paper. Each manufacture only gives the ICC profile for their products. No scanned profiles are available.
I am having some issues with surface profiles on a dreffed alignment no updating dynamically.
Currently it requires me to set them to static, then back to dynamic and they update.
I am well aware of the issue of dreffed surface profiles staying static. I am using the work around of dreffing in the surface and sampling in the drawing using the dreffed alignment.
I'm currently using AutoCad Electrical 2010 and we just got a new printer. Is there any way to map all of my electrical drawngs to that printer without opening each drawing and selecting the new printer?
how to change the printer associated with PSP or add another printer? I have 2 printers installed on Windows7 but the only one I get when I try to print from PSP is the wide format printer & no option to add another. Is printing from Windows Photo Viewer my only option?
I tried an HP Office Jet All in One and it refuses communication with Photoshop. Even Adobe help couldn't change that. When I had to switch to an LCD, the printer just couldn't reproduce the intensity of what I was creating on screen. I'd welcome opinions and experiences with brands that work well with the strong LCD screen images (-I'd LOVE a WYSIWYG ) and one that is Vista compatible. I've looked at Epson, Canon and HP and have worries about all of them which have to be resolved SOON. Majority of my work is with photos of all sizes to 13X19"
I am running PS 6 for win64. Today I suddenly starting getting an error message saying that my ICC profiles are invalid. When I try to write a raw file to .tif after it has been converted to black/white, I get a corrupted .tif file. Â So I have been trying to reinstall these profile files using the ones for PS4 as provided on your web site. But they won't install properly, and the problem persists.
I have just installed CS6 standard. I would like to put my colour profiles in Photoshop CS6 under Mountain Lion from CS5. Those files are most used for printing from a wide inkjet printer. Where do I put the colour profiles? I am not sure if the colour profiles need updated or not.
I'm having some trouble with colour profiles in OSX. Basically i use a Mac laptop and Apple display. When i work in photoshop, and then save an image for web use, the colour profile difference means that the saved image looks quite a lot different to the photoshop version (this happens on both the laptop screen, and external display.
All i want is the colours in photoshop to display how they would look in my browser. So if i set a page background on a webpage to be #c5c1ba and then open up photoshop and start colouring with #c5c1ba, they look the same shade.
I'm trying to get my magazine ad to match the original as close as possible. The first ad I placed came back muddy and dark. So I had the magazine contact the printer they use to get an ICC profile for me that I could load as the working color space in photoshop to prepare my file. Im I doing the right thing here? Is my solution loading the same working color space as the printer and then prepare my file to get a more accurate print?
Assuming that this was my fix I installed the ICC profile they sent me and when I went to "Load" that profile from the "Color Settings" dialog window and surfed to the folder I saved the profile in it doesn't show up. At the bottom of the "Load" dialog window there is a "Files of Type" drop down arrow and the only two file types listed are .CSF and .PSP. No .ICC file type there.
I have been charged with taking over a newsletter for our other shop. They print this on a web press. The lady there has told me that the pictures need to compensate for a 30% dot gain. Can I just apply the Dot Gain 30% profile in Photoshop and that takes care of it?
When I do this it darkens the picture on my screen considerably, is that just showing you what it will look like when printed?They also want the pics @ 85lpi and 300dpi, does this sound correct?This is my first foray into the web design world and the newsletter has looked pretty bad in the past and I think this may have something to do with it.
I'm having a very strange issue with colour management in Photoshop CS2 currently.
Photoshop seems to be calibrating all documents in a strange way on only *one* monitor. If I drag the file across to the other monitor the colour is completely different.
Of course it sounds like my monitors being off, however when dragging the file across monitors Photoshop slowly updates the colours for the next monitor. You can see it display the wrong colour at first, then correct it (hopefully that makes sense).
I'm currently working quite a lot with IPTC information from different images that are then uploaded to a web site and parsed with Perl's Image::IPTCInfo module. However, I've stumbled across some images that can't read by this module but the IPTC does show up in Photoshop.
Therefore, I went ahead and examined a "good" image file with the "identify" tool provided by ImageMagick and the following is a sample output (for the IPTC profile). I divide it into two sections for explanatory purposes. Section 1:
Im running PS CS on a PC and printing (mainly photographic images) with an Epson 1290 using a continuous ink system with Ilford paper. I have calibrated my monitor using a Spyder and have had the printer/paper/ink combination profiled. Despite all of that I am still having problems getting the printed image to match the screen. Quite often there appears to be an enhanced saturated red tint over the image. On some of the B&W images I have also been getting a red/magenta cast in my white highlights!.
I have downloaded new print drivers, I have also had my profile regenerated 3 times all with no effect. I have also just connected my printer to another computer and printed the same images from Elements employing the profile for the printer/paper/ink combo. One image came out more like it should with a reduced red cast but some of the others now appeared fine of both systems after printing them one after the other, i.e. my main system is now looking OK.