Photoshop :: Photoshop Levels Box Is Totally Black

Oct 4, 2003

I have noticed my levels box is all black, no curve lines visable. I have tried my own CD jpegs as well as the sample art included in 7.0.

What has happened? Is there anyway to correct the problem? The imput levels are the standard 0, 1.00, & 255. But no lines, just total blackness. Any ideas?

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Photoshop :: Liquify Screen Is Totally Black And Doesn't Show The Image

Apr 30, 2013

I just installed Photoshop through Creative Cloud and my Liquify filter screen is totally black and doesn't show the image. You would think the default setting would be to show the image or layer,

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3ds Max Modeling :: Downloaded Models - Render Box Totally Black

Mar 9, 2011

I downloaded some 3ds models, but I have problem with some of them. Well, I see all objects in the project but when I render, the render box is totally black.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Levels Adjustment Windows Black

Jan 4, 2013

When I pull up the levels windows both are black. If I reduce the image in the windows, I get a small black square. I have used this feature on various versions for years.

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Photoshop :: CC Seems To Be Totally Unstable

Nov 16, 2013

Open image in ACR make a few adjustments then open in photoshop as a smart object. Copy the background layer and change it to soft light adjust opacity to 20% save the image and then try to add a levels layer. After adjusting the levels photoshop quits. Also cropped the image after copying the background layer. This seems to be a new problem.  I think there has been an update to photoshop since I last used it. Windows 7, 32 bit, 3gb memory, 4 processor cpu.

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Photoshop :: Keep CS4 But Totally Remove CS5?

Jan 3, 2013

I currently have both PS CS4 and CS5 installed on my Windows Vista PC.I would like to totally remove CS5, and replace it with CS6.I understand that Adobe has a "tool" to entirely uninstall CS5.Where can I download this "tool", and are there any other issues that I should be aware of?

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Photoshop :: Windows Locks Up Totally

Nov 19, 2013

I have been using Photoshop 7 for years on my Vista home premium laptop, with no problems. Now suddenly, today it has started crashing on startup and, worse, locking windows when it does so. I get a windows has stopped working error. I restart and if I try again with PS7 I get a similar result but now windows locks up totally and I have to push the power button to get out of it.

I have already tried uninstalling PS and reinstalling, but I get exactly the same effect.

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Photoshop :: My Tools Are Totally Clear!

Sep 7, 2008

When I use any marking tool (Pencil, eraser, everything except pen, text, and gradient) the results are totally clear. YES, my opacity is on 100 percent. My color is black. But nothing seems to happen to my work when I try to scribble with the brush over it. The eraser doesn't erase. Et cetera.

Photoshop seems to think it does, though. I can 'undo' any completely invisible marks I have made.

I've reset photoshop to factory settings, and it's still doing this.

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Photoshop :: How To Create A Totally New Palette Of Swatches

Mar 23, 2012

How do I create a new palette of swatches?  I know how to add a swatch color, but how do I create an entirely new "partition" of my own swatches?
For instance, look at this picture here:
See the "ANPA colors" "DIC Color Guide" etc?
How do I create a new preset where I can enter my swatches into so that it doesn't get crowded?

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Result Of HDR Tool Look Totally Different Than Preview?

Dec 12, 2012

I've recently tried using the Photoshop HDR feature. I have selected three different exposures in Lightroom and chose to merge them as an HDR image. All went well until the preview. I've found some settings that work really well. I've decided to go for the 16-bit path, not using Lightroom's 32-bit image capability, and let Photoshop do the tone mapping for now.
Here's what my preview image and the entire tool window looks like: [URL]
And this is the result one step later. It's totally over-saturated and has other merge errors. It basically doesn't even look similar to the preview. What's the preview good for if it doesn't show what I'll get? How should I decide what setting works good if I can't see it? [URL]
This is Photoshop CS6 x64 on Windows 7 SP1. The source images are 16-bit TIFFs as they were exported by Lightroom.

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Photoshop :: Layer Mask Does Not Totally Clear

Sep 8, 2008

PS CS2. 4 GB Ram 500 GB HD, Win Vista Home Premium.

When I create a duplicate or other layer and try to clear portions of the layer, using a mask: I do not get a clear removal. There is an outline of maybe 1 to 3% that will not clear no matter how many times I go over it. I am using 100% Opacity and 100% flow.

seems to have started by itself. But who knows?? I have been on the road for the past 4 months and recently arrived back home and started to work on my photos. Computer had been shut off while away.

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Photoshop Elements :: Get Totally White Background In Jewelry Photo?

Jul 15, 2013

I need step-by-step instructions to get a 'professional' white background on a jewelry photo.

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Photoshop Elements :: Totally Delete Mobile Albums From The Organizer?

Feb 24, 2014

How do I totally delete mobile albums from the organizer?  Having the "in Revel library" tag on all my photos creates extra clutter.  It would also be nice to be able to totally disable the Revel agent without having to rename the executable.
More background is that I have an very large library (over 25,000 files) and Revel was not able to successfully synchronize it.  Also, the agent created a directory in my catalog file structure that contained copies of original files, therefore using additional disk space.

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Photoshop Elements :: Import Lowers Quality Of Picture - Lines / Borders Totally Pixeled

Oct 19, 2013

If I import a picture to Adobe Photoshop Elements, the quality of the pictures lowers extremely as soon as it appears in Elements (drag & drop or by open it regularly). The lines/boarders are totally pixeled - why?

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Maya :: 2012 Animation Totally Broken?

Apr 20, 2011

Tried to animate in new maya? If I make a simplest animation like 24 frames long, where is a skeleton with 1 root and 3 more

1-st frame - starting pose
24-th frame - starting pose
and then somewhere at frame 12 change position of 3 bones and set a keyframe

Starting pose goes mess... I've checked this behaviour under Mac OS and Windows XP. it is the same broken. is it a new feature which I simply don't know how to control?

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GIMP :: Xparent Background Image Is Totally Transparent?

May 9, 2011

I've attached before and after images. The "after" image was created using Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel, and the using the Magic Wand to select the areas for deletion.

When I place the image on a webpage, it is completely transparent!

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AutoCad :: How To Change Scale To Get Totally Different Hatch Pattern

Oct 13, 2011

I am running Civil 3D 2010. I have hatch a bunch of areas with the gravel pattern hatch. However, they are at different scales. When I try to change the scale I get a totally different hatch pattern. I have attached a screen shot showing my problem. Hatch picture.pdf

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InDesign :: Text Wrapping Window Is Totally Empty?

Feb 5, 2014

Here is a strange problem since this morning. The text wrapping window is totally empty! I don't have any setting options anymore.

Yesterday, everything was OK but not today. I don't understand why and I don't know what to dot. I restarted InDesign and the computer but nothing changed. The other setting windows are OK.

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Lightroom :: Grain Totally Wrongly Rendered In Develop Module

Jan 19, 2014

I'm using 1920*1080 jpg images (frame captured from video) (but it seems i can have the same problem when i use bigger photos)

I'm editing them on a mac laptop (MPB), with a 1440*900 screen, in fullscreen mode, but with the editing column on the right side. So while i edit them, my images are about 1000pixels wide or a bit more. (It's fine for me since it's for being viewed on computers)

I apply a light grain but then i can't really see it in Library module or when i export the jpg... It appears that the Grain is actually rendered much more present in Develop Mode than in Library module. (When i zoom on the image to 100% then it's the same, but i don't want to edit my pictures in 100%...)
See crop of the images here, Develop Module on top, Library module bellow:

This bug is really annoying because all my NR/Grain fine ajusts on my pictures are wrong when i then export my pictures. So for now, the only workarounds are either to take 'screenshots' of my pictures while i'm in Develop Module using cmd-shift-4!! (This is what i'm doing at the moment, but then i would also have like to have them in bigger resolution) or i would have to switch continually to Library module while editing my photos....

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Stretching Entities Via Grip Totally Disregarding Settings In 2012

Mar 22, 2012

Consider the following situation.

Ortho - ON

Polar - OFF

A line is drawn parellel to the X-axis.  What I have been doing all of my career to lengthen this line, by say 3 inches, is select the line, pick the grip I want to lengthen, drag that grip in the general X direction, type the value 3 at the command promt, and hit enter.  Voila, done.

Now what AutoCAD is doing, is bringing the grip (yup, ortho is stll on) to exactly where my curser is, totally disregarding the ortho setting AND the value in typing at the comand prompt.

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Photoshop :: Levels Bug?

Apr 11, 2008

I can no longer adjust levels. I go to Layer / New Adjustment Layer / Levels and get the box that says "New Layers" and asks "Name" (Levels 1) "Color" (None) and "Mode" (Normal). No changes here.

I click "Ok" and instead of giving me the box with the histogram, it adds a layer to the Layers Control box and gives me an eyedropper with instructions "Click image to choose a new color" If I click on the image, it changes the foreground/background colors but nothing in the image. I can't get out of this dialogue without closing the application using the Windows Task Manager.

Is this a bug? A setting? - I've changed nothing on my computer...

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Photoshop :: Levels.

Jun 20, 2008

With a photograph, is it best to clip the histogram or not?

In auto levels it does clip.

Or isit better to alt click whilst adjusting black and white points? Then back off just before clipping?

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Photoshop Elements :: Scanned Black And White Print In Color And All Black Replaced With Dark Green

Nov 25, 2012

I scanned a black and white print in color and am trying to replace all the black with dark green. Been trying for hours in elements 9. This is all so hard. Just to ask this question I have typed it into 3 different screens, set screenname, many other hurdles.

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Photoshop :: Screen Keeps Flashing Black / Entire Image Goes Black

Jun 24, 2013

What do I do? Everytime I am working in Photoshop my screen flashes black, and the entire image goes black.

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Photoshop :: Levels Gradient Possible?

Jan 8, 2009

I have a situation where my image is 'faded' from left to right.

The left hand side of the picture is 'not bad' (but could use a little touch up). As we progress to the right the image becomes lighter and could use more and more touch up.

I've tried selecting narrow vertical adjacent rectangles and using the levels tool (to greater effect as I moved to the right). I suppose that with enough time and patience (and narrow enough selected rectangles) I could come up with a consistent colouration across the face of the image but---!!

So, is anyone aware of a plugin that would provide a gradation of the effect of the levels tool across the width of the image?

Or of some other way to clean this image up?

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Photoshop :: Your Own Levels Setting?

Oct 7, 2005

surfing around the Web I've read several advices on how to set Level's Black & White values. I mean Levels, double click on Black and White eyedroppers ->RGB-> Black values 10? 5? White 250? 255? Which are yours?

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Photoshop :: Way To Adjust Levels In CS2 9.0?

Aug 23, 2006

way to adjust levels in CS2 9.0?

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Photoshop :: Levels And Curves

Feb 13, 2006

What is the difference between levels and curves?

They seem to do about the same thing when I play with them.

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Photoshop :: Reducing Levels

Nov 4, 2007

I want to reduce the colour levels in a picture to four, or limit the amount colours of an image to 4 colours.

I have many black and white images and I want to remove all but 4 scales of colour so that I have


Light Grey

Dark Grey


The closest thing I have found is in the filter gallery bu using cut out and reducing the number of levels to 4 the problem is this tends to blurr some of the details as part of the effect whereas I want to maintain the crisp edges of my image so that it just looks flatter

I would also like to know if there is a method to do this and have it somewhat scaleable so I can decide on the range of colours in the current image that would fall into each of the new colour categories so that I can adjust itcase some details are incorporated into say the dark grey layer and they should be black ect?

I'm sure I have seen a very simple feature to reduce the colour range of an image, maybe that was in paint shop pro it was a long time ago.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Losing Levels Adjustment

Feb 27, 2013

I am losing my levels adjustment when converting from PSD to any other format here is the list of it...
levels layer...........taking the contrast way up
saturation layer....saturation up
invert function
find edges layer
duplicate layer
background layer
At the point that I convert to jpg or another file type I lose the levels adjustment. Also flatten image or merge visible layers causes the same problem. I can supply a file if needed.

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Photoshop :: Can't Load Preset From Levels

Jan 2, 2013

Ever since upgrading to CS6, when I click Levels>Load preset, I can no longer search in the window for the file. Previously, I could type in the file name and it would come up and I would select it. Now, when I search for the file name, there are no results at all. The file can be found by doing a regular search in a Finder window, but not through the window that comes up from the Levels window. I've reindexed Spotlight, and that has had no effect. The workaround is to open a Finder window, search, find the file, drag the file into the Levels' load window and select it there.

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