Photoshop Elements :: Import Lowers Quality Of Picture - Lines / Borders Totally Pixeled
Oct 19, 2013
If I import a picture to Adobe Photoshop Elements, the quality of the pictures lowers extremely as soon as it appears in Elements (drag & drop or by open it regularly). The lines/boarders are totally pixeled - why?
I am trying to import photos from my computer to Photoshop elements 11. It has imported most but wont import some as "file quality is too high". How do I get around this? Do I have to downgrade the quality of my photos? To do editing wouldn't you want the best quality photos to start off with?
I was told that if you resample by using exact multiples of the original file percentage size such as 100% to 50%, or 100% to 200% that image quality isn't compromised as much.
I'm pretty new to photoshop, and I've started on a personal project. I want to basically take a video still from a music video and turn it into a poster. Sadly i can not find a good quality version of the video as it is older and not super famous, (kyuss-one inch man). So i found an online video that is better then youtube but not great, and i captured it through the vista snipping tool (screen capture).
Basically I want to take this low quality picture, and turn it into a good quality poster (not huge). What techniques and things must I do? I'll probably have to find a printer near here and require a specific dpi as well.
i took a online lesson on making simple picture frame and have used this many times But id like to know is there a Photoshop Plugin that gives Frames / borders please?
I have seen some neet Picture borders and I do mine with the Canvas sizing but some I have seen are done different. Can anyone give me some other methods of framing or drawing borders around pictures.
I need to smooth the black lines of a clipart picture (have taken out the colour with colour bucket and wish to use the black outline as a colouring picture for children). The lines left are OK but a bit fuzzy in places, although not broken. Is there a smoothing technique I can use on the lines?
How do I totally delete mobile albums from the organizer? Having the "in Revel library" tag on all my photos creates extra clutter. It would also be nice to be able to totally disable the Revel agent without having to rename the executable.
More background is that I have an very large library (over 25,000 files) and Revel was not able to successfully synchronize it. Also, the agent created a directory in my catalog file structure that contained copies of original files, therefore using additional disk space.
I have a picture that I added text to on photoshop and when I go to save the picture it ends up being in bad quality, how can I make it save with good quality?
I was at an event a few months ago that Kal Penn was at and took a picture with him but unfortunately only had my Blackberry to take the picture. I've tried to improve the picture quality in Photoshop 7.0 myself but I just can't seem to get this picture to look any better.
How to make the picture better quality? There is a lot of noise and it's just all around low quality. I've attached the full size picture but feel free to resize it if that makes it easier to edit.
I have a picture that I added text to on photoshop and when I go to save the picture it ends up being in bad quality, how can I make it save with good quality?
I have a few Hi-Res pictures that I need to edit to look like they were taken on a lower res camera for an photog class.
I know how to make it grainy and lower the contrast a bit, which helped, but the pictures are still very crisp and clear. I don't want them out of focus, but a little blurry to look as if they were captured on something like a camera phone.
I am creating a "year in review" for a local fire company. I am trying to set up Video Studio Pro X5 so that when there is audio in the video clips the background music lowers in volume so that I don't drown out the audio in the video. How do I do this?
I am myself a photoshop student and I wanna learn about graphic designs, currently Iam working to create pamphlets for an organization.maybe some of you know that for creating brochures you need to set 300 resolution of your image,So only and only high resolution images can be used for this, and we cant find high resolution images easily but that random images which we preserve are mostly workable so that images which Iam trying to use in my brochures are mostly 500/300 px or maximum I may find 800/600 px which is not enough, I at least need to have 1600/1200 px images for a pamphlet I know we mostly use IMAGE SIZE to enlarge the image but as much as we enlarge the image size, the quality becomes more poor that's what the problem is so I wanna know if there is any method of increasing size of the image without losing it's quality,
I'm trying to assemble a figure for a publication in a journal. one of the images has been created by the person who generated the data using MS paint.the files he has sent so far have not had resolution above 96 dpi, saved as a png. I need better res files to send to the publisher, I'm hoping we can save it out such that it will be 600dpi?
I'm laying out the final figure in photoshop, and have created a high resolution document in which to import this image from paint with some other images. however, when i check the res on the files that he's given me so far, it's screen res.
I want to resize an image without loosing picture quality but I'm not making it larger - I'm making it smaller. For example, there are small stars in the background which seem get deleted when I resize it.
But here's the thing - After resizing it (but before "confirming" my changes), it looks perfect. Then I hit enter and then it deletes certain details. Basically I can look at the image at the size and quality I want in PS but I can't save it that way. And it's not a matter of saving it with a higher quality level, it happens as soon as I resize. WTF?
I would like to emphasize a certain spot on a picture by drawing a transparent rectangle with red borders around it. I cannot find how to make the rectangle completely transparent without also making the borders transparent. Also, I find it difficult to be able to change the borders.
I have the new VS x4. My experience with both x3 and x4 have been good. They produce an excellent DVD. In most cases , I use both video and pictures . My problem is with my pictures that are portrait format. When I play them on the TV, they are not sharp as with landscape pictures. Some are some what distorted. My thought is, they have to be compressed for the Tv screen, but not sure.
I have a design that is approx 9 inches by 11 inches @ 250 dpi. I would like to increase the print size for canvas to 16 x 20. My question is, after I create my new image for 16 x 20, if I scale up my picture (design) layer to 16x20, will that produce poor quality? Or am I just "stretching" the pixels?
I am using both Paint Shop Pro X3 & Video Studio X3. I'm putting together a slideshow and when I use Pan & Zoom to zoom on a particular subject (as a bee on a flower) after so much zoom the picture blurs. I have a very good camera and the photo remains sharp in Paint Shop Pro in extreme zoom. Is there a way to sharpen the image while zooming in Video Studio?
I am creating a series of music worksheets on photoshop. I have created some music scores in a music writing software called Sibelius 7. It has the capability to export the sheet music graphics in the following forms: .pdf, .eps, .bmp, .tiff, .png, .svg .
However, I have tried to 'place' each of them into my photoshop file to see which one will work.
But on saving the photoshop document as a .pdf with any of the graphics formats, the vector quality of the image has been lost, as it pixelates on zooming in. I have also tried to import an .svg file into adobe illustrator to save it as an .ai file and then import that into photoshop, but the image is again pixelated.
I don't really know what is happening, as I am essentially trying to import a file that is a vector (or at least does not pixelate on zooming) into photoshop, hoping for the same qualities to be retained, but it is being lost for some reason.