Photoshop :: Pen Tool Simulate Pressure Doesn't Work
Jan 10, 2008
I have PS CS2 & CS3, at first, when I used the pen tool in CS2, it would't do the simulate pressure. When I got CS3, at first I was delighted to see that here the simulate pressure DID work! But after just one use, it my joy collapsed, again the simulate pressure does not work!
when I try to stroke a path with the pen tool and select simulate pressure it will not work. I was using it last night and it worked just fine, and I can't seem to figure out why it isn't working.
It is only when I try to use the brush and simulate pressure that it doesn't work. I can do it with pencil and all that.
I want to create the opposite of 'simulate pressure', that is when stroking a path, I want the beginning (and end) of my line to be thicker and in the middle smaller.. how can you do that with PS 7 ?
I dont have a tablet, so is there any way I can make strokes with my mouse that look like they were made with a pressure sensitive pen? (thinner edges, thicker middle)
I just upgraded to CS6 from Photoshop 7, which is a huge leap, I know. In PS7 I was able to vary my pen pressure simply by clicking the little box that said 'simulate pressure'. While CS6 has all the same steps, and even has the same little box, the simulate pressure doesn't work (I'm using the standard round brush).
I have gone to brush settings and activated shape dynamics, but that did absolutely nothing. I read a few other discussions that mentioned tablets. I don't have a tablet and don't really plan on getting one any time soon. I never needed one, and with my budget, I really can't afford one; hence why I jumped from PS7 to CS6, took a long time to save all the money. Â I can use my simulate pressure option without getting a tablet.
I can not make anything in 3D. I think in CS3 it doesnt work too. But in graphic programs like MAYA and 3DS MAX i can make 3D objects and others but in Photoshop not. In Photoshop CS 4 I opened new document, with brush i wrote "Hello" and clicked on menu "3D" but there is everything disable :-/. My graphic card is "Ati Mobility Radeon XPRESS 200 series.
my keyboard short cut for ctrl+ a doesn't work, for some reason. All the other keyboard shortcuts work, except for that one (At least i think so..). I read through numerous threads about why keyboard short cuts do not work. 1. they are cracked copies of photoshop, 2. they are using logitech keyboards.
But I'm not using a cracked copy, and I just upgraded my logitech drivers to the newest ones.. and the problem just started yesterday without any reason. But when I change my short cut from ctrl a to.. something else, say alt+ctrl+a. it works.. but I prefer the old ctrl A.
i`m trying to create a repeated circle pattern using an action that i`ve created : (starting with a black circle on a white canvas)press recordduplicate layerpress ctrl Tmove pivot pointrotate circlepress enterstop recording when i press play, the action creates a new layer but no new circle is created.
I have a lot of jpgs and want to make an animated gif of them, but that doesnt work I ve read a tutorial somewhere and there it worked. But I just get an errormessage and the only files with that I can make an animated gif are gifs
I just got the Intuos5 and it works well except for the pen pressure feature for varying brush size or opacity. I can't get either to work. I have the latest driver, I think (where is the driver located on the Mac in OSX 10.6.8?). The tablet is attached directly to my iMac. I've sent two message to Wacom tech support and they don't respond. how I can get this working?
I recently bought PSE 10.I have an Intuos 3 Wacom tablet and whenever I switch to the Eraser tool, in the brush preview icon (top left corner) I see this ~ type of a shape with narrow-pointy edges, indicating that the size-pen-pressure feature is on. This is always true, even when I switch off all the per-pressure options via the Brush tool. Â how to control or at-least disable the pen-pressure feature while in the Eraser tool?
What I would like to do is to get the stroke shape, pressure and maybe velocity after a `Brush Tool' drawing action is triggered by the user, i.e. after a simple drawing operation.
I have been using the ScriptListener plugin, but it does not record this type of operation: changing the brush parameters (e.g. size and opacity), yes, but the actual drawing action, no.
it allows me to save normaly, but if i want/need to change a file type, or name and i click "save as" the save as window pops up for a brief moment then disapears.and photoshop feezes. it doesnt really crash, it just freezes and i have to go into task manger to close it.
im a digital artist so my cs3 program is really important...i need it up and running again!! any help here? ive already tried ALT+Spacebar and then M to see if the window was juust off screen, but it didnt work. ><''
besides the program lagging ocassionaly with big file loads/saves everything works fine. its just this problem that keeps me from workng!
I have win XP + Adobe CS 3 Standard installed on my pc: when i open more than one photo at the same time with Photoshop CS3, the application immediately close. I have two pc with the same configuration and i have the same problem. Note that i have Adobe CS2 installed + upgrade to Adobe CS 3. If i use Photoshop CS 2 i dont have trouble.
I have desktop PC with optical mouse photoshop CS5 when I try to use pen pressure feature of brush, I got a pale trangle beside said " require pressure sensitive tablet"..So; can I use the pen pressure feature?
How do you disable pressure sensitivity settings for the Eraser tool?
I am trying to erase fine lines into an object using a Wacom tablet. The size of the eraser grows too big on the slightest extra pressure. Would be great if I could disable the pressure sensitivity for the eraser.
I tried to burn a movie to my tv screen in VS Pro X4. i used 4:3 aspect ratio but when i took the DVD to view on my tv, i saw 4 black borders around the movie on my tv screen, the borders were on top, bottom and both the right and left side. I tried both 16:9 and 4:3 in VS x4 and both had the same results 4 black borders.
when i burned the same movie in VS 10 plus with 4:3 the movie fits the size of my tv screen.
why is it that VS pro X4 ultimate cant burn the movie to fit the size of my tv screen as it did in VS 10 Plus? what setting am I missing in setting in VS X4
My pencil tool has randomly stopped working, everything else in that pallet works fine. But when I select pencil and try to draw or change stroke size it has no reacion. I did try uninstall and reinstall but no good?
How do I get gradient tool to work? I selected gradient icon, orange blue orange, angle gradient, Normal Mode. I click, draw a line on a new layer and nothing happens.
I am using PS 5.5 to work on a .tif file scanned from a photo negative of a building. The dodge tool & burn tool do not work, even when I set the exposure to 100%. The history palette shows "dodge tool" each time I click in the image, but nothing happens. I tried these tools in a another similar file & both dodge & burn work fine. What could cause these tools not to work?