Photoshop :: Originally Scanned Bitmap - Levels Not Working
Jan 3, 2013
I have an image that was originally scanned as a bitmap. It need some minor levels adjustment. I can make the adjustments just fine. Everything looks good on the screen but when I flatten it or export it as pdf the adjustments disappear, ie reverts to original image. I have tried converting to grayscale and RGB. I've even tried copying the image and pasting into a new document - nothing seems to work.
I'm working on a job that requires recreating vintage box artwork. This involves recomposing scanned images into a new layout, recreating text from matched fonts - that sort of thing. Unfortunately, some of the scanned images (originally printed offset press in cmyk) were printed with one or more of the plates out of register, creating a halo effect on one side. Can this be corrected in PhotoPaint? Is there a way to create each channel as an object which could be moved to realign the colors and then flattened again?
Using Photoshop CS3. I am trying to adjust the levels on a very simple bitonal scan from PDF. When I adjust them by going to, Image, adjustments, levels, the preview of it works and it shows what I want, but when I hit OK, it dissapears. If I go to Layers, New Adjustment Layer, Levels, it shows up fine until I save it.. I am trying to save it as a PDF file, and I am saving it with Adobe 6 (1.5) because of compatibility issues (so I've read), it should save layers. But its not saving. Or maybe it's not opening in my Adobe Acrobat? is there an update I need or something? Is there a step I am missing? is anyone else having this problem? Even so, the Level adjust should work regularly while in PS CS3.
basically what is happening i am importing line drawings that i have scanned in. i am opening the TIF file then changing it to a PSD or JPG (i have tried with both) changed the mode to RGB and 8 bit i then try to adjust the levels of the image to make the drawn lines i scanned in stand out more. the preview shows the lines getting darker but when i click "OK" the image just doesn't change and the lines stay faint. the same happens when i try to use just the simple "adjust brightness contrast" option aswell. is there something i can do? i cant seem to figure it out!
Installed and activated Photoshop CS5 on new PC running Windows 7. For some reason the Levels adjustment tool will not work. All other adjustment tools seem to be working as usual. How I can restore the Levels tool?
I make family videos that have photos and video clips in the order taken. I then add a background music to the music track. I have always been able to lower background music inserted in the music track over the video clips, and then bringing the level back up after the video clip is over. With VS X6, this is not working any more. One hears the level of the music lower and the level comes back up but not at the places that I have done them. Most of the time I use the Smart Music, but I have seen this problem with other music.
when im working a bitmap in corel draw and then finish them and i need to savi it in CMYK,how can i do that?? when i go to the simple way and just export them i lose my initial colors of the image.
I do web development and I am attempting to see if I can ween off Photoshop for what I do, (mainly cutting up images) is there a way to have Gimp view a PS file and include the hierarchy of the layers that are originally laid out in Photoshop?
I am currently using this method, creating a 1-bit bitmap from a grayscale "distress" texture bitmap, choosing transparent fill or outline depending on which area i need trasparent and powerclip it in text or other vector object.
Is there a way to achieve the same distress effect with transparency with FILL ? pattern fill maybe? eg can i save in some format this bitmap to use it maybe as a pattern in pattern fill and retain transparency ?
Recieved dwg to modify that I think was originally made in Solidworks. In the drawing each projection and the isometric view appears in a separate cell that can zoom in and out with the mouse wheel independently of the other projections.
I want to be able to lock these cells if that's what they nare into only one 2D drawing so I can make the modifications.
When I try to scale the objects the item balloons and dimensions don't scale. When I try to copy w/ base point to another template, I only get the dimensions and item balloons. When I delete the border in the cell then the object is also deleted.
I have an image on a web page, see imageA, but the image is originally chopped at the left (see original image B). I'd like the imageA to stretch most of the way across the white space. I've enlarged it and tried to crop, but it eliminates what I'd like to be shown, which is what appears in imageA.
Encountered a bug when copying and pasting text from one text box to another? It seems to paste more text than I originally selected. I am on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and my AI is 16.0.4.
I have a screenshot, which I have cropped to a specific area to show a specific part of a window: a shape with a bitmap fill, or a cropped bitmap whichever way you consider it.
Next I have another screenshot, of exactly the same dimensions, showing the same window - but showing that window in a different state.
Both screenshots are bitmaps in my document, both appear in the Bitmap Gallery.
I'm not sure if something changed in recent versions of Xara, or I have forgotten the drag+key combination, but how can I drag the second bitmap onto a copy of the first bitmap-filled shape so that the SAME part of the bitmap is shown?
Using different combinations of SHIFT and CTRL I seem to be able to replace all instances of the first bitmap with the second: It is scary that a shape with a bitmap fill offscreen or on another page can be changed unwittingly!
when I access in Lightroom 4.4 a folder which had been edited originally (and imported) in Lightroom 3, the options and settings for Developing and editing in LR 4 change to appear like the old options in LR3 (Exposure, Recovery, Fill Light and Blacks, instead of Highlights, shadow, whites and blacks etc..). Why is Lightroom 4 doing this. Most of the files I am trying to edit have not been touched before in LR 3 but were simply imported originally into the catalogue from LR3.
Due to consolidating space on my hard drive I changed the location of the orginaly linked files (MXF footage). Having relinked in both Pr and Ae (CS6 latest updates as of posting date) to the new file location all looks good until I try to view the horizontally flipped clip in the sequence. If I look at the footage on Ae its all there, every frame. In the effects for the clip the opacity is as it should be -100%- but there is no image. I see the background footage (working with green screen foreground -hence the Ae project using Keylight plug-in). The non flipped footage from the exact same Ae file is as clear as day.
I am trying to re-edit some of my birding photos (CR2 raw images). I have difficult masks that were created in LR3 and took alot of time due to feathers on a complicated background. I do not want to have to re-mask everything in LR4. When I have imported my files to LR4 the original LR3 mask is still present. However, the sliders for Temp, Tint, Hightlights, Shadows, Saturation, Noise, Moire and Defringe are missing. I want to do localized noise control to keep feather sharpness so I need the Noise slider.
If I work on a photo that had no LR3 mask all sliders are available. If a mask from LR3 exists I am missing sliders. URL...
I placed text on a shape and outlined it. As soon as I create a compound path, the result appears lighter than the originally outlined text (on screen and printed), although the paths seem to be identical when I overlay them. Same happens when I divide the paths.
Trying to edit text in Photoshop CS3 file causes a crash - Tried on multiple PC's.File originally created in Photoshop CS6 with "Maximise PSD/PSB File Compatibility" set at "Always".
Document size A4, using Arial Regular. RGB. 8Bits. 72dpi Colour Profile: sRGB IEC61966 Multi business licence for CS3 and CS6 Design Standard/Premium/Master Collection all on PC
I can no longer adjust levels. I go to Layer / New Adjustment Layer / Levels and get the box that says "New Layers" and asks "Name" (Levels 1) "Color" (None) and "Mode" (Normal). No changes here.
I click "Ok" and instead of giving me the box with the histogram, it adds a layer to the Layers Control box and gives me an eyedropper with instructions "Click image to choose a new color" If I click on the image, it changes the foreground/background colors but nothing in the image. I can't get out of this dialogue without closing the application using the Windows Task Manager.
Is this a bug? A setting? - I've changed nothing on my computer...
I have a situation where my image is 'faded' from left to right.
The left hand side of the picture is 'not bad' (but could use a little touch up). As we progress to the right the image becomes lighter and could use more and more touch up.
I've tried selecting narrow vertical adjacent rectangles and using the levels tool (to greater effect as I moved to the right). I suppose that with enough time and patience (and narrow enough selected rectangles) I could come up with a consistent colouration across the face of the image but---!!
So, is anyone aware of a plugin that would provide a gradation of the effect of the levels tool across the width of the image?
surfing around the Web I've read several advices on how to set Level's Black & White values. I mean Levels, double click on Black and White eyedroppers ->RGB-> Black values 10? 5? White 250? 255? Which are yours?
I want to reduce the colour levels in a picture to four, or limit the amount colours of an image to 4 colours.
I have many black and white images and I want to remove all but 4 scales of colour so that I have
Light Grey
Dark Grey
The closest thing I have found is in the filter gallery bu using cut out and reducing the number of levels to 4 the problem is this tends to blurr some of the details as part of the effect whereas I want to maintain the crisp edges of my image so that it just looks flatter
I would also like to know if there is a method to do this and have it somewhat scaleable so I can decide on the range of colours in the current image that would fall into each of the new colour categories so that I can adjust itcase some details are incorporated into say the dark grey layer and they should be black ect?
I'm sure I have seen a very simple feature to reduce the colour range of an image, maybe that was in paint shop pro it was a long time ago.
I am losing my levels adjustment when converting from PSD to any other format here is the list of it...
levels layer...........taking the contrast way up saturation layer....saturation up invert function find edges layer duplicate layer background layer
At the point that I convert to jpg or another file type I lose the levels adjustment. Also flatten image or merge visible layers causes the same problem. I can supply a file if needed.
Ever since upgrading to CS6, when I click Levels>Load preset, I can no longer search in the window for the file. Previously, I could type in the file name and it would come up and I would select it. Now, when I search for the file name, there are no results at all. The file can be found by doing a regular search in a Finder window, but not through the window that comes up from the Levels window. I've reindexed Spotlight, and that has had no effect. The workaround is to open a Finder window, search, find the file, drag the file into the Levels' load window and select it there.
Levels don't work in my installation of CS 5.1. The dialog comes up but adjustment don't change the image. I reinstalled CS 5.1 but that didn't fix things.
I have a 3d render that has some semi transparent areas (shadows on matte objects) I want to get rid off. In AE a can simple adjust the alpha levels and set everything under 25 to be 0 for example.
In PS the entire alpha channel seems to be out of reach.. it's not in the Channels tab? I can add one but PS fills it with an B&W version of my RGB image.. What trick I'm a missing here?
How do you create a perfect alpha from this image, channels don't work, selections don't work either very well. I haven't done something like this for a while, so maybe it's a brain fart, who knows
are there shortcuts to navigate (up and down) between levels? I've a Italian layout keyboard.Second, pressing spacebar the PAN function (hand). Can I also edit the shortkeys in order to temporarily activate "rotate canvas", that is not having selecting again the tool I'm using after rotating the canvas using the "R" key.