Photoshop :: Moving Text After Image Has Been Flattened
Jan 30, 2013
What is the procedure for moving text in an image after it has been flattened. At one time I was able to use the Polygonal lasso tool to select and move, now I am unable to do so.
I have created an image at home using Photoshop CS for an assignment at college. We've been asked to hand it in in .psd format and retain the layer information. The version being used at college is version 7 and when I loaded it on this the image had been flattened. I wondered if I had saved this incorrectly but I opened it back up in CS and it was fine.
is there a way of saving in CS to an earlier version of Photoshop? Or is it possible to convert a CS .psd to a version 7 .psd?
I have an image that I've made in illustrator / Photoshop and I noticed that when I save the image as a JPEG out of Photoshop after it is finished it looks way different that it does while in Photoshop.
I merged the layers just out of curiosity and it looks that way after all of the layers are merged. Why it is doing that. Is there something I can do to change this? it is just happened to one of my images. I have multiple pieces in this style and it hasn't happened to any of the other ones.
If I go on adjusting a psd-file which has been flattened, will the file´s image quality go worse?
Meaning that I´ve had a TIFF-file (made from a RAW-file) that I have adjusted with plenty of layers. After all the adjustments, I´ve made a copy of it, flattened the copied file, cropped it to the wanted size (no interpolation), and made some changes again with cloning tools and gaussian blur.
But after this, I find I still have to make another version of the image with different adjustments of lightness (curves) and colors (color balance, saturation) and I´m pondering if I have to go back to the file with layers, or can I continue with the cropped file and make new adjustment layers on this flattened image. Would be better for the work flow and my nerves...
Not sure if this should go under Photoshop or Illustrator, but whenever I export an image to Photoshop it gets flattened and I can't do anything with it. I've checked and double checked that Write Layers, Max Editability etc is ticked but then I get a box saying "some containers in AI have been flattened".
I've noticed a problem with my Photoshop CS5 (12.0.4) / Windows 7 64-bit setup. Maybe once a day, after using Photoshop for a while, the current document's colours will look like they're using the wrong colour space, usually looking more vivid and artificial. The only way out of the situation is to restart Photoshop. Â Example 1: after editing an image in AdobeRGB, I flatten it and run an action to resize, sharpen, and convert to sRGB. Occasionally, the picture ends up looking psychedelic. Â Example 2: after copying a selection in a flattened sRGB image, I create a new sRGB image and paste. Occasionally, the new image is clearly off, still similar hues but changed in tone and saturation; going back to the original window, there is visual corruption. Â I've got an ATI HD5670 graphics card, and have gone through maybe 3 driver revisions while this problem has existed. It's too infrequent a problem to easily replicate, and what I usually do is save and earlier state as a PSD and reload Photoshop.
I created a file in .psd, with several text layers to which I applied effects (fx) such as stroke, bevel & emboss, outer glow. When I flatten the image, the outer glow and stroke remain, but the bevel & emboss effect is gone. Type is a single color without the 3 dimensional effect. Â I am also not able to preserve the bevel & emboss look when saving as a jpeg or a flattened .tif or .pdf. A saved .tif or .pdf with layers shows the effect just fine, but if the pdf is opened with Acrobat instead of Photoshop, the effect is not visible. Â This must be a new problem, because I found a file that I created several years ago that is a flattened .tif with the bevel & emboss effect preserved. Â I tried rasterizing the layer, and the type. Tried converting to 16 bit changing mode to CMYK, and multi-channel. Everything that involved merging layers lost the bevel & emboss effect.
Do any of you have any tips or ticks for removing a drop shadow from a flattened image?
I have a jpg that I received from a client for a website I'm doing for him. He does not have the logo in any other format. The image is on a white background, which will not work with the design I'm making for him.
The image is fairly simple, it's just some text with triangles, but the text has some layer effects applied to it that I'm not sure where they came from or how to recreate them.
Any ideas on how to remove the drop shadow? I have attached part of the image. If any one has ideas on how to recreate the text effects (including the texture) I am willing to do that and recreate the logo instead of trying to edit out the drop shadow.
I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.
If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.
The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.
How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."
I created an image in gimp and flattened it before saving. I now want to edit some of the text in that image, but when I open in Gimp "As Layers" or just open it, it does not open in three different layers, like I had before flattening it. Am I doing something wrong. I saved it as a jpg file after flattening it.
When I enter text into an image, the letters are surrounded by the moving selection dashes, the font colour is not there, the image turns a strange red colour and I cannot get rid of the selection dashes.
Is it possible to lock a text box to prevent it from moving but still be able to input & edit text?I want to make a drawing template in CorelDraw x6 using text boxes for "non Corel friendly" people to use but need the actual text boxes to stay in the same place all the time!?
I had a saved PSD file and I opened it to edit it. I flattened it and hit save by mistake. How can I go back to PSD if all the "step back" is not going all the way back to PSD?
When I flatten the files that I have been working on into TIFFs for delivery to clients, sometimes the preview (or thumb nail) shows only a single layer of the original layered file that I was working with. When the file is opened in Photoshop, the complete image is there.
Is this a bug or is there a way to correct this before I flatten the image? Btw, I have seen this same issue through many versions of Photoshop... from CS3 through CS6. When saving the same flattened image as a JPG, the preview saves correctly.
I've got a background layer which is a solid colour, and the layer on top of that is a picture with some advanced blending done to it.
When I try to flatten, the picture just reverts to how the picture looked before the advanced blending was done.
I've tried collecting it all in a single layer with no luck. I've tried making a postscript of the PSD file but that bombs in distiller. I've tried combinations of other single-colour layers below.
I used to be able to drag text with my mouse. Now, out of the blue, when I click on a text layer and try to move it with my mouse, CS automatically deselects my text layer and selects the background layer or a shape. Why is it automatically deselecting the text layer and selecting the background?! So, I can only move text with my arrow keys!
When I try to export from Illustrator to Photoshop I get the message, "Some containers need to be flattened". When I click okay and open it up in Photoshop, it's completely flattened. Â I did some looking around and some people said that the appearance pannel causes it to be flattened? Well, as a test, I deleted all of my layers and just kept one button I made that had multiple objects. I raterized each one individually and tried to export it. In photoshop it was still flattened, but this time to a button layer and a dropshadow layer. Is the appearance pannel making everything in the appearance pannel a layer, and everything not in the appearance pannel another layer and just ignoring all of my objects? Â How should I go about fixing this? I want to be able to export in as many formats as possible, but this has me stuck.
Is there anyway I can re-edit after I flattened and saved? I noticed afterwards I still have splashes of color left on the pony's head !!!! Or do I just need to start all over : Elements 11
When making a selection, I like to use the magnetic lasso tool. I usually zoom in on the image. I just hate it when you get to the edge of the image and you have to "manually" push the lasso tool against the edge of the image to give you get access to the rest of the image to select it. I always mess up and selection is ruined by the quick movement when more is opened....
is there any way to scroll the image up or down when you get to the edge of it and you still have to select outside of the window...
Maybe there's a key stroke that will allow me to scroll up or down or right or left without losing the amount that I've already selected.
I did not make the picture but if I would like to move a text that is on the image, how can I do so without touching the background? Since I did not make the picture, I do not have layers on it.
I've been using PS7 for a long time and this has never happened before. One minute things were fine and then something changed. Maybe I hit a combination of keys .... well here's the issue. I type text onto a blank layer. I try to move the text. In the pallette, the cursor drops off the text layer, and onto the background, instead. In order to move the text, I wind up clicking on it numerous times, or if I click on it very slowly, I can grab it to move it. This is not how it was working just yesterday. I'm sure this sounds confusing, I'm just not sure how to describe it any better. (It's not my mouse, I tried a different one.) I tried Adobe's help site and saw this:"Clicking in an image with a type tool puts the type tool in edit mode. You can enter and edit characters when the tool is in edit mode; however, you must commit changes to the type layer before you can perform some operations. To determine if a type tool is in edit mode, look in the options bar--if you see the Commit button (a check)Â and Cancel button (circle with slash), the type tool is in edit mode."
I have a problem moving text around in the document. Its highlighted in the layer box, and when I go to move the text, it un highlights and some other layer is highlighted. I have to move text by using the arrow keys instead of my mouse..can anyone help? I'm making a wallpaper for the show Rock Star..
I've just moved from CS3 to CS6. Previously, when working on a layer mask I could make the image active by Command – ~ . This doesn't work now - is there another keyboard shortcut for this? I use a Mac, OS 10.7.4.