I am wanting to select all colors from a certain image and have a color palette. I need this to send to a fabric printer, which will be printing digitally.
When I load the image into either PS6 or AI6, what is the easiest way to sort these colors? When I use a color table, I am getting too broad of a selection of colors.
Also, I will need either the pantone or RGB #s of each color in the image. I've been making a swatch palette and then selecting each image with an eyedropper to write down the numbers.
in CS6 13.0.4 x 64, the PDF process is iffy for me. Sometimes it's fine. But other times, an incomplete image results. Is this related to the overall type bugginess that Adobe recommends we fix (which I've not yet done)...?
[URL].... Â I'm lazy, but also, I don't have a lot of confidence I'll do it correctly, and I have a myriad of deadlines every week. Â While I've your eye, here's another question relating to the layers palette: Â Layers sometimes stick to my curser and I can't unstick them until I go back to the palette and try to place them back where they orignally were. (I'll be really embarrassed if this is a new feature of CS6 that I've not figured out yet...)
Is there a way to apply a color to selected objects without having to search for the color in the color palette. So say if I am working with an image that has multiple colors but want to use only one of the colors in that image, is there a way to apply it without having to create or add it to the palette.
I've begun with a RGB file, which I have removed one of the channels from, to automatically create a multi-channel file with two channels: Channel #1 and #2. How do I assign a Pantone to each of these channels?
Is there a way to make all the text in the palettes of illustrator larger?I know you can do it as a setting in photoshop.Is that a program feature or an OS feature?
When I create a shape with a Pantone Color and then decrease the opacity in the color swatch palette, then go to my swatches palette and select "Select All Unused Colors" it highlights the pantone color being used in the file. In previous version, it never did this.  This is for CS6. Any know fix for this?
Ok. I have a problem with colors not matching between Illustrator CS5 documents. I am often emailed documents with pantone colors selected in them. Later, sometimes I need to create another document using those same pantone colors. The problem is, these two documents print the pantone colors differently. In fact, on my screen the file colors look different side-by-side. I figured it was a color settings or color profile issue, so I went in and checked both files. Everything was the same (Working CMYK: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2, Settings North America General Purpose 2, CMYK Preserve Numbers (Ignore Linked Profiles)) . When I paste pantone samples from one document into the other, they match what's in each other's documents, but the two documents themselves don't look the same and don't print the same. Â What color setting could I be overlooking to cause this difference? I don't particularly care if they match on-screen, but it's the fact that they actually print different colors from the same pantone swatch that is the trouble. A blue pantone from one file will print purple from a different file.
I am creating mockups for a t-shirt design, this top photo is how the design looks in illustrator with the correct pantones: blue 3115C, Red 119C, and Black. When I save it as a PDF and it is opened in the Preview Application, certain colors turn black like this. This has happened several times lately and I have recently switched from Illy CS5 to CS6, so I wonder if that is the reason?
How I choose a color for any new objects I want to create. I've opened the toolbox with ctrl-b, which appears on the left side of the window. If I want to , for example, draw a red rectangle, I use the rectangular selection tool, then the bucket fill, and I don't see how to change the foreground color to red.
I've read elsewhere in the forum that there should be two rectangles somewhere on the screen that show foreground and background color, but I don't see them anywhere.
Working in Illustrator CS5 on a Mac. When choosing a color in the palette, the preview showing up is different than what is in the palette. If I hit "OK" the actual color chosen is the one in the palette, not the preview window... Including some pics for reference. In my 10+ years of using Illustrator, i have never seen this.I am using a Dell monitor on a mac... not sure if that would make a difference.
Is there any way with 3.5.8 to name the color inside the palette so the selected color name will display somewhere in the palette (if a name exists)? If not, then as a feature request for version 4; when the user hovers over the color with their mouse cursor, a small pop up will display at the cursor tip with the color name listed in a palette file comment. This feature would allow for quick color selection by name for projects that are color name specific/customer color specific. The current process of referencing a palette text file RGB code list with commented description, then entering the required RGB codes for each color needed can be a bit time consuming for larger projects.
The color I see in my foreground selection is different to what I see when I add it to my artwork. I am working in CMYK, the mode is normal and the opacity is 100%. I haven't seen this before, so I am wondering if the client artwork that I am working on may have had some inbuilt settings that have superceded my settings (is that even possible?). I am using CS3 Photoshop on a PC, and the upgrading or modification of either is not an option.
My color palette is all that ugly purple, and i'm not sure how to fix it, it will save and the colors will be fine, but if I look at it in photoshop it has a purple haze over it, and the only 2 colors I can use are purple and green. This happened before, and it fixed itself, but its been like this for 4 months, and i'm getting fed up..
I want to change my windows bootscreen, but to do this I need to open the images in photoshop and change them.. pretty simple stuff, except I need to apply a different color pallet to view the images.
I loaded up Photoshop and my colour palette had been rearranged to Black & various shades of magenta! I have attempted reinstallation. What can I do? I have had to resort to using v4, which works, but I need v5.5!
I am very new to photography and Lightroom 3.4 64 bit. I have a photo of an apple on the table. I want to get the photo black and white (did that already). Now I want the apple it self to remain its own red color. How do I do that? Â Also, I have this apple and its reflection is on the knife that is cutting the apple. How can I get that in color too?
I just installed Photoshop 6 and my color pallete is only in greyscale. As I was installing it there was a message about color's, but I had no clue what it was talking about.
I want to specify which colors Photoshop can use and I'm doing that (or at least trying to) by using custom index coloring and the color palette. I am using another person's saved color table. This person saved several shades of grey and when I delete these colors my picture is affected. What is puzzling me is that deleting greys have an impact on my picture even though I am not using any grey. Is there an impact because Photoshop is blending colors within the color table to make the picture. Is grey one of the blended colors? I do not want there to be any blending of colors--I just want Photoshop to use what colors I specify.
Seem to have lost my color picker or something strange...using Photoshop CS, now when ever I open a file work on it, if I choose the eye dropper or double click on the color square in the tool bar photoshop freezes, can't do anything. Have to force quit...I've not altered in any way any monitor or anything...
I am trying to design a shower mosaic, using small (3/4") tiles. I have a certain color palette, dictated by where I buy the tiles
And convert it to a mosaic that only uses colors from the tiles. I could then play with tiles of different sizes or a bigger/smaller palette until I was happy with it, and use the Photoshop image as the pattern when I put them in.
I know how to create a mosaic with squares of size x. What I don't know is how to tell Photoshop to take an image and create a mosaic forcing it (as best as it can) into a specified color palette.
is it possible to create an action in the action palette which chooses a specific color I want , instead of doing it manually with the magic wand? For example something like "Set selection all blacks"?
I designed a UI for a small screen device. The assets need to be exported now, with 256Â and also 1024 indexed colours.I have never heard about 1024 color pallete. How can I do it?
how to change the colour of the selected layer in the layers pallete? It's quite annoying the way it is (Dull grey/blue) and sometimes hard to see what layer's selected? Â I prefer the brighter blue on my other computer!
I am very torn about the layers palette. I love that layer via copy will respond to groups as well as individual layers but I hate the color. I find it much more difficult to quickly find what I am looking for with the names and info inverted on a black background.
It is also more difficult to see the separation between layers and tell when one ends with its effects. Overall I feel my productivity regarding the layers palette has slowed down and become more frustrating. Everything else seems to be great. Is there a way I can convert over to a light toned color palette instead of a dark one?
sometimes (there is no rule) when i'm opening a Color Picker window and moving cursor on the palette - my internet browser opens Adobe site.When i try to get back to PS it immediately starts another tab, and another it takes less than 1 second..
Probably this is not the appropriate place to post this question, but I chose to do so, cause Ps users might know better.  If you want a color to be more subtle, or put it another way, make it stand less among other element or/and colors what you would to?Increase opacity, reduce its saturation or something else?
Does anyone know if there is a way to import a text file, or another type of file, into color swatches to make a custom pallet?
We have to type in over 8,000 swatches, and I was hoping there might be an easier way to do it, rather than making a new color and then making a new swatch.
I'm VERY new to PhotoShop and I've used the search feature here and can't find the answer to my problem. If this has been asked many times I apologize. I have a logo which I've scanned. It's just two colors, white and black. I'd like to make the white transparent and while I'm sure this should be easy I am unable to get it to work. Can anyone give me an idea how to do it.
there are 2 types of color wheel used for making color schemes, one is R-G-B color wheel where Red Green and Blue colors are 120 degrees apaert, which is easy to make with spectrum gradients in photoshop,
other one is traditional R-Y-B color wheel where red yellow and blue colors are 120 degrees apart,
how to make that tradtional R-Y-B color wheel in photoshop? i tried so hard, it doesnt come accurately and involves lots of mathematical calculations ?