I have two questions here. First, I have some text on an image I made, and when I highlighted the text it made the area behind look really cool in a way that I didn't anticipate. It sort of looked like a photo negative. So, I thought that maybe inverting the colors of the whole image would give me the same effect. Unfortunately, it wasn't nearly as good. So, is there anyway to make the image look like what it would look like if you highlighted a bunch of text on top of it? If somebody needs visuals to understand this, I can take a couple screenshots.
My second question is: is there any way to invert the colors of text? Also, if there is a way to do what I mentioned above, how could I do the same thing to text?
I've been trying for years off and on to recreate the look of a Type 55 Polaroid positive/negative effect. There are a few border effects software packages that offer similar effects, but they pale in comparison to the real thing.
I've recently resorted to scanning a Type 55 negative and thought it would be a simple matter to overlay this on an image, but am having difficulty keeping the nuances of the negative. I've tried deleting the white with different opacities and even layer blending options, but nothing concrete yet.
I have to create a website for 1 of my IT module in uni the website im going to create is for a poetry socitiey i want to create have the title text [Sahabba Poetica] arise in a flame fade out into smoke then fall down as dust
Am trying to achive the effect of the attached, I'm talking about the bottom half with the red colour. Sort of looks like water or wine has been spilt on the paper... Anyone seen anything like this, even something along the same lines would great as a starting point.
Well, ran into an interesting filter result which looks similar to molten metal or something you would get with meta balls in a 3d program. Preety easy to get it too, just use your filter-render-fibers (default setting will work) then your filter-sketch-plaster (again, default settings may work) and whola. Playing with the setting in the plaster window will give you more or less metal as you see fit. Simple and maybe of some use to some...
trying to get a smooth motion blur kind of effect that I saw in an ad once. I want to try it on some of my own stuff, but Im not doing it right. The concept is there but I want the lines of motion crispier.
Basically, I am selecting a colourful flower within a landscape picture, inverting the rest of the image and then saturating it so that the background is greyscale and the colour of the flower stands out within the picture. Nonetheless, the dividing line between the outline of the flower and the background is very harsh.
Is there a way of smoothing out this line so that the background and the flower will blend more?
I recently updated my drivers from to AMD Catalyst 8.882 to AMD Catalyst 12.10 to promote stability in a 3D modeling program, Photoshop CS6's 3D function is now displaying inverted lighting information, i.e. shadows where light should be hitting and light where shadows should exist. If I try doing anything quickly, the program will crash.
I'm running Win 7 64bit on a HP Pavilion with an i7 multi-core processor with 8 gigs of RAM and with an AMD HD 6770M with 1 Gig of memory, set to fixed graphics.
Can someone tell me how to change the direction of the pen tilt so that it sprays the right direction? I have an airbrush from Wacom, and the spray goes in the opposite direction from the tilt. It does the same thing if I use the Wacom brushes as well.
I have: Windows XP Cintiq 12wx Airbrush & Grip Pen Photoshop CS3
Im desinging a flag for our 4x4 owners club ive made the deisgn simple but to stop it looking like a standard country type flag ive broken the middle with some jagged lines.
What i would like to do is mirror this and on the mirrored side have it in white just like the text has flipped.
I'm trying to replicate the type effect (upper arc and lower arc combined) that's shown in the example below in Illustrator. So far, my attempts haven't been fruitful. The example might be hand-drawn and there might not be a way to do it in illustrator.
I'm trying to create buttons with a cutout type effect as pictured here [URL].......
I think can do it with a bitmap, but I want to retain the button as a vector. I've tried messing around with shadows and embossing, but cannot get the look right. (i'm using X4)
I've had trouble creating a certain type of motion blur effect. Typically, motion blur radiates outward from one single point. However, What I would like is for a whole section of an image to be clear (for instance, a character's torso) and then have the image GRADUALLY get blurrier from there.
I cannot figure a way to do this (apart from a very long process of creating many duplicate layers and doing an independent motion blur for each one).
Attached is an example of what my attempts look like right now: an obvious line around the region that I'm trying to showcase, rather than a smooth, gradual transition into the motion blur.
Using Illustrator CS6. Created type and applied an effect (Graphic Pen) and the yet I could not get it to do anything but come out as black. How do you apply color to the effect?
Is it possible to have some kind of calc mode or another technique that would allow me to have an object that I could move around without having to "magic wound->recolor" each time?
I am tracking points on a moving object, it doesn’t deform, it tracks nice. Using Matchmover. Back in Max, it sees it as a static object, and the camera is moving around it.
Any way to invert the animation between a camera and an object so the other one is the one that moves, but they retain the same relational animation? Did that make sense? Right now the object (represented by a Group of 3D tracked points) is still but the camera moves, I want this opposite, the camera is still but the tracked points move, and it looks the same through the camera.
Is there a way in X6 to invert fountain fill values? I have a design that is separated into three spot colors...a black, a red, and a white. I need to take everything that's black and invert all the values. So for example....where it is 100% black , I need it to be 0% and where it is 40%, I need it to be 60. The design has several fades and I need to maintain those, but invert them.
I've tried the Invert tool....but it's not doing what I need it to do. Also note, that the white channel on this design, does not hold all the white info....as some of it is just a low percentage of black.
Here's the design I'm working with, and a screenshot of the channel I need to invert as well.
I drew something up on a sheet of paper, scanned it, then traced it's bitmap as line art. I then proceded to edit the vectors to recover all the detail I lost with the tracing. It took forever!
Now that I´m done, I realised there is a problem... how can I color in the drawing, if the lines themselves make up the shape? Essentially, I´m left with blank spaces in between all the lines instead of solid individual shapes that can be colored in.
What can I do? I´m so desperate I´m thinking of creating a gazillion individual shapes with the colors, and slapping them underneath the lines to "improv" a fill. But that will take waay too long, so is there an easier way?
If I could "invert" the shape I have now, so that the blank spaces become individual shapes, and the lines become blank spaces.
I'm using AI CC now, but I noticed this problem in earlier versions of AI: If I want to place a one-word label on an illustration I move the type insertion cursor to a speific point on the screen image and click, but then the flashing insertion point, where the label will actually start, pops up elsewhere, usually a line or two above where the cursor was, and a pica or two to the left, forcing me to type the label, then move it into position rather than simply typing it in the right place and moving on. The problem is merely annoying, but I'd like to fix it. It's probably a matter of ignorance-I simply haven't read the right documentation, but I don't know what to call the problem. Where can I find out how to change the position of the cursor relative to the insertion point?
I want to create text on a circle path, so drew the circle, went to the "type on a path tool" and clicked on the circle. I keep getting the message "can't create type". I have tried to use the direct selection tool to select the circle first and without the direct selection.