Photoshop :: Installing CS5 On IMac With OSX Lion?
May 24, 2012
My hard drive failed and a new hard drive has been installed on my iMac. I now have to reinstall Photoshop CS5. This is an upgrade version but I have the full version of CS3.
I can't get the installation disk to run from the DVD drive (I have installed other software from the drive today so this is not faulty). The disk is simply ejected. I am using OSX Lion. What am I doing wrong?
I have installed CS4 on an iMac with Lion 10.7. After downloading, I don't have the grey background of the full screen mode. photoshop settings to make my screen look right again?
I have downloaded mountain lion upgrade from originally using snow leopard for my imac and now CS5 does not print. However Photoshop elements 9 is OK. All other document print OK. Is this an Apple problem or Adobe problem?
After upgrading my operating system I cannot use Photoshop Elements 10. The pinwheel just spins and spins and I have to force quit to get out of the program. I uninstalled my first copy and reinstalled and same problem.
i used to use Windows XP with Photoshop 6 and my Epson RX500 scanner/printer would show in the Import option but using my new iMac and Elements 11, it does not show. All my drivers are up to date but I can't sort out from the forum information how I can find the necessary plug-in to solve my problem. I know I can scan and save to a file which can then be opened in Elements but the other way is much more convenient.
I have a iMac 27" Mac with OSX Lion running Photoshop CS5...When i print to my Epson Stylus 1400 color printer I get the following error message...Disc Not Available...All other printing works
As instructed by Adobe I'm working with the original CD to install this to my laptop. It goes up to installing Adobe Air, about half way through the whole installation and then stops. I have tried resetting the permissions- I'm installing in the root user account. This was what Adobe tech had me do to successfully install LightRoom 2 first and then an update. The update was more compatible apparently with Lion.
I had a 3 year old imac with CS3 installed, which has failed. I have bought a brand new imac 27", but I was told in the store that this machine is too new to use CS3!
Is it the OS thats too new or the hardware? I'm happy to downgrade my ios to snow leopard or something like that.
My Dell computer running WIN7 just died and we have replaced it with an iMac running Parallels/WIN7. I have tried to install my CS4 on the new machine and have the following problem. Disk 1 loads fine and goes to the end and asks for Disk 2. I insert Disk 2 and it won't continue the install. I have opened the disk and all files are in good shape.
I have used Photoshop 5.5 (on a disc with key) on Windows XP happily for several years. I am now converting to an iMac. Will this version load and work?
I have the new cs6 master collection and all programs work well and don't cause problems when I shut down my iMac except Photoshop. If I use photoshop, anytime I try to shut down my computer all I get is a spinning wheel and computer will never shut down. This happened on cs5 as well and thought newer version would fix problem but it has not.
I can't print from Photoshop cs5 on an imac running lion 10.7.4- when I try to print to either my Epson or canon printer it says disk error. I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling, downloading the latest patch, and clearing the preferences. Do I need to upgrade my operating system?
I have bought the full version of CS5 for my Mac Book Pro online at the Adobe shop. Yesterday I received a new iMac 27 and I wanted to install CS5 from the Adobe download using my license key. But I can't find the link to CS5 only CS6. How do I proceed to install CS5 on my iMac?
okay so I bought a new mac it has OSX Lion, and I downloaded my Adobe Creative Suite CS4. The one hiccup and the only thing I used it for is edit gifs. When I go to file import - Video Frames to Layers is an option however I can not load a gif into the program. I tried * and everything is still greyed out.
I think it's missing a plugin. Adobe tells me to upgrade but you can't upgrade from CS4 to CS6 and the people at Mac tell me that even though my product isn't that old Adobe products can adapt fast enough. I want to know if there is a viable solution to what should be a simple problem or should I move on from Adobe because it is too expensive.
Ok, so I asked this awhile back when I was running Snow Leopard (10.6.x) on this late 2009 27" iMac. Someone mentioned that I should disable Open GL drawing to resolve it, and it worked, for awhile except for many of the features in CS5 you need Open GL enabled.
Maybe it's the graphics card, I don't know. But here is what my PS documents look like about 75% of the time. Sometimes it is worse than this and it makes working very, very hard:
I need to reinstall my Photoshop CS4 after I restored my iMac. Tech support said I need to get the link to download at this forum since the version I am using is old.
We just bought a brand new iMac for the office (OS 10.8.2, 2.9 GHz Inetl Core i5, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3) also bought the new Adobe CS6 standard but PHOTOSHOP and INDESIGN keep hanging.
- I haven't been working on large files - They don't hang when I use the type tool - I've fideled around with the scratch disk thinking maybe it was the issue, and the first time it got better but then 2 days later it got drastically worse. - I un-checked 'auto save file in background' on PS6 - I've uninstalled and re-installed PS and iN - I've been to every forum - I've sent crash reports
I just walked in to work, switched it on and I can't even get to General Preferences on PS6.
I have need having trouble with cs6 running slowly on my iMac. The computer runs fine with all other applications but will quickly run up several gigs of page outs when handling camera raw and photoshop files, it starts to creep along after a short while. Apple ran "stress tests" on the computer and everything is perfectly functional. I used to have no issues with cs5 and the computer should be able to handle the task easily. I have tried to reinstall photoshop.
I am moving Elements 9 from PC to iMac. My PC crashed but I have a copy of it's "C" drive on an external disc. How can I now get the catalog (24,000 tagged photdos) properly transferred?
I am migrating to a new computer (iMac). how do I do this without losing the captions and other information, as well as albums I have created? I already did the migration of the photos to the iMac. I do not know how to setup the PSE10 library on the iMac (already installed). should i use iPhoto?
Also, I have a large number of photos and considering whether I should have 1 catalog or multiple? I organize my photos by trip or year depending... each folder can have over 1000 photos in it. I experienced very sluggish performance on the PC and I only had a couple of folders...