if she crops a photo in Photoshop CC, the image changes; it looks lighter/pale. the color profile is the same as before.(In Photoshop CS5 this wasn't happening.)I thought the image doesn't change after a crop.
I've a pdf created with auto cad 2013 printed with adobe pdf. I put it into the Photoshop cs6, but it always make my image lighter, and i have to adjust exposure, levels or brightness to see the image fine. And i don't like doing this because the image is not exactly the same...
I have this friend who work with the same tools and his pdf is perfect in his Photoshop. I think is a rastering issue because the pdfs looks great until the Photoshop interpret the image.
I am a labtech at a community college and look after 48 mac pros in which the students use the entire creative suite. (I only mention this becuase any answers need to consider variations in system settings or photoshop settings. college students get into everything!)
But the issue is when you select the crop tool and enter a custom constraint and crop
The image size is sometimes a full 2 inches off of what you set as a crop?! I havn't run into this before
[I do know you can use the drop down box and use {size and resolution} but I want to know why it doesnt work under custom and unconstrained]
I want to change the color to hex #00aced (0, 172, 237). I tried the colorfy, but the image comes out purple. Another way that has worked for me in the past, with white images, is by clicking on the channel dialog and dragging the red down. Clicking on the eye, next delete the original image and than add a new foreground color based on what color I selected from the palette. Of course this isn't working either since the image is so dark.
Now in channel mixer it could work if the RGB would go higher than 200, but since my blue is 237 this is where I am stuck. It has worked with other colors, as long as the RGB is less than 200. This is by selecting each output individually, for example, starting with red and entering a value in red and leaving green and blue at 0. Next selecting Green, entering a value in green and leaving red and blue at 0, and so on... Is there some type of mathematical solution for using the channel mixer, or simple yet, is there a way of making my image more white, without losing my shadows?
Photoshop Crop won't complete when trying to crop an image. This just started a couple of days ago and I can't figure out what's going on with it. This happens in Photoshop CS6 and CC
when I select the crop tool, my image disappears during the entire crop process. I can only see the image in the preview pane. Why is this happening? I am using the most current version of Lightroom, and I am on a PC.
I'm putting together a series of images, and I want the horizon line to be a constant from image to image, though they were not that way in the original files. I'm assuming that I should go with the picture that has the smallest distance from the bottom of the picture and then crop the others so the distance appears to be the same in them as well. But is there a way to make that a simple process?
I'm trying to crop an image & CS4 all of a sudden isn't cropping the image. It completely disappears when I go through the process. Here's the process I have been using & always works until now.
1. Open the image 2. Select the crop tool 3. click & drag to cover the area I want to keep, while the area I want to crop is shaded black 4. hit "Enter" 5. the image is cropped.
Ok, now what's happening is when I hit Enter (step 5) the image completely disappears off the screen.
ill be working on a project for about an hour and ill pres enter after moving it and it will just crop out the middle of the image? even if i dont press save, it will reopen and still be gone. it also effects not just the image i was working on but some of my other projects from photoshop im doing.
getting the image in this[URL]....link. I just need the air freshener symbol in the middle, the blue tree. I have been able to kind of get it seperated from the background but it always ends up being a little blurry or fuzzy on the sides. I really need it to be crisp and smooth like it is in blue.
I've got a 3008X2000 (this is the largest file size that my camera shoots and that's what I mostly shoot in) image and I would like to crop at 10w by 8h for 8x10 prints. When I select the crop tool and put in my values of 10w and 8h and 200 or 300 pixels/inch, I am only able to crop most of the 10w, the 8h seems to be fine. I've tried cropping using the same method in 6w by 4h and this crops just fine. Why am I able to crop 6x4 but not 10x8.
It doesn't do this with just this resolution (3008X2000) setting, I'm only able to crop most of the 10 inch width in all of my images.
I would think that when I crop using the values 10w X 8h that I would be able to crop all of the image and when I crop using the 6w X 4h setting I wouldn't be able to get everything.
I have a little problem with the cropping tool in the new CS6 version.
In CS5 I had the oppotunity to choose "Front image" and the crop tool would copy the dimensions from the chosen image.
Now I made a mistake and cropped a picture with the wrong dimensions. Ususally I choose "original ratio", but this time I forgot. Then normally in CS5 I just choose one of the other pictures in my workspace (with the original dimensions) and hit the "front image" button, and then I got back the the picture I cropped in the wrong dimenions, and now I could easily crop it with the right dimensions.
I found another discussion in the forum that answered exactly this question, and it said "Try pressing 'R' in crop mode. It will open Crop Image Size & Resolution window, where you can choose Source: Custom, Front Image, etc."
But when I press "R" in the crop mode nothing like that comes up. Instead the opportunity to rotate comes up... :-( Not what I was looking for.
I am currently putting together a book of my thesis and need to re-crop many of the images that I've used and taken. The problem is that I would like to crop the images to a set proportion of the golden ratio, golden mean, divine whatever- all the same thing, basically a ratio of 1:1.618 (roughly).
I used to do this with no issue (I think) a few Photoshop versions back (maybe back towards CS2 or something, but as things have drastically changed (now running CS5.5) I am a little stuck. Whenever I select the crop tool, I try and input a fixed width and height of 1.618:1 or vice-versa depending on the image orientation- and leave the resolution blank. A long time ago, I seem to remember cropping the image with the tool and it was a fixed ratio as it is now, only before, the image did not drop from say 11x14 to 1x1.618 and blow up in resolution size. It maintained the image size and resolution and cut the excess off the smaller length generally.
I am NOT looking for that rule of thirds crop but a simple means to crop many images at one ratio. I know there is that script called the golden proportion or something however that does not crop to the right ratio that I am looking for. It mimics the existing photo's ratio which often times is off. The other reason I wanted to go through a certain proportion ratio as I did before is many of my images are of different base sizes and so I don't want to manually calculate this out dozens of times.
Does a simple (non-photo-destructive) solution to crop an image of any size to the 1:1.618 ratio, and maintain the resolution etc? By non photo-destructive I mean to not do the crop as I have been doing, then manually going into the image size and rescaling the image through shrinking the new resolution and then re-scaling the image.
So I have an image which I have moved onto another canvas I of course know how to transform an image, but how can I crop the image Ive just moved? So lets say I have a photo of a man that is too big for the new canvas. OK I can use transform to resize it (holding down shift to keep it the same constraints), but then lets say he is still too tall. I dont want to stretch it down in size as he'd look like a midget, so I decide I only want to use the torso and head.
I would have thought I would have used the marquee tool to draw around it, Select>Inverse>Delete key
and this would delete whats outside the marquee box (his legs etc). But that doesnt work. Crop is of course of of the question as it then crops everything on the canvas.
Yes, I COULD resize it completely first, but I'd rather resize/crop it once its on the new canvas.
Sometimes when using crop tool, I'm strecthing the crop and then the image start moving up or down the screen? what is this? How do I keep the images frozen so it does not move around?
I have a stock rectangular image and i want to simply crop it out with nice smooth rounded corners Is there a quick and easy way...or do i have to go through the pain of manually pening curves and deleting them ?