I come from a simple software program not as complex as Photoshop. I have upgraded to Photoshop and just learning it. I am using Photoshop CS2 on a PC with a OS of WIN 2000. I have a image and I just want to get the outside outline of this image. It has color and intricate designs inside the image. I want to white them out and just have the outside outline visable with a thick line. The edges of the image are somewhat blurred and I want to sharpen them. I know that you can use the eraser tool to white out the inside, but it is a large image and complex (a lot of curves and zig-zags). The eraser tool is too, in my hands at least, cumbersome. Also, the background of the image is black. I want to make it white.
I have a custom 'text' image - that is, some text that has had a bunch of effects applied to them. One noticeable effect is the wind, which is white (working from a black background).
Now the project I am working on this for has a mostly white background, so I want to have a thin outline of black around the edges of the image (e.g. around the wind effect). Is there an easy way to do this or any way at all (using Photoshop CS6, if it makes a difference)?
How do you get just the outline of an image? I have tried to use the Filter > Stylize > Find edges command but sometimes that doesnt work very well at all. Is there some prerequsite that I should do to the image first to help that come out or is there a better technique?
I have a question regauring a photo effect I have seen. The effect is a object with a line around it. The line is off-center from the image. Is there a way to make an object cutout and leave only a outline of the object?
Let's suppose I find a photo or an image (illustration or cartoon or something) that I would like to use in my project. I want to trace it and therefore, have an outline of the image I want.
How do I do this using an action or plugin or something.
I know I can do this manually using the pen tool. But are there other ways?
1. Are there other ways to doing this manually? 2. Are there any actions or plugins to do this?
If I use an action, the outlines might be too detailed for what I need.
3. How do I get a simpler outline? Would it be possible for me to choose that?
I drew an image and now want to edit it in photoshop cs3 or illustrator, I want make what ever line that suppose to be vertical or horizontal straight, and curvy line even. Overall I want to make my image outline straight and even, I drew it freehand so it is hard to make a perfect straight and even line.
How can I make outline of an image? I want an outline of a yin yang symbol and I can't find a way to get an outline of the inside circles also. I have PSE10.
I'm trying to outline an image. In photoshop, I did find edges (save), then opened the image in illustrator and did image trace. I obtained a perfectly outlined image.I can't obtain the same results using illustrator image trace alone.I've adjusted the advance settings a few times to get the same result but with no luck. Threshhold and corner settings are ok, but I'm getting more paths and noise than I want, with the settings at low/1 respectively.I also tried the gray scale setting since the image is mostly gray, expand, etc, but no dice).
i want to create a sticker out of a simple black tribal design and it is an image edited with corel photo paint.but to cut the sticker i need to obtain its outline in corel draw.doing the job with the bezier tool is a tedious job and also i dont have any experience using drawing tools.but i need an outline as if it was drawn using a drawing tool into which i can fill color.
how a png image sometimes has a checkerboard background instead of a dull white square background?Those png's are cool to import into Xara and have a smooth outline.
why is it when i EXPORT a png with the checkerboard background the outline looks like an 8 bit nintendo outline when placed on a website? These type of pngs with the checkerboard background are meant to be viewed as having no background...which actually works for me but the outline looks horrible.
what do i need to do to fix that outline issue? Is there some sort of setting that i have to tweak?
I have a guitar pick jpeg that is a black pen line filled with white I am using for a design. I placed the pick image into Ai and now can't figure out how to change it. I just want to select the image, and transform it into just an outline of the pick, all transparent everywhere except the outline shape of the pick. Almost the same as if I had drawn the pick with the pen tool, but I don't want to have to draw it.
Currently self teaching myself using 3D on a current project I'm working on. A cable stayed bridge having a span of 30 metres supported primarily by a single diagonal parabolic arch. The arch is square in section but rotated so it looks like a diamond along the arch length. To draw the arch I have drawn the arch sections at intervals along the centreline where it changes size in section 1.4, 1.2, 1.1 and 1.0m. I have then used the loft command to draw the arch using the drawn sections as the objects to loft through.
For the GA drawing I have a plan view and elevation. When printing the generated/ lofted lines are are pixelated and not very crisp or clear (not a solid line).
I have tried adjusting the visual style and shade plot, for each of the options and none of them are giving me a solid crisp outline for the generated arch. I have also had a little play using the visual styles manager but nothing seems to work and also tried maximum quality in the print options.
What do I need to do to print a solid crisp outline for the outline of the arch please, are you able to select the edges of the square and convert them to solid 2d/ 3d lines.
Is there a way of scaling the "outline" when scaling the image... automatically? It seem that this has to be checked in the "Outline Pen" dialogue box every time you add an "outline" to an image.......and it starts to become a tedious task if you forget to do that to an entire project.
That just happened to me with 30 different images. I had to go back and "check" the box to every single outline.
I am trying to place my cut outline on my image. I have turned the image from a jpeg to a bitmap but am still having trouble placing the cut line on it.
When you size the outline of an object on your properties bar to say "4.0pt.". And check "size with image" in "Object properties" docker
And when you either expand or contract your image...shouldn't your "Object Properties" docker show the size of the outline relative to the size of the outline when you expand or contract your image.
Example: outline is 4.0pt. on object........when expanded to a size bigger the outline is let's say 8.234pt. In the "object Properties" docker the outline says 4.0pt. Shouldn't it show "8.234pt. as well?
I remember seeing a post about a plugin which allows you to remove the background from an image...
Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the plugin....
Or if you can point me to a Tutorial that deals specifically with removing a background colour from a complicated image i.e. an image with a complicated outline...
I want to place the outline of a grid over a section of the image; something transparent - apart from the lines of the boxes - and scalable, in the manner of a MS Word table or a MS Excel worksheet. I tried a gridmaker plugin, but it insisted on covering the whole work area; which isn't what I want.
i have a text saved in PNG is a text designed with an image.how can i select the outline in illustrator? in photoshop i need 3 click, open it, click rapid selection and click the image = done in illustrator what i have to do? i am capable only of open the file...
when I use the shape tool and text tool I'm getting a red dotted outline instead of the usual black outline. If I draw a rectangle it's empty, instead of shaded in? How do I put things back to normal?
I have a black-and-white outline drawing that I want to color in using the "Bucket Fill" tool. There are two things I'd like to do to make it easier:
1. Is there a way to prevent Bucket Fill from leaking through small gaps in the drawing? Usually what happens is, I fill in one region, and then suddenly a much larger region gets filled in. I then have to examine the borders of the region for a small opening, close the gap with black, and then try again. Is there a feature that lets me say e.g. "Don't fill through gaps less than 4 pixels wide"?
2. Once I'm done coloring, I want to remove the black outline to make a more realistic, less cartoony image. However, it's tedious to go and paint over every segment of the outline with the color of its adjoining regions. What I want to do is essentially: Replace every black pixel in the image with the color of the closest non-black pixel. Is there a feature that does this?
Also, if there are third-party plugins that do these things, that would work just as well.
I have traced this image from a Jpeg into a Vector to colour but how can I change the black out lines into other colours. When I right click the mouse with an outline selected the colour appears around the line but there is still a fine black line in the centre of it. I want to change the actual outline into another colour
I design t-shirts and one of our biggest customers sells signature shirts. Below is an example of the problem I'm having. The second image is the original and the first one is what happens after I convert to a bitmap and outline trace.
There are always at least 2-3 names with missing letters or filled in letters. I've adjusted the detail etc while tracing but doesn't seem to work. I'm on the verge of losing a very important customer. We've also had to redo several orders because the "glitch" wasn't caught before production.
I encountered was after I outlined an image in order to remove the background around it, i could not disconnect from the outline tool (scissors). How do I do the disconnect?
Corel Draw 5 did this very nicely but it's obsolete and I can't load it onto this machine (HP all-in-one Pavilion desktop with Windows 8).
I am working with hand-drawn images but since I need to manipulate the outline/s with a 4 - 12 pixel tool, it would be great to just be editing nodes instead. Creating the image from scratch as a vector graphic would be a horrible large amount of work and is not feasible at this time. Is there any way other than Corel Draw 5 to make the conversion from bitmap-type images to editable vector graphics, ie: editable nodes?
PS - I don't have $700 - $1000 to spend on software at this point but do have Photoshop Elements 11, Premiere 11 and Lightroom, plus GIMP and the usual. Where should I start?