Photoshop :: How To Get Individual Tone Map Directly After Opening Up Channels Palette

Jul 21, 2012

I am learning about using channels as a mean of channel masking in CS5.  The instructor on a dvd starts with a general understanding of channels.  Within the first 2 minutes, I can't seem to replicate his instructions.
Here are steps I take to look at the individual channels Red, Green, Blue.I invoke "Channels" in my layers palette. What appears is the RGB, Red, Green, Blue Channels (with the eyeball showing in each of the individual channels).The instructor says to click on each of the channel and you will see the appropriate a tone map of each individual channels.
When I click on lets say the red channel, nothing happens ... all of the layer eyeballs are still on and I get no individual tone map.  If I deselect all of the eyeballs, then I can get the individual channel tone maps.
I suppose that the instructor is using a shortcut key to invoke each individual channel tone map, but he doesn't explain to get an individual tone map directly after opening up the channels palette, without having to manually remove each eyeball.

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Lightroom :: Tone Curve - How To Adjust Individual RGB Channels

Jun 2, 2012

how to adjust the curve of individual RGB channels.  I am assuming the LR4 Tone Curve works like the PS Curves dialog with the channel dropdown.
To make adjustments to individual points on the tone curve, choose an option from the Point Curve menu, click the Edit Point Curve button , and do any of the following:

Choose an option from the Channel pop-up menu. You can edit all three channels at once, or choose to edit the Red, Green, or Blue channel individually. When I click the little icon in the lower right corner of the Tone Curve panel, the panel shrinks so that I don't see the Regions sliders.  If I click again, they are visible again.  I can't find where to select one of the three indvidual channels.
The Help refers to "the Point Curve menu."  Where is the Point Curve menu?  Is the Point Curve different from the Tone Curve?
If I right-click (Windows) in the curve dialog, the context menu has a Show Info option.  I click it on/off and don't see any change or any info.  Where should I be looking for info?

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Photoshop :: Saving Individual Channels

Aug 12, 2013

I need to know how to save an individual color channel. I am able to split the channels, but they are in gray and not color. How would I save them in color? My PS is CS5.

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Photoshop :: Printing Individual Channels

Sep 26, 2008

I'm working on a RGB file and I accidentally hit 'Ctrl 3' which brought up the blue channel - I really liked the image in that channel and I was wondering if it was possible to print it - as it's black and white it looks quite moody and interesting..

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Photoshop :: Contrast Individual Channels?

May 2, 2009

I've been trying to change the brightness/contrast of a single channel (red channel, etc.), but it always applies to all of them, even if I select only one of them. I havn't been able to find and option which will allow me to work with them individually.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To View Individual Color Channels

Mar 8, 2012

I was wondering if there was an easy way to view individual color channels (Red, Green, Blue) in the viewer, and if so what the shortcuts are. I know you can do this simply in flame but can't seem to find a way to do it in Smoke.

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Photoshop :: Channels Palette

Jan 10, 2005

I am unable to use the Search in Photoshop Help. This has not been a problem in the past. I did however recently load SP2 but really don't remember if this feature worked following that download.

Also, while doing a tutorial one of the steps indicated that the channel visiblity should be turned on and used. When I went to the channels palette this was not available. I have Photoshop 6 and it's quite possible that this feature came later. Is there anyway of changing the visiblity of an individual channel.

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Photoshop Elements :: Find The Channels Palette In 8?

May 1, 2013

I am using Photoshop Editor 8 and attempting to create retro-style/technicolor images using the channels palette and creating greyscale images having gone through red, green and blue filters, and then colorise them (As seen here: [URL]) . How can I find the channels palette?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Not Opening For Few Individual Users

Jan 24, 2013

We're a college and we're having trouble with Photoshop CS6 opening for 4 [at the moment] individual users. The error follows them from mac to mac, but another ue can log on after them and everything works fine, so it must somehow be linked to their profiles, but we've reset/deleted these and it's made no difference. I've attached screenshots of the 4 error messages they get. because at the moment these students cannot do their work properly?

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Lightroom :: Can't Find A Way Of Opening NEF File Directly In CaptureNX

Aug 14, 2012

Is it possible to open a photo with another application, without a pre-conversion to tiff by Lightroom? I love Active D-Lighting, it saves me a lot of shadow/highlight recovery, but Lightroom doesn't support it. I edit most of my photos with Capture NX, but I use Lightroom to catalog them and edit others. I can't find a way of opening a nef file directly in CaptureNX from Lightroom.

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Photoshop :: How To Prevent Timeline Palette From Opening Up In CS6

Dec 17, 2012

I'm upgrading from CS5 and now every time I open a document in Photoshop, the Timeline animation window opens up. I'm on a MacBook Pro 15" and don't need the Timeline. It stills open up even after saving a new workspace with it closed and not even docked.

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Photoshop :: Opening Color Picker Window And Moving Cursor On Palette

Apr 25, 2012

sometimes (there is no rule) when i'm opening a Color Picker window and moving cursor on the palette - my internet browser opens Adobe site.When i try to get back to PS it immediately starts another tab, and another it takes less than 1 second..

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Photoshop :: Channels/Alpha Channels?

Jun 29, 2006

What are they used for? I have been using PS for around 3 years primarly for web design and I have never used channels outside of loading a selection. I searched for more info; I mostly got tutorials that use alpha channels, but no real explanation as to what they primarly do.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create Individual Symbols From Individual Layers?

May 10, 2012

Is there a way to do this? Is there a script out there that can create individual Symbols from individual layers?
EDIT: I pasted this in the wrong forum so i moved it over here.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Adding Properties Palette To Custom Made Palette Set

Feb 2, 2012

Is it possible to add the Properties Palette to a custom made palette set in .NET? And how to do this?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Delete Palette From Tool Palette

Dec 7, 2012

I wan´t to delete a palette from Autocad Tool Palette. How can I do?

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Photoshop :: CS5 - How To Even Out Skin Tone

May 15, 2013

How to even out the skin color, I have a picture of a model, unfortunately due to light and make up and her skin color the color of her face and her hands and body don't match, I think I saw a video on youtube where the skin color was evened out throughout the picture from raw I think this was done on bridge but I am not sure. How to even out the skin color either on PS or bridge?
I currently have CS5 on a win 7 pc.

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Photoshop :: Two Tone Brush?

Jun 17, 2006

if there was a way to create a brush that half was the foreground color and half was the background color...

for example, I have a mountian brush. and the shadow of the mountian is black, as is the outline, but alot on the inside is white. Since its white, when i use the brush, if they overlap, you can see through the mountian... not exactly what i was going for. So, any way to use 2 colors? or make the brush sold without making it all back? I tried a shade of grey, but that just creates an lighter opacity of the forground color, and the FG/BG jitter just chages the color of what was originally black.

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Photoshop :: Two Tone Effect

Aug 26, 2004

How do I create that two-tone effect (on the people)?

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Photoshop :: Fog And Color Tone

Aug 12, 2006

i've been trying to immitate this effect eversince i learned Photoshop but i can't seem to get it right do you guys know how?

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Photoshop :: Orange Tone

Jun 18, 2009

How I can remove orange tone of a photo taken by night? A random example from google images:

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Photoshop :: Two Tone Pictures

Apr 17, 2009

i have an image half the image is much brighter than the other half, i do not mean the sun is shining in one half anf the other is in shade, the image has a fault, a third of it is a diagonal strip like brushing the dodge tool over part of an image, i would like the image to be the same shade an colour and brightness, or near as i can, i have tried using the mask tool and dodge tool but it is quite messy,

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Photoshop :: Channels

May 8, 2006

I am trying to edit this picture, and i find my desired results by manipulating the channels (removing the blue and leaving the green and red so it looks as if the whole thing has been tinted yellow), but when I save it as a JPEG, the yellow is gone, leaving all RGB. How can I keep it with my yellow?

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Photoshop :: Channels

Mar 27, 2003

I guess sometimes teaching newbies like me is annoying. I could take the easy way ripping like most of the people does, but i do really want to learn, and i have a question, so if someone thinks tht spending his time teaching a fool newbie is something worth, thr it goes...

I know when we have an image even it is using "RGB" or "CMYK" collor mode, it is divided in channels, red, green, blue and so... this i can understand quite clear, but wht exactly is an alpha channel??? wht collor it represents??? Wht is it for??? Is there an article tht i could read about it??? I can manage it well, but i'd like to know it's concepts..

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Photoshop :: Channels

Jul 20, 2004

I have been using the Total Training series, and am ALMOST complete (Just gotta go over the Typeface tool area and go over the Bonus disc material)

One area that Deke (the host of the series) didn't get into much was Channels. Hopefully I would like to state how I see them, and if I am incorrect in any way (or if you have useful information about channels), you could pipe in and let me know! Thanks.

Ok, so channels are dependant on the Color Mode you are in, right? If you are in RGB, then you'll have 4 channels. Red, Green, Blue, and the channel which controls them all, called RGB. In CMYK color mode, you'll have 5. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, and the control channel 'CMYK'.

Each channel, aside from the control channels, are a Grayscale mapping of that color's (WHAT?) in an image? It's Lightness? Saturation? I know it couldn't be Hue, because that's determined by the collective color from each channel put together.

Also, what is the point in ADDING channels? I thought that it would be nice if you could add a channel which affected the layer via some kind of adjustment, but that is merely the adjustment layer feature (with mask used in order to define intensity of the effect on that layer) So what is the point in adding channels?

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Photoshop :: Channels?

Apr 29, 2007

I have a question about channels.

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Photoshop :: RGB Channels

Jun 21, 2008

Masking using Channels and tried on one of my images.

When i select "Channels" option, i am getting a image which looks like looking through a RED, BLUE and GREEN filter. It is not showing the images in various greyscale modes as shown in the tutorials. There is a red or blue or green color cast on the image.

Is there any setting i need to select when using these options?

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Photoshop :: Channels

Oct 30, 2004

Many times when I am doing something in Channels the black and white image(s) look better than if I converted the RGB image to grey scale. I have been experimenting with no luck. Is there a way for me to select one of the red, green or blue images and make it a final image that I can alter and save in PS?

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Photoshop :: Matching Tone Or Hue From Two Very Different Photos

Oct 21, 2013

I was asked to take the group photo, cut out the black girl, and insert the young man.  See all images below and my results.  the only thing I'm not happy with is the young man was better lit than the group one.  I was playing around with the controls of the young man to bring his tone more in line with the group (hue; saturation; color levels; etc.) and I just could not figure it out.
what I can do to get the young man to match up tone wise with the group?  Or vice versa, even?

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Saturation Changes After Tone-mapping?

Jul 31, 2012

For quite a while I have been using the Photoshop HDR for initial processing of my HDR shots. My workflow is to "open in HDR Pro in Photoshop" from Lightroom. With LR 3.x and CS5 there was no problem - make the initial tonemapping settings in CS5, hit "OK", and save the resultant TIF back to lightroom for further processing.
With LR 4.1 I do the same thing, the files import into CS6 and the tonemapping window comes up, but after I hit OK in the tonemapping window, the resultant tonemapped TIF file is oversaturated(This still in CS6). It needs about 30 points of saturation reduction in LR to get it back to what it showed in the tonemapping window.
I have colour gamut set for Pro Photo RGB in both LR and PS. I can show some screen captures later.

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Photoshop :: Possible To Do Auto-tone Manually

Nov 4, 2012

While editing two very similar photos and using the CS6 auto-tone command, one of the photos photoshop was able to truly fix up while the other barely changed. Here is the example:
Photo A was very blue and dark; the auto-tone command magically fixed it up to have nice color variation in the rock and made it brighter. Here is the before/after:

On the other hand, photo B didn't work out the same way; the auto-tone command barely did anything, even though I thought both photos looked to have very similar problems (blue, dark, etc).Here are the links to the full original photo A and photo B in case they are useful...
how can I achieve on photo B the same effect that auto-tone did for photo A! Is there any way to find out what adjustments auto-tone made?

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