Photoshop :: How To Un-invert New Vector Masks

Apr 13, 2012

If I select a Path or Work Path from the Paths Panel,then select a Layer from the Layers Panel,then Command-click the Make New Mask button (at the bottom of the Layers Panel),I get a new Vector Mask applied to my Layer....But it's inverted. The shape of the Vector Mask is hiding that portion of the layer. In other words it's like my mask is a cookie cutter and just made a hole in my layer.
How do I create a new Vector Mask and hide everything else on that layer except the area of the mask?

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Photoshop :: Lost The Ability To Invert Vector Mask

Aug 24, 2012

Maybe it's because I have a mind-dulling headache today, but I'm just not seeing the way to either create an inverted vector mask or invert an existing one.
For example, in the following layer stack, I'd like the vector mask on the group to create a transparent hole in the image, rather than make the outer part of the image transparent.  Note that the [Invert] button in the Properties panel is unavailable (grayed-out).
If I could have created the vector mask in the first place using the rectangle tool, but inverted, that would have been okay as well, but somehow the sequence to do that escaped me as well. I know how to do this with a selection, but I'd rather keep it in vector land.

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Photoshop :: Vector Masks..?

Nov 13, 2005

I have PS CS2 and Illustrator CS 2 as well as corel. I am making designs to be cut out with a plotter and such and need to know how to make vectors but, I just havent learned this yet.

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Photoshop :: Vector Gradients In Layer Masks - How

Jan 28, 2013

if it's possible to add a GRADIENT vector mask to a vector shape layer?
I have a logo made up of various vector layers, and I need one of them to fade to transparency. I traditionally use a regular "black-to-transparent" gradient on the mask for this, but it's pixel-based. So my question is, with regards to the black-to-transparent gradient located in the mask of a vector layer... is there any way to make this gradient vector-based instead of pixel-based?
So I can resize the logo at will without affecting the quality of the gradient in the single layer mask.All the vector mask tutorials I found are for shapes (regular and irregular) but don't seem to involve gradient-based transparency <- which is what I need.

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Photoshop :: Color Fill Vector Masks

Feb 6, 2013

I create a fill adjustment layer. I create a vector shape and apply it as a mask.I have the mask selected, now I draw more on that layer and it continues to draw.
What actually happens:
create fill adjustment layer - Hey, starting off strong create a vectore shape and apply it as a mask under Layer>vectore mask>current path - different icon, but it seems correct..I select the path under the Paths tab, since the vector mask doesn't show u next to the layer icon, and attempt to draw more shapes -here's where it goes wrong. Instead of drawing on the path layer I have selected a work path layer is created.
I can't actually figure out how to draw on the existing path. If you select the paths from the work path, you can copy and paste them into the actual color fill shape path layer. That works.Now try the same thing with a different layer. Oh....NOW it works. It actually seems to work with all the other adjustment layers. It just doesn't work with fill.

What I think is happening: Some smarty pants realized that there doesn't really have to be a difference between a shape layer and a fill with a vector mask on it. Yeah, that's true, but you're limiting me to 1 single object on that layer now.

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Photoshop :: Vector Masks :: Cut Out Part Of An Image

Aug 3, 2009

how to cut out part of an image and completely turn it into something else. So far ive been able to figure out how to outline the image with the pen tool and then select "Vector Mask". Then the background of what i didnt select disappears which is what i want. So then i try to use a gradient to fill in behind what i cut out, and instead the gradient fills in what i cut out. How do i make it fill in behind the cut out instead of inside?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Solid Color Layer - Vector Masks

Apr 3, 2013

Based on the wording in this post, is the older mask display style just plain gone (and with it the ability to toggle the mask on/off)? I'd love to return to that display style if I can - is there an option to do so somewhere?

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Photoshop Elements :: Layer Masks - Can't Get White Or Shown Masks To Be Taken Off With Black Brush

Sep 11, 2012

I am having trouble with using my layer masks. I can use the masks that are hidden (shown with black screen) and apply them with the white brush, but I cant get white or shown masks to be taken off with the black brush. Sometimes, not always I have trouble adjusting the opacity of white masks. I was playing around with actions I downloaded and after applying three actions to a photo, elements froze on me. I read about trashing preferences, I dont know what that does or means but I tried to hit cntrol alt shift when photoshop was opening and nothing happened. When it first opens it shows I can install the new inspiration browser ( i dont know what that is either) thinking it was a required update I tried to update and it gave me an error message, something about the installer has been mis-configured.

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Photoshop :: Joint Two Separate Vector Images Into One Vector Image

Jan 14, 2006

I am making myself a logo in photoshop. I have made all the letters that will be used, but they are all seperate entities as most of you who have used vectors know. I would like to interconnect the letters, as well as an angel I have made to go above the letters. My question is, how can I join two seperate vector images into one vector image. For example, joining a letter E with a letter D. I wonder if theres a way to do this without having to delete part of each image and then re-draw, which is a pain. Sorry if this isn't really clear, but its hard to explain.

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Photoshop :: Convert Selection Or Vector Path To Vector Shape?

Jul 27, 2007

Is this possible? I'm in Windows, Photoshop 7.0. I also have a pretty early version of Illustrator, not sure which one.

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Photoshop :: Vector Smart Object Does Not STAY Vector

Sep 10, 2008

When I save my photoshop file as an .eps, I can have all the text from the Photoshop file remain vector, but a Vector Smart Object does not remain vector. Is there a way to have it remain vector?

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Photoshop :: The Command (Invert) Is Not Currently Available

Jul 20, 2013

Although a long time PS veteran, (currently CS5), for some reason I just never really got into the actions. Well a few days ago I learned a technique for making pencil drawings from photos and I surprised that I actually liked the results. Since a client wanted me to do this to many images, I thought it would be foolish not to create an action for it so I did so but every time I try to run the action, about half way through, I get the following message.....The command "Invert" is not currently available.
1. Check color mode of image

2. Make sure "add mask by default is checked in the adjustment layers settings

3. Make sure "add default masks on fill layer is checked in the layers panel options

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Photoshop :: Invert Layer?

Feb 22, 2009

Photo of boat in ocean. I want JUST the ocean as a layer-in the layers palette I would see the original image with a 'hole' in it-the boat would be missing. But when I use a lasso tool and copy to a new layer,

I a get new layer with the exact opposite- the original image with just the boat-the ocean is missing. Is there a simple way to invert this so I get the ocean as a layer? If not, how is the lasso tool used to get the background and not the subject of the photo?

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Photoshop :: Invert Colors With PS?

Jul 14, 2004

if there are more such features as invert colors? Because i want to change the color of a little piece of the picture.

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Photoshop :: Keep Luminosity With Invert!

Nov 16, 2002

We all know the invert function of Photoshop, easy and nice (well nor always but will fix this) to invert all colors.... The downside is than this trick will also invert luminosity... Light area become dark and dark area become light, this can ruin an image!

If you wish to invert an image and keep lighting intact the trick is really simple!

1) Open an image to be inverted
2) Duplicate you background layer (or the image layer), this layer will be used as a luminosity mask.
3) Select your original layer
4) Invert you original layer
5 (Optional) Link and Merge these layers


Trick : If you invert the luminosity(the copy of the original) rather the than original layer, you will inver the lighting of the image... Its also pretty cool!

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Photoshop :: Invert Curves

Jun 5, 2009

Is there a way to invert photoshop curves? Like making the opposite curve to neutralize an existing curve that I have.Actually it's simply switching all the input and output values,

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Photoshop :: De-Thickening Text On Invert B&W?

Jan 16, 2013

I am using Master Suite cs5. I have an image that was like 90% black and 95%white. I need to reverse the color which invert can do but there are adjustments to be made before invert.
I am able to invert the colors after a contrast adjustment. ( i also tried posterize in 2 steps. However, when i do invert the letters get fatter and starts looking like it was written with a sharpie.
I know that there are pixels at the point where B&W meet and that the adjustment i am making spread them like a gradient over 3-5 pixels.
So, I was wondering what there a way to either de-thicken the text after invert?  OR Is there away to make pre-invert adjustments so that it does not happen?
The invert on this image is purposely not pure B&W. Pure B&W is worse.

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Photoshop :: Layers Invert Selection?

May 21, 2013

With Auto-Select checked, and I drag and select all - PS selects all the layers on the canvas - very good so far... Now what these layers selected - how do I INVERT the SELECTION so that I can deleate everythign that is not needed anymore?

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Photoshop :: How To Invert (inverse) A Selection

Nov 17, 2013

How to invert (inverse) a selection. Here is what I did:

*Selection made via a channel
*With the selection still visible, I created a hue/saturation adjustment layer. This then only changed only the the image area that was selected, as was expected.
*I next chose the "inverse" command under "select"

I went back to the hue/saturation adjustment but the same part of the image as before was effected, same as prior to my "inverse" command. I DID observe that the selection had changed when I chose "inverse," but the adjustment did not effect the new "inverse" part of the image.

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Photoshop :: Invert Command Won't Work?

Apr 13, 2013

I am having a difficult time. My invert won't work, not even when I run actions.

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Photoshop :: Draw The Circle - Invert

Apr 7, 2009

draw the circle - invert, and I just keep getting errors. Only thing I can cut is a rectangle - in my world we call that cropping.

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Photoshop :: Select / Invert Suddenly Not Working In CS5

Jan 29, 2013

I used the invert function last week and now today, it is suddenly not working. I have deleted preferences URL....

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Photoshop :: Invert A Layer Mask? Can't Ctrl + I

Jul 28, 2008

I'm doing some photo editing of a HDR combined photoshop file. I have a layer mask of my buildings. I copied the layer, now i'd like to invert the mask so that I can immediately start fiddling with the sky.

How do I invert the layer mask? I'm in 32-bit mode right now. CS3

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Photoshop :: Invert Area Enclosed By A Path

Feb 21, 2008

When creating a new path in the paths palette, the thumbnail indicates with white, the area enclosed, and with grey, the area excluded. When I create new paths, it keeps indicating 'outside' the path as the area 'enclosed'. I then have to go through a painful process of converting path to selection, selecting inverse, converting selection to path and adjusting the new path to how I want it again.

How do I directly invert the (positive) area selected by the path?

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Photoshop :: Flatten Image And Invert Its Color

Oct 3, 2008

how can i flatten this image and invert its color?

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Photoshop :: Remove White+invert And Emboss

Jun 8, 2006

i am using photoshop 7 + cannot figure out how to do something. i have a scan of a line drawing in black ink on white paper. first thing i want to figure out is how to make the white disappear so that i can select the drawing itself without the white box around it.

second thing: how do make the line drawing change color? i would like to make it white so that i can place it on a colored background + have it appear to be in relief?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Wrapping Image / Vector Or Vector Group Around Cylinder?

Jul 29, 2012

I am having trouble doing this in my current software, Serif Drawplus, PSE, Photoplus, (I have Gimp but haven't used it ever yet).  And I am considering buying X6 for use in other projects.  So, can x6 do this in either Photo Paint with a bitmap, or in X6 with a group of Vectors?

I want to wrap a bottle with a logo.  The mesh warps aren't working for me in the above applications, and envelope warping will not work either.  Transform-Warp is not present in PSE.  I mention that because I see a tutorial for PS using that.  How would Corel X6 Suite do this?  I am considering buying the software once some questions I have about it are cleared up.  I wish Corel would make the manual and tutorial videos public.  I'd rather download the trial for actually using it rather than trying to see if some feature is present, or a workaround for a feature a competitor has.

I am also hoping to make in this project, some 10-20 different bottles with the logo on, of different sized bottles and different rotations of the bottles.  Plan D is acquainting myself with Blender, but lets hope I don't have to go that far!

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Photoshop Elements :: Invert Image That Was Copied Back To Front?

Aug 1, 2013

Can I invert an image that was copied back to front?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Joining Vector Nodes In Vector Layer?

Dec 24, 2011

I am "vector tracing" a logo in PSP, and exporting it to Motionstudio 3D for an explosion effect. I am currently able to do this with no issue, but the explosion effect (specifically the size and shape of the particles) is based on connecting the nodes in a vector object. For example, if I have a capital L made up of 10 nodes, the subsequent explosion effect with separate the L into particles based on the 10 nodes. What I want to do is have the various nodes that comprise the traced letter connect with constituent nodes in the center/surface-area of the letter to form a "grid" (in PSP) so that the subsequent explosion (after export to Motionstudio) is comprised of more/smaller particles. Is there a way of not only having a vector object with "fill", but also having that "fill" made up of other vector data?

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Photoshop :: Vector SmartObjects: Using As Vector...

Sep 25, 2008

I have pasted a vector graphic from AI CS3 to PSP CS3 as SmartObject. Is it possible to use this vector graphic (without rasterizing) as the vector layer mask? If so, how to do this?

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Illustrator :: Layered Vector AI File With Raster (Photoshop) Layers Included As Vector Layers?

Apr 20, 2013

I've been using Illustrator since the late 80's but this request just now came up for the first time, twice in one day: the clients each want me to send them layered files (OK-no problem) wherein all the layers, even the raster layers, register as vector layers. Or at least all the layers, regardless of file-type (vector or raster) are contained within an unflattened Illustrator file. One of the clients specifically asked that the Type layer (No problem-all the type is on one layer) be  "vector mapped", whatever that means, while all the other layers can be Photoshop layers, if necessary.  So how do I hand them an open, unflattened Illustrator file containing both vector art and raster art? Can it be done in Acrobat, as a PDF? I'm working in AI and PS CS5, but I can and will upgrade if I have to.

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