Photoshop :: Graphic Hardware Not Working With CS6 / CC?
Sep 24, 2013
I tried to open and use Photoshop CS6 and CC today. I got this warning I have been able to use the 3D functions with CS5. Do I have to go buy a new graphics card for my iMAC? I am using a well equipped MAC and running a really good graphics card. This is the first time I have had any errors from any of my CS software.
I am using Photoshop cs4 When I work in Flash I can import a image or graphic to the library or directly onto the stage......Can I do this in photoshop?
I am using Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2 and I'm experiencing an issue with the crop tool. Whenever I use the crop tool, move the frame around and then zoom in on the image, the image becomes noisy, pixelated or has other 'graphic glitches'. I changed the PS preferences to not use the GPU and then rebooted the computer. Still the same issue without the GPU. Â Running on Mac OS 10.8.3, iMac 2011 with AMD Radeon HD 6970M.
Temp. Drive Full, File Copy Error?I got this error in CDR XIII. I have checked my Temp Drive Folder in C: I have sufficient space in hard drive but this error occuring again & again & I could not save my hard working graphic files.
ive got a red sock and a white sock, and i want to place the colors black red yellow onto the red sock, so that it looks as realistic as poissible. problem is that i cant get the structure of the sock onto the new colors (i tried diffrent blending modes, displace).
Is there a way to insert a Ai graphic into msWord and the graphic text still be searchable in msWord? I would like the text in my Ai graphic to be searchable once the graphic is inserted in msWord. I have tried different Ai exports, but all come into msWord as pictures. Is there a way to keep the Text Layer in my Ai file searchable in msWord.
How do I paste a graphic over an existing graphic on a header? and how do I determine the amount of pixels to be covered and the amount of pixels in the graphic I am wanting to use?
I create a graphic in Corel Draw X4 and export it as a .png file. It is a button with rounded corners. It will be going on a black background when put into an iphone app. So as to not have the little white corners show up from the rectangular export window, I made the button on top of a black rectangle, slightly larger than the button. I then selected the black to be transparant during the dialogs of exporting to png. When viewed in an image viewer the black is indeed transparent and does not show up. All looks fine.Â
To test what it will look like when put on top of a black background, I also make a black square and export it as a .png. I then open the black background in Corel Photopaint and then import the graphic into the background image. A siloutte of it shows up with the marque borders but the graphic itself (the colors and contents of the graphic don't). When combined with the black background it just disappears. Why doesn't it just lay on top of the other graphic?
I had a picture of a person. The picture taken in a low light place so the picture was very dark. I wanted to make the picture brighter so that the person in the picture can been see clearly. How to brighten it?
I was just wondering, is wacom a good tablet for the price? I know nothing about graphic tablets and I am not by any means an artist, but is it a good tablet to start out on? I know it has 512 levels of pressure ( I hope I said that right) and 3048 LPI of resolution and that's about it.
I basically want to know if the graphic grid system can be used to create design for web pages. Ive found a good book on amazon-
Grid Systems in Graphic Design by Josef Muller-Brockmann , Josef Muller-
Ive been designing websites for a while now, Mainly using html and css for layout. Ive just got in to flash and now find it quite hard to lay my pages out so they look clean and professional-
I'm trying to set the pen i'm using to work with pressure. The brush strokes should become darker as i press harder. I've set the 'shape dynamics' and 'other dynamics' to pen pressure but it still doesn't work.
i'm looking for a preloader graphic, hopefully animated that looks similar to the type of preloader image they use for the main movies on .
I did a business card layout using photoshop. I was able to view it from my computer expect when I tried to e-mail it to the printer or upload it online, i can't view it. i
t's 300 dpi cymk. not sure if that makes a difference.
Anyway I opened and saved it under ulead photo impace and was able to view it. When i send it to someone via msn messegenger they were able to open and view it but when they e-mail it back to me i couldn't view it.
XP32 SP3 4GB Ram (3.25 are used by XP) Nvidia 8800 GTS, all up to date drivers Quad Core Q6850 (3ghz)
And I experience very unpleasant lag in CS4. It feels very sluggish. And I disabled all advanced options in OpenGL. That helped a bit, but it is still laggy. For instance, moving a windowed image has a delay of 1 second before it actually starts moving. Type tool feels sluggish too.
would upgrading the video card to something else get rid of lag?
Photoshop doesnt seem to be able to distinguish between pressures. if i want to draw a simple black line, the first time i draw, it'll come out light grey, no matter how hard i press the "pen" on the tablet. it will only become black after i've redrawn over the
first shape over and over again about 5-6 times, which isnt very normal.
i was wondering if anyone could tell me :
1) where to find all the options related to the tablet in photoshop CS
2) worst case scenario, a complete options-reset, which i was told is reached when pressing "alt, ctrl" and something else, but cant remember.
I usually do mock in FrontPage as I can do it quicky and easily. I know you guys are yelling loud, why not in PS.. I am in the process of learning and once I have he mastery I promise PS will be my primary tool for even typing a document
I have attached an image, primarily with transparent layers and gradient. Please give me a step my step of how to achieve the same effects.
I am wanting to create a 400x600 graphic to be embedded into an email to be sent to several people. The graphic will contain links to our website. Is this possible using any of the programs in the Creative Suite? I've tried creating in Photoshop, adding slices, etc., but I'm having trouble figuring out how it shows up in the email. The email client in our company is Outlook 2003.
After weeks of searching for how I want my site to look I finally hit the jackpot and found a visual. This is exactly what was in my head before I even found the graphic. I want to remake this graphic without using the exact image curves but I want the colors. Can anyone show me how to do this. It looks pretty simple, I just havent used photoshop much lately (mostly Illustrator for me but I will work forever if thats what it take to do this).
I want to design an image with the word ‘Sport’ in it and have sports equipment spell out the word sport i.e. a distorted cricket bat for S, a football for O, etc…. How would I go about that!?
I downloaded some graphic fonts for use with Photoshop CS4 and one of them, Frames 'n Riboons worked once and now automatically defaults to Myriad Pro when I try to use it. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing but it makes no difference.
I have a graphic which I need to distort to follow the shape of a pen. I have tried wrapping it but it begins to mess with the flow of the type. I have CS6 Extended and am trying to come up with a solution that works. I need the graphic itself shaped and on its own layer, not applied to a created cylinder. Attached is a simple example of what I am trying to do. I am very knowledgeable in Photoshop but Extended is new to me.