Photoshop :: Error: Could Not Edit Original Smart...
Apr 6, 2009
I'm getting the following error when double clicking on a Smart Object in Photoshop (CS4) "Could not edit original smart object because the application which created the smart obejct could not be launched." Notes1. The SO was pasted into the psd file moments before from Illustrator.2. Both applications are open3. Both files sit on the same disk.4. XP Pro. Does anyone have an idea how to get PS to launch its sister program?
I'm running Photoshop CS6 (13.0.1) 64bit on a MacBook Pro running OS X Lion. About 60% of the time when I try to double click a vector smart object instead of opening it up in Illustrator I get an error that says, "Could not edit original smart object because of program error." This most recent time it was a smart object from vector data I copied and pasted from Illustrator into Photoshop.
I am trying to access the edit original (edit with) option to edit a photo that has not been edited yet. I right click and go through the edit menu and does not appear or is not available? Would I have to reopen it manual in photoshop or is there a way around this to access that setting? it sometimes does not appear on my already edited photos.
I would prefer not to open each photo again, as some files i do not have and were imported into the document with another computer.
I'm running on LR 5.3, but this problem persisted in LR 5.2. Working in PS CS6 and Camera Raw 8.3. RAWs are NEFs from a Nikon D600.  I can't figure out what happened but suddenly I am not getting prompts when moving from LR to PS to "Edit Original" or "Edit a Copy".  I reset all dialog warnings and nothing. The prompt will appear for TIFFs but not for NEFs.  It's kind of pointless to not be able to choose to edit an original or copy with LR adjustments for a RAW when they are the file types that retain my RAW editing information.  Plus, when I do click on a NEF and choose to edit in PS without the prompt (it will appear with lightroom adjustments, not as original), it will open a second icon for photoshop on my dock, and prompt me to continue trial? I have a version of PS installed with the serial plugged in, and in LR "edit in PS" for a TIFF will open this primary version.
For a poster design I have a smart object that has been warped and transformed in delightful ways so it looks like it's on the cover of an old warped book. I had to change the smart object to siut my "client" (I'm doing it as a favour) and now it doesn't look right.
QUESION: how do I return this transformed and warped smart object back to its original pixels, so that it looks just like it does when I edit the smart object separately.
I am having trouble with my PScs6 wherein the layered doc I am working on looses it's link to the source file within the smart object "container" layers refering to it. I opened up a saved version from timemachine and the same thing happened. At the same time ALL the masks all went nuts and presented with lined artifacts instead of white (in the case of adjustment clipped layers to the smart object. The original file was not moved to a new location or deleted. I closed PS6 and reopened to find the problem did not go away. It started when I used the rotate tool to do some fine work on the smart object's mask with brush and wand. I was using the fill command to fill the wanded areas in the mask. I believe it was a problem with the rotate tool because it became more and more jerky and resizing over 100% caused the image within the smart object to dissappear on all layers using that source image in the doc. PS6 has been buggy and crashing more frequently recently in general, especially after using plugins that have worked flawlessly for years. I run a macbook pro with snow leopard. 10.6.8  this one show the smart object now emptied of it's source image after using the rotate (R) tool for a while and zooming in over 100%..this one shows the mask artifacts (on the topmost "wash" layer mask) that also developed after using the rotate (R) tool for a while and zooming in over 100%.
I was told to double click the layers window and a new editable window would pop up...but only the FX window pops up. I've also tried the "edit Content" choice but that erases the smart object..
When I try to edit smart objects via right-click>>edit contents (or double-click on the smart oject layer icon for that matter) this happens:
A.) if I disable [preferences>>file handling>>prefer ACR for JPEG files], PS calculates some seconds with intense HDD activity and then nothing happens visually, no window opens-up for editing, but the history log has the usual new entry "edit contents". Repeated tries result in repeated "edit contents" logs, but no visual changes. [[In one instance the raster grahpic encapsulated into the smart object got enlarged by 200%-300%. But again, no window opened up for editing. I hit "edit contents" 3-4 times and I could always reproduce this. But ever since that day, it never happened to me again).
B.) if I enable [preferences>>file handling>>prefer ACR for JPEG files], ACR launches and displays the raster graphic the smart object is based on. Upon closing ACR, no window opens-up for editing the smart object.
I have been working with smart objects for some months now and everything worked fine. This bug started occurring some 3 weeks ago, but as I said, sometimes it works, sometimes not. I cannot find any regularities as to what could lead to this malfunctioning. The only regularity I found so far (but could be a coincidence) is that the smart objects affected by the bug were always (at least I don't remember any other case) .jpeg files that I opened in Photoshop(CS3) with abovementioned preference set so that ACR launches upon opening a .jpeg file. In ACR I alt-clicked the open button so that it says "open objects". So the smart objects were always based on a single layer .jpeg raster graphic opened in ACR.
My best bet would be that there is something that ACR writes into the smart object that isn't 100% identical to the way Photoshop would write smart object if I:
1) open the .jpeg file in ACR
2) click open/open copy (not open object)
3) convert the raster graphic to a smart object inside Photoshop itself.
But that's only a guess. I have quite a lot of work to do currently, but I hope to be able to provide additional information quickly enough if need be.
I want to edit a smart object but without opening it in a blank file. so I can see what I am doing in relative to all the other objects in the file something like "edit in place".
I have an image I copied straight out of a Powerpoint and into a new CS5.5 file. I select the white background and try to delete it, though I am told that I cant because the Smart Object is not directly editable. How do I set this file up so I can edit and delete the background?
Photoshop cc is crashing when i try to edit original photo from illustrator cc or cs6. and when i try to open photo from Photoshop it crashes again. Â Â then i try to set my default program for all my jpegs to Photoshop cs6 and it doesn't let me do that.
I wanted everyone to find it. In the older Windows programs, you can choose which program opens in editing, but in Windows 7 that feature is disabled. If you download the following program, click File Type Settings > Context Menu > then, for example "PNG" extension-- you can choose which program OPENS a PNG, which program EDITS a PNG, etc. That way you can view a photo in Windows Photo Viewer, but edit in Photoshop. [URL]
I want to use the "edit original" function inside illustrator, so my picture will open in photoshop, and the changes I make there will be saved in Illustrator. But when I choose edit original it opens paint - how do I change this? And yes I have checked the link-box when selecting the image. I have windows 7 if it matters.
When I take say a TIFF file that has been imported into Lightroom and edit in PS by choosing "Edit Original" and than save the edit in PS, when I get back to Lightroom the image has a metadata error icon on it. When I click on the icon it asks if it should apply the disk or Lightroom metadata. I click on disk and all seems well. But why is it doing this and is there a way to get it not to do so? Is it correct to use the disk metadata?
And it is totally random. I use a differnt library for every shoot I do (weddings mainly) and sometimes when I edit the image in PS, it comes back fine. But the other times right to the top of the stack in front of the first picture of the day, miles away from the orginal! No ryme or reason. And yes in preferences in external editing I have clicked 'stack with orginal'. this is sucking up alot of my time haiving to reorganizing every picture I take into PS from LR.
I’m trying to get my mind around exactly what Smart Previews can be used for. I’m wondering if I can edit them on another computer with a different Lightroom 5 installation. In the past, I’d export a Catalog from my Master machine, edit that with another installation of Lightroom on another computer and then reimport it to my Master macine. So, what I’m wondering is if it is possible to use Smart Previews in this workflow.
I have an action which applies Levels and Curves to my black and white TIFFs. At the end it "saves as" a JPEG. Originally it saved them at quality level 10 but I re-recorded the action to set the quality at 12. However, since this change the action keeps saving as into the folder where the image I used for the re-recording was located.
Is there a way to bring up the original dialogue box to edit an existing table? (TABLE brings the "Insert Table" dialogue box that lets you set number of rows and columns, it's this menu that I would like to bring up to revise existing table settings).
It seems hard to edit a table once it exists.
The reason I'm looking to do this is because I have an excel table linked (which I scaled to be larger) but every time I update the table to include new information it brings the new text in at the original text size (very small). I figure I could solve this by going back to the original table settings and setting an area on the sheet to update rather than selecting "Entire sheet"...
I just noticed that some of my photos are missing from the library in lightroom, specifically the original versions of photos that have virtual copies edited in photoshop in folders that have since been synchronized. Weird, and very anoying. The files are still there (in wondows explorer) but when I try to re-import them lightroom doesn't see them, only the PS edited copies (.tif files). I told lightroom to allow duplicates and it sees all the photos in the folder except those missing ones. This does not happen to my PS edited virtual copies in folders that have not been synchronized. It is not a matter of stacking, or at least Lightroom does not think the PS copies are stacked at all so I can't unstack them. How to get them back into lightroom (preferably with the accompanying development settings) and also how to avoid this problem in the future.Â
PS: I import files from my camcorder using a different program because lightroom does not acknowledge that particular video file format. That's why I have to synchronize some folders and not others.
When I click "Edit Original" with a jpeg selected in the links panel it opens Microsoft Paint! In Windows (7) the file association is Windows Picture Viewer (NOT Paint!) and in Bridge it is associated with Photoshop CC. In InDesign we have the option of choosing which program to edit linked files with. In Illustrator we are stuck with the astounding Paint! Why?? 17 versions and this still bugs me!
When I edit a photo in Photoshop from Lightroom 4 and save it back to Lightroom, the photo ends up somewhere else in the folder than it's original location. This is a hassle as my folders can have hundreds of photos. Is there a setting that will place the file back to where it came from?
Whenever I tell LR to edit a photo in PS (CS6), I get back a TIFF file that is 10X larger than the orginal RAW file, and I ultimetly delete it to save space (after first converting it to a jpeg). Why doesn't PS do LR style non-destructrive editing, i.e., why not simply return a record of the edits made in a format compatible with LR?Â
I use AutoCAD for mac 2013. I'm a interior design student and I have a question regarding editing 3D Blocks which can be downloaded from the web.
If I download a 'free' 3D Block, is it possible to edit the block in a way which removes the 'original origin' of that block?? I have tried exploding the block and redefining it in a wblock file and changing the layer. But I'm not sure if this process has removed the original information which it came from...
If there is a way to remove the origin (that is came from the web).
1. Is there a way for masking each smart filter separately on a single smart object other than nesting one smart object into the another? 2. Is there a way for removing the previously created smart object?
I mean ... let's say I have a smart object containing four layers. Can I remove smart object from these layers?
When you select the option to apply any changes & overwrite your original photo does the program attempt to try to a default setting to keep the picture approximately the same size as it was before? (assuming that you haven't cropped it) If it doesn't default to a size automatically can is there an option to do so?
i have just treid the trial version of photo 11 when i decided to unistall the trail version my old version 8 will not let me edit any photos with the error code 150:30
We're running X4 and are getting a RunTime Error every time we seem to edit a text box and hit the space bar. We just installed SP2 and that's when we began noticing this glitch.  Seems to be specific when we add a 'space'. We've done full UNINSTALL and REINSTALL but it seems to happen every time.