My Epson Stylus Pro 9600 has a problem with CS3 printing. When printing large images (i.e. 36x60) a portion of the image would be missing at the bottom (blank) The 10.01 update addressed this issue but it seems not completely. The problem was attributed to using a "Custom" print resolution however I still have this problem and after much testing I have narrowed it down to the "Finest Detail" check box under the custom, advanced tab. Checking this "Finest Detail" check box reproduces the problem.
I am having problems printing from Photoshop CS6 to an Epson Pro 3880 in paper sizes 13x19 and 17x22. I have not had this problem several weeks ago, but it has shown up in the past week.
I worked with Epson Tech support and we were able to determine that the problem was with Photoshop which took several days working with tech support. We downloaded new drivers several times and reset the printer to factory settings. Then we tried printing and still had the same problems a small print in the lower left hand corner of these larger papers. The printer prints fine on 8.5x11 paper. We then tried printing from Lightroom 4 and it did fine. So next we uninstalled Photoshop CS6 and reinstalled and still found the exact same problem.
I have recently upgraded my Mac Pro 3.1 to Mountain Lion (10.8.3). I have Adobe CS4 Design Standard and I used to print to my Epson SP9900 (using IP connection) from Photoshop CS4 without any problems using native Epson drivers. I downloaded the most recent drivers from Epson for SP 9900 on Mac OSX 10.8 but now prints come out as shattered, garbled or offset multiple times. Only from Photoshop, as Illustrator CS4 prints fine. As are other applications, including browsers and Microsoft Office.
I removed all the drivers and printer queues, reinstalled Design Standard CS4 and newly downloaded drivers from Epson and the first print came our OK. Then the second printed the same as before - garbled and offset.Should I try CS5 (I have the installer disc and license), or would I have the same problem? Am I facing the prospect of going back to Snow Leopard (if that is possible without completely reformatting my drive), or are there configuration options not apparent during standard installation?
I cannot print landscape mode images to my Epson from Photoshop 5.5. None of these combinations work: Choose Landscape in both PS and Epson dialogue: results in a portrait format cropped image. Choose Landscape in either one of the two dialogues: same thing happens. Print from Lightroom to Epson: results in correct landscape format print but there is no method of printing actual size. As I print DVD covers it is essential that the printer prints actual size! I used to be able to print correctly to my KM laser printer, but they have not bothered to upgrade their drivers to Win 7, so that makes the printer worthless. I have already talked to Epson at length. They insist the fault is with CS5.5 and not with their drivers. (I have the latest Epson drivers installed.)
I am having a very difficult time getting color matched prints with CS4 and my R2880 Epson printer. I had no issues with CS3. I have tried every combination available to me and I get very drab almost browinsh prints. I have the latest drivers and also have upgraded to Vista, no change there at all. I am using the proper ICC profiles as well.
I cannot print photogrpaic images with my desktop MAC (OS X10.8.4) from Photoshop Elements 9.0 to my new Epson XP-800 printer. Printing is not a problem with Word text or images from iPhoto- it is only with PSE that there is a problem. The problem persists even if I try using a cabled connection rather than WiFi. I have ensured latest software from Epson has been downloaded. This problem did not occur when using the same system with the previous printer (Epson Photo Stylus 1290).
Any workaround of moving the edited PSE image back to iPhoto & printing from there (which admittedly does work but shouldn't be necessary).
I am using Photoshop CS4 and trying to print using my Epson PX710W with my New MacBook Pro (OS X 10.8.2 - Mountain Lion) but every time I send a photograph to print it comes out blank?
I am trying to print on to Epson Premium Glossy (4x6) Paper and I have tried other types of paper and sizes but every time it is blank. I always select the correct Paper Profile in the Print Menu depending upon the paper I am using and I select the correct size and paper tray. The print will print from Photoshop if I dont select an Epson paper profile but whenever I use the Epson Profiles it wont work. I even tried reinstalling the paper profiles but nothing happened, and the print remained Blank!
The Printer works with all paper through any other programme just not Photoshop CS4!
I just bought a new 4000 printer and the prints come out a little darker and with a little more magenta than what appears on my monitor.
The monitor has been calibrated using the spider software several times and each time it comes out the the same and I think that part of the process is good.
I have set my color workspace in Photoshop to US press defelts (Adobe 1998) and all seems well there.
The images have been scanned to 8000dpi using a High quality scanner from an outside source.
I open the image and convert to working space RGB, and do my correction to the image which includes more color saturation.
I go to print the image using Adobe1998 as source and the printer paper ICC as the output. I go to advanced options and make sure color correction are turned OFF and print. The images on my printer always come out darker and with more magenta that what I see on the screen no matter what Icc profile I use for every kind of paper.
The softproof does not look that way.
When I print using same as source as the output with color correction sliders set to 0 the print will be much closer but still not quite like whats on the screen.
When I do it the correct way(the first way I discribed) why is my print comming out too dark and too much magenta?
System: Vista x64Monitor calibration: Eye One Display and basICColor Display software - profiled to basICColor's PrePress setting. Luminance is 130.Paper: Hahnemuhle 'Photo Rag Pearl' (with Hahnemuhle's profile) and Permajet 'Oyster' (with Permajet Profile)Settings in Print Dialog are: Photoshop Manages Colours, Paper profile selected, Perceptual Rendering Intent, Best Photo, ICM, Colour Management OFF (no colour management), Paper Type selected.Image is perfect in Photoshop window and perfect in Print Preview, but prints about a stop under and with a cast.What can I do to get prints that come close to what I'm seeing?Right now I can only get them if I brighten them such that, in ACR, the file would be way overexposed.This is very odd. CS3 was much better.Any ideas?Can I create a profile for my CS4/Vista x64/R2400/Paper Choice combination that will get me what I'm seeing on the screen?
I have asked Epson and gotten no response so I though I would try somewhere else. I have an Epson RX595 printer that can print to DVD's and CD's my question is ...
Is there a way to print a DVD/CD directly from Adobe Photoshop.? Is there a template that I can download and open in photoshop and it will be configures properly to print to this printer?
Custom profiles created for printing to the Epson 3800's ABW (Advanced B&W) mode do not appear in the print dialog target dropdown. I'm forced to print out of PS 12 to use this feature.
If I select "Black" instead of ABW in the print driver dialog, I get my selection of ABW profiles in the dropdown, but I need this to work with the ABW setting.
I am trying to print from Photoshop CS6 to an Epson PictureMate color printer and an Epson PictureMate 225 printer. In both cases I want to let Photoshop manage color. I am finding no color profile for Epson in the list of profiles provided by Photoshop. The best I can do is choose “display” as my profile. Still my color prints do not match what I see on my screen in Photoshop. They are flat and washed out. How can I obtain print profiles for my Epson Printers to be used with Photoshop 6?
I am not able to print images in Photoshop cs6 accurately using my Epson r1900 printer. This seems to have become an issue only since installing cs6. The images look dark and murky. I am using osx 10.7
I have an Imac with Mountain Lion, CS5 and have just replaced my Epson R2400 with an R3000. Now the white background round the image is covered in small cyan and light grey dots. If the image fills the paper, then the margin is affected. But when trying to proof colours I am going through loads of paper as I cannot now print a smaller image on a larger piece of paper, then re-feed the same sheet through with another small image as the paper is now pale blue.
The R2400 was fine for proofing, as the image alone would print and then the printer fed through the remainder of the sheet without printing, leaving the rest of the paper white. I understood from that , that it was most likely a Photoshop issue and some sort of conflict with the Paper profiles. But, I have checked the profiles on my Mac and they are all version 2 profiles. I note that the few profiles that do work without the blue colour do have 'bkpt' in their profiling and that the ones for the paper I actually do use and in fact the majority of the profiles, do not contain 'bkpt'.
I recently upgraded to CorelDRAW X5 from X4. I'm having problems printing a landscape page to an Epson Stylus Pro 7880. This is a paper roll feeder. No matter what combination of settings I try it will only print portrait orientation. I had zero problems with X4. I have read as many of the previous forum posts I could find on this issue, so I'll add - I don't have a PPD file and the manufacturer does not either.
I am a Pro Photographer, and have been printing via Photoshop for years, and am trying to print to my Epson 9900 through LR3.
Workflow is simple, Nikon .nef (Raw) files are imported into LR3 - all monitors are calibrated w/ pro-grade color management colorimeters/software ....
Everything looks great on screen, and the TIF files exported and picked up in Photoshop and then printed, look great.
However, my files printed directly from LR look horrible - as if color profiles are being applied twice somewhere, but I can't figure out where.
Images are shot in AdobeRGB color space.
Color management in the Epson 9900 print driver is turned OFF. (same as every other program I print from)
Just got an epson 3880 printer. Printing on epson paper is fine. But printing on Ilford or Moab or other papers from lightroom and photoshop have a terrible magenta color cast. WHen I print the same image from Preview, with the same print driver settings, it looks fine. So somehow the adobe apps (or my settings) are messing up the color sync. I used to have an espon 2400 which worked just fine.
I have Mac OSX-10.9.1. Monitor is calibrated. (Prints to epson paper with their profiles look's just other profiles that are really bad).
I am trying to print film for screen printing using an epson 1100 workforce. I am not able to select the 'advance setting' box under the separations tab when I try to print separations. I am trying to be able to choose the dot
When I print 11 x 17 paper on Epson R2880 in LR the image begins printing before the leading edge of the paper reaches the printerhead (not prininting borderless.) Only happens in LR and not PS. I am using the LR paper standards for borders.
I am trying to use Epson perfection 4180, which I used for CS2, The download of the TWAIN plugin from the Adobe website, which is promised to make this function, does not work.
I bought an Epson R280 printer that can print directly on the DVD. But when I try to print from Photoshop, it always comes out off centre.
I tried to print using the software that came with the printer which worked perfectly. But I prefer to use Adobe (photoshop,encore, etc.). Has anyone else had similar problems or know of solutions?
i have an image that is 28' wide by 60' high. i have to tile print it, but i have to print it out on film (see thru acetate). it has to be able to print at 1400 dpi. i know how to print at 1400 dpi on adobe photoshop, but i dont know how to tile print on that program. i have the image now in illusrtator, because it lets me tile, but i cant get it to print out for film (1400 dpi). im using a epson 1280 printer.
i really need to be able to tile print this in high resolution on film. anyone know what i can do??
I am unable to print from Photoshop CS6 to two different Epson printers - an Epson 9800 and an Epson 7880. I have tried to print from three different computers (OS 10.6 and OS 10.8) and have also tried three different USB cables. Each time I get the same results - the computer acts like it sends the data to the printer, but the printer never prints anything. I am not getting any error messages. I am attepting to print a 3960x2160, 720 DPI RGB TIF image. I tried printing from Preview as a test but that didn't work either.
I have tried reinstalling drivers, turning the computer and printers on and off, cleared my caches and repaired permissions, but so far no luck.However there is ONE situation in which I am able to print - if I save the image as PDF and print it from from Acrobat, specifically with "Acrobat Color Management" selected, it WILL print. If I try to print from Acrobat with "Printer Manages Colors" selected, it will not print.
My new MacBookPro using Photoshop CS4 prints just fine to my Epson 2400 and 1900 however when using my new 4900 I click "print" and the printer icon bounces once in the dock and then disappears. The printer then gyrates and makes noise but puts out no image.
I can print documents and images from Preview and Pages and the web on the 4900 so I know the printer can print. I have reloaded CS4 several times from my disc and the Epson driver several times to no avail.
The Epson tech guy says what appears obvious, that the printer is working fine but that PS cannot communicate with the 4900.