Photoshop Elements :: Load / Use Custom Patterns On PSE11?
Jun 18, 2013
I have beent trying to follow the instructions found at the URL below (second half of the video) in order to load custom patterns onto Elements 11. The video says I need to go to C:/ drive, then Users, then my folder, then AppData, then Adobe, then Photoshop Elements, Roaming, and Preset(s). However, the only program folder in the Adobe folder is for FlashPlayer. I have searched the entire computer, and while I can find the Photoshop Elements folder, it does not contain Roaming and/or Presets folders.
I am unsuccessful with clicking and draging .PAT files from my presets folder in Windows Explorer into and/or around the Preset Manager window in CS5. When I click and drag, my cursor symbol makes it look like it will work but nothing happens- no .pat files are loaded in.
So, far all I can do is load one pattern at a time.
Is it possible to move/load multiple .pat files at one time?
I am trying to load patterns, and when I click on Load Patterns..., none of my .pat files are showing. I only have one showing right now, and that is only because i did the following: I clicked the "Reset to Default" button, which brought up the default patterns. Once that was loaded,
I reset that as the default and now that is the only .pat file that shows. If I go to the preset folder in CS5, I can see the list of .pat files, yet they won't show up when I try to load a new pattern folder.
I am trying to send a client a photoshop CS6 file whom is using CS5. He can open the file but the custom patterns are not converting even after installing the patterns.
If i have an image that i have used custom patterns on and i want to give out the PSD file for people to use and change things and resave do i need to give out the custom patterns? for instance i made a custom line pattern, will that not appear if i dont hand it out too? and what filename should i give it if so?
I have two, seemingly identical, installations of AutoCAD LT 2012 on two machines in our office. Both machines have the MEASUREMENT variable set to 1.
The acadltiso.pat file of both machines has been customized with the addition of two hatch patterns and both of these work just fine.
In addition, the support folders of both installation also have identical sets of custom hatch patterns. On one of these machines thumbnails for these are visible and all works entirely as expected. However, on the other machine, none of these custom hatch patterns appear at all. In fact I cannot even see the custom hatch pattern tab!
I cannot delete anything out of PSE11 on my MAC. I get "error deleting media". I tried re-installing PSE. The re-install doesn't ask what you want to do with the current contents like the earlier versions did so I virtually just got a copy of what I already had and still can't delete. My question: How can I wipe PSE off of my computer and reinstall it from scratch? I have backed up everything to external HD?
Since I upgraded to PSE11, I am unable to scan from my HP Laserjet 1312. I am running Windows Vista 32bit. Before now I have used the Twain interface.If I push the "scan" button on the printer, it says "waiting for PC".If I use the WIA import option, PSE asks which pictures I want to COPY.I copied the Import Export directory from Optional Plugins to Plugins, and selected it in PSE preferences, but the option for Twain does not come up when I select Import.
I am trying to load hatch files from StoneCAD. In the past I have been able to take hatch patterns from various sources and locate them in a file within AutoCAD LT, then use them without issue.
I have never touched a .pat file or written anything in notepad or word, just simply copied the .dxf files to a file on my computer and was able to use them through AutoCAD LT 2009. Recently I had to reload the software and I can't figure out where I would go to put these hatch files.
I purchased PSE 11 and do not have the plug-in Camera Raw. I have tried the solutions suggested in the main Adobe support page without success. A friend bought a copy at the same time and she has the plug-in. I have even followed to upgrade to 7.3 but it has still not appeared in my Help>Plug-ins dropdown, nor is it in the Open As file type dropdown?
I have a photograph with a person on it and would like to remove the background so I can cut the person out and place on a white background. I have tried the erasrue tool but when I get too close to the edge it is not differentiating between the person and the background - the colours are not hugely different. I have tried different ways of doing it with discontinuous option. on demos, it points to the sampling option but that doesn't seem to be available as an option. I have also tried using the selection tool but it is difficult/impossible for me to accurately capture the body of the person only as it traces elements of the door behind the person.
I can only view photo when 4 or less thumbnails are displayed at a time. When zoomed out to more than 4, photos disappear and hourglass symbol appears.
I had Elements 11 since it came out and it is only now that I decided to use it cause I was using Paint Shop Pro X5 Ultimate (which I am use to). Anyway, my question is where do i download frames to use for my graphics and also what directory/folder do i put it? Also can i use frames from PSP X5?
I installed Elements 11 on a Windows 7 system. When I go to FILE and select OPEN and then go to the folder where pictures are stored and then click on the folder nothing appears except the message "No items match your search". I have been using Elements 5 on an XP system and have no trouble selecting the folder, opening it, select the pictures I want to edit and edit them. What am I doing wrong in Elements 11?
How do I associate *.psd files with PSE11? I've tried associating them with:
C:Program Files (x86)AdobeElements 11 OrganizerPhotoshop Elements 11.0.exe
But everytime I click a .psd file, it tries to import the file into the Organizer (even if it has already been imported). I would rather start the editor, or the welcome screen.
I have added my custom hatch patterns to the .pat file and they aren't showing up. Is there a certain step I am missing in order for this to work? Is there an easier way to load my custom hatches in CAD 2010 that I am not aware of?
recently installed Acad R2010 and I need to install new custom hatches but don't know how.... I got working with Autocad since 1990; probably it was R2.0. This is the first time that I try to do it, so I don´t want to mess the whole thing misplacing my .pat files.
I found a thread where it says it's not possible to open multiple images in PSE-11's Camera Raw. But I would like to transfer the adjustments I make for one image in camera raw to another image. Is that possible?