Photoshop Elements :: Generate XMP And XML Files?
Jan 16, 2013Why do I generate xmp and xml files
View 4 RepliesWhy do I generate xmp and xml files
View 4 RepliesI swear I remember being able to limit the number of files that came up on startup to speed up E-9, but can't find it anywhere!
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis was a handy feature in previous versions, but I cannot find it in the '12' version.Is there an alternative way to generate a tag from a folder name?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWe are using iPart - iAssembly workflow with Inv-2013 and Vault Basic 2013
My question is related to released state of iparts. Currently we are generating/ releasing
all the iparts when new member is added in order to manintain the parent child version relationship
Example : say i have a ipart 41020.ipt and i have members 41020- 001 ~ 008 . I check out the parent
from Vault and add 009 member to it.
Question :
Do I have to generate all and check those in to maintain the version relationship between the child and parent inside
Vault 2013 ?
Only generating 009 will maintain version relationship inside Vault 2013
Config :: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30 GHz, 16.0 GB, 64bit win7
Inventor 2013 and Vault Basic 2013
VIDEO STUDIO PRO ULTIMATE....A real head-scratcher... Cannot create discs, files, or instant projects. When attempting any kind of "sharing", the program closes and sends me to the desktop....very perplexing as this occurs on my XP Pro PC, but so far is running ok on a W7 laptop.
View 14 Replies View RelatedIt's routine generate hatch files. (pat extension). You can use them in Autocad or import in Revit.
Two commands:
DHA - tile paterns.
DHL - construction paterns.
I Hope it's work.
I have an assembly with around 120 variants in it. I am getting a little annoyed having to click the OK button when asked:
"Do you want to save changes to 122.iam" and its dependents"
is there any way to set the default to OK?
(other than setting an electric motor and a poking device up)
I know that Lightroom is unable to generate previews for PSD files if they haven't been saved with the Maximize Compatibility option. But, it seems that once you begin a preview for a folder Lightroom gets stuck in that mode even if you then go ahead and resave the file with the Maximize Compatibility option set to Always.
In a test just now I opened one of the problem files in Photoshop CS6 and saved it. Then I went back to Lightroom and tried to reimport the file but it still said Preview Unavailable. I tried toggling on/off a couple of layers and resaving but it. So, next I actually tried making a change to the file and resaving. That still didn't work. I've tried exiting from the Import dialog in LR and restarting the import and even restarting Lightroom but nothing makes a difference.
If I save a new copy of the file in Photoshop (without changing any settings in my Photoshop preferences) Lightroom i
I just today discovered how to generate proxy files from already existing clips that were loaded into my timeline.When VideoStudio ProX5 was done rendering all these timeline clips to the 'file manager' list as proxies, I closed the program and re-opened it.Everything was still in there but I did not notice any difference in resolution(it was still hi res) and the playback of the preview window was still very 'laggy'. Any way to allocate these newly created proxy files into my timeline as the workaround for smooth editing where I can later finalize/render the project down to hi res using the original source files?The project is very clip intensive with lots of overlays and effects.
As a note, I've made these proxy clips at a very low resolution so I would notice a big difference if they were being used instead of the current clips >all sliced (already in my timeline.)
I have created master assembly that has rules to 'save as' the assembly and parts to different locations and with different names. This master assy has links to excel file to get different names
In the same way I am looking the drawings (for both assy and parts) needs to be created and 'save as' to different locations. These newly generated drawings should have links to newly created parts/assembly.
I am able to 'save as' the master drawings to different locations but these newly created drawings still has links to master assembly/parts.
I have generated around 1200 iParts from my drawing and I would like to generate every ipart in an individual ipt. file.
This is easily done by right-clicking the iPart and clicking on Generating Files. But I can't manage to generate all the ipt files in one go. I noticed that I can hold Ctrl and selecting all the iPart, but I would prefer not spending a couple of hours selecting 1200 iPart.
Is possible to generate with Inventor 2011 (or 2012) PST files (after-process file) for use in a cutting machine? or other similar files?
The same as (for example) generated by software "MASTERCAM"..In my case is for use with ONA machine, that allows to cut real material with wire EDM technology
I don't need the capability to print directly to a plotter, but I need to set up a dummy plotter to generate plt files that will be changed to tif files with our Kip. Any plotter driver that works for this situation? Every one I have tried has generated a plt file, but the Kip would not convert it or open it.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am looking to generate ipart members for each ipart as I activate it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor my 3D scene, I have to use a texture file on the floor. If I use the only file, than it looks really boring and below par. What I want is, I want to generate some (around 6-8) texture files within the original texture file - so the colors of all the texture files remain same but only the texture varies.Likewise there are more than 500 texture files and I just can't do them manually. Is there any way out to do this in Photoshop?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using Photoshop Elements 10 Version 10 (20110831.m.17215) and everytime I plug in a memory card to upload images it wants to upload every image on the card, even though it has previously uploaded images from that card, even though I have the "Copy New Files Only (Ignore Already Imported Files)" box ticked in the preferences Camera or Card Reader section. This gets very frustrating and time consuming when I have to go through the images every single time to uncheck the images that have already been uploaded.
View 3 Replies View RelatedPSE 12 has a new feature under Preferences/Camera or Card Reader called "Alutomatically Stack RAW and JPEG." Checking this will stack a RAW & JPEG file combination, i.e., when shooting with the camera's RAW + JPEG setting checked. In my case PSE 12 appears to stack my Panasonic RAW files and each JPEG thumbnail shows the right facing arrow to expand the stack. When I click the arrow the arrow disappears but the stack does not expand to reveal the RAW file. The RAW file still exists on the hard drive, but I can't find any way to reveal it in PSE (I've not tried to re-import the RAW files because there are a lot of files in a lot of folders.) This is rather critical and needs to be fixed.
View 11 Replies View Relatedthe problem that i have is that all my RAW file thunbnails only show the elements 12 logo can i get the pictures back
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using ReFlow CC and PS CC. But not visible Generate. [URL]...
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere is the Edge Reflow generate option or even generate web assets in PS CC. It doesn't seem to be on the File menu as shown at Adobe Max
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have installed the new Reflow generate plugin and it is in the plugin folder, but i can´t find generate in the file menu.
View 23 Replies View RelatedHow to generate fade effect using Photoshop CS5 As an example : see image attachment .
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to replicate the attached effect and am wondering the best way to go about doing so. I need to make mocks of a Facebook game for this company so it should be a close as possible. Particularly, I need to generate the blurry circles and grainy-ish effect that is primarily seen on the orange background where the nav bars lies. I could, of course go circle by circle, but I feel like I've seen a filter to create these circles before.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI believe it was in CS4 that Adobe expanded the use of automatic layer masks ... perhaps it was with adjustment layers (I'm not quite sure)
I don't know about others, but it would save me considerable time in the long run if every new layer, (whether it is generated as a copy, from a plug-in, as a cut, or as a new blank layer) recevied an automatic layer mask. It takes no file space, but more often than not I find myself needing one. It sure would be nice to jump right into masking rather than having to first create the layer mask. Why did they stop at adjustment layers?
Am I alone in this?
Don't see GENERATE label on the FILE menu in PhotoShop CC
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible with Photoshop CS6 to generate a black and white from a model (not a preset)
I work up a photo color that I am satisfied with the result, I would like to apply the curve of gray image (which is not a simple conversion tool with nb) or histogram to another image or a series images.
Can "Save for Web" generate a thumbnail instead of an icon? Or can the icon be replaced by a thumbnail?
View 2 Replies View Relatedthere is no "Generate" link in my "file" menu
View 1 Replies View RelatedI still don't have this option from the generate drop down menu Where is it, thought it was included in this update
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am creating an image of a fantasy town as viewed from above (gods eye view) and would like to have rain drops falling upon the settlement from this angle and height. I'm just wondering what techniques and methods you would use to generate the effect of these raindrops. This is the only example of the kind of thing i'm talking about that I could find.
I do not find the option "File > Generate > Edge Reflow Project" on my Photoshop CC. Why is that?
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