Photoshop Elements :: Correct Green Hue On Black And White Image?
Jul 24, 2013
I have Photoshop Elements 10, and am trying to print a black and white drawing that was scanned, then sent to me via email. When I print out this image, it has an overall green hue and I cant figure out why. I have the black/grayscale box checked in the advanced print settings, but that has still not fixed my problem.
I scanned a black and white print in color and am trying to replace all the black with dark green. Been trying for hours in elements 9. This is all so hard. Just to ask this question I have typed it into 3 different screens, set screenname, many other hurdles.
I'm experiencing a strange problem in Elements 10:
When I'm in a new file, if I go file-place and select an image it automatically tints the image into black and white. I recently used this option in the program and it almost seems like the function is stuck!?
following image shows up fine on WIndows machines, but on Macs it shows up as balck instead of navy, why? I have tried svaing in PDF, JPG, PNG, and PDF nwith Mac color profiles... what is going on? PS, the navy is #0d1125
I'm using PSE8. I was using Filter>Render>Clouds and it was working for me. I must have done something because the clouds that are rendered are black & white not Blue and white. My photo is of course a color image. How I can correct this or what I need to do to get back to the default setting that will render blue & white instead of black and white?
Today I downloaded a trial version of PSE. This means of course that I'm new to the game. I can follow a step-by-step guide though. Here's what I'd like to do: I've taken a dozen photos of an actor with a green screen as a background. Is there a way that I can chroma-key out the green and put in another color, like gray or perhaps a textured off-white?
I'm trying to edit an image to make a white railway carriage green. I've managed to change the existing colours to make it flat, and I worked out how to make highlighting by painting which saved a lot of heartbreak, but now the overlay comes through as a really garish colour or obliterates all detail.
What is the best setting to colour something like this?
I have a scanned image that was drawn in black, i cut it all out and pasted on a transparent background, but now I would like to make the lines of the drawin themselves, white. I thought it was flip to negative or something but im not sure and I couldnt evebn find that option.
When I place an image it seams to always place it in black and whit. I have uninstalled and it is still doing the same. When I open the same image in a new doc its fine.
I have an image that is black and white, and I want to color parts of it with a brush. However, when I try to change the color, it won't change -- it just changes to a different shade of grey! What can I do?
I wonder to know if there are new complex techniques to convert an image in black and white . would you like to share some experiences and knowledge about it. i don't mean the beginning like start with a gradient or a channel mixer but steps after.
I have created a solid white image on a "transparent background." The problem is it comes with a small black border around the image. How can I remove it? I'm hoping to put it on a t-shirt - almost like it's screened. I've attached a copy of the gif.
on a picture. i can turn a blue object into yellow, green or any other color. and vice versa.
To do that i know 5 different ways, or combination of those methods.
1- Hue/Saturation
2- Color Balance
3- Selective Color
4- Replece Color (Similar to Hue/Saturation)
5- select the area, create a new layer, paint the selected area on new layer, blend the new layer with "linear burn".
but when it comes to black, i can't change the black to another color with any of the ways above. So i was wondering if it is possible to turn a black object into white without killing the texture. Or cleaning the object from colors, making it colorless.
best way i know so far is playing with "exposure" settings. but this time the objcet on the image is becoming blure and loosing its texture.
Here is the object i m trying to make white (or colorless). Do you know any way to do it?
i need to make that shoe as white/colorless as this one below.
I am wanting to know what is the term used when you have a mainly black and white photo and wanting to add a bit of colour to a particular thing ie flower, hat etc whilst the rest of the photo remains in black and white. Finally how is this achieved using Photo Elements II.
Why does pse 10 use black background with white text. Its harder to read and customers have complained, why use it when everyone knows black text on white background is easier to read. For example this discussion board is after all black on white!
I am using the trail version of pse 10 and its great but I don't think I will purchase because of the hard to read text.
I want to convert a black and white tif image to colour. I opened it in Photoshop, changed the mode to RGB colour/8, saved it as psd, but when I use the Replace Colour dialogue box, I just get my colour showing as grey-scale. What’s the correct way to proceed?