Photoshop Elements :: Sky Too Dark On Right Side - How To Even Out Blue
May 27, 2013
I was using a wide angle lens and my image came out with the sky too dark on the right side. Is there a correction which can be applied only to the sky to even out the blues?
for years I used Epson r1800 on printer management it usually matches the monitor image quite well I had not had any success using adobe color mgmt in the past
the images I am printing are sRGB and now they don't match at all they are too dark and cool (bluish) If I change the monitor to the match the printer then all of my files will look bad on screen changing the printer setting did not seem to change the actual prints
I began tweaking things up with proof setup, and when the "preserve RGB numbers" box is unchecked, the bluish tint is gone, but still the canvas was different from the original image because it appears to be slightly desaturated compared to the original image. The original image appears normally everywhere else, and that includes the photo viewer, the browser, the library, and such.
It even appears normally in smaller previews on the menu by the side and in the Adjustments>Variations box. The only difference is the canvas, and when I looked up the problem, it either had no response, or it mentioned monitor calibrating, and I've already tried that so I already know the monitor is not the issue! I even tried deleting the preferences file and relaunching Photoshop. The problem still persists. I have looked everywhere online, and I cannot afford clinking more urls.
The text was only enlarged for those who have a hard time reading small text, or those who do not even pay much attention, for that matter. [[ and reverted by an admin who actually wanted to try and read what you wrote ]]
The original image.The photoshop window with troll canvas in the middle.The Adjustments>Variations window. Notice everything still is fine over here.Another proof setup option. Again, the canvas's trolling persists. Every setup option was either this or that dark blue tint.
I am trying to get the light blue bow to look as the other bows (dark blue) When I use the color replacement tool and sample the color from the dark blue bow and try to paint the light blue bow it just wont color it with light gray instead of dark blue that I sampled.
I need to put two pictures side by side to merge one person into a group shot. I had it once, but, the image of the one person was too big, and I could not figure out how to put that picture back and get another one to try.
I have two picture files and I just want to create one file, displaying both pictures side by side. I have been reveiwing all of the functions in my Adobe Photoshop Elements Version 11 and I can't figure out how to do it.
I just upgraded form PSE 9 to PSE 12 and cannot find where I can view photos side by side. Thsi is something I use all the time and would love to know if it is till there somewhere.
i always use corel for designing an advertorial matter, but there's always something that bothering me when i get the print results.. why does the colors especially blue and green always looks so dark, infact, they became brown and purple..
I'm using PSE 11 on a MacBook Pro. My Blue Skies have too much green in them for my preference. I'm sure there is a way to change this, but how? Also, can I change the default 'blue skies' to something more to my liking for a long-lasting remedy?
Using PSE 10 for Mac, I wish to combine 2 photos, side by side, to make a single photo - for example, one photo showing the 'before' and the other at it's side, showing the 'after'.
My friend has taken some engagement photographs and unfortunately the couple have dark hair and the background is also dark - I think you can see her problem with the photos. Somehow the background needs to be lightened and neither of us know how (we both have Photoshop 7)
My photos are printing out much darker than what is on the monitor display. I have calibrated the monitor and changed the color profile, color management & color space numerous times and they I cannot see any difference in the prints. I've changed the printer settings, still too dark. I have edited the photos and brightened them, still much darker than on the display. I'm using Photoshop Elements 10 with a new monitor and computer. My old computer and Adobe Photoshop CS2 program did not have this problem.
In Photoshop CS6, a very important button is missing from the toolbar — the one to show two images side-by-side or above-and-below, and multiple images in other arrangements. I need this button — it’s an important part of my. (BTW, the button is still in Illustrator CS6.)
Im having a problem editing a photo 'face' one side 'left' side is lighter than the right side because of lighting. I was wondering If I could get both sides even prefably the lighter side like the normal side.
Is this possible? Because everytime I try edit the lighter side it still remains lighter.
I finish editing my pictures, save as PSD and a 2nd as jpeg. i view the picture in windows live gallery (windows 7 64bit) and it has changed to a dark deep contrast.
I open the jpeg or the PSD file and they both appear as i originally saved them until I select/ click on it. and i get the darker deep contrasted image.
I have tried to have Photoshop elements 9, in preferences set to windows color and I tried it at Adobe no difference.
Jpegs are saved as sRGB but it is affecting all images, fine while editing but when saved and reviewed it changes and when opened i get to different contrasting views of the same image when selected. This is really anoying me as you think your done and it looks completely different when you review it.
i have 1000 eps files to work with and i dont have the time to go to each one and change the color from blue to black! all are different shapes so i need a batch command that will keep the white, white and change any other color to black!
how to put two pictures side by side without loosing the size? I did create a new canvas and double the size but my pictures are smaller in the new canvas!! my pictures are High13.6 and wide 20.533 with a resolution 240 im working on photoshop cs3 or cs6
I was wondering if there was any quick way to save each animation frame right next to each other in one large png in Photoshop CS6? For example, lets say I have an animation which has 10 frames, each frame being 100px x 100px, I want to be able to save the first frame in the first 100 x 100 enclosure of my canvas, the next frame in the next 100px, and so on and so on for the rest of the frames, resulting in a png which is 100px x 1000px at finish, having the first frame at the very left, and the final frame at the very right.At the moment I'm moving each frame individually to the right by 100,200,300px however I need to do this for over 400 animations with varying dimensions, so it's a bit time consuming and I feel that I might lose track and enter a value wrong at some point. Any other program that might achieve this in which I'm able to import Photoshop animations that can also work.
How do I make the text go side by side when I type? Mine just pile up. I'm using the alt key and the arrows to make it go side by side right now but there has to be a easier way.
I use both CS5 & LR3 (and sometimes Canon's DPP as an image browser). I want to stop using LR and just have one app (CS5) to manage
I do not need the database & image management features of LR. However, I do make a lot of use of virtual images and side-by-side views (candidate selection & before/after views of virtual images with the original).
How do I efficiently do the same thing with Bridge/ACR/Photoshop?