I saved all my images to a cd and to my organizer in JPeg format. Unfortunately, the cd showed blank a few days later and I'm unable to view the images in my organizer. They appear as a blank box with a question mark in it. Am I supposed to change the format to view them?
For no apparent reason my PSE 11 application seems to have developed an annoying glitch whereby part way through an editing process it stops doing as requested in the "Save" options, by not saving edited files as version sets of the original file in the Organiser. The files are saved OK to My Pictures and I then get advised that a file is available to import and I have to import each one, stack it with the original, and put the edited file on top. This is driving me nuts as I have about 1000 photos to edit. My only thoughts are that I have c.30000 picture files in the Organiser (but this hasn't caused any problems in adding new files) and that the problem seems to have arisen since I started editing files directly from within an Album.
just downloaded trial version on mac, running mountain lion, when I select an image in organiser and click open in editor the editor opens but doesnt load an image.
I have been using many versions of photoshop elements and edited many of my files. So, now I have very many duplicates, near duplicates, and versions of the same photo. I think I have over 20,000 photos and they are taking up too much space. I tried using a duplicate file remover and it removed several thousand, but I still see many duplicates when I run photoshop elements 11. I am tempted to not use the organizer any more and just rely on a folder browser.
I changed Adobe Elements version (from 10 to 11) and Brand New all-in-one Dell XPS computer that comes with Windows 8 as OS (From XP SP3) ... Now my import in Adobe Organzer gets stuck. Adobe Elements sees the camera, and compares the files on my camera to the photos in Organizer and knows how may are duplicates. I then select all the photos it finds as Non-Duplicates and tell it what directory to import into and select (Finish/Import) and it just sits there. I can change anything on that screen for options, but it really is locked up. I have to use Task Manager to end the task so that I can get back into Adobe Organizer.
Trying to scan images from a scanner into the organizer, but the scanner's automatic naming system resets after every session, so the next time I try to import images I get a "filename already exists" error and the scanned images are lost.
I have been using Elements 9 for more than a year. Today it started doing something crazy. When I edit a photo (did this using "guided edit"), instead of saving the edited version (in a version set), all I get is a grey screen with an hour glass. When I go to my hard drive, I find both the original and the edited version saved, but it no longer shows up in Organizer.
I seem to have made the mistake of moving several images around outside of Organizer and now they are lost - or disconnected. I've tried the Reconnect feature and after running for nearly an hour not a single image has been reconnected (I need to reconnect over 500!). I've tried to manually browse but where to look for them. I am a Mac user, and I do have these images backed up on an external drive.
I've set up iphoto to open photos directly into elements 11 editor. After making changes, how can I save the images (orginal and modified) back into iphoto?
How do I transfer the entire organizer of Elements 9 to the empty organizer in Elements 12? By the way, Elements 9 is so defective, it will not even let me back up my organizer in 9. The 9 organizer would let me select a photo, bring it into the editor, print it and then it would crash... then I had to start all over again... the darn thing crashes as it was prone to problems that adobe ignored. Is it better to just re-load all the photos from a fresh folder that is on my desktop? There are 5,000 !
I'm using PE9. Every time I go to the Organizer (even after switching to another program briefly) the Update box appears, searching Watched Folders for new pics. It always finds them, frequently the same, imports them and then tells me they're already in the Organizer. During this process, which may last 5-15 minutes, I can't use the program.
I have started editing photos using the Photo Fix Options in Instant Fix. I have then switched to Photo Editor to fine tune my edited picture. When I use save or save as, to save the edited picture both the edited and original appear in the files. If I start in in Photo Editor and save there is an option to uncheck that reads "Save in version set with Original" However I am more comfortable with beginning in Instant Fix and then switching to photo editor. For some reason when I go to save after switching from Instant fix to Photo editor the uncheck feature is no longer available. step by step instructions to save revised photo afterusing Instant Fix first then Photo Editor.
On the Manage page. Either in Thumbnail mode or Preview Mode I get no images.In Organiser at the bottom all I get is a row of light grey boxes with a X in it and the filename beneath but no picture.
I have associated all file types with PSP although that should not be necessary to get a thumbnail image as I tried the trial version before buying version X4 and it worked as expected.
I just purchased the Photoshop Elements 12 two days ago. It kept crashing. It finally installed....but I can't use it. When I go to Elements organizer, a little box comes up saying "restoring people recognition data". It shows that it has run to 22% but then stops and I have to close out the photoshop program because I can't do anything else with it.This is a brand new, expensive, program. I've had Adobe Photoshop 8 since it first came out and had no problem. I see by the chat line that the Organizer (Adobe 12) has had problems since 2009....
I am trying to round the corners of some jpg images by using a mask in Ps CS3. When i do so and "save for web" there is a super-thin, but super noticeable white line (almost a glow) that appears when I view it in my web page. I have tried saving it in jpg, gif and png formats and they all have it....
I'm having trouble saving a .psd file cut into slices for the web. From Photoshop, I go to the save for web box, and I don't want it to lose any quality at all, so I select "original" in the 2-up tab for the optimized image and save .html and images. The problem is, when I input it into GoLive and put a CSS background behind it, it has a white "crust" around the part of the logo that is transparent. How can I get it to be smooth like in the original Photoshop file?
I can't seem to be able to save an image as a generic jpg. file, or any other kind for that matter. The file might say jpg. but it still has to open on Photoshop.
working on a jpg image, I click 'save' and instead of a 'save' window popping up, a 'save as' window pops up with a 'psd' option as the starting point. I don't want to 'save as' (I want to 'save') and because I am working on a jpeg document I also don't want to see 'save as a psd document'. No matter how I try to get a simple 'save' window, I keep getting a 'save as a psd' document window. (Its VERY frustrating. I feel like photoshop is trying to shove the psd option on me.) I am working with jpg because I am trying to e-mail the image. Can anyone tell me why, when I click 'save' a 'save as' window pops up? (The only solution I have been able to come up with is to replace the image I am in fact trying to simply save.)
Trying to import Nikon NEF-files into Organizer is not possible. I get an error message "Not a valid filename" or "xxx.NEF wil not be imported as it is not a valid file format". I did update Organizer, but that did not solve the problem.
I have installed PSE 11 and PRE 11 on my PC, running windows 8 64 bit. The programs were already running fine for several days but suddenly the organizer wont work. As soon as i start the program it starts up and disappears some seconds later. I only can see it in task manager as a process running in the background! When I start the editor first and afterwards the organizer (out from the editor) then the organizer stays and I'm able to work with. De- and Re-installation already done, several times.
I have a 29 minute slideshow (photos, music and transitions) made using PSE 11 Organizer on a Win 7 platform. I can play the slideshow on my computer, The program stops when trying to output to a CD.