Photoshop Elements :: Organizer Crashes During Minimization?
Nov 30, 2012
Photoshop Elements 9 - 11: I thought that, maybe, with the new version out that Adobe would have fixed the organizer 'disappearing act', but I guess not. Finally, when you start Photoshop Elements 11 the organizer actually appears without you having to shut the program down and start it two times. Now, with Photoshop Elements 11, try to minimize the organizer and you can't get the screen to restore either by clicking on the icon on the start bar or by right clicking the icon and then selecting restore. You, AGAIN, have to shut the program down and start it back up again.
Windows 8.0, 16gb RAM, 4GB Video RAM, plenty of HDD storage on solid state HDD, plenty of processing power.
I am using Photoshop Elements 12 on a new Mac using OS X 10.9.2 Mavericks. The Organizer crashes frequently while I am browsing single images and using the direction arrows to look at the next image. It will also crash when I browse the thumbnails and enlarge a single image in the organizer. There are about 26k images in my library. Some are on an auxiliary drive. I have stacked the images into about 450 stacks to try and cut down on system workload. This problem can occur with only a few hundred images in the organizer from a new download. My system has 8 GB Ram and 1 Terabyte drive which is a combination hard and Fusion drive. The crashes do not occur on every image which is enlarged, just enough to make this process very frustrating. The system restarts quickly, but I have to find the image again and it usually crashes a few more times on the same image. Last week, it took two hours to select three images for a competition and the system crashed at least a dozen times.
I have not lost any data. I have been sending the reports to Adobe. So far I have sent more than 60 reports with no automated suggestions. I am finding this product unstable and unsatisfactory.
Photoshop Elements 8 crashes when trying to start Organizer. Funny, that starting the Photoshop Editor is not a problem and works fine.I reinstalled the software and then installed it again, but had no effect.
PSE 8 will not print. Two printers are installed by windows 7, B/W and Colour. Read support from Adobe about PSE 8 Organizer a to get a print job done but no PRINT box to select. By Right clicking on photo print shows but crashes Organizer. Have sent a description back. PSE 8 was reinstalled after HD changed to SSD. Was reactivated after install.
EVERY time I try to load Photoshop Elements 10 Organiser it crashes "Elements 10 Organizer has stopped working". It is unusable. Is there a patch or something I can load? I will contact Adobe but I'm out of hours at the moment. In the meantime hunting on forums and internet has revealed to me others who have had this problem but no solution. I am using Windows 8 with 8GB RAM on an Intel i7 processor.
I have Photoshop 11, running it on Windows 7. It has worked for about 18 months, but now system crashes on the welcome screen every time I click on the Organizer button
I select the photo, click next and program instantly crashes.
Further email attachments does not work. Brings up an email window which i've not seen before and says no email account assigned. Yahoo is my default client.
I have thousands of carefully organized images in my organizer. I moved the files (no I didn't do this with the software as I didn't know that was an option . . i've moved files countless times in the past with no issue). With this move, my catalog is frozen. I can reconnect many of the files. But on random files, the catalog freezes and will not reconnect. I have to restart and try again (which generally does not work). I tried moving the photos back and starting over, but that has not solved the problem. The catalog and software is now largely useless
I cannot start printing through neither CTRL+P, nor the context menu nor the menu. Organizer always crashes. This was not the case with PSE 10 and using the same printer.
I'm running Elements 12 on a Macbook Pro with 16GB RAM and Mavericks OS. I find that Organizer stalls and/or crashes when I browse photos. I'm shooting mostly in RAW. Is Elements and/or my Mac not robust enough to handle the file sizes involved?
Every time I open Photoshop Elements Organizer it either crashes before opening or very soon after. I am able to use the editor, but not the organizer. I ahve removed all older versions, disabled my anti-virus software, and have uninstalled and reinstalled the program several times with no luck. I have a Dell Laptop with windows 7 - 64 bit operating system and dual quad processor. I have used several versions of Elements and have never had this problem before. The last version that I had installed and worked was version 8.
When I import my collection of images and videos using "Import / From file and folders...", Photoshop Elements 12 Organizer crashes when importing one of my .m2ts files. When I debug it I get:
Unhandled exception at 0x1543025B ( in PhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe: 0xC0000094: Integer division by zero.
Is there a way for me to import m2ts files successfully? If not, then is there a way to skip importing these files.
How do I transfer the entire organizer of Elements 9 to the empty organizer in Elements 12? By the way, Elements 9 is so defective, it will not even let me back up my organizer in 9. The 9 organizer would let me select a photo, bring it into the editor, print it and then it would crash... then I had to start all over again... the darn thing crashes as it was prone to problems that adobe ignored. Is it better to just re-load all the photos from a fresh folder that is on my desktop? There are 5,000 !
I'm using PE9. Every time I go to the Organizer (even after switching to another program briefly) the Update box appears, searching Watched Folders for new pics. It always finds them, frequently the same, imports them and then tells me they're already in the Organizer. During this process, which may last 5-15 minutes, I can't use the program.
I just purchased the Photoshop Elements 12 two days ago. It kept crashing. It finally installed....but I can't use it. When I go to Elements organizer, a little box comes up saying "restoring people recognition data". It shows that it has run to 22% but then stops and I have to close out the photoshop program because I can't do anything else with it.This is a brand new, expensive, program. I've had Adobe Photoshop 8 since it first came out and had no problem. I see by the chat line that the Organizer (Adobe 12) has had problems since 2009....
Trying to import Nikon NEF-files into Organizer is not possible. I get an error message "Not a valid filename" or "xxx.NEF wil not be imported as it is not a valid file format". I did update Organizer, but that did not solve the problem.
I have installed PSE 11 and PRE 11 on my PC, running windows 8 64 bit. The programs were already running fine for several days but suddenly the organizer wont work. As soon as i start the program it starts up and disappears some seconds later. I only can see it in task manager as a process running in the background! When I start the editor first and afterwards the organizer (out from the editor) then the organizer stays and I'm able to work with. De- and Re-installation already done, several times.
I have a 29 minute slideshow (photos, music and transitions) made using PSE 11 Organizer on a Win 7 platform. I can play the slideshow on my computer, The program stops when trying to output to a CD.
What is wrong with Adobe and their PSE program? PSE 9 Organiser crashes every time on opening and I have cleared the catalogue. Downloaded PSE 11 Trial version, found my photo's and old catalogue (on which I had spent a lot of time many months ago) then crashed!