Photoshop Elements :: Inspiration Browser Installer Error

Dec 1, 2012

Having problems installing Inspiration Browser update. Installer returns error code when trying to reinstall Adobe Air. I followed all XP instructions, deleting old versions, then updating Air. After that the link to update Inspiration begins, then returns error code shown.

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Install Inspiration Browser - Installer Is Misconfigured

Sep 9, 2012

I am unable to install the Inspiration Browser Elements 9 on my MacBook Pro.  I get an error that the installer is misconfigured.

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Install Inspiration Browser 9 - Installer Is Misconfigured

Sep 9, 2012

I am unable to install the Inspiration Browser Elements 9 on my MacBook Pro.  I get an error that the installer is misconfigured. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Inspiration Browser Is Giving Download Error

Nov 7, 2012

Adobe Inspiration Browser is giving me a download error, no matter how many times i click on try again. the update instructions had me remove the program via the control panel so now i no longer have this on my system. i had no issues removing and reinstalling adobe air (thinking this may have cause an issue) but the Adobe Inspiration Browser still gave the same download error whether adobe air was installed already or not.

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Photoshop Elements :: Inspiration Browser Is Infected

Oct 3, 2012

Just downloaded the inspiration Browser update for Photoshop Premiere Elements and Norton internet Security 2012 identified it as infected and removed it.

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Photoshop Elements :: Why Is There A Clock In Inspiration Browser

Aug 21, 2013

after air update     : inspiration browser opened with a clock

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Photoshop Elements :: Inspiration Browser Won't Download

Aug 1, 2013

Using the instructions to update Photoshop and premier 10: at the Inspiration Browser step, I get: URL....How do I make this work?

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Photoshop Elements :: Will Not Download Inspiration Browser

Jun 18, 2012

will not download inspiration browser

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Photoshop Elements :: Updating Inspiration Browser

Sep 16, 2012

I opened Adobe Photoshop Elements 10. It said I had to update Adobe Inspiration Browser. I began that process. I followed instructions to uninstall the current Inspiration Browser. Then I started to install the updated Inspiration Browser. It said I had to install Inspiration AIR first. I tried to install Inspiration AIR. It said "A download error occurred. Try to download again." I tried again, and again, and get the same message and cannot go forward with this process.

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Photoshop Elements :: Cannot Install Update To Inspiration Browser

Feb 9, 2013

I followed the instructions for removing the program on my computer but when I go to install the update I keep getting download error and try again,,

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Photoshop Elements :: Deleted Air Now Can't Download Inspiration Browser

Dec 10, 2012

I deleted AIR and Inspiration Browser to update them now I can not download the browser. I get a message  " download error occurred" Now what do I do?

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Download Inspiration Browser?

Dec 1, 2012

I have Elements 10.  A window popped up inviting me to download an updated version of Elements Inspiration Browser.  I decided to do that.  The first step was to uninstall the current version of the Browser.  I did that.  When I tried to download the update, I got a note saying something called "AIR" was required and would be downloaded.  As the downloading proceeded, a not appeared saying that an error had occurred.  I couldn't finish the download.  Now I have no Inspiration Browser, which is evidently necessary in order to view some videos and tutorials.

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Photoshop Elements :: Downloading Inspiration Browser - Adobe Air Will Not Load

Feb 4, 2013

I have PSE 8 and when I go through the steps for updating the Inspiration Browser I get an error message that the Adobe Air will not load.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Download Inspiration Browser

Jun 19, 2012

unable to download inspiration browser. As instructed did uninstall old browser.RE the screen "welcome to adobe photoshop elements 10" the cursor wheel continues to spin

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Photoshop Elements :: Error Opening Default Browser

Dec 21, 2012

when i click on help, i am told that there is an error opening the default browser.

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Photoshop :: How To Correct Error Message (installer Has Been Misconfigured)

Jul 15, 2013

Trying to install trial copy of Photoshop CC.  I already have license for PS CS6.  Full error message, paraphrased, "The application cannot be installed because the installed has been misconfigured."

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Photoshop :: Installer Encountered An Error That Caused Installation To Fail

Dec 5, 2012

I bought Photoshop CS2 some time ago. I got a new mac (OS X 10.8.2) and when I'm trying to install it I introduce the cd, accept and after it copies the files, appears "The installation failed" The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.

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Lightroom :: Installing LR4 On Mac - Getting Error From Installer?

Sep 5, 2012

I just downloaded the LR4 upgrade and when I double clicked the installion icon in Finder I got an error in Installer application:

"Invalid Distribution File/Package" Here is the full list of errors:

Sep  5 12:23:36 computername Installer[673]: This distribution script is too new (Requires spec version >= 2, current is 1.058)

Sep  5 12:23:36 computername Installer[673]: Error parsing distribution script from data

Sep  5 12:23:36 computername Installer[673]: Invalid Distribution File/Package
I just installed OS 10.6.3 Snow Leopard with no troubles. I am running a CoreDuo iMac with 4 gb RAM and plenty of HD space. I have LR3 on my computer.

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - Error 1706 Appears / Windows Installer Cannot Proceed

Jul 20, 2012

Now with Windows 7, on a completely new workstation I have exactly the same issue: When I start LR and select the catalog, everything works as usual. But when I double click on the *.lrcat file, or select one in windows the following happens: Lightroom tries to install itself! !!!!
When I click on cancel, an error 1706 appears, "no valid source could be be foundfor product LR 4.1 64bit, the windows installer cannot proceed." To go ahead of an obvious question: the file type lrcat seem to be associated with the 64 bit Lightroom:

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Photoshop Elements :: Inconsistency In Installer Database

Oct 9, 2012

Been trying to install PSE 10. At first install got exit code 7 errors. Try to download the "fix" Fix wouldnt download -- Chatted with Tech Support-- Chatted for a 2 1/2 hours. Tried multiple things - Now the installation gets to about 2% then gets the error " Inconsistency in installer database"-Chatted again now download gets to 17% than get an exit code 7 error- Mac OSX Version 10.6.8--  Processor 2.26 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo --

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Photoshop Elements :: Adobe PSE 11 Installer Defaults To Uninstall Routine

Apr 20, 2013

I’m trying to install PSE 11 from a downloaded < >.  Preferring a “clean” installation, first I uninstalled PSE 10 (Windows7 Control Panel / Programs); however, PSE 10’s program folder did not delete.  So, I deleted it manually, then ran Adobe’s <adobe_creative_suite_cleaner_tool>, and selected “All.”

Now, unzipping and installing PSE 11 causes the installer to default consistently to "uninstall."  I’ve performed cold boots between each step, and repeated the entire process with identical results.  How do I "reset" Adobe for a clean installation?

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Photoshop :: PS7 File Browser Program Error

Nov 15, 2008

When I tried to use file browser in PS7 this morning, it opened and, instead of showing the directory tree structure that I last left it in, it only showed the desktop with the + sign to expand that folder. When I click the + sign, I get the following error message:
"Could not complete your request because of a program error."

What could have happened and how can I fix this so I can use my file browser again?

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Photoshop :: Inspiration...

Mar 6, 2008

Where does everyone look for their inspiration? I'm designing a site for a school district and can't think of anything. I've been staring at a blank canvas for 2 days...

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Photoshop Elements :: Does 10 Have A File Or Photo Browser

Aug 27, 2012

Does PSE 10 have a file or photo browser?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Error Message When Right Clicking On Suppressed Parts / Assembly In Browser Window

Sep 19, 2012

When I suppress a part or a sub-assembly in Inventor 2013 and then right click on the suppressed item in the browser window I always get an cadabundus error message (see attachment), after I press OK I get the normal right click menu hovering over the item.

I have Inventor 2013 RTM 64 bit Build 138, and running on Vista 64bit.

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Photoshop Elements :: PDF Converter Button On Top Of Browser Disappeared

Sep 23, 2013

I have adobe acrobat 9.  I had a Pdf converter button on top og the browser that I used to convert web pages to pdf documents.  This button disappeared last week. I tried reinstalling the software and tried internet options to make sure third party extensions were checked.

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Photoshop Elements :: Browser Won't Display Image Files?

Mar 20, 2013

My Photoshop Elements browser won't display my Photoshop image files.   If I click on browse the files all relate to general computer files.   How do I get it back?

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Photoshop Elements :: File Browser Window Won't Move

Oct 3, 2013

In Photoshop Elements 2 the file browser has got stuck and is obscuring the tool bar above  (used for instance when using Text) - also the File Browser More Button is missing.  

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Photoshop Elements :: Get Browser To Unblock An Update To 9 On Windows?

Oct 8, 2012

On aol as browser, I am trying to download update 9.03. It comes up as blocked by my browser. Is there anyway I can get this to let me download? I have bothe Mac and Windows versions on my Mac and PC (Windows 7).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Browser Doesn't Match Model Browser

Oct 29, 2012

I opened the drawing and then from the drawing opened the model.  In the drawing it is showing the 4th instance of ROUND CRS-032175 X 33 as an assembly.  It also is not showing in the view and yet the visibility is checked.  AI2012 SP2 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Add Browser Node To Empty Browser Folder

Apr 8, 2013

I am trying to use the Browsernode.addchild method to add an occurence to an empty browser folder. The code fails at this point and I gett an error pointing to the line "Call oTargetNode.AddChild(oSourceNodeDef)". I can add the occurence with the browserpanes.Reorder method without issue if the folder is not empty. The code is pasted Below.

Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML:     165 EndHTML:   29338 StartFragment:     314 EndFragment:   29306 StartSelection:     314 EndSelection:     314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
DimPrcsTpAsStringPrcsTp=InputListBox("Process Type?", MultiValue.List("ProcessType"), Parameter("ProcessType"), Title :="Select Process Type", ListName :="Process Type")DimRtgNameAsStringRtgName=PrcsTp&"-"&Parameter("NoRtgsInc")+1MessageBox.Show(RtgName, "Title",MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)DimoAsmAsAssemblyDocument=ThisDoc.DocumentDimoMatrixAsMatrix=ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateMatrixDimoOccAsComponentOccurrenceoOcc=oAsm.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.AddVirtual(RtgName, oMatrix)DimoCompDefVirtualAsVirtualComponentDefinition=oOcc.Definition'CREATE AND SET THE


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