Photoshop Elements :: How To Print Topics - Documents Along With Examples And Screenshots
Aug 6, 2012
I have used support in Elements 10, and have found some topics I wanted to print and keep handy in a binder for learning by doing and having a handy reference. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a way to print the documents along with the examples and screenshots. Is there a relatively easy way I'm missing?
capturing screenshots, that will be for print. The company that I work for has a book being made that requires several figures from screenshots. The book is being printed in B&W. I do not have access to any other screen grab program other than Grab, and was wondering if anyone has any advice for making these grabs the best quality they can be for print. I am obviously concerned with resolution, but also the general quality of the images, bluriness when printed, as well as loss of quality and contrast when converted to B&W
i'm trying to do is use a gradient. i want one side of the gradient to be one color, then the other side to be clear with no color and/or have an image on that other side kinda like the example image that is provided below.
For years, we've been printing large documents to our plotter without issue. Suddenly last week, nothing large will print.
I've seen a few different error messages, and have tried different computers, and different versions of Illustrator, but nothing large will print.
When trying to print, I currently get the following:
I've also seen an error suggesting not enough memory is available, which is bogus. And I think another error that was more vague, something to the effect of "can't print"
I've setup a clean install of illustrator on a clean windows install, same issue. I setup an alternate print server with our rip software, same software we've been using for years. Same error on the alternate server.
Nothing changed, and it's effecting everything here, and new installs. I don't know what happened, but this is getting critical, we need the ability to print.
I have a problem with printing in X5. All the documents I've worked in X4when I print the X5 have a problem with the colors, they are not the same with X4.
I have a document with several pictures in it and I would like to renmove only the pictures and save them so I can insert them into a different document. I can bring the document into Photoshop Elements and using the magnetic lasso tool, select the image(s) but I can't figure out how to save only the images so I can use them again in another document.
Do you guys use a program to take screen shots in photoshop like you display in your tutorials? Or am I missing an obvious answer?
I've never really had the need to 'screen capture' bits and peices of the photoshop work area, but I'd sure like to learn how to do it! I see JoeD is the master of the screenshot,
I dont know if any of yous have ever seen game screen shots where the screenshots of somthing in the "game" But they touch it up and make it look really nice (smoother edges, stuff sticks out more)
Is it possible? Couldn't find it with a quick run-through of the menus. And no results were returned after searching for "screenshot" in the help. Not feeling to good about the possibility right now.
I'm getting them from a DVD, straight from the player (prog). When i paste it into PS, everything looks great. But, after I've saved it and reopened it's just a black screen. Could I get a better screenshot using Premiere,
When I take a screenshot and paste it into photoshop I am losing a lot of color. Here I took a rainbow gradient and placed consecutive screenshots side by side.
The first bit is the original, then the first screenshot, then a screenshot of that, and so on. I've been looking for answers and found a few people with similar problems, but I seem to have all of the settings correct according to those solutions. I am using Win7 x64, I have the latest drivers for my video card (GeForce GTX580), the image is set to RGB, and my working space is sRGB IEC61966-2.1.
I am asked to take a screenshot that won't fit into one page. That means that i would need to take separe screenshots and join them together... once they are merged i can resize it and make it fit into one page.
I have no clue why, it does not occur with other programs than ps - but when I take a screenshot, it often will not be imported in to photoshop. I very often have to do it twice. This is very annoying. it is possible I have the same problem when copying from other programs and pasting into photoshop, although i am not really sure. (I some times intuitively use ctrl+c when copying images from firefox, and naturally that does not work, may be the reason why I get the impression the picture is not copied into photoshop) But whether or not i have problems copying from other programs, I know for sure that taking screenshots often doesn't work the first time, only the second time. Does anyone know why that is? I don't think it has to do with memory as I have 2 GB ram and a these images are small...
I have trial version of Elements 11; Also have full version, but have not installed yet, as I wanted to wait until I completed current project. I created/edited an album of wedding photos in the Organizer. I tried to upload album to Shutterfly to make an archival DVD and also make a photo book in Shutterfly. The photos uploaded individually to the Shutterfly print page to print individually, but the album will not upload to My Pictures, it shows the album name, but it is empty. How do I get the photos to upload?? Shutterfly was not sure how.
whatever screenshots I paste into Photoshop all becomes blurry, or "low quality" if you will. I tried pasting the same image in Paint or Illustrator, they remain sharp and fine as they.
I want to make screenshots of the menus and tools. What program or technique should I use for screenshots? What should have optimal resolution? How did the highest quality print? ¿File extension? In the press I have demanded the highest quality
I'll take a screenshot of something in my browser, and then paste the screenshot into a new PS document, and suddenly all of the colors have shifted red...a lot. Now, when I save and view the images outside of PS, the colors have returned to normal, but this makes me very nervous about designing in PS, color matching, etc.
I've played around with the Color Management settings, most recently just switching off all Color Management, but nothing seems to fix this issue. To be honest, though, I don't really know what I'm doing in there with those color settings. I thought just setting everything to US Web would fix the problem, but It hasn't changed anything.
When I first installed 8.0 on my older XP machine, I didn't have any of these problems.
I have some labels created in an outdated Bar-One software program on an old computer and the only way I can move them to a new software is to make a screenshot of the labels and then import that bitmap image into Corel. My question is what is the best way to make the highest quality screenshot on any computer?
P.S. Is it possible to photograph a computer screen and get a good high resolution image (as an alternative to screenshots)?
How to clean screenshots that contain text or other stuff overlapped in an image.
Here's an example:
I'd like to know if it's possible to remove the overlapped bits of screenshots in the upper and bottom left corners and the text in-between using GIMP. The second picture is merely for reference of the material missing(I'm not sure if it can actually be used because the quality is not the same, and I believe the colors are a little off). And if it's indeed possible, how it can be done.
I am currently writing a book that will initially be sold as a PDF but may later go on the i Book store, however I don't have a Retina display myself and what is the best practice for making screenshots from a normal display look acceptably sharp on a Retina display?
I have Photoshop along with the iOS simulator that shows how the iPad or iPhone will look if they can be used in some way but I mainly need to get menu items and dialogue boxes from various applications in OS X and Windows looking good on Retina screens. I really don't want to pay out for a Retina display purely for this task that would only take a few hours of work at most.
I have PSE 9. HP 5514 printer. I can print photos borderless through Windows, but not through PSE. In PSE, I have unchecked the box for Border, have checked the Crop to Fit box and Center Image box (and every possible combination thereof). My photo has been sized to 4"x6" in PSE, and I have checked all boxes in the print dialogue for 4"x6". I get a border no matter what I do.
How do I print with elements 8? while attempting to print a message state only 200 dpi of the image will print. What am I doing that is causing this to happen?
I just purchased photoshop elements 11 and I've tried to print more than one copy. The dialoge boxs says the number I wish to print. but it still only prints one copy. Also, I saw a way try and reset this from the welcome screen, but I chose to have it open directly to editor. So my welcome screen doesn't come on anymore. How do I reset this.
When I print a 4x6 picture using photoshop elements 10 there appears a very thin line approximately every 1/2 inch. When I print the same picture using Iphoto the print is perfect. Customer support in India has been unable to solve this problem for over eight days.