Photoshop Elements :: How To Delete A Duplicate Person Tag
Nov 24, 2013
I have somwhow created two tags for the same person in my database, and am trying to merge the people together (and also if possible merge the two lots of photos of the person together).
The reason I've downloaded it is to see if I can change some of my photos by removing a person. I've watched the video on moving a person and I can do that, but I don't know how to delete them and then fill in the space with plausible background.
Elements 8. I have over 13,000 photo's in my catalog. How can I delete all of the duplicate photo's? This would dramaticly reduce my catalog size making it much faster and easier to use.
I imported about 2600 pictures from iPhoto to Elements 11 on my iMac OS 10.8.2. Now there are hundreds of duplicates; deleting one at a time is a real pain. Can I identify and bulk delete duplicates in Elements 11?
is there any way to delete duplicate photos in batches rather than individually?
Also, I have not been able to register my product (I purchased it about a week ago. There is no serial number on the box or on the envelope the disc came in nor is it on the disc itself. I've tried contacting support but when I click on the link that tells me there is an agent available, nothing happens.
I have a very old model from one of our previous projects. It was previously rendered with max scan line and had standard materials on it. Now we are updating it for a HD render and updated with mental ray and arch&design material. When doing test renders there have been some very strange results, on closer inspection I have realised the models have been duplicated. They have been duplicated in exactally the same spot and are part of the same element. I’m currently trying to go through each polygon(element) and delete the duplicate but its taking an age. It was a model imported from iges format so the model is very broken up.
Any good method for deleting duplicate surfaces?I have tried xview but selecting the results just seems to select the whole model which ever method I choose.
I see I have some Files with a little notice on top saying 1of2. Now when I click the delete option, it only offer the usual way to delete from catalog or move from disk, but where do I choose to just delete one of the duplicates?
I have a file based on an imported dxf. It seems to contain all the paths twice (at least), which is making the file huge (~30Mb). Is there a quick method of selecting/removing these duplicates?
By mistake I have imported presets twice and as they are huge in numbers, I would like to know a method to delete those duplicate presets using an easy method.
Note: I don't want to find every duplicate preset one by one and thus asking for a solution to find all the duplicate presets at once and then delete it.
For some reason my drawing had created several duplicates of my grading critera. For example, my drawing has the following critera:
Cut to Surface
Cut to Surface.1 Cut to Surface.2 Cut to Surface.3 Cut to Surface.4
I did not create all these criteria, they just appeared one day. The problem is that I can't seem to be able to delete the duplicate ones. I get an error saying that the criteria "is currently in use, so it can not be deleted". I have deleted all the grading in my file and I still get this error. I have tried RECOVER and AUDIT several times with no luck.
how I ended up with a shared network drive duplicated under the folders area of Lightroom 3.6. Maybe it was a user error but now my network drive where I have 15,000 pictures appears twice in the folder area and it is constantly updating (since there are quite a few pictures).
How can I delete the duplicated drive? I have "removed" all the folders under the duplicated drive (and made it disappear) but the drive keeps coming back as the synchronization process will add all the folders that exist on that drive.
The two drives with "Volume_1" in the name are actually one shared network drive (I only have one). I actually removed my network drive mapping (N:) to fix the problem but that did not even work; LR still found a duplicate name for the same network drive and started to synchronize (again).
A plugging we use has just updated and loading double menus causing error messages prompting that menu already exists unable to load.
In my cui the menus are loaded in my enterprise as well as my main.
How do I keep the menu with the same name in my enterprise yet unload the one of the same name in my main (where it shouldn’t be) using lisp (I want to Automate this using lisp, since I'm not always in office at the same time as everyone else)?
Let's say I have downloaded 500 shots to PSE 12. I would like to go through them quickly and eliminate the ones I definitely do not want.How can I quickly tag them or whatever and then with one touch on the delete button delete them all at once?
I got an email with a link to a video a long time ago that showed how to remove a person from a group photo and replace this person with an image of them from another photo. It does not seem to be in the videos on my Phtotshop elements 9 list within the program. Any link to this video so I can save it and rewatch it?
I have a photo with one person in it and I want to keep that person in it. However this picture was taken with other people in it and I want to take them out of it but the only thing that I can think of is cloning. Is there another way?
I used Magic Extractor to extract a person from a pic. Then wanted to superimpose it on a landscale phot I had. Trouble is the checkered part which should be transparent is solid white. Tried saving as PNG, and PSD, didn't work.