Photoshop Elements :: Adding A Personalized Watermark To Multiple Pictures
Aug 2, 2012
I have a logo watermark x 2 which I need to add to a number of pictures, is there a way I can do this in one go or without manual input. I aware of the function that allows a text watermark to placed on an image while processing multiple pictures. I am elements 9 user.
I'm a photographer, and I would like to add a small watermark to photographs I publish online. So that people would find my name and website. I know how to add a watermark to a single image, but I was wondering if there is any way to add the same watermark to multiple images in one operation. This can be done in PS so I was hoping that there is also a way with Paint.NET.
Its a jpg, I need to add it to about 400 photo's quick.I know how to add a watermark using process multiple files, but he wants his logo on the photo's.
I have been trying to upload pictures and create new albums, but it keeps telling me that the operation is currently locked and is being used by another process.
I have tried to shut down and restart this several times and still no luck.
Why can't i scan multiple pictures in Photoshop 12 and have saved as individual files ? I use Photshop 10 with no problems. Scanner used is a EPSON V700.
I have over 90 years worth of pictures I have to scan. 1 at a time is... well... on option I don't want to use. I am new to PS. Will the program allow me to put multiple pics on my flatbed scanner, have them automaticly split up, then put in a folder???
How can I put a custom watermark logo on every pictures of my blog.There are many pictures on my blog where I need to put my blog's URL as a can I create a logo?
My blog URL .... and you can check those pictures visiting my blog where I want to put a watermark logo.Can i use photoshop to sharpen some blurr images as well?
I recently did a concert and I would like to know how to add my watermark to several photos at once rather that creating the watermark for every sigle photo every time.
I have a problem with my watermark in Lighhtroom. I'm selecting 10 pictures to export and I'm selecting the watermark checkbox in the export dialog box. The watermark is only showing up on 4 out of the 10 pictures. I have tried the process a few times, but I keep getting the same result. I have tried exporting only one of the pictures that doesn't have a watermark and I get the same result.
I accidentally deleted a collection I was working on from lightroom 4 and the files were NOT backed up. All of the photos were edited and had my watermark on them. I exported all pictures into an album on my computer. I thought I could import them back in and lightroom would recognize the history and I would be able to remove my watermark. I need to create a disc for a customer and I NEED to get the watermark off. Is there a way to some-how retrieve the deleted collection from lightroom, or remove the watermark from the re-imported pictures?
I recently purchased Lightroom 4 and I am having issues adding a watermark to my JPEG images!
I'm using a very basic Ariel Black text, medium size and very clear. The watermark appears fine in the photo preview but does not show up when exported to my Lightroom library file! If I export to a TIFF image it's fine but just not in JPEG.
You can save so many tpersonal settings in CS6 and earlier versions, but you cannot save personalized preferences. Every crash requires tedious rebuilding ones personal preferences.Why can't we save our preferences?
I'd like to apply my company's emblem (saved as jpg or psd) onto about 100 photos as a watermark.
I'm needing to do some Contact Sheets, is there a quick process to click to do this?
I don't particularly want to Batch Action each photo as the watermark will only appear on the contact sheet, I don't wish to create a whole new set of images if i can help it.
I am trying to place pictures into my paragraph text so that the text wraps around the picture (like you can in Word).? Can anyone let me know how to do this in Photoshop 7.0 for Windows??
All I can find is how to wrap text around object (i.e. word on a coffee cup image itself) or putting the actual picture as fill for the font.?
how to do this? I have included a PDF of a sample of what I'm trying to do.
I am trying to create a visible watermark to apply to pictures. How to create one to use in Paintshop Pro X4 Ultimate? I know how to apply one but I'm uncertain on how to make the actual watermark.
I have a 30 second .avi file, frame size 1440 x 1080 15 frames/sec Video compression Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, 24 bits, total 450 frames Audio compression PCM 32.000 kHz, 16 bit Mono 960,000 samples.
I can play the video OK in vlc and when I insert the video into the timeline of VS X3 and play the inserted .avi.
As soon as I insert:
1. a .jpg at the start of the timeline with text and/or,
2. text (as a watermark) on bottom left hand side for the 30 second duration
whenever I play back (in VS X3 preview) this clip, the movie plays (but with a frozen first frame from the .avi) with only the audio with the text.
I have been using VS X2 successfully on my Windows 7 64-bit PC.I had purchased X3 sometime ago and decided to install my X3 version.
Anytime I try to export a file and add a watermark, Lightroom crashes. I can export without adding a watermark just fine. Lightroom also crashes when I try to edit a current watermark - as soon as I click the drop down menu to choose which watermark to edit, down goes Lightroom. I have both text watermarks and a small jpeg as a watermark (same thing happens with both) and I am running Lightroom 4.3.
I have just learned how to apply a watermark or copyright to a group of photographs using an action command. But as the action is running, before each image closes, I get the window asking me to specify image quality (1 to 12). I have to hit 'OK' for each image before it closes, and the action completes the rest.
Does anyone know how to add this to the action or have 'ok' automatically hit so I don't have to push it for each image. A friend of mine has a piece of software that does it automatically, but I cannot remember the name of it and want to know if it is something within Photoshop that can do it. I am currently running PHOTOSHOP CS.
I was making a logo for our band's myspace and I have a picture that I found on google that I want to put on there. I already have the window set up with our name on it and all I have to do is add the picture but when I try to open it up it opens up a whole new window. How do I add the picture to the window I already have?