Photoshop Elements :: 11 Not Recognizing D600 NEF Files?
Jan 24, 2014
I used to have a Nikon D600. When I first got it I didn't upgrade from PSE9 and consequently I processed quite a number of files in ViewNX 2.
On revisiting those files now that I have PSE11 (which works well with D800 files) PSE11 doesn't seem to recognize and when I go into the Editor and try to open one from there I get the following message: I had thought that PSE11 would work with the D600 NEF files - is this not the case?
I've been using Photoshop Elements 10 to edit raw .NEF files from my Nikon D3000 with no problems. Recently I purchased a Nikon D3200 and I shoot in raw .NEF files using that also but Photoshop Elements 10 will not recognize those .NEF files to edit. The error I'm getting is saying the file type is not correct.
Elements 11 won't upload raw files from a Nikon D600, I've read the various comments ref Camera Raw Plugins and I've downloaded DNG 7.3 but don't know where to put it. Is DNG 7.3 the same as Camera Raw Plugin 7.3? I have read also that maybe Elements 11 doesn't support 7.3 so may need to use 7.2.
Elements 11 and Camera RAW 7.3 update loaded. Still can't import Nikon D600 files. What now? Operating system is Windows 7 and I have just upgraded from Elements 9.
I have a question, my old Nikon d3000 and photoshop elements9 had worked great together. Now I upgraded my camera to the Nikon d600 and the RAW files are not supported by it.
I'm using PhotoShop Elements 11. while trying to open NEF files from Nikon D600 I'm getting message "Could Not Complete your request because the files appears to be from a Camera Model which is not supported....." . Now I tried to update but its showing software is upto date. Camera Raw version I can see
How can I find out what version of Camera RAW my PSE10 is currently using and how can I get an edition which will support this. Strangely enough I also have Lightroom 4.3 on same PC and it does import NEF from D600, but I want to be able to bring them directly into PSE10 as well.
I have a Nikon d600 and I downloaded the PS CC trail version to see if it works before I buy anything, but I still cant open my raw files. it says something about camera raw update, Would not the trail have the newest updates? I also tried the Adobe DNG converter, version 8, that doesn't want to convert my files either?
I tried browsing my computer for the default program to open .psd files, but when I double click photoshop cs6, it doesn't show up in the list of default programs. Photoshop can open .psd files automatically in other user accounts, but not on mine.
Deleting files and saving files brings up an error message. Files can't be deleted from lightroom which makes editing a nightmare. Also Saving Files (raw of jpeg), brings up an error message everytime.
what do I need to do to have my camera recognized to download photos? Yes, I have refreshed the list about 10 times, restarted my computer and all drivers are loaded.
Bought the box version of Elements 12. Received serial number. However, Elements does not recognize my internet connection and will not let me register. So after the trial period I can't use the program. Every other program on my computer that uses the Internet connects flawlessly.
Why are my previously edited canon 5d mark 3 raw xmp files no longer recognized and all sliders set to zero? I can see the xmp files associated with the raw file in their folder. The files were originally edited in CS6/ACR 7.x -in July 2012 - and recently re-opened in the same CS6/ACR 7.x.
The canon 5d mark 2 files from the same time/event are showing up fine. I have updated everything, but both before and after the update, same issue with the Mark 3 files.
On a side note:We have found that opening mark 2 files (that were originally edited in CS4 / ACR 5.7) in CS 6 / ACR 7.x and making any changes such as color coding causes all previous xmp information being zero'd out in the mark 2 xmp file. Not sure if this is a symptom of the same problem? Except the difference here is the Mark 3 files have never been touched outside of version CS6/ACR7.x - however the folder which holds both mark 2 & mark 3 files from the same event has been opened in the CS4 / ACR 5.7 window but without touching the files. By opening the folder in CS4 I can see that the Mark 3 files aren't reading and then know this event was originally edited in CS6/ACR 7.x
Specifics: PS CS6 13.0.4 x64 Mac OSX 10.6.8 Canon 5d Mark 3 Raw files
Recently purchased a Nikon D600. CS5 does not recognize the NEF files from the D600. I'm told I need Camera Raw 7.3 update, but this works only with CS6. Isn't there any way I can use CS5 with D600 files?
Have new Nikon D600 and CS 4; read Adobe Camera Raw 7.2 is the one to download. Did that but still can't read my NEF files. Is there another version i should be using?
I have PS CS5 and I recently updated my camera to a Nikon D600. I shoot in RAW and when I tried to open photos to edit, PS said I needed to update my Camera Raw plugin. I found the most recent plugin for CS5 and photos still won't open
What do I need to do to get them to work? Will I have to bite the bullet and update to CS6 or is there a way around it?
When I try to open raw NEF files from a Nikon D600 with Photoshop CS5 I get: "Could not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw"
Nikon D600, however, is among the camera models listed as compatible with Camera Raw CS5.
I have never had any problem in Camera Raw CS5 and older versions with raw NEF files from a Nikon D80 camera. Is there an update for CS5 to make it compatible with Nikon D600 raw NEF files?