I have 3 images I want to make into a landscape panorama and Photoshop will not stitch them together. I have made this panorama before using Elements 10 so I cannot understand why it's doing this.
I have PSE7 and have always been able to do panoramas. Today when I attempt the app crashes. I restart and it does this many times. I have win 7 that automatically updates. Are there conflicts in updating?
I have spent all afternoon trying to stitch 2 photos together, so far no success! Oh for a return to XP, it did it without hassle, quickly and well.
Having installed Fuji camera software and Epson V500 scanner software, which wont do anything, I have now installed a licensed version of Photoshop Elements 9. Being a W8.1 32-bit system I had to download and install several drivers from the Adobe site.
I start PSE, I click Edit, then File>Open and find and open 2 photos. I then go to the Help documentation which tells me to click File>Photoshop Panorama, and everytime I do, the error message is:-
Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly ....... etc etc
I have Paint Shop Pro X which can do the job slowly, using manual methods to align the photos - should I use this, or will something else do the job simply, quickly and properly?
I am trying to shoot a panorama (6 - 7 photos) and merge the photos using Photoshop. Photoshop is doing a nice job of merging the scenes. However, the shade of the sky on each photo is a little different (the buildings and other objects look fine, or at least differences aren't perceptible) thus, I have distinct lines between each photo in the sky (or water) areas. How can I correct this in Photoshop (I'm a casual PS user, and I have PS CS2) so that all the sky (and water) areas look the same?
My understanding is that Panoramas Stitching (=>PaSt) feature is available with PhotoShop Elements (PE). I am not familiar with the PE product. Is PE a stand alone product or does it require PS? Is PaSt available with PS (with which minimum ver.)?
I read here in the forums that there are various capacity problems with PaSt. In that regard, and any other aspect, if PaSt is available with PS, what are the main differences using PS or PE with PaSt feature?
When I make panoramas in Photoshop CS6 (after selecting and preparing individual images in LR4), I sometimes wish to modify Photoshop's automatic blending of layers. An example is when a moving person is in two or more adjacent frames & I wish to use a version from a different frame than PS selects. The layer masks are all either pure white or pure black, thus selecting the portions of each frame that is used, but with no gray portions for blending. Opacity of all layers is 100%. So, some other invisible-to-me mechanism is being used to seamlessly blend the layers. When I try to select portions of a different frame (in areas of overlap) by painting white on a mask and black on layer masks above it in the stack, I can partially make visible the desired area but it appears as partially transparent & thus low contrast. How can I get full control of what is included in the final composite?
Shooting 'wider' vertically when doing panoramas and using the stitching in Photoshop CS5?
i.e. : if I shoot frames in panoramic and then do a slight tilt up pass and a slight tilt down pass, when I auto align the layers in stitching, will Photoshop have any clue as to what I'm trying to do? Does it is good for the software if I make a much larger canvas first to allow for that space?
Would someone please explain why a panorama consisting of 27 images totaling 36MB becomes an 800+/-MB file necessitating it be saved as a ".psb," "Photoshop RAW" or .TIFF file?
I would like to open this file on computers that do not have Photoshop CS, CS2, CS3 loaded eliminating the .psb/Photoshop RAW and so far I have only been able to save the image as a corrupted .TIFF file, i.e. does not open properly.
I am trying to find which Photoshop software would be best to use for stitching together pictures taken from a helicopter drone. These pictures will be Geo tagged with GPS information attached to individual pictures.
Also, is there a way to stitch together the referenced pictures, and then convert the single (pieced together larger composite picture) to a KMZ or KML file to overlay into Google Earth?
I have a question about using Panoramic. I shot a quick 3 pics I wanted to stitch together. I was wondering if there is a manual way to stitch them together?
I used Bridge>Tools> Photshop.PhotoMerge>Reposition and Auto ~ Ended up with this. (see pic) I would like to stitch these together if possible. I am practicing for making Environment layers in After Effects.
I have a new virtual tour 360 business and I want to "perfect" my panos. After I stitch the four pictures together, I'm left with the tripod showing on the bottom of the pano. I want to delete the tripod, but don't know the best way to do this. I have been trying to do this with smart carver, but it seems to take a long time and not having the success I would like. I thought it might be easier if I took a picture of where the tripod was, minus the tripod and then merge the two pictures together. It needs to be perfect, because there might be an instance of a wood floor that needs to match up.
I am try to stitch portrait style shots on a panoramic view but it always set up as a landscape image I have used LR4 and bridge with no success. All my landscape style images are ok with no issues. Is it how im taking the pictures or is there a setting to use to set for landscape or portrait.
This is a photoshop request. I have a set of scenic photos I'd like stitched/blended together. The idea is to get the one panoramic image, and then make it into a poster.
Just did a Photomerge of 25 shots.Note that over 100 GB (yes, you read that right, GIGAbytes) of scratch disk was required, not to mention easily filling my 16 GB RAM.
I've recently installed GIMP. It is a bit daunting for me at this stage but I'm getting there. My main interest is enhancing photos.
Is there a way to stitch two images together? I can't find any reference to this.
Also, is there an index type search facility to find information on a specific topic? The manual is good but a key word search facility would be very useful. Again I can't find one..
I have a 10in w x 12 in H photo that is too big to scan so I have scanned the lower half as per landscape mode and repeated this with the top half, so now I have 2 overlapping halfs that I have rotated so that they are both upright.The idea is to join them together to finish up with a copy of the original pic.
How do I go about getting the result I want .PSPro X.
I am doing the Inventor 2014 tutorials. In the examine, treat, and solidify the stand tutorial it says to Click the STITCH command, which I did. It then says to click the BODY selection option. There is no Body selection option in the STITCH dialog box.
I created a Surface and pasted multiple Drefed Surfaces into that blank Surface. There was a small gap between each Surface. In the composite Surface those gaps still exist. I can insert points between the Surfaces or add lines. But that would be thousands of edits. Is there a way to stitch all the pasted Surfaces together?
I'm trying to stitch 3 photos vertically-shot photos together (Photoshop CS5 extended), hoping the end results would be horizontal, but the following occurs:
The photo that it puts on the top should actually be the right-most photo in the pano. I tried photo merging the exact same three photos with a darker exposure, and it turned out perfectly.
I have not renamed or moved original elements, yet when I recently opened an on-going project in Photoshop Elements 4.0, about 1/4 of the media elements were gone. Why? Is there a way to troubleshoot this? Anyway to recover these slides? Can't see that any photos, etc in the Organizer have broken links.