Photoshop :: Editing PDF In CS3?

Jul 10, 2008

I've got a 15 page PDF file that I want to modify very slightly - one of the images needs to be changed. I seem to be able to open the file, but it opens as 15 images.

How do I save the images as a single PDF, like the original?

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Photoshop :: CS6 And Editing JPG / PNG

Dec 7, 2012

I downloaded a trial version of Ps CS6 to use at work when I started to work on an image right. Well, to my surprise I couldn't unlock the only layer in the file. Double-clicking on it produced no results, and Ps wouldn't even let me rasterize the layer. Thought I might have had to do that. So I'm investigating the menu options to get a new layer and everything is greyed out.

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Photoshop :: Editing

Aug 26, 2008

I have been using MS Digital Image Pro and up until now it has worked for me.

Here is my problem. I take a lot of pictures of coins. Sometimes I have to tilt the coin slightly to get a good rendition of the color. So at time the image is slightly oval.

I can not figure out how to use a tool to outline the coin, cut it (or copy) and paste to another project. The part that I can't figure out is adjusting the circle marquee tool to the perimeter of the coin.

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Photoshop :: Raw Editing

Jul 27, 2004

I just got adobe CS today, would be able to quickly edit Raw files, one after another (similar to how thumbs plus edits jpegs). So far, as far as i can figure it out, you have to open each raw file, correct it (or apply a pre-saved correction), save it as a jpeg, and open the next. I would like to be able to do all this, preferably using hot keys to save time, without the extra steps (and extra processing time)?

basically, i'm looking for a way to breeze through about 500 Raws at a time, just doing quick brightness/contrast/saturation edits.

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Photoshop :: Editing?

Aug 15, 2009

My friend from Japan was recently in town and my friends and I took her to the local Japanese Steakhouse. While there we all took a group picture and wouldn't you know it the fire extinguisher sticking up from the skillet blocks my Japanese friends face completely! I have done minor touch up work with PS and taken classes on it, but I want to remove the extinguisher and have no idea how to even begin something of this magnitude.

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Photoshop :: Editing Image In CC 14?

Jul 28, 2013

Editing a image in Photoshop cc 14?i have an image and i want to remove the text part from it
how to do that in Photoshopi need the picture to stay in a good quality

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Photoshop :: Editing Video In CS6

Dec 28, 2012

I have several hours of video aerials shot with a JVC GY-HM750U camera. The camera creates a .MOV video file. Great looking stuff but I have some lens dirt showing up in everything. I upgraded from CS5 to CS6 because I saw a tutorial demonstrating how to use smart layers and the dust and scratches filter to get rid of the problem. Still working on the best settings for the filter to best take care of the problem.

But when I exported a test clip in an H.264 or QuickTime format, both rendered files only played part way through then the image froze but the progress bar in the player kept moving. The image changed abruptly to somewhere down the clip and then ended. I also edit all other video in FCP6. When I import the .MOV file into FCP it behaves the same.

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Photoshop :: Best Way To Use SSD For Photo Editing?

Mar 26, 2013

Computer hardware newbie here: I do a significant amount of photo editing work and for a very long time I've experienced Photoshop, Bridge and Photomatix crashing constantly (usually due to insufficient RAM) or just generally taking forever (Bridge took forever to load the thumbnail/preview extractions in a folder full of images, Photoshop took forever to save images and Photomatix took ages to load/merge a set of bracketed photos).  Here are the typical error messages I'd get: [URL] ........
As a professional photographer, constantly running into that sort of thing is quite aggravating, so to hopefully avoid ever having to deal with that again I invested in a new custom built computer.  It's Windows 7 Professional 64 bit with 32GB of RAM and a 240GB SSD; I'm using the 240GB SSD as my boot drive/OS, all of my programs are installed there, and the page file.  My photos and data are stored on several HDDs.  I have yet to install any of my photo editing software (Photoshop CS6 Extended, Lightroom, Photomatix etc) to the new computer yet.
My basic question is this: what is the best way to take advantage of the SSD (and the computer in general) when it comes to my photo editing software?
1. If I have a folder of photos I'm working on, should I move it to the SSD and then work on them from there in order to take advantage of the speed of the SSD?  Would this make any difference in terms of speed if the photos are located on the SSD vs. an internal/external HDD? 
2. Most of what I've read online seems to recommend two separate SSDs, one for installing/booting the apps and one for cache/scratch.  Does it matter if I use my 240GB SSD for both?  
3. This is a fairly new computer and the SSD is already almost half full (102GB used, 120GB free) *WITHOUT* any of my photo editing software installed yet.  I'm concerned about how fast that remaining 120 GB may fill up.  As it fills up will I lose the speed advantage of the SSD vs. a regular HDD? 
4. Sort of similar to #3, but should I bother moving any of my other non-photo editing programs/caches off of the SSD to a HDD and would there be any major difference in the speed/lifespan of the SSD if I did so?  It's mostly Firefox and Chrome and their caches that I'm concerned may be a problem if they remain on the SSD.

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Photoshop :: Editing Video In CC

Jun 19, 2013

Why does Photoshop CC not allow me to edit video's? It say's it is not capable of editing video's in this version of windows. I have windows 7.

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Batch Editing

Jul 19, 2012

When I use the batch command in Photoshop CS5 the results are the same as if I did the touch up manually.  This is not true in CS6.  What can I do to rectify this problem.

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Photoshop :: Video Editing In CS6

Sep 6, 2012

I am trying to make some first steps with the video editing in Photoshop cs6 but I cant make past stage one....getting a file to open properly.
I shot some video on my Panasonic gf1. Its a .mov file.  When I look at it in bridge, or open it in PS cs6 it only gives sounds but no image. I have updated Photoshop today. 
So I guess I have some settings wrong. Maybe I had wrong settings in my camera. What to do? I can watch the video's with windows media player.

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Photoshop :: External Editing In LR4 And PS6

May 26, 2013

Upgraded to PS6 from PS5. External editing in lightroom 4 stop working. It fails to open file in PS6. I am using mac with snow lion OS10.8.3

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Photoshop :: DNG File Editing

Dec 4, 2012

I am new to RAW file editing. I noticed that DNG files can be edited both in Camera Raw and in Photoshop itself. Which is better for maximazing the advntages of RAW files?

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Photoshop :: Editing Video With CS6

Sep 26, 2013

I am using an iMac,OS 10.7.5, Lion.  When editing video with PS CS 6, how do I get the "safe zone" grids for text and action to show on the image, either stills or video?

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Photoshop :: Editing A RAW File

Nov 24, 2013

editing a RAW file. I cant get the lighting to look right (I wasnt paying attention to my camera settings when taking the photo). I didnt know how to adjust the lighting and make the photo look nice and presentable to the girls in the photo.

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Photoshop :: Editing Two Pictures

Feb 21, 2013

I have two pictures that i want to stitch together, but the results are shocking.

Basically i want to keep the picture of the hands, but instead of holding up the world, i want it to hold up my school logo.

As it is going to be a logo, the size is not really a huge issue, as long as it is big enough to show what is happening.

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Photoshop :: 3D Editing Anomalies

Aug 15, 2013

I am trying to become proficient with PS CC 3D tools and am running into a seeming anomaly. After working a few minutes with the 3D file, the image switches to what looks like a mask layer. I don't THINK I'm invoking it by accident, but I am unable to recover from it. Here a screen image.My goal is to create a workflow to build isometric 3D maps with the flexibiliy of a layered PS file.My current workflow is as follows: Import .OBJ file from SketchupAdjust 3D settings in PS CC and convert to Smart Object (so I can scale the individual layers more easily). I did find if I go to "Channels" and temporarily click on any of the R, B or G channels, then back on the RGB composite channel, my image return.
System Spec:
PS CC (14.0 x64)Mac OSX 10.7.5Proc: 2.7GHz Intel Core i5Memory: 32 GBPS performance settings (see below)

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Photoshop :: Vector Editing

Nov 14, 2006

In fireworks, I am easily able to manipulate and edit vector shapes with many different methods.

One of these methods is to have two different vectors, one on top of the other so I can apply a 'union' to them for example, as well as, a 'punch', a 'cut out' and some other ones too.

I fail to see this function in photoshop, but I really do need this..

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Photoshop :: Quick Editing

Jun 29, 2006

I'm currently looking for techniques to edit unwanted objects out of my pictures without destroying the entire picture. What i mean, currently I am a realtor taking pictures of homes that I am showing. Many times (usually everytime), there is a sign of the home builder advertising who built the home. I am wanting to know how i can edit/crop the sign out of the photograph when i take a frontal picture of the house with the sign in the picture.

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Photoshop :: Editing Vdeo In CS4

Jun 13, 2009

Editing video in CS4 is a great feature and the only thing I can't figure out is how to merge two video layers in a single video layer so I could carry on with other edits ?

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Photoshop :: Editing Color In PS CS2

Jan 8, 2007

how to change this photo to have coloring like this one?

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Photoshop :: Editing Pictures

Jul 16, 2004

You will find two simmilar pictures with only one noticable difference. To the middle left in one picture are a group of mountains, in the other one there are no mountains. What I ask everyone to do is to save these two pictures and answer me this question: Were the mountain edited out of picture 1, or edited into picture 2?

The more specific you get with your answers the better. In a day or two I will post my own answer to compare to everyone elses. As of right now I will not tell you which one is or isn't edited, I want everyone to figure it out on their own. Remember, right now, there is no wrong answer. But if you do answer, give whatever proof you can.

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Photoshop :: Basic Editing

Jan 14, 2009

i am just wondering what basic edits everyone does to their photographs before they hand them over to their clients? Mostly i try to get my photos the way i want them in camera, but always try to play around with contrast and brigtness and sharpness and ive just started to mess with curves....what does everyone else do? Or does it mainly just depend on the photo?

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Photoshop :: Editing A Postcard

Jan 17, 2008

I created a postcard for my business using PS6. I edited an old card that I had from what I think was a jpg or pdf. I now have photoshop cs2, and I need to edit the text on the card only, not the background. I have it saved as a jpg, and a pdf, however once I open it in CS2, what do I do to be able to delete the old text and begin typing new?

I'm using PS CS2 and windows Xp.

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Photoshop :: Editing An Animation

Jul 24, 2004

I have the Castle Rock Entertainment logo, animated, on my computer, and I want to edit out the words "Castle Rock Entertainment" and put my own words in. The problem is that there are waves in the foreground and if I edit each frame separately, they won't look consistent. I've tried using the rubber stamping tool, but realized that I'd probably run into the same problem. Does anyone know a better way for me to do this?
Also, take a look at my "scratchboard plugin"

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Photoshop :: Editing A Photo

Feb 8, 2007

I am trying to take this photo which has some nicks in it and touch it up.

Specifically the areas in the bottom left where the floorboard, moldings join. As you can see it's pretty out of line. I don't have to get it perfect, but am trying to ensure it's not a noticeable glitch. I have about 5 of these I need to do, so any help as to if it's possible and how I can go about it would be great.

So far I've tried using the smudge tool, copying parts of the real and pasting it over it, however with the angle it's beyond my skill to do this.

Also the other glitch in the window trim on the right side...

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Photoshop :: Theme Editing

May 15, 2004

Im using e107 With black theme and I was want to know how you can edit the small pics they used for the borders and header and color layout They seem to be indexed But I Haven't ever made anything like that.. Because I would like to change the theme to a diffrent style but don't know how to make the graphics work with the php..

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Photoshop :: Animated Gif Editing

Dec 18, 2005

I have an animated gif that I would like to edit. Basically, I just want to add one element that stays in one spot. For some reason I can't achieve this. My element moves. Let's say, you have a person walking and I want to add sun to the picture which doesn't move. How would I do that? I tried to do that in ImageReady but my sun becomes a separate layer and it moves so it's always the same distance from the person walking, but I want the sun to stay and therefore the distance between the sun and the person change.

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Photoshop :: Editing Documents!

Jul 1, 2009

I have some really important paperwork i need edited, dates changed. I already scanned the document. All I want to do is change some dates around and I cant seem to figure it out.

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Photoshop :: Editing Text

Jun 9, 2006

The image is basically a scanned copy of a letter. The image is in JPEG format and the size is around 200kb. Now I want to edit the image(the scanned letter). I only want to edit the content of the letter yani the text of the letter.

Specifically speaking I want to add some text in the image. The text has to be in the same font, size etc etc so that it does not looks like it has been editied.

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Photoshop :: Editing Camera Rig Out

Jun 14, 2007

I took this rig shot of my car:

where the suction cups and bar was still. Does anyone have any tricks or tips for getting rid of the rig in the shot? I've been using the clone stamp tool, along with the vanishing point tool.

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