I don't have this! I've been following some tutorials and the one's that i like all have this step in them. Prob is that when i go to try it warp is not there. I'm not sure if maybe it's a plug in.
I pasted a vector object into PS CS6 (13.0.1 x32) today directly from Illustrator CS6 (16.0.1 x32), and selected "Paste as Smart Object" (Windows XP Pro SP3).
I then tried to warp the pasted object using the Free Transform tool by dragging one of the corner handles with CTRL held down (Windows).
This usually warpsdistorts the object, but instead, this launched a skew operation.
If I paste as Shape Layer or as Pixels then apply Free Transform, <Ctrl + corner handle drag> performs a warpdistort operation. Also, if I rasterise the pasted AI object, and then convert to a Smart Object I can warpdistort.
Is it not possible to paste an Illustrator vector in as a Smart Object, and then warpdistort it directly using this technique?
When I free transform and warp a layer to lie flat, sometimes I'll get this harsh pixellation at one end of the layer. It doesn't appear while I'm doing the warp, just suddenly coming up when I hit enter to apply the transformation.
So for example, Ill be transforming this grid, which is originally about 9x this big.So when I''m running the transformation/warp, it looks like this Not great, but at least most of the lines are still intact on the left and back (the right side is basically fine looking) But once I hit enter, I get this And now like, half the lines I did have are gone, and what's left is super pixelated.
Is there an interpolation setting I could be using? Is it something unavoidable from how distorted I make the layer?
I am just starting out with the Photoshop CS5 trial. I am trying to apply a triangular pattern to a thin rectangular shape. I used the custom shape tool>triangle, then defined the pattern successfully.However, when I apply the pattern it partially repeats it along the vertical as well as the horizontal axis. Please see attached screenshot:
I only want it to repeat horizontally, what am I doing wrong?
Also, I am Fireworks CS5 user and am really missing the properties inspector panel which allows you to quickly and esily edit sizes of objects, is there a Photoshop equivalent of this?........at the moment the only way I can find to edit objects is through Edit>Free Transform.
I am trying to edit a photo using the mesh warp tool. I have it exactly as I want it, but when I go to apply it, every part of the photo I have warped gets deleted and I just get the white background underneath. I have looked online for guides and videos but when they apply their changes their edits stay exactly the same!
I've been experiencing this a lot more lately, and I've yet to find the one discerning aspect of my project that keeps the EDIT > TRANSFORM option from being usable.
Often I'll make a selection with the LASSO or SELECTION tool, it'll be on a layer where the selection encompasses an object (that is not vector), and it's not a selection of the entire canvas (like a CTRL + A). I'll goto EDIT and notice that TRANSFORM is greyed out. The image is in RGB mode, and I'll deselect, make the selection again and STILL not be able to select it.
Are there other things which can prevent that option from being enabled that I'm not thinking of? The layer is not locked and it isn't the background either.
Oh, also, without making a new thread, is it possible to move an anchor while you're drawing with the PEN tool? I thought you could hold SPACEBAR to move it before you released the mouse click, but I just end up having to use the SUBSELECT tool to move the anchors after it's drawn.
My digital camera has a tendency to distort as the image nears the outside of the frame. Is there a photoshop function that can correct this? I have tried the Transform functions (skew, distort, etc), and correcting half of the image is easy by dragging the corner grips away from the center to stretch the image, but, when I go to the opposite end of each given side, the distortion returns. The problem is the grip at the midpoint on each side moves with the rest of the side when using this feature. Is there a transform feature or other command that does something similar, but the midpoint grips stay stationary, basically taking the rectangular shape of the image and making it into an hourglass or four pointed star?
I am trying to design a dvd sleeve using only photoshop. I have several photos on several layers that need to be sized the same and I have been using the info/navigator tool as a guide. I notice that after transforming the scale my photo loses sharpness and when I enlarge it is pixelated. I must be losing pixels/information when I transform the scale of the photos- the more I transform, the more I lose detail.
The problem I am having is that every single file I open looks like this. Once I click transform (which I have to) the layer no longer allows me to click and edit the layer. I like to re-size my images in relation to the multiple images I place on a document. My previous version of photoshop did not create a transform box with each new file. How can I adjust photoshop so that it doesn't do this. I am using CS5 on a PC.
I would like to do an edit / free transform to resize a layer in my image. I want to do this WHILE LOOKING AT a round path that I have created.
No problem in photoshop 7 , just turn on the path, select the image layer that I want to resize, edit/free transform and I can shrink the image while looking at the circular path to see how the image fits within the path.
Is there a function, script or way to use the type-in transform tool in the unwrap edit window? I know there was a script (Unwrap Tools 1.6) a few years ago I used with 2009 but you had to overwrite max's default unwrap edit window, and I don't want to do that. I'm using 2012 design now
I'm creating a flow chart/decision tree. I am animating the position of a diagram on the stage when a user selects yes or no in answer to a series of questions.
I've split up each diagram movement on the stage timeline as labels. I've staggered these transforms as keyframes on the same layer/track. The issue I'm having is when I manipulate the position of my diagram by moving it on the stage it affects adjacent transforms. I have my transforms seperated with a 1/10 second gap becuase I thought this would split the timeline up but it appears not!
While I can edit the transforms manually by typing in xy co-ordinates it would be ten times faster to move the diagram on the stage instead and not overwrite adjacent transforms.
How do I restrict the transform to the two keyframe points I am concerned with?
Problem: Transform applied to Smart Object fails to transform an attached Smart Filters Mask.
I mean a Transform, including Free Transform, as found in the Edit menu. A simple move by the Move Tool is OK.
A workaround until this bug is squashed is to encapsulate the Smart Object + Smart Filters + Filter Mask inside another Smart Object and transform that.However, that will not be a satisfactory solution in some cases. If a filter has size parameter(s), e.g. Gaussian Blur radius, a scaling or warping/distorting transform applied after the filter will obviously differ from the filter applied after the transform.
In any case, the workaround is inconvenient to subsequent editing and experimenting with filters and masks.
I am trying to access the edit original (edit with) option to edit a photo that has not been edited yet. I right click and go through the edit menu and does not appear or is not available? Would I have to reopen it manual in photoshop or is there a way around this to access that setting? it sometimes does not appear on my already edited photos.
I would prefer not to open each photo again, as some files i do not have and were imported into the document with another computer.
I have phototshop cs installed. It seems the warp command is missing in both installations of the program. I wanted to use it in order to make a little page curl on the corner of an image. Several different tutorials call for this function and I don't have it.
I am trying to use the warp text tool to create an arch with my text. However, when I make my arch, the font becomes very distorted and I cannot figure out why. By distorted, I mean the font is not holding it's true shape while making the arch.
when I look in the CS1 help, it tells how to use it and even shows what the icon for it looks like but I cant find anything in the help about where the button for the Warp tool is.
Some photo editor has a feature called mesh warp: it overlays a grid over a selected area and the user can drag the points in the grid to distort (warp) the underlying graphics.
The closest thing I found in photoshop is liquify, but it doesn't work quite the same. It's harder to make subtle changes with the liquify tools than with mesh warp.
For example, if I have a photo of a woman with barrel waist and I want to edit her into hour-glass waist, having mesh warp would be handy.
My problem is absolute control of the strip. I want to control the strip when warping so it will go over objects and wrap around things etc.
Is there a program or filter that does this.
I made this quickly in Photoshop to illustrate my problem.
The strip is several different vector paths with gradient and used a brush to paint in the dots. This method is tedious. I need a quicker more controlled way..
I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS. I can't warp any image. I go to edit>transform but there is no warp over there. Are there some images that can't be warped?
I'm trying to warp the shadow of some text for a logo much like the image attached. I can't figure it out at the moment, as when I use the warp tool it's changes the actual text.
I would like to keep the actual text as normal and then warp it's shadow.
When I use the 3D tools in PS CS6, the render is 'warping' the clean lines in an odd manner.Notice the curves on the C and O are getting points and straight lines in the top left corners? And the inside of the O is showing some strange distortion.
I'm looking for a way to automate/simplify the following task:
1. We have high-resolution photos of the HDTV section of brick and mortar TV stores with dozens of TVs on display. (imagine walking in to Best Buy and taking photos of the HDTV area). Each of the TV screens (the actual video content) has a perfect alpha channel mask in Photoshop. 2. We have another layer with our new content for the TV screens. 3. We need to manipulate the new content to fit perfectly within the perfect masks of the TV screens. 4. Since it's always simulated still video content for HDTV screens, everything is always rectangular, so we don't need something to transform to organic shapes. Simply shapes with four straight sides.
Currently, we are using the Edit/Transform tools to do this. The problem is that it takes a very long time and isn't always perfect. Is there any way to automate this within Photoshop? If there is a plugin or add-on for Photoshop that will solve it, we'll be happy to purchase it.
If you have a text layer on the Video timeline in PS CS6, there is an option to use key frames with Text Warp. Unfortunately, unlike other key framed animations, the change from one warp state to another is not gradual. It simply jumps from one warp selection at one key frame to another warp selection at the next key frame. Converting it to a Smart Object removes the Warp Text animation option but retains the animation.