anyway to tell photoshop CS to quit showing me all of the hidden tools every time I choose a tool. I'm not an idiot, Photoshop...when I want the paint brush, I don't want to choose between the paint brush and the pencil! What kind of a 'feature' is that?
For some reason now, when I select a tool with hidden tools under them, they display the hidden tools in a pop up next to the selected tool. This is very frustrating and causes me to lose a lot of valuable time with extra clicking. Does any one know how to reset this particular feature?
I can no longer find my Marquee Tool. In place of it there is now a button or icon labeled as "Go to Adobe Online" I don't recall seeing this button ever before. Someone else was using my computer last week, so I'm guessing that they somehow caused this change. Does anyone know how to bring back the Marquee Tool? I find it far more accurate for cropping than the "Cropping Tool"
I tried removing the quick mask in the channel side bar and also uncheck "edit in quick mask mode" but I still cannot stop the pop up saying "Could not use move tool because the target channel is hidden". I cannot draw any objects or move them. What should I do?
Hidden Channels. I've got starting working on personal project. During working I have not done nothing with channels layer. In certain moment I cannot move with elements, or changing style options.
Error message came in: "could not use move tool because the target channel is hidden".
I'm using the Photoshop CC in Windows8 64x as trial and find a curious bug with the Move Tool:Usually I select multiple layers creating a selection with the Move Tool on them, but in this new CC version the tool is selecting hidden layers too. More details: the hidden layer are inside a folder. The folder is hidden, but the inside layers are not.
This type of selection has always worked perfectly in previously versions, and of course, I leave the option "Auto Select> Layer" enabled.
I've been using the pen tool for almost a month now… I'm actually getting pretty good with it now, mainly using it to make my selections more precise… I haven't even bothered to try to draw with it, yet…
Anyway, I was already kind of sleepy when I started to outline the chopper with the pen tool… I got pretty tired & saved what I have done into a PSD. In Illustrator I know it would probably save my anchor points…
When I click on my Path palette, I can see some of my outline… But, the rest of it is filled in with white as a shape…With all of that said, in Photoshop… Is there anyway I can pick up where I left off tracing the nice Harley-Davidson?
Or… Do I have to start all over?
I already tried to use the Direct Path tool & Direct Selection Tool… My anchor points remain hidden.
Usually I can click a took and thats the end of it...if I want to show hidden I have to click the little arrow or something of that nature. Now when I click a tool it automatically opens up the hidden tools menu, which makes it very annoying to select tools because I've then got to click it in the hidden menu to select it.
Also performing things such as double clicking hand tool to show an image full screen don't work becuase as soon as I click the hand tool once it opens up the hidden tools menu and won't allow me to double click it. I've tried resetting to defaults and even checked my wacom/mouse settings...cant figure out what the issue is.
My 'Tool Options' Box has always been on the left of the screen - at the bottom of the 'Tool box'. I clicked on something yesterday while using the Tool Options Box and somehow moved it. There is now a message there that says 'You can drop dockable dialogs here'. I've tried various things but can't get the Tool Options box back. It's lurking underneath the main Tool Box. I can drag it out and use it, but afterwards it hides again. I know this has to be a dead simple problem but I just can't seem to correct it.
It seems that I've somehow "hidden" all of the extra options for any given tool in the Toolbox in GIMP (in 2.6, but I'm having the same issue in 2.8). I'm quite baffled as to what I did to cause this issue. URL....
In 2008, never had this issue.Just dumb, circles, and lines in a view port, that have hidden or center linetyoes assigned to them. When we go to plot using legacy hidden (this new for 2012?) the plot comes out with continuous lines. These are not solids. Just ordinary line entities.Now, when I change the shadeplot to "hidden" the linetype is shown correctly, but now my entities are coloured, when I just want my drawing to be black and white (going to PDF), even though all of the colours in the pen style are set to "Black".
Has this changed? Is there a new variable introduced?
I'm drawing objects (walls, platforms, etc.) in 3d made up primarily of extruded polygons. I want to be able to plot these objects in a way that hides all of the lines which are obscured by other objects. Currently I have my viewports set up with a 2D Wireframe visual style and a Hidden shade plot. This isn't working for me. I'm still getting all of the lines in the drawing visible no matter what.
Here's the strange thing: It seems to work perfectly fine in plan view, but not in front view. Also, it's worked fine in the past. It seems that the problem has gotten progressively worse over the past year or so.
when i use the alt zoom function both with my keyboard and with my tablet the eyedropper tool shows up.
I understand that when you hold down the alt button the eyedropper tool shows up when using the brush tool but i was wondering if there was a way to disable this feature or modify it in some way because this is seriously affecting my ability to use my tablet as it changes the color of my brush when I use the zoom function.
Using a Macbook Pro Mountain Lion OS Wacom Intuos 4 Updated Drivers in everything as of October 8th 2012
Each time I open CS4 and the initial image I get this message, "Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver, and has temporarily disabled GPU enhancements. Check the video card manufacturer's website for the latest software."
I'm writing to the Adobe Forum because GeForce feels they are not the cause of the problem. Here is what I've done toward resolving this problem: As a side note let me add here that after upgrading CS2 to CS4 this error message appeared religiously. That caused me to purchased an Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT display adapter w/ 512mb memory.
Prior to installing the new card I downloaded their newest drivers for this card after removing the old drivers. Originally I had a GeForce 7600 card. The error message continued with the new card. I've searched the settings within CS4 trying to find an option that would resolve the problem. This machine has a new motherboard, a D945GNT Intel board. It will support 64-bit however I'm currently running XP Pro 32-bit, SP3.
Is it possible to disable propogate frame 1 permanently in cs6. Everytime I uncheck it, if I undo my edits or erase my frames it copies the first frame elements onto the entire animation causing for me to go through and fix this eachtime.
I'm aware there was a way to diable it in Cs3 but I don't see a way to so it in cs6.
when i change the blending modes, to not store in history, because i find it useless and it takes a lot of history states untill i dont have mutch undos to go further back.
if there was a way to disable the hotkeys that PSP7 provides. Occasionally when I'm using PSP, I dont know what I click, but the hotkeys are activated. Its a hassle trying to use the text feature and trying to save the file: windows are popping up and toolbars disappear off the screen. The only solution that I've found was to close the program and open it again. I'd rather avoid the hassle of closing all of my files and opening them again.
Photoshop has started acting very strange. It's incorrectly detecting less than 512MB VRAM (AMD 5770HD, 1024MB VRAM). I thought it may be a graphics driver issue but neither the latest stable nor beta seem to effect this.
Since 3D features have been disabled, the application is unstable. Changing tools a few times will always result in an appcrash exception.
System specs:
Windows 7 x64 ultimate Core i5-3470 16GB RAM AMD HD5770
I have a feeling I know what's causing 3D mode to disable and that's the integrated card on this motherboard. This currently acts as an additional monitor output and is set as the primary device in the bios (and I can't change this) but shares some state via some LucidLogix thing on the motherboard. Is there any way to disable this VRAM check?
I am using Photoshop CS6 and if I have nested layer groups whose depth is greater than 5 I get the following error message. "This document contains nested layer groups that may change in appearance if opened in applications older than Photoshop CS6".
I can click on "don't show this message again" before pressing ok, but can i disable it from showing somewhere in the application settings? I want to enable it sometimes and sometimes not.
- The "Reset All Warning Dialogs" button from Edit - Preferences - General is not very usefull because I want to keep other messages' settings, only this one should be affected.
I was messing around with my 3ds Max UI today, trying to freshen things up a bit, when I noticed the "Minimize" option for the Command panel window. I quite like the way this works, although one thing is bugging me about it.
When you enter or exit the Command Panel it "slides" in & out of view. Is there any way to disable this animation? Otherwise this is a pretty cool feature which I can't believe I didn't see before.
I forgot what the command for this very basic function was. All it does is make it so that you see a new AutoCAD 2010 tab down on the windows task bar for every different file you have opened. I thought it was just "tab", but apparently not.
I am using autocad lt 2000i in windows 7. The drawing properties command causes autocad to abort. I would like to remove this command from the drop down box.
I'm using Draw X6 64 bit. The program seems to get very unstable with large multipage files., especially just after saving. The save icon greys out suggesting a save is completed but it seems the save is still going on in the background. Is there anyway to get the old behaviour back so that the icon only greys out when the document is actually completely saved? It's safer to stop editing the file while it is saving rather than continue working on it, but the icon is giving me misleading feedback..
I just installed PSP X2 Ultimate and after first memory card use, I unchecked Photo Down loader so it won't run when I start the computer. Now when I "manually" move files from my memory card (SD) to my hard drive, I am Not able to delete those file on the memory card. Nor can I simply Move the files to my hard drive.
I had no problems before installing PSP. Now to remove the files I have to reformat the card(s) each time.
Seems like Photo Down loader put some hooks in the OS to operate and didn't remove them when I disabled it.
When I installed AutoCAD 2011 for Mac the geometric constraints automatically to everything that I draw. There doesn't seem to be anything about turning this feature off all together in documentation. I can do it with a selection set, but when I would have to do it to every line that I draw, it seems pretty ridiculous.