Photoshop :: Crashes On 13.1.2 On MacPro Under 10.7.5 With 14GB RAM When Using Masks?

Aug 29, 2013

a user reported crashes on an up to date PS CS6 on a Mac Pro running Lion with 14 GB of RAM, often when she tweaks a mask, add feather, etc.


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Photoshop :: CS6 Memory Usage 14GB From 50 Meg File?

Aug 23, 2013

I'm working on a 48 meg file, but my RAM usage was up to 13.9 gigs. I just restarted Ps and opened the file and it's up to 10.7 gigs.
Previously I was always maxing out 10 gigs everyday out of 12 available gigs in the machine also working on small files.( 25-30 meg on average) IT tried playing with things forever and finally just tried ordering more RAM. They ended up putting 28 Gigs in the box. And I'm really not seeing any advantage in Photoshop, other than my system still runs OK outside of Ps while I'm working. well Rhino 3D still crashes from being out of memory, even though there was still 6 gigs free?
I'm just drawing, no filters, not too many layer masks. I do have maybe 15-20 vector smart objects in the file, and I'm at 147 layers. The issue I was having is Pen lag on the Cintiq when I draw starts getting horrible as the RAM usage gets higher. I had been restarting Photoshop constantly to get it to release RAM. But I haven't the last couple days since they doubled the RAM in the machine. And obviously on restart the file still needed a lot of RAM???
I can live with the lag, sucks, but I can still work. I just don't understand why these small files are using so much RAM. Back in the day on 32 bit systems with 4gigs of RAM I would sometimes create posters/covers/magazine spreads that were 1.5- even 4 gigs that would have to be saved as Tiff's because PS didn't support a file that big. This machine runs like that everyday. At home I've been doing some freelance book covers that get up to 450 megs now and then and it still runs better, Cintiq at home draws smoother than this machine that costs 3-4 times more!
It's a win 7 64 bit box, 2 Dual core 2.4 Xeons. two quadro 2000's, now 28GB ram, OS on a 560?GB drive with files on a Terrabyte drive that gets backed up. My hardrives arent rated very high, 5.9, but at least im working local to the machine as the network is slow.

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Photoshop Elements :: Layer Masks - Can't Get White Or Shown Masks To Be Taken Off With Black Brush

Sep 11, 2012

I am having trouble with using my layer masks. I can use the masks that are hidden (shown with black screen) and apply them with the white brush, but I cant get white or shown masks to be taken off with the black brush. Sometimes, not always I have trouble adjusting the opacity of white masks. I was playing around with actions I downloaded and after applying three actions to a photo, elements froze on me. I read about trashing preferences, I dont know what that does or means but I tried to hit cntrol alt shift when photoshop was opening and nothing happened. When it first opens it shows I can install the new inspiration browser ( i dont know what that is either) thinking it was a required update I tried to update and it gave me an error message, something about the installer has been mis-configured.

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Photoshop :: Why Does CS6 Make MacPro Run Extremely Slow

Dec 23, 2012

I use actions for my photograpy images.  I use CS6 PS and LR3 side by side and it continuously freeze my brand new mac and also did the same to my old PC.
A computer annaylist friend said it may be the way i use PS - I cant see that to be honest as all I do is open the raw image - run an action and then save it back to LR.  But then saying that after speaking with other photog friends - they tell me they dont have a problem when they do the same.

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Lightroom :: Moving V3 From PC To MacPro?

Feb 23, 2014

I have lightroom 3 on my PC.  I want to uninstall from the PC and reinstall on the MacPro.
How do I do this?

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Lightroom :: 5 - Benefit Of Graphic Cards Acceleration With New MacPro

Jan 1, 2014

Will LR5 benefit of graphic cards acceleration with the new MacPro ?

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Premiere Pro :: Import AVCHD Video Footage Captured On Panasonic On MacPro

Mar 16, 2014

Ive been attempting to import AVCHD video footage captured on a Panasonic into Premier Pro CS6 on my MacPro. I've tried this from the camera and after copying the entire folder to my desktop. The footage is there, but has no audio!

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Photoshop :: Masks In CS6

Jun 27, 2012

I was trying to learn from this video about masking.  It says it is CS5.
When I go to the layers there is no masks.  When I go to the windows, no masks. A post said that it was now under properties, but when I go there, it says no properties.

So I cannot even get started.  My idea was to take this image and replace the screening area with a green background, in a manner that I thought might work similar to the video. the quick mask selected the desired area well and then I could go no farther.

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Photoshop :: Masks

May 18, 2005

Running Photoshop CS. I have two jpegs one of which I need to drag a section of the photo across to the other one. This is applied as a layer but I want to dissolve the outer edges of the picture into the underlying jpeg.

I've tried feathering but it doesn't give me the shape I need, as I'm limited to circular or rectangular shape. The rubber tool doesn't really gradient the edges away enough, even on maximum softness. I think I really need to use a mask but for some reason when I press Quick Mask and colour inthe edges then press Q it just leaves a marquee round the shape but doesn't remove the edge.

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Photoshop :: Can't Paint On Masks?

Sep 5, 2012

I recently upgraded to CS6 (version 13.0.1 x64) on a Mac OS X 10.7.4, and my masks are acting wonky. When I add a mask to a layer and then use the brush tool (using black) to paint on the mask to remove the mask from a portion of my image, nothing happens. If I invert the mask so that it's all black and then paint on with a white brush, I can get the effect of the mask.
But then if I happen to use the brush on a part of the image that has already been painted (it is white on the mask), that part of the mask turns black even though I'm using a white-colored brush. Is there some sort of setting I need to change? What am I doing wrong?

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Photoshop :: Where Is Masks Panel

Mar 21, 2012

In cs5 the masks panel was introduced to encourage the use of non-destructive lyre masks. It was a handy place to view all masks andcrevisitvforvrevision of refine mask command. It appears to be totally gone.

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Photoshop :: Masks Are Not Working In CC

Nov 10, 2013

Is there a way for me to reset my preferences to the original. I was not having a problem applying a exposure compensation mask a few days ago and now when I do it does nothing. When I use the brush tool in masking nothing happens.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Masks

Jul 20, 2012

Everytime I add an adjustment layer to CS5 layers palette, the adjustment layer comes in as a clipping mask and is clipped to the layer below.  I must have accidently invoked something that is causing this.  It is very frustrating and time consuming have to change each layer in my stack. WHAT DID I DO WRONG... and HOW DO I FIX IT.

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Photoshop :: Masks Deleting

Feb 17, 2006

When I try to create a mask in photoshop CS, for some reason my picture starts to get deleted. In the picture below, I copied the background layer, and then deleted the background layer leaving me with just the copied layer. I clicked Add Layer Mask, and then clicked the Layer Mask Thumbnail in the Layers tab and then I clicked the Brush icon to begin making my mask.

In the next picture below, I tried to make my mask, but instead of that red color I normally get that show's where i'm masking, the picture is just erased.

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Photoshop :: Two Masks On One Layer?

Jul 1, 2006

I added another mask, when I start brushing it just switches back to the other?

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Photoshop :: Clipping Masks?

Mar 4, 2005

i am taking a photoshop class and i am having some trouble with an assignment. i've emailed my instructor, but i haven't received a reply yet and i was hoping maybe somebody here could help me. the instructions for the assignment are listed below and i've attached some example .gif files of what the graphics are supposed to look like. Code:

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Photoshop :: Clipping Masks...

Oct 13, 2005

clipping masks.

some background on what im trying to do is create an image i can place over my snowboard. The folks over at will then sell the art for you. Really, im just interested in getting something on there for me... But to get to it, they give you a file that has the outline of a snowboard and i want to only see whats inside of that shape. (problem here is that the file comes in an illustrator or acrobat file, not a photoshop one...)

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Photoshop :: Alpha Masks

Mar 24, 2006

I created alpha masks in "Channels" , when I click "Layers" tab I can see the effect
but when I try to save that image for web I see that mask was not applied.

So my question is:
How do I actually apply the mask created in Alha Channel.

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Photoshop :: Vector Masks..?

Nov 13, 2005

I have PS CS2 and Illustrator CS 2 as well as corel. I am making designs to be cut out with a plotter and such and need to know how to make vectors but, I just havent learned this yet.

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Photoshop :: Regarding Layer Masks

Oct 25, 2006

If I have already made a layer mask for a specific do I copy the same layer mask and apply it to whatever layer I want?

Also, how do I make it start out all black instead of all white when creating layer masks?

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Photoshop :: (using Layers Masks)

Jul 27, 2006

How can i erase part of an image gradually? i want to achieve sort of a fading effect...

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Photoshop :: Layer Masks

Jun 30, 2006

I have added a layer mask and now they want me to fill it black... problem is when I do will it black it removes the blur and revert back to the normal image?

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Photoshop :: Layer Masks?

Feb 15, 2005

what a layer mask is and give me an example of where it owuld be used and how?

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Photoshop :: Clipping Masks

Mar 13, 2009

I'm using CS2 Photoshop and Illustrator for class projects. I know almost nothing about the products. I want to edit photos by removing parts of them and I was told to use clipping masks. I'm not getting what I want. Sometimes the area I want masked "disappears" but when I combine it with other elements in my composition the edges of the photo are still there although they are "whited out" (Sorry, I'm explaining this the best I can). I can't seem to get just the editted shape without the part that is masked.

I also don't know what the definitions are for things like "Clipping Masks", "Merge Layers" vs "Group Layers", etc. Most of the time I know what I want to do but I don't know the Adobe term for what it is called. This makes it impossible to look for a tutorial or other help.

I've used MS Publisher for many years but Adobe has me totally baffled.

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Photoshop :: Making Masks

Jul 27, 2009

When I click "Add a pixel mask" button in the mask panel, Photoshop doesn't convert the active selection to a layer mask. I mean as soon as I click that button, the other area convert's to active selection and foreground color changes to white.

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Photoshop :: How To Un-invert New Vector Masks

Apr 13, 2012

If I select a Path or Work Path from the Paths Panel,then select a Layer from the Layers Panel,then Command-click the Make New Mask button (at the bottom of the Layers Panel),I get a new Vector Mask applied to my Layer....But it's inverted. The shape of the Vector Mask is hiding that portion of the layer. In other words it's like my mask is a cookie cutter and just made a hole in my layer.
How do I create a new Vector Mask and hide everything else on that layer except the area of the mask?

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Photoshop :: Layer Masks Posterized

Aug 29, 2012

I am having a problem in Photoshop CS6 where I am getting posterization in a layer mask, instead of a smooth gradient / transition. I am 87% sure that this is resulting in a visible hard transition in the final image (a TIFF, not a jpeg).
I have tried applying a gaussian blur to the mask, but this just changes the posterization, it doesn't remove it. Doing the gaussian blur with the document in 16 bit mode doesn't make any difference.
The posterization is visible at all zoom levels. I have tried setting cache levels to 1 and GPU acceleration to basic (and restarting PS), but still see the posterization when using a soft brush on a layer mask.
I read some of the other threads on the forum where people had problems with their graphics cards / monitor profiles causing things to look posterized when they weren't really. The examples given in those threads looked okay to me, so I think it is a Photoshop related problem rather than a general problem for me. I've attached two screenshots below, hopefully you can open them up full size and see if they appear posterized to you.
I'm not sure what the problem is or how to fix it?

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Photoshop :: How To Not Add Layer Masks By Default

Apr 4, 2013

I swear I remember that there is a preference somewhere for turning off the automatic addition of Layer Masks for new Adjustment Layers, but I can't remember where I saw it.  I'd like to disable the automatic creation of layer masks during addition of adjustment layers.

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Photoshop :: Using Adjustment Layers With Masks

Apr 24, 2012

Lets say I have an area of a picture to which I want to apply a adjustment layer such as Hue/Saturation. I select the area and create a mask. I then apply a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.

The problem is that the adjustment layer affects the whole image rather than the masked area.

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Photoshop :: Selection For Luminosity Masks

Jan 31, 2013

I'm trying to get a better understanding of luminosity masks. Where can I find out just what operations Photoshop is performing when I control click on the rgb composite channel to make a selection (which I then save as an alpha channel)?

My assumption is that the brightest half of the image pixels are included in the selection and the rest are consigned to black. Is that even in the ballpark?

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Photoshop :: Layer Style And Masks

Apr 20, 2011

I have several times a little problem with subject.

If you take some Layer Style and then set mask on it then its of course mask all image.

I have problem to exlain it, i'll show:

that i have, and want to achieve that:

but get that by swich on mask on that layer:

So did i miss something about layer styles and there is easy way to apply mask to only effects, but not to image itself? Or at least to get something like that:

P.S. I know that it can be done my manipulation with groups or "merging" but is there some more "natural" way?

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