Photoshop :: Controlling Transitions In Flash...

Jun 24, 2009

Is there a way to control the transitions from one image to the next when generating a flash web gallery? I'm using CS4/Bridge on WinXP. The fade out/in from one image to the next is very chunky, no matter what the file size.  And that's on my local copy before I've uploaded it to the web. I also haven't found a way to generate web galleries from within CS4 itself (looked at file/automate, as well as window/output, but nothing obvious in either location).

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Photoshop :: Transitions/blending

Oct 14, 2007

Does one of you know how to make the edges of the mouth image and the papersquares that form a K 'flow' into/transition into the background?

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Photoshop :: How To Apply Many Transitions Efficiently

May 9, 2013

i edit lots of software video tutorials inside Photoshop CS6 and overlay the videos with lots of red circles and keyboard keys. All these overlays need a short fade-in and fade-out. How can i apply these fade-ins and fade-outs more efficiently?

- If have to drag every single fade-in and every single fade-out to every single object, these are two actions per object. I believe there is no keyboard command for this and also i cannot create my own keyboard command here.
- Often i *copy* an object with Ctrl-J which already *has* the fade-in and fade-out. But the newly *copied object* does *not* sport the fade-in and fade-out; so i have to apply those manually again.
Is there any way to speed up the procedure of applying transitions? (Bulk-apply transitions? Keyboard ways?)I already tried to activate the special time-frame keyboard commands. (applying transitions). What's more, with special time-frame keyboard commands active, the arrow keys get new tasks then; but i need the arrow keys for *regular* keyboard commands in connection with the move tool (to precisely move the overlay objects to their desired position).
If you know any *advanced* tutorials on video in Photoshop CS6 (written or video), i would be interested. I am very familiar with general Photoshop including general video there. I don't need any introduction.

I have also tried to do my tasks in Premiere Pro CS6, but found it a bit overwhelming and went back to edit the video tuts in Photoshop. Even though after some getting-used-to-it, Premiere might be better for me. I *do* have to import lots of smart-objects and vector-objects with transparency from Photoshop all the time, and Photoshop is my natural habitat.

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Photoshop :: Color Transitions Between Layers

Nov 27, 2007

First layer, the blue one, actually background, was applied gradient and you see the water drop image in the right on the 2nd layer but as you can easily recognize, it looks so artificial because the color flow of the layer on the left is cut abruptly by the image on the right. So how i can make a soft color transition between those 2 layers so that they look pieces of the same composition?

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Photoshop :: How To Smooth Color Transitions

May 19, 2009

I stitched together a panorama of the city that I live in. The sky in the picture has an annoying dark spot, that I would like to smooth out without affecting the colors of the photo. Most online articles say to remove the sky and replace it with a gradient, but I would lose a lot of the detail that I want to keep (tower antennas, clouds, etc...) so I would like to smooth the color transition instead,

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Photoshop :: Controlling Anti-aliasing

Mar 5, 2013

The Text tool has options for anti-aliasing - Strong, Crisp, etc. Is there anything similar when filling paths?

I am filling two paths with a common edge; when the Anti-alias box is un-checked, the border looks ragged, but when the box is checked, the border looks grey. I can get the results I want by filling twice with anti-aliasing turned on, but I would like to have the box "Half-checked".

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Photoshop :: Controlling Flow With SHIFT?

Mar 7, 2012

  I have not been able to the nice feature of pressing shift+ number to control the amount of flow while painting for some time now (or to control the amount of opacity with airbrush on). This feature was great when I first started using it back in PS7 but I haven't seen it since the last few packages.

It is a major time saver for any digital painter's workflow and am worndering if their is any way to make this function work again.see the the adobe link if you'd like to see Adobe's description of the function.[URL]...

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Photoshop :: Controlling Resolution When Resizing?

Jul 11, 2012

I am hoping to get something that i can print out and refer to the next time i try and resize an image so how to resize and resolution relationships when i resize an image or when i redo the resolution in an image.
i always seem to LOSE RESOLUTION when i make an image smaller - say going from 19" wide to 8.5" wide - and the image always seems to get downsampled in a way that doesn't seem necessary. the way i can tell this happens is if i blow up the 8.5 wide document that i just RESIZED, the resolution is not the same as it was when it was a 19" wide document even though it seems like it coule/should be.

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Photoshop :: Controlling Brush Size

Nov 15, 2004

Is it possible to map '[' and ']' to the wheel on a mouse? I think that it would be much easier to control brush size like this than using those keys. If not, I'll just try to find adjacent keys on the left size of the keyboard to do that.

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Photoshop :: Controlling The Speed Of A Gif Animation?

Aug 29, 2004

I'm trying to do is take a video file and make a part of it into an animated gif. I only just got Photoshop CS (Version 8.0) and so I'm still a bit of a clutz with it. What I'm doing is going into ImageReady and using the "File > Open" option to open the video, I edit it down to the length I want with the dialog that pops up. Then I adjust the video and canvas size to my needs. But I can't find any option to control the speed. While I'm editing it the animation runs in slow motion, and when I save it to gif it still runs in slow motion. However, if I save it as a QuickTime file or something, it runs at normal speed. How can I change the frames per second or at least get it to run at the normal speed it does in the video for a gif file?

The only way I've found so far is to edit out frames from the animation, but then it comes out choppy. I've asked in several other places and looked at tutorials and they say to use the "File > Save to web" option. But there does not seem to be any such option and I think they may be referring to older versions. How can I do this in the version I have?

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Photoshop :: Tween Is Producing Transparent Transitions

Sep 6, 2013

I have two frames. Each contains a transparent background and an completely opaque object. When I choose the tweening option with specified number of frames, I get a semi-transparent transition.

If I first duplicate the first frame, then select all three frames and choose tweening I also get a semi- transparent transition.
I even copied the layers before converting the whole thing into a Frame Animation - with the same result.
(I also saw the older Topic here: [URL], but it was no use to me, since I even had this effect when I first duplicated the frame).

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Photoshop :: Controlling Auto Numbering Of Layers

Jun 21, 2006

When I create a new layer, Photoshop automatically assigns a number to that layer (i.e. Layer 51). Is there a way I can reset this numbering system? When I start a new folder with a new set of layers, I want it to begin on #1 again. How do I do this?

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Photoshop :: Exporting Animated GIFs With Fade Transitions In CS6

Oct 1, 2012

So I created a basic slideshow banner with three different images that fade from one to the next. When I preview it on the timeline, everything looks great, but when I go to save for web and select gif, then hit play for a preview, the fade transitions are gone and they just hard cut from one to the next. How to keep those fade transitions when exporting?

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Photoshop :: Why Do Video Transitions Have Poor Quality On Playback

Oct 26, 2013

I've created a slide show using layers and have created a video group. This turns the layers into clips in the timeline. I've added a cross-fade transition between each clip in the timeline.
Everything plays back nicely in PS. When I export to mp4 and play it back in Quicktime, no matter what the magnification, the transitions look horrible. Even if I freeze frame on one it's horribly pixelated. I've tried different export options with the same results. Something appears to be happening during rendering the transitions, as if PS doesn't know how to create them. I export to:
Adobe Media Encoder
High Quality
1920 x 1080 (same as my file)
Frame Rate 30 fps
Field Order: Preset (Progressive)
Range = All Frames
My stats are:
iMac 27"
800 gigs free space
12 gigs ram 8 free

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Photoshop :: Controlling Brush Darkness With Intuos5 Pen Pressure?

Mar 29, 2012

I just bought a pressure sensitve tablet (wacom intuos5 medium).
I want to set it up so I can practice "charcoal drawing" in photoshop without the mess. Specifically, I want the pressure to control the darkness of the brush tool, from very faint to completely black.
So, in the brushes window, I enabled "other dynamics" and set the flow control to pen pressure. It works but not very well. It's hard to draw a faint line, and faint lines appear to be made up of discrete circles.
I also try linking the opacity to the pen pressure, and set flow to 100%. This work better for faint lines, but I'm unable to draw a completely black line. It seems the opacity maxed out at about 40%. I don't want to apply too much pressure lest I break the tablet.

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VideoStudio :: Add New Transitions In Pro X4?

Sep 9, 2011

I have some transitions that I would like to add to my transitions list in VideoStudio. The transitions are in the Quicktime animation ".mov" format. Is there a way to add them in?

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VideoStudio :: Missing Transitions In X4 Pro?

Mar 5, 2011

Video Studios 12 Pro had 14 flashback transitions. When upgraded to VS X3 Pro and now to VS X4 Pro noticed that there is only 1 flashback transition. Is there some way to copy the transitions from VS 12 to VS X14 Pro ?

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VideoStudio :: Adding More Transitions In X4?

Nov 1, 2011

I'm using a lot of pictures in timeline using X4 but noticed there arent't many Transiotions to choose from.

where I can find additional?

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VideoStudio :: Aircraft Transitions For Pro X2

May 27, 2010

Where i could get aircraft transitions for Pro X2.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X6 - Total Three Transitions

Aug 8, 2013

I just downloaded the trial version of VideoStudio Pro X6 - in the transitions panel, there appears to be a total of three transitions. This seems to be really lacking, but I wonder if I am missing something?

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Title Transitions

Mar 1, 2011

I'm currently using my VideoStudio X4 Trial before considering buying a license. I have a tiny problem with Title transitions in X4, as you now is able to put transitions on titles.

Look at the video i made for more information about my problem: [URL]........

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VideoStudio :: Where To Get More Transitions For Videos

Sep 6, 2013

I am making some videos.. And i really liked the flashback transition. but there's only one transition. i saw some tech videos online where they used somewhat same transitions.. where can we get more transitions?

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VideoStudio :: X5 Ultimate Has Only 3 Transitions?

May 3, 2012

I recently purchased the x5 ultimate pro edition, but a few years ago i had an older version but i noticed something....

the older version used to have close to 40 transitions, but the new one even with the extra download pack still only 3 transitions.. did something not get installed?

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VideoStudio :: Are Transitions Interchangeable

May 18, 2011

I have noticed that there is only 1 transition in both the ALBUM and FLASHBACK 'folders' in VS Pro X3 yet in VS 9 (and VS 10 I think) there are around 15 in each (folder).

The relevant file names (containing the transitions in each 'folder') are in the Vfx_Plug directory (folder) but are they interchangeable (can I just copy them across from VS9 to VS X3 without causing problems)?

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VideoStudio :: X4 Copying Transitions

Jun 16, 2011

I have in my VS11+ a lot of mask transitions installed, If I remember well they came from the content pack or the bonus pack. when I list the existing list in X4 they did not exist. How can I copy them to X4. Which files should be copy from vs11 to x4 and to which folder. I also have OLD add on transitions that I used in vs11+ on XP like BORIS Factory. I managed to install it on the new pc and at the first look it "work" (The Boris menu open) But when I press on any of the Icons X4 crash !

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Premiere Pro :: Default Transitions In CC

Jan 13, 2014

I'm using Premiere Pro CC (up to date) and I don't see a star shaped iris transition.The only shapes I have to select from are: Box, Cross, Diamond, and Round.
I know that is pretty cheesy but it works for a specific promo that I have to update weekly.It seems like such a basic shape to not have in the stock Iris transitions.

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Photoshop :: CS2 To Flash 8

Jan 5, 2007

I am currently building a website in Flash 8. I have been creating most of the graphics with photoshop CS2. I have recently run into a problem with transferring the photoshop work over to flash. I used to just drag a .psd right onto the stage in flash and it came in perfectly. Now all of a sudden flash does not recognize the file type.

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Revit :: Controlling What Is Turned On Or Not

Mar 19, 2013

When I am setting the plot sheets I have to switch off Sections and section boxes, Ref planes, window tags, door tags or planting, objects that or not required in views. I seam to do this quite a lot.

Is there a way to set the state drawing so that at the things you want switched off are or if needed go back to how it was before.

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3ds Max :: Controlling A Waveform Controller

Jan 11, 2012

If there is anyway to control a waveform controller to only turn on for a certain amount of frames?

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3ds Max Animation :: Controlling A Set Of Bones?

Jan 14, 2014

I have a purchased model with a "hose type" rigg, and I can't figure out how to replicate it.

There is a hose with a bone structure that has four point helpers one on the face mask, one at the top, one at the bottom and one in the middle. If I move the one in the middle it moves all the bones without stretching them...

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Lightroom :: Controlling The Library In 3?

Feb 4, 2013

I have moved some files around using Windows Explorer to split up some large file directories. LR3 sytill thinks the library is as it was bvefore the move and I cant seem to stop it.
How do I tell LR3 that the files have moved and rebuild the library?

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