Photoshop :: Contents Of Group Not Showing In Layers Palette Sometimes?
Aug 21, 2013
I have a group called "grey button" with a text layer ("ok, got it") and a shape layer ("large grey") within in it. Sometimes the two elements within the group show up in the layers palette, sometimes they don't. Sometimes when I click the drop down for the group folder, it looks to be open but nothing shows beneath it. Sometimes when I can get the items within the group folder to show beneath the folder, then close the dropdown, the folder looks closed but the elements are still showing beneath it.
I think I might be doing this wrong, I am trying to get contents of a specific textFrame within first group on layer called "page numbers"
It seems to work, but is a bit sketchy, the documentation indicates textFrame is all the text frames in a document, and that textFrameItem should be the specific one within collections of groups etc, maybe I am misunderstanding. this is what I am using:
var existingPageNumbers = app.activeDocument.layers.getByName('page numbers').groupItems[0].textFrames[0].contents;
I am running 2011 ACA on Win 7 64bit.Today when I launch the program, the contents of the tool palette are incorrect. None of the "door, wall, spaces ff+e, etc...) are there anymore.
I am creating a montage. I am wondering how to add all files in a specific folder to new layers without resizing them. I am aware of the automateII function but it resizes the images.
The Photoshop CS6 Info Palette is not showing before and after in Grouped Adjustment Layers. It only shows the after values on both sides of the Palette.
The two macs with this problem are:
Mac Pro 2 x 2.93 Ghz 6-Core intel Xeon 96 GB 1333 HZ DDR3 ECC ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB OSX Lion 10.7.5
The two macs that work correctly are:
Mac Pro 2 x 3.06 Ghz 6-Core Intel Xeon 96 GB 1333 HZ DDR3 ECC ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB OSX Lion 10.7.5
All my googling turns up is to export my layer manager to excel and stuff. This is not what i want to do. I will try to illustrate what i am doing in the easiest manner possible.
I have a .DWG with layers "A" right through to "Z"
I want to export layers A, E, I, O, U and their contents to a new drawing for another use later.
I often will copy a layer in the layers palette via option drag. If the original layer is linked to another, the new layer is also linked to the orginal layer I copied as well as any other layers that original was linked to.
Is there anyway to option drag to copy a layer in the layers palette without the new layer being linked?
I have set the properties in Content Browser for New Project 2012 (our template for new projects) under Tool Palettes for shared workspace catalog; tool palette group is pointing to Workspace Catalog on a shared drive; tool content root path is pointing to a Projects folder called New Project 2012.
When I open the project New Project 2012 the tool palettes come up but with a Tool Palette Group called New Project 2012 with all the tool palettes listed under it. I right clicked and made the Design group the current group and selected Customize Palettes. I can see under Palette Groups - New Project 2012. I right clicked and selected delete and it's gone but when I go out of the project and go back in, the group New Project 2012 is there. Where do I go to delete this group? Where do I tell the Project to have the Design Group be current when opening this Project?
I'm writing code that able user to show my custom palette.
Everything is working fine, but ... I want to make some of my groupbox to be expandable/collapsible, like here (3D visualization):
I think that using groupbox control is bad idea, so how can I make some container with my controls (label and textbox) and make this container expandable/collapsible?
I have created multiple tool palettes that i load depending on whether im working on a rcp plan or a toilet room plan, etc. On the right hand side it says Tool Palettes - All Palettes. How to rename that to say rcp,civil, etc? If I right click on the right side of the tool palette & select rename it renames all tool palettes to whatever I type in. I thought it might be tool palette groups but I am not sure. I can't seem to set one to be current. The selection is grayed out
I'm working on a rather complex piece of artwork in Illustrator CC with the latest Mac OS, with several objects on each layer.
Whenever I click an object, its layer in the Layers palette auto-expands, pushing all of the main layers off of the edge of the palette. I then have to click the little arrow to collapse the layer so I can see all of the other layers and (quickly?) get to the one I need.
I am using a Magic Trackpad (don't ask) so this task is particularly arduous, as the cursor is often somewhat difficult to maneuver when attempting to target small UI elements. My display height is only 1050 px, so naturally I would rather not make the layer thumbnails any smaller (25 px.)
Is it possible to disable or defeat the auto-expanding behavior? Placed in bold
I'm currently going over the Metric tutorial for ACA 2009. At some point, I'm instructed to right-click the tool palette title bar to select the "project-specific" palette (which should be located among the Design, Visalization, etc palettes). Well, this palette is not there.
I´ve checked the project properties and verified that Project Tool Palette Group is set to Shared workspace catalog. The paths are correct (I'm using Windows 7 x64), etc. When I open antoher tutorial project (Steel Framed Residence_m) the project tool palette is there, but when I create any new project or use the one in the tut, this group/palette is not created.
The profile used to create the project is the default:
I have a company name, a logo and a tag line on my template. In order to move them, to find the best position for them, I have to click on each layer to move it. How do I group them so that when I click on the group they all move at the same time?
I must have clicked something or inadvertantly pressed a keyboard shortcut or something because a couple of weeks ago, the sub-tools on the tool palette started popping up without me having to hold down the mouse button for a second. Now when I click a tool (the rectangular marqee tool for example), the hidden tools (eliptical marqee, single row etc.).
I have an image of a beach-house on a deserted beach. I wanted to add a levels adjustment layer to just that area of the image, so I selected the house and the beach with two different tools. After making two different selections, one with the freeform pen tool and one with the regular pen tool, I now have 2 layers, both containing information I'd like to further edit.
Now what's my better option? To group these 2 layers or to merge them into one? I'm an obvious newbie, so I'm thinking that the least destructive way is to group them and then go about my editing. It seems to me that once I merge them, there's no going back. But is that the only difference? What are the shortcomings of each in a real world work environment?
I'm having issues moving individual layers once they've been put into a group in CS5. It just moves everything in the group! Very inconvenient. This hasn't happened to me before or in CS6. How to correct this?
I recently upgraded to CS3, and I'm getting quite frustrated at it.
I am used to having to select a layer from the layer panel to move it around. Now, whenever I click on something in the image, it auto chooses that layer and let's me move that around. I'd rather not have it set this way. I like to be able to click anywhere while my chosen layer is selected and be able to move it.
It's especially frustrating when I have things in groups. Instead of just moving the layer clicked, it moves the entire group.
Is there a fix to this in the preferences somewhere? I've scoured the menus and can't find anything relevant to this 'feature'.
I'm doing an animation for a progress indicator. Basically I have a set of 72 spokes, and I'm using sub-set of these spokes with varying transparency to show the underlying gray layer through.
I've seperated each spoke into 72 different layers, and I'm then manually adjusting each one for each frame.
The effect works great, but I've decided that I would like to apply an adjustment to all of the spokes to adjust their color balance. I've got an adjustment layer, but this is affecting my gray layer underneath.
I've tried layer sets, linking layers and grouping, but none seem to allow me to apply an adjustment to a group of layers. I'm using Photoshop 7.
I downloaded this vector from Shutter stock, but what I am seeing on the layer palette is different from what is on the canvas and if I try to save or export it to anything else the result comes out looking like the layers palette - almost black.
And it's only happening on a few of the objects, as you can see from the image, the apple and other leaves are fine. It is also doing it to the pumkin and some of the grapes in the cornicopia.I checked all my layers to see if something looked weird but they all look fine...
When I open the original .eps file from Shutterstock in Photoshop, I get the same black objects.
In Photoshop CC, the create group from layers choice only creates a folder; doesn't bring in the layers. Also, though you can create a group and drop the layers into it, the folder does not twirl closed.
how to report bugs directly to Adobe? This seems like a simple fix, programming-wise
Currently the xref manager defaults to CLASSICXREF. I thought this was a CUI thing and changed the XREF Manager "Show" from "No" to "Yes". Still defaults to CLASSICXREF. Is there a system variable for this? Something?
I just upgraded from MacOSX 10.5.8 to 10.6 and using Photoshop CS4.Not sure if this is related to what happened today, but...
"About Photoshop" is greyed out. Can't tell what version I have. I need to duplicate a layer in a high res RGB image. The LAYER, CHANNELS, PATH palettes have all options greyed out, except "convert to smart object", which I don't know yet what that is. The image is in 8 bits/channel.
Lately whenever I first start CS5 my Layers palette is minimized. It just started doing this yesterday. It never used to do that and I can't think of anything I did that would have caused that. I tried Reset Essentials. That fixes it while I have PS open, but next time I start it up the Layers palette is minimized again.