This is one of the tutorials that seems very straight forward(except for a couple typo's) but when I try it, I'm told the file could not be copied to clipboard because it's too large...however it does appear to paste the car over the bottom photo? Or did it?
"First open one of the shots in PhotoShop and select the entire image by pressing Ctrl-A, then cut or copy the image into the clipboard (Ctrl-X or Ctrl-C, either will do the trick), now close this image ... without saving ! Very important, we don't want to change the original image file, you never know you might need it again in the future.
Now create a new document (Ctrl-N) and just click 'OK', no need to change any of the settings, they are set to the content of the clipboard anyway so I can leave them 'as is'. Once the blank document is there hit the Ctrl-V to paste the first image into place. Time to open the second exposure, again Ctrl-A to select the entire shot, cut or copy the image (Ctrl-X or Ctrl-C) and close this file again (Ctrl-W)... do NOT safe the changes to keep the original image intact !
With this second image closed again I am automatically returned to my new document that already contains my first exposure, just hit Ctrl-C to paste the second exposure on top of this one and I'm halfway done already. The order of these shots isn't really that important, you will be exposing parts of one shot into the second one, which one lies below doesn't matter anyway."
Let's say the screen shot below is workable, if not I'll do it the correct way BUT how do I make the brillant layer masking work from here. Everything I've seen says to select the mask, then select the brush, then type of brush, make sure white is the foreground and black is background and just paint. When I paint nothing happens to my images?
Then I've tried going to File>Scripts>Import as Stacks and this seems to bring them in but w/ transparent layers underneath,
Album booklet to be printed in CMYK, obviously. I have an RGB photo, mostly black. After converting it to CMYK and using the channel mixer to return to the original brilliance, the black is CMYK 100-92-85-98. This is obviously too long of a black... way too much ink... using thin white fonts over it prints terrible, etc. How do I adjust the black of the image to something more favorable to printing, like 60-40-40-100?
I need to soften the outline of a girl in a photo without changing the background. I have tried the Modify Edges tool in the selections menu, but the results of the feathering command do not show up on the photo.Â
I am trying to change the background of a photo. Not just change the color but change the color AND make it keep it's original shading, etc. I have some family photos we had made recently and they used a beige color draping for the background. The ones we had made before had a black draping. I was wondering how I could go about using some sort of additive coloring to transform the varying shades of beige to the same varying shades of black.
I have already used the masking tool to separate the background from the rest of the photo.
If I was to film a movie recorded in front of a blue or green screen, is there an easy way I can replace the blue/green screen with a background of my choice like they would in films like Star Wars?
Also, if you had a camera set up on a tripod and filmed someone moving around, is there a way of removing the background IF it is the same as it was in the layer before / int eh previous frame in ImageReady?
I have a portrait that has a very green solid background. I would like to change this color to something a little more easy on the eye- I have tried all the tutorials that refer to this action, but have not managed yet to accomplish this task..I thought maybe someone here could help ... I am a very new user to photoshop, and will appreciate very much if anyone here can simplify this for me. I have versions 6 and have downloaded the free trial 7.0
how do you take this green tint off? notice the difference in color options from the above (only green) as opposed to the one below (full)
I want the green tint taken off so the pic can look like this (original) in photoshop, the green background has all the characteristics of the white-default background...when i click the overlapping default foreground and background colors toolbar the green background doesn't change
the only option i have is to choose from a green color spectrum, not a full color spectrum...
changing the color of the background isn't too hard, but if you have for example a drawing (which is black on white). How can you smoothly change one of the colors to another?
For example all black > blue grey > light blue light grey > lighter blue
to replace the background colour to another colour in this jpg file.
Everytime I select with the magic wand, the picture is not selected correctly. I am not sure what tolerance level to use. Whether Anti-aliased and Contiguous checkboxes should be checked or not.
I want to Change the title on this picture with out changing the background color or dameging the picture. If you can tell me, i think all i have to do is add a new layer.
I have about 200 pictures that have a white background that I need to change to blue. Normally I would use the wand, crop it with the pen or do a color selection. The only one that is working is the pen but it is taken way to long and was hoping someone would know on a better faster way to change the white background to blue and possibly even making it a action so it wouldn't take that long as like I said I have 200 that I need to do.
Is there a way to change the background layer colour once you've started a document?
When I first created my document (in PS CS2, if that makes a difference) it automatically set my background colour as sepia, instead of white.
I'm now working on a painting and just realised that I can't use white; PS is calling this sepia colour white, and I can't get anything lighter.
Is there a way to fix this? I've done it on a few pictures now and I don't want to have to start everything over.
I've just tried making a new document with a white background layer and the same thing still happens! What is this?! I'm sure this can't be right! I'm on some sort of sepia scale; I can't even do grays. *desperate*
I am working on a slideshow in PS CS6. Although I have chosen white as background color on creating the new "film & video" document when showing a portrait format picture the free space besides the picture is black. Since this does not fit well with my white homepage. how to change this background color to white.
I need to remove the text saying "A Innland", but the background isn't quite the same at all points - the further right you go, the lighter it becomes. How would I go on about removing this? The text is ingrained in the picture, it's originally not a Photoshop file with a text layer on top. I am using Photoshop CS6.
I have an image of a long-haired cat on a burgundy background. My client (I kid you not) would like me to change the background to dark blue.  I fiddled with several methods but couldn't get the fine, long hairs that are in front of the background to look right. Eventually, I decided to try the selection/refine edge process...  I put a blue background under the layer with the cat on the burgundy background. I selected the cat, staying INSIDE the edge so none of the burgundy was selected. I went into Refine Edge and adjusted the radius until I had most of the edge fur selected. This was about 75 pixels. I tried Smart Radius, but it didn't seem to make the fur selection any smarter... So, I currently have it off . I then got the Refine Radius Tool and started doing a little selecting to get the fur right. This is where I hit the problem.  As I select around an ear, for example, I can see the burgundy background show up. When I release the selection, the burgundy disappears and is replaced by the blue. GREAT. BUT, instead of staying OUTSIDE the ear, the inner part of the ear ALSO gets turned blue. The same thing happens all along the edge of the cat - sometimes I get a pretty good selection, other times the blue permeates the area I was selecting. It's not 100%, but it's not ZERO percent either... This MAY not be a huge problem in some spots, but it's a BIG problem, for example, in the ears.  So, I get done selecting, and I have blue around the cat. I click Decontaminate Colors to get rid of the blue and/or the burgundy from all around the cat. It works in places - along sides and such where the fur is shorter. But, the ears are still blue as are some of the longer tail fur. I ran the amount between 50% and 100%, and although the decontaminate gets better, it never gets really good.
Do and Output to a new layer with a mask, figuring I'll just clean up some of the problem areas on the mask. Doesn't work. I can open the mask. I can see that instead of having a white cat outline, I have a PARTIAL white cat outline but the face, ears, and some areas are shades of gray.  So, on the image layer, I take a white brush at 100% and try to clean up the mask, painting over the ears to have the fur and ear detail come back, but it just comes in as mush. NO detail.  Am I using the wrong tool? Magic wand is nowhere NEAR detailed enough to give me a really good selection. Replace color leaves me with a blue background but burgundy edges.  If I'm using the right tool, am I just expecting too much from the tool? 'Cause whatever I'm getting, it's sort-of working, but not well enough for what I need.
I took a picture of my kids against our kitchen wall, which is basically a solid color, but I would like to change the color behind them to a solid white.
way to change the color from one color to another ?
Later on, I want to have them with a Christmas background instead of the kitchen wall, so that will be my next step, but I wanted to start off with something easy to learn.
I don't want to cut out the background using the magic eraser, etc. I'd rather just change the color.
I'm trying to edit a picture of my wife from our wedding. She loves a picture that wasn't one of our formals but wants to use it as a formal picture. The problem is the background is completely different then the background of the formal pics.
I've been able to clone the formal background into most of the picture but I'm stumped with the parts that are behind her veil (which is see-through). I'm trying to go from a tannish color to a dark blue/black. Anytime I select the area and try and darken it I also darken her white veil.
I have about 200 pictures that have a white background that I need to change to blue. Normally I would use the wand, crop it with the pen or do a color selection. The only one that is working is the pen but it is taken way to long and was hoping someone would know on a better faster way to change the white background to blue and possibly even making it a action so it wouldn't take that long.
What is the best way to change the background completely? The people in the foreground are OK but there is quite a flash glare on the wall directly behind the subjects.
I'm changing the background color of some sculpture pics from white to black. I prefer to change lighting/color as opposed to removing/replacing background. Looks more natural for my needs. And it's quicker...But I can't seem to get my edges around sculpture perfect. (or even close) I always get a thin outline (halo?) around the object. I use all of the refine edge tools, but still not great. I want to keep a crisp edge between background and object, so I don't want to feather...I'm using elements 11.Â
I am creating a web page using CS6 Photo Shop and DreamWeaver. I want the photos to be 900 px wide and 294 px high. When I do this it distorts the image by making it look short and squat. Is there a way to change the width and height but keep the image looking like the original?
I have watched a few videos, on changing image size, in cs6, since when I tried it, the photo didn't change size at all. I could change it to 1 million inches tall, and it will stay the same size. I don't really know what to do. I've tried unlocking the default layer, and changing the canvas size and nothing seems to make this image change size.
I want the image in the picture bigger, am I even doing it right by going under image, and changing the image size, and hitting ok? That is all the tutorials say to do, yet nothing happens for my image.
I am trying to replace the gray sky in one photos with the blue sky from another.
I've just gone through several tutorials but can't seem to figure out how to add more than 1 photo into the layers palette.
I open PS CS3, click on the top menu 'file', click "open", click the photo, click 'open' and the photo appears in the layers palette on the right side.
Then I repeat the process with a 2nd photo, and instead of being added in the layers box on the right as a 2nd photo, it replaces the first photo.
If I click the little box at the bottom 'new layer', I just get the blank checkerboard opacity.
I have no clue about photo editing, graphic design, its out of my entire scope. I had hired a grahic designer who has since flaked out on me leaving me hanging high and dry. here is my problem- I have a small (hobby mainly) mineral makeup "company" that I am putting online for my small customers, I had my photographer take the "main" foundation picture and then I was able to have her then change that same photo with my 10 different shades of foundation color- essentially its the same photo except the color/shades are different to correspond with my makeup line.
however, I need 5 more done. I have a jpg of the colors from the manufacturer and of course my original foundation photograph
how on earth you change the color on my foundation to add a new color without taking all new pictures.