Photoshop :: Can Reinstall CS6 Without Reinstalling Whole Suite
Apr 18, 2013
Is there a way to uninstall just Photoshop and then reinstall just Photoshop without messing with the rest of the suite. Everything else is running smoothly. I'm running CS6 Production Premium on Windows 7 64-bit.
I've been using the same computer for 7 years and have had many and struggles reinstalling the operating system and all my software from time to time. Today, the struggle is with reinstalling Photoshop CS4.
- I just installed Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3.
- I reinstalled Photoshop CS4 but every time at launch it says: ...
I have used the X6 graphics suite for some time now and have always installed updates when notified. A couple of days ago I was notified of the latest update which I duly installed.
Thereafter I was unable to open Coreldraw. I was unable to resolve the issue by reverting to a previous versions from as few days previous. I have done this by using the usual windows uninstall facility.
However, when I try to reinstall the X6 suite from the CD I get an error message that says "A newer version of this program is installed. Delete this first before you install this version" (or words to that effect).
Clearly there is something that indicates a later version is installed but I cant find out why I am getting this message. I have endeavoured to delete everything I find associated with X6 but after rebooting I still can't reinstall the software.
Please find the attached "Error Message.jpg" file.I am getting that Error Message while trying to Uninstall "CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6" on a Windows XP Desktop Computer. This Computer belongs to other person. I am getting the same Error Message upon trying to Re-Install CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6.How do I successfully Uninstall and Re-Install?
I used system repair because PS had a problem (crashed after file open) and reinstalling didn't help. This time I get an error starting PS CS3.The error message is: The licensing subsystem has failed catastrophically. You must reinstall or call customer support. If I want to reinstall from the cd, its starts fine, but doens't do anything.If I start the setup from the cd, it does nothing.I tried windows - software - remove/reinstall, but also nothing happens. What can I do now? Is there a tool to remove PS?
I am planning on reformatting my hard drive and reinstalling the OS. I run Vista business on my computer and the install is rather buggy. I am hoping that a new install of Vista will solve the problem. I currently have Photoshop CS3 installed on that computer. What do I have to do to reinstall Photoshop. Do I have to contact Adobe or can I just reinstall the software.
I would like to uninstall PS CS4 on the same computer and keep the third party plugins in filters and goodies as well as my scanner twain without having to reinstall them. I seem to be having a problem with PS on my desktop but not on my laptop. Is that possible and if so how can I do it?Â
Resetting the preferences stopped Photoshop from crashing, but now I need the flash plugin. Can I get that w/o reinstalling CS3?If not, do I have to uninstall the whole suite before reinstallation?
I had Photoshop 9 installed on an older i Mac whose hard drive failed, and on a Mac book laptop. I wish to activate on my new i Mac, but the program believes I still have installed on two previous computers. I do not have the old computer with the failed hard drive and there is no way to access the program on that unit.
Am using Photoshop 6.0. Had to retire an old computer, but want to continue to use the Photoshop 6.0 software on my new laptop with Windows Vista Home.
Have the Photoshop 6.0 Upgrade CD for Windows, have the Serial Number from the previous version (had registered it, and it was stored on the Adobe website), have my Customer ID#.
When I put the CD into the laptop, it asks for the previous media (CD) which I do not have. Unable to get past this point of the installation.
I have recently bought the upgrade to PS cs4 and installed it over my cs3 version. Shortly after this windows crashed & I had to reinstall windows XP but I can't seem to reinstall PS cs4 I get a 1605 message. If I just try to run the old program which still on my C drive the program opens and then I get a 147:20 message sayiong I have to reboot(w/o success) I would uninstall ps, but the program won't let me get as far as being able to deactivate it.
I have a new computer with PsCC installed. Unfortunately, I have to have my hard drives reformatted and Windows 8 reinstalled, so I have to reinstall PsCC on this same computer. Do I simply sign in, download and install PsCC and Bridge again when my computer is ready? Will Adobe count it as a second installation or do I need to deactivate PsCC before I reinstall it on the same machine?
Do I have to deactivate my copy of CS6 before I do a reinstall of the operating system or, will it recognize the reinstall of the program (CS6) as legitimate and just install it with out any problems? I have never done this before with Adobe products.
I tried to address this with the Adobe helpdesk, but I couldn't get through the process. The system seems to be under the impression I don't own an adobe product.
Anyway, I've been having some problems recently with cs3. I bought it about one year ago, and after some initial snafus, it worked like a dream.
Recently, though, a virus got into my computer and I had to do a system restore. I set it up so that all of my programs and preferences would be left alone. After all of this was over, I tried to start cs3, and it wouldn't start.
I just got the generic '(insert program name here) had encountered a problem and needs to close.'. I wasn't able to deactivate it as a result, and removed it from my computer. I put the disc back in, and it refused to install properly. The shared components were all that made it. Is the problem that it wasn't deactivated? If so, how can I do that without the program itself?
I had desktop icon and shortcut error messages so I reinstalled photoshop cs3 and not all of the programs associated with photoshop have reappeared. I then deactivated photoshop, uninstalled it, went to photoshop folders and manually deleted as much as I could find, reinstalled it and again the same thing.
I intend to do a full new install of vista 64 bit thereby causing the reinstallation of CS3. Is there any way to save my actions so that i can use them again after reinstallation rather than having to recreate them?
Secondly, is there any information whether CS4 will support more than 4 gb of ram?
I installed Photoshop Elements 10 on my new iMac (previously installed on my older imac). After installing the software and launching the organizer, it asked me to index my photos. Custom reindexing 11000 plus photos is not a pleasant thought. How do I find my old index, either on my new mac or on my time machine backup?
I have Photoshop CS6 Standard already installed on my Mac (OS 10.8). My employer has just purchased the extended version for me and I would like to upgrade. I have a valid serial number to do this. Â I understand that the software is the same and depending on the serial number it can unlock the extended portion of CS6. Is there any way of upgrading the installed version to extended by re-intering the new serial number or should I just install a second copy of PS CS6 and have 2 PS CS6 (one standard and one extended)?
I recently had to reinstall OS X 10.7.4 because 10.8 will not run on my Mac. After the reinstall, Photoshop cannot find any licenses and does not offer me any way to re-enter my registration key.How can I get it to recognize the key or remove it entirely for a reinstall?
I've just purchased a newer, faster computer, mainly because the hard drive on the old one is dying. How can I transfer/ reinstall my CS2 from the old one to the new one?
I just added a SSD drive to my computer and reloaded all software including Windows 7 and Photoshop Elements 11 onto this new system drive. I did not make a separate backup of the Organizer Catalog beforehand, however the catalog is stil on the hard drive, now to be used as a data drive. How can I recover this catalog?
I upraded elements 10 online. I need to uninstall it (as I keep getting message that its incomplete or missing some elements, as shown in screen shots) and then reinstall but since I don't have a disc can I do that? How do I go about this?
I have to reformat my hard drive and reinstall photoshop CS6. Will Adobe recognize that I am not just installing the program on another computer but that I am using my legal software and let me use the program?
I downloaded some trial plugins and then removed them and ever since, CS5 is not working well. Sometimes when I open it and go to file open to open an image, everything is grayed out and I have to close down and re-launch. When I open an image and want to look at the file info, everything freezes and I have to use task manager to close down Photoshop.
As well, my bridge is not working correctly. I want to uninstall and then reinstall, but I thought that somewhere that I read there are specific ways to do that or else the program thinks you're trying to load it on another computer..?
I bought Photoshop CS4 about a year and a half ago and it worked on my old Macbook (10.5.8) absolutely fine. I recently upgraded to a Macbook Pro (Lion 10.7.3) and now Photoshop crashes about every ten minutes for no apparent reason. By "crashes" I mean that the spinning wait cursor appears and I am forced to use force quit as Photoshop is no longer responding. Â I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, turned off automatic graphics switching and nothing seems to work.