Photoshop :: CS6 - Moving Layers / Using Brushes - Everything Happens With 1-2 Second Delay?

Nov 8, 2012

I'm experiencing really strange cursor behavior, better explained here: [URL]...

Also after running Photoshop for some time I start to get a nasty lag. Moving layers, using brushes, everything happens with a 1-2 second delay. Hardware should not be an issue.

If I restart PS lag goes away for a while but always returns. I noticed that closing images doesn't reduce the memory PS is using according to task manager. Every image opened just increases PS memory usage, is this normal?

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Photoshop :: Delay Between Physical Stroke On Tablet And Brush Moving On Screen

Sep 9, 2012

I bought a new iMAC, a 21.5", 2.7 GHz one with 12 GBytes RAM. My intuos 4, when using Photoshop CS6, works on and off. I mean, when I am painting with the finger tool for instance, and more often than not, I try to make the strokes but the damn finger brush cursor won't move on the screen until a couple of seconds had passed.

In other words, there's a very annoying delay between the physical stroke on the tablet and the brush moving on the screen, it's not simultaneous as it ought to be. And I have installed the latest driver of Wacom for this model!!! This never happened before with the older iMAC, 2.4 GHz and 4 GBytes RAM. I mean, it should work even better.

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GIMP :: Export GIF File With Delay Specified In Name Of Layers

Oct 25, 2013

I am creating a gif animation with GIMP 2.8.6 in Windows 7 64 bits.

I open the png files with the option "Open as layers" and then I edit the name of each layer setting the delay and the mode, for example "layer1(1000 ms)(replace)", "layer2(5000 ms)(replace)", ...

If I go to "Filters->Animation->Reproduce" the animation is OK. But if I export the file to a .gif file, the delay between layers is the specified in the Export options and not the delay which I set in the name of the layers.

How can I export a .gif file with the delay specified in the name of layers?

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Photoshop :: Moving Brushes, Actions, Styles From CS2 Yo CS3

May 11, 2007

I just got CS3 and want to move my brushes, actions, styles from 2 to 3. Can I just go to the folder in CS2 that has those things and to a copy/paste to CS3?

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Moving Layers

Jun 10, 2012

In the past two weeks I've noticed a weird problem with my Photoshop CS5.  I'm on Windows 7 64-bit with CS5 version 12.0.4 X64. 
Sometimes (not always) when I click a layer in the layer menu and try to move it with the move tool, it jumps to a different layer (not to the one I selected) and moves that one instead.  Now, this is only if I move it with my mouse.  If I move it with the keyboard, it works fine. 
Also, if it starts doing this with a layer, it will continue to do it with that layer forevermore.  Even when I close the program and re-open it again.  Or if I save it as a diffeent filename.  If I duplicate the layer, it will do it on both the original layer I was having trouble with and the new copy of that layer.  I can also merge it down with a blank layer and it'll retain the problem in the new, merged layer. 
It's annoying to have to move the affected layers with the arrow key. 
I did find a mention of this problem on a mac, but the solution did not seem to apply to a PC. 

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Photoshop :: Moving Layers Up Or Down?

Apr 30, 2013

I'm having an issue with Photoshop crashing when I move layers up or down. I'm using a macbook with lion.

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Photoshop :: Moving Layers From One PSD To Another PSD

Apr 16, 2009

I'm trying to make a sig for a message board. What i have done. removed background from 4 different photos using erase tool in cs4. So in one psd i got 2 b-ball players with the bg gone then. In 2 other psd i have one b=ball player with backgrounds removed Now I want to take all that and put it together in a new background.

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Photoshop :: CS2 Moving Layers

Mar 31, 2006

As I click on a different layer in the image window, the cursor seems to grab what I want without even going to the palette to select what I want! Not even having to right click. But I'm not sure if this is consistent,

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Photoshop :: Moving Paths Between Layers In CS6

Jan 18, 2013

I use paths a lot. Shape layers, vector masks, etc.
In previous versions of Photoshop, I could simply drag vector masks from one layer to another, just like other layer masks. Now (with CS6) I have to do a convoluted copy an paste, switching back and forth between the layers panel and the paths panel.
Is there an easier way to do this?

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Photoshop :: Layers Not Correctly Moving?

Apr 16, 2013

I have created a layer and copied it to a new layer. I want the copied layer to completley cover the eixisintg layer but it won't move right to the edges, it leaves an outline of the previous layer. How can I get it to completelety cover the layer?

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Photoshop :: PS 7: Moving Text In Layers

May 22, 2009

I've been using PS7 for a long time and this has never happened before. One minute things were fine and then something changed. Maybe I hit a combination of keys .... well here's the issue.�I type text onto a blank layer. I try to move the text. In the pallette, the cursor drops off the text layer, and onto the background, instead. In order to move the text, I wind up clicking on it numerous times, or if I click on it very slowly, I can grab it to move it. This is not how it was working just yesterday.�I'm sure this sounds confusing, I'm just not sure how to describe it any better. (It's not my mouse, I tried a different one.)�I tried Adobe's help site and saw this:"Clicking in an image with a type tool puts the type tool in edit mode. You can enter and edit characters when the tool is in edit mode; however, you must commit changes to the type layer before you can perform some operations. To determine if a type tool is in edit mode, look in the options bar--if you see the Commit button (a check)  and Cancel button (circle with slash), the type tool is in edit mode."

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Photoshop :: Moving Multiple Layers At Once?

Nov 3, 2005

Is there anyway possible to move multiple layers at the same time, the reason I ask is because I need layers to stay aligned with others. I don't want to rasterize them because I need to edit them after I move them.

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Photoshop :: Moving Layers In A Composition For...

Apr 6, 2009

I can't move one layer' image to be under/over another one in the final arrangement space because when I do, they lose all the adjustments I had previously made.�Background: I didn't move the adjusted photos into the final space in the right way in this, my first venture into CS 4, and know that now. However, when I DO try to move new photos I have adjusted and properly  transferred them via Edit>merged and Edit>paste to the final place and try to move <i>those images</i>, the same thing happens! I need to know how to overlap images for placement.

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Photoshop :: Moving Layers From Document To Another...

Dec 8, 2008

why isn't it allowed to move a layer from one open document to another one when in the tabbed view? I can't drag&drop the layer on the doc's name in the tab row and have the layer appear in the document?

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GIMP :: Place Brushes And Layers

Mar 24, 2012

I am an avid gamer and like using gimp to make maps for my games. Now I have look all over for a way to make brushes there own layer with out having to go through the hole seal of creating a new layer shrinking it to fit the brush. then having to drag the new layer to were I want it then having to place the brush.

I just wish to place the brush and automatically have it as a new layer. I have been told to look at Gimp::fu but I don't under stand how to do that kind of stuff.

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Photoshop :: Moving Individual Layers Put Into A Group In CS5

Apr 21, 2013

I'm having issues moving individual layers once they've been put into a group in CS5. It just moves everything in the group! Very inconvenient. This hasn't happened to me before or in CS6. How to correct this?

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Photoshop :: Moving/selecting Multiple Layers

Oct 8, 2003

is there a way that i can move/ multiple layers at the same time?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Dead Slow Moving Layers And Groups

Oct 18, 2012

I have this brand new PC, got it last week,  i7 core, SSD drive, 16gb ram.When I open my PSD doc with my design (approx 43mb psd file) then the photoshop application spikes in memory usage, to 3.5gb (from 120mb), and moving groups and layers around is DEAD SLOW, horrible lag.
I had CS3 on my previous PC, which was Core2 Duo with 4gb ram, and the speeds there were similar on the same psd document.I've also tried CS5.1 on a similar PC hardware specs as my new PC, and moving groups and layers around is much faster.Is it just CS6? Why is this so slow?

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Photoshop :: Marks In PSDs When Moving Edit Layers In CC

Nov 20, 2013

I have just upgraded this evening to PS CC after I upgraded I cannot now move any type without it leaving marks over any images in the PSD file when I save the file as a jpeg etc the marks are still there. They appear even if the image layer is turned off or I delete the image layer...move the edit then paste the image back into the PSD...the marks still appear.

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Photoshop :: Layers Pixelated When Resizing And Moving On Background

Nov 14, 2013

I have Photoshop CS 5.1 running on Windows 7.  When I resize a layer using the Free Transform function, the image "Pixilates" and looses sharpness.  I have used this feature before on my computer without a problem.   I took my work to school to show my instructor.  I did the same thing on the school's Apple without problem.  What am I doing wrong?

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AutoCad :: Why Blocks Not Moving Layers

Nov 12, 2011

I have multiple copies of a block, and when I move one copy to a layer, it doesn't seem to actually move.

For example, if I have 2 copies of block A, and move one copy from layer "Inside" to layer "Outside", then hide layer "Outside", the block I just moved doesn't hide, but everything else on layer "Outside" does hide.

When I inspect the moved block, the properties say it's on layer "Outside". What is going on?

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GIMP :: Moving Layers In PSD File?

Oct 9, 2013

I'm trying to move text in a PSD file that I opened in Gimp. I've recorded a Screencast video here, (removed link because image is not quite ready to be shared with the outside world;-) which shows what I'm trying to do.

Basically, I have a line of text which is several layers deep that says "IS THE NORM". I need to move the word "the" over to the left a little because it's a little too close to the word "norm".

However, when I select it and Cut, nothing happens. I tried locking the layer, even though I don't really know what that means - just saw it on YouTube and figured I'd try it - but no luck.

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Illustrator :: Moving Paths In Layers

Jan 25, 2013

I have selected paths on the artboard and would like to be able to move them into one layer.
As there are a large number is there anyway of moving them to a new layer without selecting them (blue highlighting) and moving them?
They are selected on the artboard so the colour square appears next to them in the layers panel but I can't move them to a new layer without selecting them (even using ctrl or shift is still quite time consuming).

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Illustrator :: Moving Layers With Respect To One Another?

Jan 10, 2013

I'm trying to trace a new map using parts of two maps. I can trace the parts I want of one map, imported as a template, but now I want to import the other map as a template, and reposition my tracing over the second template.  When I import the second template, it's in the wrong place (as expected), but I can't move my tracing layer to a different place over the new template -- both layers move together.  Is there a way of moving layers independently?

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AutoCAD LT :: Moving Drawings And Layers Interchangeably

Jun 18, 2013

I have two .dwg files. One file has every layer that I could possible need on it. The other file is an existing file created in my office. So, I want to take an existing drawing that does not have a good layer naming system and move it into the file that does. I saw in another post that this can be done in the Design Center, however when I go to copy layers from the existing file to the destination file it won't let me. Does this make any sense?

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Xara :: Moving All Layers At One Time In Animation?

Feb 5, 2013

I'm editing an animation that I have, but when I drag it in to the Layer Menu, it appears on the left side of the screen, off the stage. Is there a way to select all layers, and move them all at one time?

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GIMP :: Moving A Selection With Lots Of Layers

Dec 10, 2013

I just started using GIMP the other day, and it's great; I've already gotten the hang of layers and moving stuff around! But sometimes, after I put together a part of an image using multiple layers, I'd like to move that part somewhere else to give me more room or to put it next to something else. Is there a way to do this without going through each of the layers, selecting the part, and moving the part to its destination layer by layer?

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Paint.NET :: Moving And Resizing Layers In Image

Nov 19, 2013

I know this is basic I slect one layer for the image . When I use the rectangular selection tool on the layer and go to resize or move the selection with the move resize pixel tool instead of moving or resizing the selected area I get blank rectangle that moves or resizes. The selected area just stays the same.

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GIMP :: Moving Layers With Arrow Keys

Dec 31, 2013

why does a layer move more slowly when using the arrow keys on the keyboard if the layer is a 'floating selection'? my Gimp moves layers MUCH more quickly when using the arrow keys if I go to 'to new layer' first! is this a problem or to be expected?

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Paint.NET :: Moving Layers Forward / Back?

May 28, 2013

The Paint.Net tutorial shows tools to move layers forward or backward.  I couldn't find these tools in the layers' drop down menu. 
Edit ------------------------------
Never mind -- I did find out where these commands were hidden... I'm working on a map, and I'm trying to get latitude and longitude lines to overprint the actual map.  As I moved the layer with the lat/longitude lines "forward" they don't appear to overprint the map in the background.  Is there some other secret here to get the desired effect?

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GIMP :: Moving / Resizing Whole Group Of Layers

Jun 16, 2011

I suggest having the ability to group layers, such that operations performed on the group would act on all the layers in that group simultaneously. This would allow making a whole bunch of items (each on their own layer), then moving/re-sizing/whatever the whole group of layers.

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