Photoshop :: CS5 - Create Action That Will Make Multiple Thumbnails Of Same Image?
Mar 23, 2012
I am trying to create an action that will make multiple thumbnails of the same image and apply actions to each one to create a kind of contact sheet. I want to do this in order to see what different saved adjustments will look like on the same picture.
I have a lot of photos which I want to resize to a common longest side, (to achieve appx similarity between verticle and horizontal pics of varios aspect ratios). Is it possible to create an action to do this? I'm using CS3 (and lightroom 1.1) XP SP2. I'm not too familiar with creating actions (yet)
I have a logo consisting of four (4) text elements (see attachment) that I would like to be able to create through an action. The problem I'm having is that the document is not always the same size and PS sees percentages for text placement. I need to have the text placed in relation to each other regardless of the documents size.
I have Photoshop CS6 and I'd like to know how to create an action to save multiple photos in a batch command. I've been searching the Web, but I haven't been able to locate anything useful on this (except one article for CS5). Seems a bit odd. Anyway, I already know how to create an action, but what I'm stuck on is having the action pause and open a dialogue box so I can do things like name a photo, choose the size I want in the Save for Web dialogue, etc.
'm trying to make an action to automate the saving of one photoshop file to multiple different jpegs. Basically what I am doing is producing team pictures from a psd template. I will do player #1 then save as #1jpeg, #2 save as #2jpeg, etc up to 20 players. I tried to make an action but it won't allow me to insert a file name. It would be straight forward if I could get a stop in there. how I could automate this
When I press File Open in my PSE 11 and look for Camera Raw files, they all show PSE 11 icon which makes it hard to find where is the image I am looking for? How do you make these CR2 ehumbnails to show the actual image?
I need to create an action to resize several hundred horizontal images. Each image must be sized to a specific width and then cropped to a specific height. When I crop the image, I need to adjust the cropping box to accommodate the image content. Then I will save the image as a new file. Â How do I a create a pause in the action so I can position the crop manually before I save the image?
I don't want a greeting card template. I can create the cards just fine. I just want an action to create an image of a greeting card. I've scoured the net and can find actions to create business cards, book covers, magazine covers, ..... but none to create greeting cards.
When I load an image either a jpeg or psd file then make a layer copy I am unable to apply a preset action to this. Either a default action or one of my own on a Mac OSX running Lion. This did not present a problem in CS5 and I am wondering if I've missed something basic?
Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?
I'm doing a project for my World Religions class, and we are to make a a poster board that is supposed to represent a newspaper. He showed examples of last years, and they were really bland, it just looked like cut out pieces of paper places on a posterboard with a newspaper-like title.
I want to know if it is possible to make an image in photopshop, that basically looks like the front of a newspaper by my design, and print it out, of course, this is going on a poster board probably like 2ftx3ft.
So I'd print out like 6 to 9 8x11 sheets with pieces of this huge picture, I'd just cut it out and glue it on the poster board, so itll more realistically resemble a newspaper. I'm fine with using photoshop and make images etc (unless someone has some useful tips)... I'm just concerned if I will be able to do this. I haven't been able to mess with it and figure it out, but I dont want to go through all of my project, print it, and it doesnt work or something.
If not in photoshop, is there a plug-in, external program I can use?
I have 256 images that are all set out as a testure and need to combine them all into a single image. Each image is 256x256 so the final image will be 65536x65536 is there any possible way I can combine all images without placing each one manually?
How do I make a Background Image with multiple lines like something similar to the example? I want to make a background for a car repair firm where I can place cars on top.
Is there a way to create thumbnails in PS? When I import my pictures off my memory stick, they are 2832x2128. When I try to scale it down to a thumbnail size, the proportions are thrown off. I seem to remember you could create thumbnails in either PS or ImageReady,
If I have a set of images I want to make a quick print of on an 8x10 sheet, as thumbnails, is there an easy automated way to do this (short of creating my own action which manually places thumbnails side by side)?
I have used Photoshop Elements 3, 5, 7 and 8. In each one I could see the thumbnails of multiple files in the "Folder Location" display in Organiser. Now in PE10 I can only see the thumbnails for one file at a time. Why and how I can display the thumbnails of all files in "folder locations?
how to take a photo or image, create multiple images to print and when cut out, will create a complete image when painted. Similar to how its done in photo shop only, I'd like to zoom in to areas, trace out the areas, then take those selected areas that I traced and move them to a different layer. Is this possible?
i have 55 images that need resizing and turning into thumbanails. looking to create a photo gallery on a web page. Is there any way that photoshop cs can automatically create thumbnails if i put the originals in a folder?
To make things easier to understand, I'll explain what I do: our sports' photography department makes photos of several sports teams, we print the photos, we put them in a basic two-sheeted album, and then send the photos to the team. As we print all the photos together, they are on a big pile and it's very difficult to sort them with the correct team name. So we take the printed photo, and compare it to all the team photos on the computer, which have the team name in the file name. So this is a very inefficient and slow process.
I was thinking of printing the photos as thumbnails on a sheet, and THEN compare them to the printed sports' photos. It's a lot easier to have a piece of paper with e.g. 10 photos to compare to than browse them on a computer.
So, again, I hope there's a way to let Photoshop put 10 thumbnails on a single sheet, and put the file name below it. All automatically (with an action?) of course.
I have a PSD full of pre-styled mark-up layers I routinely need inside of my working PSD so I can use the layers for the same repetitious thing. Â How does one create an action that not only opens the mark-up layers PSD, but also places it's contents in an open PSD, positioned down in the bottom-right corner of the open target PSD? Â The action won't know what the dimensions of the target PSD they are. The working PSD's I need the mark-up layers in is random. Â I can do it where an action places another PSD's contents in a target PSD in one click, but all the layers are embedded as a Smart Object. I don't believe there's a way to "un-embed" the layers in a Smart Object.
I have just learned how to apply a watermark or copyright to a group of photographs using an action command. But as the action is running, before each image closes, I get the window asking me to specify image quality (1 to 12). I have to hit 'OK' for each image before it closes, and the action completes the rest.
Does anyone know how to add this to the action or have 'ok' automatically hit so I don't have to push it for each image. A friend of mine has a piece of software that does it automatically, but I cannot remember the name of it and want to know if it is something within Photoshop that can do it. I am currently running PHOTOSHOP CS.
I've created a Contact Sheet and unticked flatten layers. So have 8 image layers(as there's 8 photos) and 8 text layers. I want to create a levels adjustment layer attached to each one of the photo/image layers. Can I create an Action to apply a clipping levels layer to each image layer
I take an image and change the brightness, color balance and then i resize it, etc..etc..
I now want to do the same actions on multiple photos. Is there a way to do that? Is that the history brush?
Also if there is a way, then can the same be done using batch processing? (as in , i need not open each file manually/ select multiple files to execute the common action on)
Is it possible to save illustrator XMP thumbnail previews by artboard? It seems like Illustrator saves a single thumbnail with all art regardless of the number of artboards. Â If there is a property that can be set to save multiple thumbnails to the XMP packet by artboard when saving to a native Illustrator file?
I have PS CS3 on Win XP SP2, 2 GB RAM, nVidia geForce 8500GT with updated drivers. Until 2 days ago everything was perfect (smooth movement and action in PS CS3). Suddenly every move I make (draw a simple line, move or resize window, painting with paint brush etc) become very choppy and fragmentated and CPU raise instant to 100%. I uninstalled PS CS3 and reinstalled again, but with no luck. Any ideea about what is happening here? Thank you! PS: Other programs like Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator etc work very nice and smooth with maximum 20-30% CPU usage.
I want to prepare mutliple images for press release, that include a small border wtih copyright information.  Simply every photo i work on must be submitted with a small border and the same text indicating copyright on all of them.
I import from light room and use a batch action to create the border.  Thats simple enough, is it possilbe to create an action or script so that can i drop in a text layer into each of the images without a manually copying the layer text and pasting it into each file ... one at a time .Â