Photoshop :: CS5 Automate / Batch - Doesn't Work?

Mar 28, 2013

Photoshop SC5 Automate / Batch does not work at all, tells the program to close.The reason given, the program does not work properly, what's up??

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Photoshop :: Clone / Healing Brush Doesn't Work In Batch Process (CS6)

Aug 14, 2013

I'm making a timelapse, and want to remove dust from certain scenes. I found a pretty neat tut from Angie Taylor [URL] which I tried MANY times following here instructions. After numerous failing attempts I would like  to know why this don't work.

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Photoshop :: Automate Batch

Nov 17, 2006

I am trying to setup a batch file. I am taking gif images with transparent backgrounds and wanting to convert. Need to flatten image, change mode to rgb and save to jpg. For some reason when I use the automate after recording, and I set source folder and destination folder, images sent to the destination are exactly the same as original, gif transparent? Nothing seems to be happening to the images?

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Photoshop :: CC 14.0 / Automate Batch Action

Jul 30, 2013

I'm seeing a strange issue when I automate an action in Photoshop CC (14.0).  I have a simple action that does three things in this order:

1. Flatten Image
2. Convert to 8-Bit
3. Add some standard file info
When I run the action from the action menu it works fine.  However when I have multiple images open and I want to run them all through the action using "Automate->Batch", it gets run in this order:

2. Convert to 8-Bit
3. Add some standard file info
1. Flatten Image
The same process in CS6 does not have the issue.

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Photoshop :: Automate Batch Shortcut

Jan 20, 2013

I was wondering if on Photoshop 7, CS5 etc, is there a way to automate a batch feature directly on an image from right click of the mouse? Example, I have an image that I want to change the canvas from 200x300 pixel to 500x500. Currently I have to right click, change image size than the canvas size. Looking to see if there is a way with one click of the mouse to run my batch feature that does this function.

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Photoshop :: Automate Batch Error

Mar 11, 2012

Using automate batch I get a save for web and devices error saying destination folder does not exist. I chose the folder by browsing, and it is a simple path on the c drive using a pc.

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Photoshop :: Automate Batch Actions ..

Dec 7, 2003

I tried to run an Automate batch action (to resize my photos) but it will asked me in the "Jpeg Option" folder for each file, which mean I am not able to go away and let Photoshop carry out the action by itself. It get annoyoed because I have to sit in front of my PC and press enter to each file resized.

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Photoshop :: Automate And Batch Actions

Jan 27, 2009

I am converting tiff files to jpeg using the Automate then Batch Actions. I select my source folder and Destination folder. The program converts and send the jpegs to the Destination folder but it is also sending a copy of every jpeg to my DESKTOP. Nothing in my Destination folder shows the desktop as a destination. I set up a destination file on my e drive and it still sends the photos to the desktop.

I am using CS2 Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Can No Longer Use Automate (Batch) (AMD Radeon)

Oct 3, 2012

When I first installed Photoshop and tried Automate to put watermarks on my photos, everything worked fine. I gave that a break for a few months and today was trying to watermark some new photos. Since then there has been a driver update for my AMD Radeon HD 7900 to the Catalyst 12.8 drivers. I have the latest Photoshop downloaded from the website.
Now when I try to use Automate and Batch, it starts then crashes abruptly. I've exhausted all efforts and have Googled for hours. I've tried uninstalling drivers to the 12.6 version of Catalyst, uninstalled Photoshop, reinstalled. Same problem. Under Performance, the Sniffer detects an error in the display driver. Some have suggested using software to sweep for old driver files. That's the only thing I haven't tried.
I know people had the same issue as this, but had to do with TWAIN but I don't have a scanner installed. I'm using Windows 7 64-Bit on an Intel Core i7-2700K
Here's the system info:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 4
Logical processor count: 8
Processor speed: 3500 MHz


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Photoshop :: CS5 Shuts Down At File -> Automate -> Batch

Nov 20, 2012

I'm running Photoshop CS5 on a PC with Windows XP pro, Core 2 Duo E4400@2GB, 4GB DDR2 RAM,  MSI MS7350 Mainboard, ATI Radion X1050 Graphics card, 1 Analog LCD screen and one digital. I'm using an empty 1TB drive for a scratch disk.
My Photoshop CS5 runs flawlessly UNTIL I try to batch-process anything. If I go to File>Automate>Photomerge, no problem, but when I go to File>Automate>Batch, the second I hit Batch, I get an error message telling me that Windows has to shut down Photoshop. I never had this problem with CS4, which I never deleted and have to use when batching.

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Photoshop :: Automate - Batch - File Naming

Apr 18, 2004

I have been trying to a create a batch job and save the files with an extension ie:

picture1.jpg to picture1_s.jpg

I want to put an extension on the resised small images.

I can get the batch job to alter the dpi and sizes but I can't find a way to add a letter into the file name as above to differentiate the different sizes.

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Photoshop :: Automate Batch Errors When Adding Watermark (CS6)?

May 2, 2013

I'm trying add a watermark to approx. 8,000 images by batching the process. However, it only does about 400. The 2 errors that are logged are:

Could not complete your request because of a program error. (-1)
Could not complete the command because the selected area is empty. (-25570)
Here's a screenshot of the action that I'm using:[URL]...

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Photoshop :: Batch / Automate Remove Color From Images

Jun 9, 2012

I would like to remove a very specific bold yellow from some images. I want to automate this by throwing this into photoshop's automate tool and running over hundreds and hundreds of images. I have no problem creating the macro, the problem is that my image doesn't contain this yellow color (some of them do not), the 'select' action doesn't work so any subsequent actions fail.

What I have tried:

* Select the color and fill with white. If the color doesn't exist, the entire image gets filled.
* Select the color and cut, then replace background layer with plain white -- If the color doesn't exist, get error that 'cut' action isn't available.
* Force a yellow stroke somewhere on the image to try and remove it later -- Can't record brush strokes with PS!!!

Are their 'conditional' actions? There must be a way to do this, but I can't bring up anything on the web.

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Photoshop :: Automate / Batch Cropping 1000 Images - Not Working Properly?

Jun 4, 2012

I may just be missing something here. If I open an image in photoshop and crop it, the image shows up at the new cropped size and I can then save the new image. I have 1000 people images with all different sizes but the same ratio. My hope is to create an action that crops a photo to a standard size and then saves into another folder.
So I started my new action and did the crop and saved. Then I ran this action using automate and batch. The processing does happen but the images are cropped and then remain in a black box the size of the original photo. This is a problem for me... I only want to see the resized photo.

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Photoshop :: (Layer Style) Screen Pops Up For Each Photo In Automate Batch Processing?

Feb 21, 2013

I double click on <Set Layer style on current layer> and change to a new Layer Style for my Watermark Text. The <Contour> is Linear. The Actions panel turns red during editing.But when I run > Automate > Batch and select that edited Action, the <Layer Style> screen pops-up for each photo and the only way to finish the batch of photos is to click <OK> for each photo. I’m using Photoshop CS5. I have refresh Photoshop, restart my laptop but the problem remains.
I did another copy of the original Action and just changed the value in <Text Layer> and it works in the Batch processing. This problem only happens when I changed the value in the <Layer Style>.

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Photoshop :: Batch Actions Don't Work In CS5?

May 14, 2013

I can record a batch action but when I try to apply it to opened files or folders, the batch window doesn't even appear and all the photoshop menu options are frozen and greyed out. I have to force quit the program to recover. This started happening last week and there was no updates or any other changes made to the computer or software. I have tried to delete the preference files and repair permissions and restart the computer, but nothing works. It happens every single time.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing Does Not Work With Action?

May 31, 2013

Here is the thing. I have implementes several action on Photoshop. SOme of the include several  sub actions and  different saving locations. For example, I open a file, then I hit my prefered key combo for that action, and I have:

1) convert to cmyk
2)save  copy as JPG with 11 quality level
3) save to folder A
4) image size to 72 dpi
5) covert to RGB
6) save as JPG 6 quality level
7) save to folder B
8) close file and discard cahnges.
Everything runs like heaven, but the moment I want to batch several files everything stalls.
I choose file > Batch > Choose my set > choose my action
Source > I choose where my files are (usually a PDF)
then I use "Supress file open options dialogs"
Destination>  Since I already have set destinations y my actions, I choose here a "dump" folder
On errors > I hit Save As... and put a name for that log.
Then photohop opens my PDF on Photoshop and does nothing! It keeps my file open. I ma about to work with 400 files to batch, and this batch system does not work.

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Photoshop :: Batch Actions Wont' Work On Locked Layers?

Dec 9, 2003

Im trying to perform an action on a Batch. After i select the folder i want to use it on and hit save. The images start opening but when it opens the image layers are all locked and it wont perform the action....

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Photoshop :: Batch Process Does Not Work With Symbols In File Names

Apr 2, 2008

I have 600+ files with names like: "ad------2~s800x800.jpg" but the photoshop batch process mode is having issues with the filename and outputs it as just "-"

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Photoshop :: CC Doesn't Work

Jun 12, 2012

The PS I downloaded from CC doesn't work -- no illumination and some other functions -- I deactivated and re-uploaded -functions and then crashed agian -- computer is new and shouldn't be the problem.

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Photoshop :: PPI Doesn't Work In CC

Sep 9, 2012

Firstly - when I create a document at 48x48 at 72ppi, it comes out as you would expect, 48x48 on a screen. However if I enter 48x48 and try to enter 326ppi, it doesn't adjust the canvas size at all.
Also when I have my 48x48 72ppi document open and go to image > image size, and adjust only the ppi to does nothing! What should be happening is the canvas become 72:326 ratio larger to reflect the new ppi, or in other words, make the canvas size larger in proportion to this so when you take your new 326ppi image to the iphone it is retina at 48x48...however this is clearly not happening.

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Photoshop :: CS2 Doesn't Work

Nov 24, 2008

In Photoshop CS2, I select Help > How to fix and enhance photos > to touch up spots, scratches, and wrinkles. Instead of help on that, Adobe Help Center 2.1 shows up with nothing in it.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Doesn't Want To Work Anymore

Nov 22, 2013

I have an old version of the creative suite that is all right for what I do (information for a charitable organisation for medical research) installed in 2008. For quite a while now every once in a while when I start up I get a screen asking me to register. But since I already am registered Adobe just said to click on later and go on working. But this morning the screen is empty so I can't click anywhere. I've tried restarting and even turning off the computer and trying to restart my day.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Save For Web Doesn't Work

May 13, 2012

i have photoshop extended CS6 since yesterday and today when i was going to save an animation, go to file- save for web, this appears "the operation could not be completed".

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Photoshop :: 4 GB DDR3 RAM - 3D Still Doesn't Work

Feb 17, 2013

a few days ago Photoshop disabled my 3D features with the new Macbook Pro has 4G of DDR3 RAM...what am I missing here?

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Photoshop :: OpenCL Doesn't Seem To Work

Jun 18, 2013

OpenCL doesn't seem to work for me. I have it checked in prefs, have the latest drivers, and a GeForce GTX 660M. Yet when I run an iris blur filter, it's extremely slow, and only uses 1 CPU. Under System Info, it lists the video card and OpenCL 1.1.

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Doesn't Work In CS6?

Apr 16, 2013

I've just upgraded to Photoshop CS6, and did the update to v13.04.  Get a message with Save for Web: "The operation could not be completed. A write permissions error has occurred." There is a bug fix for v12 for exactly this, but CS5.5 (not sure which version of 12 it was) worked fine on this machine.  On a Macbook 17 inch running OSX 10.7.5 with 8gig Ram and 2.5 Ghz I7. 

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Photoshop :: Add Text Doesn't Work

Sep 25, 2013

When I tried to add text it doesn't really work. For example: Let's say I type in "Whats your name?" It won't show I typed unless I go click on a different tab and then go back to it. And the question mark will be in the front instead of in the back. And if I try to erase it, it won't erase.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Extended - Doesn't Work?

Apr 29, 2013

I have a copy of CS6 Extended and upon installation it is only the regular version of CS6. I do not know how to install the extended features,

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Photoshop :: Why Doesn't GeForce Work With 3D In PS6

Aug 28, 2012

I have a Geforce 8600M GT in my Macbookpro 10.6.8 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Core with 4GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM. I tried using it for 3D in PS6 but it doesn't seem to be 'enabled' and OpenGl unavailable. In the preferences in PS it states that graphics hardware unavailable and that I should upgrade my driver or card but on the adobe specifications for PS6 my card seems to comply and I can't find anything to update.

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Photoshop :: CC Doesn't Work On Load?

Nov 21, 2013

how to overcome the horribly sluggish load time for photoshop CC?That is, when the app loads, it takes at least a minute before I can load a file, most of the time 2-3 minutes.I am running a quad processor 2.4GHz computer/8G ram  that's less than 6 months old. Seriously adobe... This is ridiculous.
It seems like all your content works similarly too. the "Creative Cloud" app is something of a joke. Takes 2 minutes to load, andother minute or 3 to show info, and when an app needs an update, well, jsut look out. You're in for a long wait while adobe chugs along at 1980s connection speeds. (I am on a 24 down 7 up connection, there's no excuse)

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