problem with the tools in Photoshop CS4 that only exists after watching a video. After watching a video online (You Tube, for example) or watching a video in Windows Media Player, all the tools stop functioning.
CPU: Core2Duo E6750 2.66GHz
Operating System: Windows Vista Ultimate - 32 bit
Memory: 2GB DDR2 800(PC2 6400)
CS4 opens without a problem. I can open any file (.psd, jpg, etc)and it loads. When I go to click on a tool, nothing happens. The only tool available is the "hand" tool. Nothing else works. None of the tools are dimmed out either.
I have found that by logging off and then logging back in, or restarting the computer clears the problem.
I opened a file I had been working on yesterday on a different Mac, and got the error message: "3D functionality is currently disabled due to OpenGL being disabled." I am currently using MacBook Pro (2008), running Mac OS 10.9, using PhotoShop CC. I've already looked at Ps Preferences>Performance and I see this.
i have cs5 suite. last week everything fine in photoshop. this week, only the tools that are showing are available to use. i can not access the tools when i click on the corner of individual tools. i am running version 10.6.8
I instal form SDK User Tools because I need in Inventor Drawing Tools (Revision cloud). I do this install like on website Autodesk show and I didn't get it on ribbon. I do also registry of this plugin but I also didn't get it.
There seems to be way too many tools in the tools panel for me. Many of them I will rarely, if ever use. Is there any way I can rearrange or remove some of them? It would unclutter the screen immensely.
I have an interactive board with tools (such as pen or eraser) which I want to integrate with the AI. The typical scenario woulld be as follows: the user lifts the pen from the tray, the pen event will me mapped into selecting Pencil Tool from AI toolbar after which the user can add freehand annotations to the AI document.
Is there an API which would allow me to map abailable hardware tools with relevant AI tools? Is there an example which would demonstrate such integration?
Yesterday I signed up for Adobe Creative Cloud and delightedly started exploring the 3D features in Photoshop CS6. It worked perfectly well and there were no crashes.
This morning the Adobe Application Manager said there was an upgrade for Photoshop CS6 with "New Features". While it was downloading I watched some 3D tutorials. Then when I opened a file in Photoshop with the intention of putting what I'd learned into practice, I got the following message:
"Photoshop has detected graphics hardware that is not officially supported for 3D, and has temporarily disabled 3D functionality. Updating the driver of your graphics card may resolve the issue.
Check the manufacturer's website for the latest software."
I have an iMac with an NVIDIA geforce 9400 256mb graphics card. It therefore cannot be upgraded as it is built-in, nor is there any sign of updated software either from Apple nor NVIDIA. So this is my introduction to the Adobe Creative Cloud. Something works for one day and then is "upgraded" and ceases to do so!
I had a problem with the Save for Web feature being disabled and just wanted to share the solution that I found. First, to describe the problem: Save for Web was grayed out and nothing I tried could get it back. It wasn't a problem with the image color mode, bit depth or anything like that. Rebooting my Windows 7 PC did not work.
Deleting my preferences did not work. Ultimately, what I had to do was uninstall/reinstall Photoshop CC. Now, it's working fine again.
I am interested in finding out how to enable Graphics features in Photoshop CC. I am using Windows 7, with Intel G41 chipset and even though the box is checked next to "Graphics Accelerator", I still cannot use the 3D features.
all of a sudden my Save for Web is disabled in Photoshop CC for all files, including files that I have sliced and saved for web before. I have tried restarting to no avail.
I have the upgrade in the correct location, but now ACR has been disabled in both PS and Bridge. However, in PS, when I look under Help>Plugins, I see it listed there. I have PS CS4 running on Windows XP. I downloaded it several times and removed the older download,(I have only one Camera Raw plug-in in the folder.)
Menu File - Automate - Fit Image has suddenly become grayed out. Grayed out in menu, and batches fail to access it too. Actions fail with log entry:
Error: The command "Fit Image" is not currently available. (-25920) Sometimes the error is command "Canvas Size" is not currently available (also in the batch).
Batches earlier today using it worked OK, no problems until now. Have tried rebooting, still grayed out and does not work.
In all of the previous versions of CS as well as Version 7 you could Right click anywhere on the top bar of a "floating" image and see options to do the following:
Image Size
Canvas Size
File Info
Page Setup
I cannot do the same thing in CS4. Why would they disable this option? Can we change it back to the way of the previous versions? If so how? Who do we complain to about this?
I am not a fan of the opening images into the window so all you see is the file number followed by the "X" so you have to go to "Window" then choose "Arrange" then chose either "Float in Window" or "Float all in Window". I like to be able to see all of my images and make a choice when viewing them as to which I am going to work with first. Can we make a permanent change to the way the program operates?
I'm running an iMac that's about a year old (OSX 10.8.3, 2.7 Ghz i5 with 4gb). It has an AMD Radeio 6770M graphics with 512MB ram, which according to the minimum system requirements for Photoshop CC (version 13.1.2) should be enough to do 3d. I don't have the full CC suite, just Photoshop, but it's supposed to be the same as the extended version. (Strangely, "About Photoshop@ still says CS6, not sure if that's relevant)
I've reset PS preferences. Updated everything, and rebooted.
Am I doing something stupid? I've not played with 3d before, I have a vague recollection of seeing it when I first installed but can't find it now. Basically I create blank document, 8bit RGB, create text layer, select it, and 3D extrusion is still disabled.
I'm using CS6 and trying to blend 2 images to HDR using the merge to HD Pro feature. I have used it before but now it appears that I can't select remove ghosts or select an image for prioritizing ghosts
I have tried photomatrix Pro and thats fine (but it was a trial).
I have tried impoting NEF, tiff and jpegs with no luck. I have also tried different bit depths which didn't work.
Could not add any Layer Styles. I also cannot add styles to any layer in this file. He says he started it in a Lab on campus. We use a deep freeze software and so the default preferences should be restored on the computers regularly. He thinks he has had this problem before and has worked on different computers. No one else has this problem. So, if that's true, all I can think is that he is "doing something" when he chooses File--New. I recently opened the projects from all of the other students in my office and this fellow's file is the only one I can't add styles to. It's something about the file itself. What is it?
I just installed CS4 a week or two ago. I've used other versions in the past -- mostly for processing digital images -- and am now trying learn some graphic design techniques,
I created a path using the pen tool, changed it to a selection, right-clicked inside the selection area and wanted to Fill the selection, but the menu option is disabled. Does anyone know why? or what I need to do to enable it? Those menu options never seem to enable in the main Edit menu either.
I am running on Windows Vista, Dell Quad-Core system.
some of my filter options seem to be disabled when i was doing a few tutorials... i need this filter... i couldn't find a similarity between them thus,
I'm trying to turn a photo into a Line Art drawing.
I've been following instructions and it's all been working until I try to make a stroke path and it's disabled. I've read through these forums and have done everything suggested (ie. made sure the pen tool is set to paths in option bar, made sure the pen icon is chosen when I right click to 'stroke path', ...)
Here's what I did...
1. Set the pen tool to create new work paths
2. Used pen to outline the face in the photo. Finished the shape so the path joins up.
3. Right click to choose stroke paths
I'm using PS CS3 Version 10. Can anyone tell me why I can't access stroke path when I right click?
I recently purchased Photoshop CS6. I've installed on Windows 7 and run updates. I've also today updated my graphics drivers to latest version (catalyst 12.8). I have an AMD Radeon HD 7700 which has 1024MB RAM. This card is on the list of supported cards.
When I first load Photoshop I can look in "Preferences -> Performance" and see that the GPU has been detected correctly and 'Use Graphics Processor' is ticked.
However after loading any image, including using "File -> New" to open an blank white image, the GPU is disabled. Looking back in "Preferences -> Performance" it tells me:
"no gpu options available with photoshop standard"
I recently ran into an issue where Photoshop was freezing (URL ..... - my issue starts at reply #4) and in order to solve it, I had to open Photoshop by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT, which deletes all preferences. Now that I can open Photoshop, I can't toggle into the different screen modes. The F key doesn't do anything anymore and the options on the toolbar are disabled. I can only choose Standard Screen mode.
What's wrong and how can I fix this so I can work in full-screen mode again? I am on a MacBook Pro using the latest version of Photoshop CS6 from Creative Cloud.
I recently bought a Wacom Cintiq and installed it as my second monitor. When I start Photoshop CC 64bit, if it opens on my first monitor I am able to use OpenGL features like rotating the canvas or seeing the eye dropper wheel. This continues to work if I drag Photoshop onto my second monitor. However, if PS starts on my second monitor, whenever I try to use the OpenGL features I get error messages saying that OpenGL is disabled for the window.
I would like to be able to open PS on my second monitor and still have all the OpenGL features work.
I'm trying to edit a brush I just created, but all of the options are locked, and the buttons are disabled, it won't even let me select a brush, I tried the Reset Locked Settings button, but nothing changed.