I would like to work with raw files and correct some around 4-500 pcs once and then batch to export to jpeg and I need a very good system for that I think. Thanks a lot for any advice! And perheabs you recommand me a system for Premiere too...maybe the same system designed for Photoshop works even in Premiere CS3 or 4 good or very good?
After much hassle I got Photoshop to work but Bridge always fails with the message  "Failed to write to temporary folder (V:mp). Please change the environmental variable TMP to an existed folder on the C: drive"  Ignoring the questionable grammar for the moment why does Bridge care where my TMP directory is? CS5 doesn't care. None of the other programs installed on this system care. Bridge is absolutely adamant, though. Give it temp space on C: it's perfectly happy. Put it anywhere else and no way at all... Where was Adobe QA when this was tested?
I'm trying to build an action that makes thumbnails out of images and adds a few effects, but I want it to let me select what area of the image it takes the thumbnail from and making that thumbnail size instead of shrinking the whole thing to 100x100 and losing all the detail. Any suggestions?
Does the paintbucket require something specific in order to fill? I am drawing shapes with the pen tool but I can't fill them with the paintbucket. What am I missing and what are the alternatives? Is there a way to fill the pen-drawn shape with textures that will look like topography?
I'm trying to create blocks which will be used in multiple drawings for Gridlines and detail marks.
These blocks are basically a circle with an attribute in the centre, and once created as a block are annotive as they will be displayed in multiple viewports.
I can create the block with attribute fine using the "block" command which then allows me to make the block annotive ( The "wblock" command dose not allow this )
However when I insert the block into a drawing I need to explode the block before I can edit the attribute ( even though I explode the block it's still actually blocked )
Why do the Fillet and Chamfer commands sometimes inexplicably require three clicks to execute? At "Select First Object", the first line I select doesn't highlight, and is ignored. The second pick selects the first line to be filleted, the third pick performs the fillet. There's no predictability to when this happens. Does this happen to others?
I have a problem with shortcut keys in inventor 2013.Example:
-In 2012 when pressing "s", it would create sketch.
-In 2013 when pressing "s", it needs enter/spacebar to confirm that sketch creation.
I can't seem to find a setting that changes this, or a thread here on the forums describing anything about this. Only threads about shortcuts suddenly not working anymore, which is not the problem for me at this moment.
Using ACAD2013, any command I try to execute requires two clicks. This specifically occurs with transformational commands - i.e. offset, rotate, mirror, but not line. For example I will enter the "OFFSET" command and hit enter, however instead of prompting me to input my OFFSET variables I will have to hit enter again and then enter the requisite variables. In effect I have to hit enter twice to execute any command of this sort. I have already tried changing my PICKFIRST settings, and AUTOCOMPLETE. I'm at a loss.
Why does the Round() function require that the number of decimal places be either a number or an object if you want to use a variable? It seems that a Single should work here, but iLogic won't accept it.
See sample code below which is rounding off dimension values. If I dim the variable "somenumber" as Single or Double, I get this error message from the Round() function: "Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Round' can be called without a narrowing conversion."
When I dim "somenumber" as an object it works, but this seems unnecessary when all it is storing is a single digit number. Why wouldn't Single or Double work for this variable?
Here's the code snippet:
'Dim Current Sketch & Count Constraints Dim oSketch As Sketch = ThisApplication.ActiveEditObject Dim oDimCount As Single = oSketch.DimensionConstraints.Count
I created a dynamic block to represent a room in a floor plan. It displays the dimensions and area of the room and can be stretched. But it's defeating the whole point of being dynamic. The area won't update unless I do a regen.
I've seen comments blaming MTEXT for the problem, so I tried putting the area field in a line of TEXT or DTEXT. It still didn't update unless I did a regen.
Infrastructure DSP '14 / Product DSP '14 / Vault Professional 2014 Dell Precision T1650 Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit Intel E3-1270 V2 3.5GHz / 32G RAM Nvidia Quadro 2000, Driver 331.82 Space Navigator, Driver Version 6.17.7
Why does checking "Profile corrections" require to select the manufacturer "Tamron" to automatically detect my Tamron 24-70 F/2.8 Di VC USD A007N? After I pick "Tamron", the lens is properly detected. Â As far as I know, Exif-information holds all necessary information on the lens. The Nikon Lens ID value 'FE 48 37 5C 24 24 DF 0E' uniquely refers to that lens.
I have desktop PC with optical mouse photoshop CS5 when I try to use pen pressure feature of brush, I got a pale trangle beside said " require pressure sensitive tablet"..So; can I use the pen pressure feature?
My system info of pse 7 tells me that the operating system is vista while I'm working with windows 7. It also shows a place for the catalogfile that don't exists on my computer.
I have a 32 bit PC that I recently upgraded. I put in the most amount of RAM memory I could and upgraded the system from XP to Windows 7 Ultimate.Yesterday I upgraded from Photoshop CS2 to CS5 and have suddenly been having problems with the system locking up on me in the middle of a project.
Also, when first using the program I could not figure out how to get the HISTORY window to open. That is a function ALWAYS USE!!It should ALWAYS open automatically I now have it working properly, but when opening the program for the first time the HISTORY window should ALWAYS BE THERE and ready to use
I have given up hope on getting cs4 to work on my old computer (multiprocessor server board) but what about cs3? My system seems to meet the minimum requirements but I had no luck running cs4 and cs3 is not functioning properly. Can someone take a look at these specs and tell me if this system should run cs3? I know it is an old system but I have not had any problems with it since it was new and do not plan on getting rid of it any time soon.
Tyan Tiger MP (2460) AMD-760 MP Motherboard
2 X Athlon MP 1800+
2 gigs Kingston DDR registered EEC memory
ATI Radeon 9550 256 MB DDR memory, with updated drivers (openGL Support)
When I use the Lasso, Polygonal Lasso and/or Magnetic Lasso Tools, my system shuts down.
This didn't always happen and the only recent change to my system was downloading/installing Adobe Reader 8 (update). To the best of my knowledge, prior to this update the all the Lasso Tools worked fine.
I searched the help section and the only information I found related to my problem was to set Adobe's 'Post Script" printer as default. I tried that and it did not help. Please note, prior to this problem, my Canon was set as my default printer and every thing worked fine then.
Should I uninstall Adobe Reader?
I'm using: Photoshop CS2 My system: Windows XP Home Edition RAM is: 256 MB Free Space: 60.2GB Printer: Canon 7800 Series
I have WEB standard and Design Standard and cannot get the programs to open.Is it because they are installed on a 64 bit system?Are there some patches or downloads that could help?
I realize that Adobe calls for a G5 or Intel processor-equipped computer to run CS4. Sometimes these requirements are not completely rigid or necessary. if a 1.25Ghz eMac with 4 GB RAM, 32 MB of VRAM will run CS4,
I have recently purchased Lightroom v2, but not yet installed it. Before doing so I wanted to check that my PC is capable of running it. 'Minimum' requirement is for a Pentium 4 procesor, which I do not have, though I meet all other requirements. Does any one foresee problem with running Lightroom with this processor. Intel core 2 Duo CPU T5600 @1.83GHz or would I be wasting my time.
Here are two ones I have created (comments welcome) but I was looking at some on deviantart and getting some idears I wanted to know how to do a few things: -Milkyway (Whole Galaxy)SunShadows (Like in Startrek voyager intro where the sun light hits the ship and casts a shadow)Spaceship (just wanted to know how people put these in to there pictures.