I recently installed Photoshop CS4. I still have CS3 installed. When I go to print from CS4, it prompts me that there is no printer installed on my pc. (CS3 will still print without issues). I have downloaded and installed the latest and greatest drivers for my Canon Pixma Pro 9500. I have tried recreating the Photoshop preference file and still no good on either attempted solution. I even tried unistalling CS3 - no good.
How do I "convince" Photoshop CS4 that printer software and drivers exist on my pc?
I'm on a Mac, I have three printers, and I want to use one in particular for a PS printing task. I fill up the printer with the right paper, then call up the file and hit "print", forgetting to notice that the assigned printer is the wrong one. So a wasted proof. So I go to Sys Prefs and set the "default" printer to the one I want, go back to PS, pick the file, hit print, and I still get the wrong printer, so I set the print dialogue box for the right one manually, get the print, call up another file, and hit print again. The Print dialogue box has reset back to the wrong printer. Photoshop seems to have its own "default" printer selection system, independent of the overall system preferences. How the heck do I get PS to recognize and use the "default" printer, rather than settling on its own random choice?
A friend who is new to gimp asked if gimp can recognize epson printer color profiles? He told me that when he uses photoshop, it allows him to choose papers and color settings? Can gimp do the same thing?
I can not make anything in 3D. I think in CS3 it doesnt work too. But in graphic programs like MAYA and 3DS MAX i can make 3D objects and others but in Photoshop not. In Photoshop CS 4 I opened new document, with brush i wrote "Hello" and clicked on menu "3D" but there is everything disable :-/. My graphic card is "Ati Mobility Radeon XPRESS 200 series.
it allows me to save normaly, but if i want/need to change a file type, or name and i click "save as" the save as window pops up for a brief moment then disapears.and photoshop feezes. it doesnt really crash, it just freezes and i have to go into task manger to close it.
im a digital artist so my cs3 program is really important...i need it up and running again!! any help here? ive already tried ALT+Spacebar and then M to see if the window was juust off screen, but it didnt work. ><''
besides the program lagging ocassionaly with big file loads/saves everything works fine. its just this problem that keeps me from workng!
I have win XP + Adobe CS 3 Standard installed on my pc: when i open more than one photo at the same time with Photoshop CS3, the application immediately close. I have two pc with the same configuration and i have the same problem. Note that i have Adobe CS2 installed + upgrade to Adobe CS 3. If i use Photoshop CS 2 i dont have trouble.
my keyboard short cut for ctrl+ a doesn't work, for some reason. All the other keyboard shortcuts work, except for that one (At least i think so..). I read through numerous threads about why keyboard short cuts do not work. 1. they are cracked copies of photoshop, 2. they are using logitech keyboards.
But I'm not using a cracked copy, and I just upgraded my logitech drivers to the newest ones.. and the problem just started yesterday without any reason. But when I change my short cut from ctrl a to.. something else, say alt+ctrl+a. it works.. but I prefer the old ctrl A.
i`m trying to create a repeated circle pattern using an action that i`ve created : (starting with a black circle on a white canvas)press recordduplicate layerpress ctrl Tmove pivot pointrotate circlepress enterstop recording when i press play, the action creates a new layer but no new circle is created.
I have a lot of jpgs and want to make an animated gif of them, but that doesnt work I ve read a tutorial somewhere and there it worked. But I just get an errormessage and the only files with that I can make an animated gif are gifs
I tried to burn a movie to my tv screen in VS Pro X4. i used 4:3 aspect ratio but when i took the DVD to view on my tv, i saw 4 black borders around the movie on my tv screen, the borders were on top, bottom and both the right and left side. I tried both 16:9 and 4:3 in VS x4 and both had the same results 4 black borders.
when i burned the same movie in VS 10 plus with 4:3 the movie fits the size of my tv screen.
why is it that VS pro X4 ultimate cant burn the movie to fit the size of my tv screen as it did in VS 10 Plus? what setting am I missing in setting in VS X4
I'm currently using AutoCad Electrical 2010 and we just got a new printer. Is there any way to map all of my electrical drawngs to that printer without opening each drawing and selecting the new printer?
how to change the printer associated with PSP or add another printer? I have 2 printers installed on Windows7 but the only one I get when I try to print from PSP is the wide format printer & no option to add another. Is printing from Windows Photo Viewer my only option?
There is something wrong with the info.plist for Photoshop CC. Mac OSX Mountain Lion at least does not understand they are different applications. You cannot set files to open in CC instead of CS6. The OS believes they are the same application.
I have a new Dell Windows Vista 64 and have CS4, legit on it. I have installed the Vista 64 driver on this epson 4490 photo scannner. That all went well. The computer recognizes it, I can click on the icon on the desk top and bring up the epson full software to scan. But when I'm in Photoshop, and click import, I don't see the epson 4490 listed, like I use to on my old computer with CS2 and I could open it with the full software in PS. I can click on the WIA supported items and it will be there, but it is only an abreviated version of the epson software. I can't make it be the full version that I bring up from the desktop icon. I've restarted the computer a couple of times after installing the software. I can work with it this way, but much easier to bring it up from PS of course.Â
I have a number of fonts in my windows fonts folder thast do not appear when I am using PS CS6. I have a bunch of work done on earlier version of PS that use and even need these fonts. I cnannot update the work because the fonts do not appear in the Foints window of CS6.Â
I have installed my Photoshop CS2 on my new computer. It will not recognize my raw images. I get a message that says "could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document". I uninstalled the program and reinstalled it again but I am still getting the same message.Â
I have also registered it with my serial number, but every time I get into the program I get a prompt telling me I need to register.
I'm running windows 7 and just installed CS6 64 bit. I understand 64 bit doesn't use TWAIN and must instead go by way of WID. Problem is getting that set up. Very little information other than being told to un-install and re-install in 32 bit.
My Panasonic GK2 creates raw files as RW2. I use (on my Mac) LightRoom 3.6 to import, convert to DNG and develop the files. Â Photoshop CS4 Camera Raw 5.0 for Mac had been processing these without a problem. As of about 30 h. ago, it appears that my system no longer recognizes this format. DNG's from my Panasonic camera are greyed-out in Finder. In Adobe Bridge CS4 preview pane they are displayed with the DNG icon. Â if update for Camera Raw is available, and if you think that might solve thie issue. Â OTOH, believe I now have a viable work-around: after editing in LightRoom, export to PSD for further exiting in PS-CS4.
In CS3 I was able to see my scanner via file: import: scanner (epson V700 PHOTO). In CS6 it does not recognize scanner is therea plug in or other way to see the scanner?
It is no problem to use the lens correction in PS CS6 with my EOS 7D and the 24-105 IS L lens. Using my new EOS Mark III with the same lens, Photoshop does not recognize the lens. And in the dropdown menu, where you can normally choose the camera type, Canon is no available (Nikon, Pentax, Sony... are available.). Lightroom 4 has no problem with that issue.
using Photoshop CS3 Extended, I tried opening an animated GIF today without success. After some forum searching I found I had to import it as video into layers. When I tried that I got this message:
"Could not complete the video frames to layers command because QuickTime version 7.1 or later is required."
I have QuickTime installed, the newest version (checked for updates and found none), and it works normally. This computer is just about 2 months old, so it's not an out-of-date installation of QuickTime, either.
I am running Windows XP Pro.
How does Photoshop determine whether QuickTime is installed or not?
I'd rather avoid re-installing programs (especially QuickTime)
I have a client that gets the error ""Before you can perform print-related tasks such as page setup or printing a document, you need to install a printer" when he tries to print from PS CS4 He has a networked printer and has Adobe PDF as his local default printer (Other CS4 applications print fine with this setup only PS gives trouble)He is running Vista Ultimate - 64 Bit and is current on his updates for Vista and PS and has plenty of RAM and scratch.
Photoshop suddenly stopped recognizing pen pressure from my tablet yetsterday. I'm using a Wacom Bamboo Connect tablet on a Windows 8 computer with Photoshop CS6 Â I've tried:
1. uninstalling the drivers 2. checking wintab files were gone from system32 and sysWOW64 3. restarting 4. reinstalling drivers 5. checking new wintab files are present 6. restarting
I updated photoshop (and repeated those 5 steps), reinstalling the drivers as an admin, reset the paintbrush tool, but no matter what I do, when I go to the Shape Dynamics option in Photoshop, I get the triangle with the exclamation point telling me that I need a pressure sensitive tablet.
I've tried plugging the tablet in and then opening photoshop.I've tried opening Photoshop and then plugging in the tablet.I updated the drivers for all of the hardware on my computer. Â I've tried the pressure sensitivity in two other (non Adobe) programs and it works there, so it doesn't seem like a problem with the tablet itself.
I am running a Dell XPS laptop (Windows 8 Professional) with the following graphics: Â Intel HD Graphics 4000 & Nvidia GeForce GT640M Â I have Photoshop CC installed (14.1.2) and everything is fine using the NVidia driver version 314.22, however when I try to update the driver to the latest version 327.23 (released 19 September 2013)Â Photoshop does not recognise the GT640M and will only use the Intel HD 4000!
EVerytime I try and download ANYTHING, it goes to Photoshop (I have CS4) and says, Photoshop does not recognize this file!... what is a 'nerdy photographer gal to do'?? I have had this problem for about 6 months. I called dear old Mumbai,and of course, he told me that I would have to pay for any info! or go to Adobe support systems.
I installed Photoshop 6 on a HP tablet computer and when I try to get photoshop to respond with pen size and preasure to the preasure I use to apply my stylus to the screen it acts like I'm using a mouse. I have a Wacom stylus pad and Photoshop can respond to preasure sensitivity, with the Wacom. How can I get Photoshop to recognize my HP tablet stylus?
Exporting an image out of Maya with an alpha channel is easy, but getting Photoshop to reconize the alpha channel is not. The windows viewer, and the picture viewer on the mac reconizes it but not in photoshop which is wierd.