Photoshop :: CS4 - Color Dropper Will Only Allow Gray
May 23, 2013
I am currently using Photoshop CS4 and for some reason my color dropper will only allow the color gray. It will let me select a new color, but when I hit OK, it stays gray. Did I hit a button that I was not aware of? How do I get it back to normal?
In both Photoshop and Illustrator the gray colors look brown. However, in Fireworks and other programs the gray colors look gray. Any color management settings to fix this?
My company is switching from ctb files to stb files. With the ctb file, we make concrete hatch with two layers. A top layer with the concrete hatch pattern and a background layer with a solid hatch patern. The ctb file concrete plots the concete hatch black and the solid background hatch light gray. I am using civil 3d 2013 and the hatch allows a seperate background color mask. I am trying to make all my concrete layers (Top of Curb, Curb Flowline, etc.) a certain color scheme, i.e. shades of green. I would like my on screen concrete hatch patern to be a green color with a gray background, but plot the concrete hatch black with a gray background. I can not figure out how to do this without making two layers. Is there a way to use one layer and utilize the background color mask to show on screen green and gray, but plot black and gray?
I have a question regarding illustrator. Let's say I have a circle with blue fill and red stroke. And I place an image in the illustrator file. Now I want to change the red stroke of my circle to let's say a purple color by sampling the color from the image.
How can I achieve that with a eye dropper tool? Every time when I try to sample a color from the image, the whole circle will change to purple instead of just the stroke? I have tried multiple key combination, shift, alt, ctrl but they all don't work.
I have been using Photoshop for quite sometime now for basic image editing and website design. I recently upgraded to 7.0 since 4.0 was giving me some trouble with memory errors that would result in loss of work. Anyways my question is this: Lately (as in the past week or 2) I have been having a problem with my Photoshop, when I would click on the color selector (the 2 color boxes in the tool selector box) it would select the Eye Dropper tool instead. And from there I could not do anything without hitting Alt + F4, after doing that the Eye Dropper tool would go away and I would be back where I started, still unable to change or choose a color. While the Eye Dropper tool is active when I do this I cannot click on anything or do anything, the Eye Dropper tool will not even function. I would only get an error sound as if I was trying to do something I'm not supposed too. I've never encountered this before and cannot find this same problem anywhere online. I have reinstalled PS numerous times and still the same effect. Has anybody else had or seen this problem? How can I fix it? Thank you for your time.
Nevermind, I found the problem. Apparently if I run PS with only 1 monitor on I get this error, but as long I have both monitors enabled it works fine. That's weird but atleast it works now.
About color lab color correction, in those days i'm watching a lot of tutorials about cause i'm trying to understand this new to me subject in a better way.
While neutralizing color, correcting a photo in Lab by Curvas adj Layer, the default eye dropper values are:
To prevent the possibility of out of gamma some tutorials suggest to change the above mentioned default values:
Black from 0 to 26 RGB (0-6 Lab), White from 255 to 243 RGB (0-96 Lab)
What about the middle eye dropper Gray? A few tutorials mention to chage the gray value too from 128 to 133 RGB (54-56Lab) while the majority never mention gray value, they tell about black and white never mentioning the gray value; what is your experience about?
The above mentioned "out of gamma problem" is mainly related to output printing or to screen displaying too?
Generally speaking I would like to receive some comment by you gurus about this very subject, while working in Lab, what about your Curvas adj Layer eye dropper values, do you change them or you leave them as default?
Seem to have lost my color picker or something strange...using Photoshop CS, now when ever I open a file work on it, if I choose the eye dropper or double click on the color square in the tool bar photoshop freezes, can't do anything. Have to force quit...I've not altered in any way any monitor or anything...
I got a question about Photoshop CS. You know how when you are painting with the brush tool and then you press ALT to sample a color right? Well, it normally changes the foreground color to the color you sample, but mine’s just suddenly started changing the background color instead O_o. I rest tools, turn off the machine, but weeks later I find myself constantly have to switch to the background color, using (x) whenever I sample. It’s a pain in the ass! How do you change it back to normal?
Seem to have lost my color picker or something strange...using Photoshop CS, now when ever I open a file work on it, if I choose the eye dropper or double click on the color square in the tool bar photoshop freezes, can't do anything. Have to force quit...I've not altered in any way any monitor or anything...
Anytime I use the tool to copy a color, the entire format copies and changes the look of the object I already have selected. Is there a way to set my preferences so I only copy color with the Eye Dropper tool?
This has happened during a few different projects I've had: Â Short Version: I'm just trying to make sure that the colored box prints the exact same color as the PDF's color and it's not. Â Long Version: Say I'm given a PDF, it's a poster, and it needs to have bleed (a border around it) added. I'll open Illustrator, put the PDF in there, and use a colored box for the additional bleed/border I'm adding. I'll use the eye dropper, click on part of the PDF - it'll give me the color of that spot. I'll take that color and apply it to the colored box, it changes color. Â The issue is that sometimes, that color the eye dropper picks up doesn't actually match the PDF's true color. I can fill in the colored box with whatever color the eye dropper picks up, but it's often a weird color, like with CMYK number values being at 98.35% or something And even when the color value on the PDF and box are the same, you can see a slight difference between that colored box and the real PDF. Â I'll even export that to a PDF and make sure it's correct, using the Object Data Tool or whatever it is, and then using the eye dropper there, and seeing that the color for my box and the PDF are at the same CMYK color values. And you can still see it's incorrect very slightly, and then when you print it it's obviously not the same. Even when I try picking it up in HSB or RGB, it's no good.
Is there a modifier key to "choose the line color" when dragging the eye dropper? Looks like my only alternative to this is opening the color editor and choosing "line color" from the dropdown.
When you're editing a gradient within the shape (as opposed to in the Gradients palette), is there any way to use the eye dropper tool to sample an existing color? In-shape gradient editing (or whatever Adobe calls it) is useless without the eye dropper.
Accidentally pressed some keys on keyboard, so now I see all layers in gray color, except top layer, that is green, and stays so, also when I draw something, it shows in gray only, though color channels are ok, image mode is RGB and there are no blending options applied.
I am using the trial version of Elements 11 and am finding that when I create a new document whatever I put in it is grey! I changed the colour for the background I wanted to blue before creating the document, and the minute I filled the document with blue it turned to grey and the colour swatch changed to grey. This also happens when I put in one of the graphics that come with the program - as soon as it dropped inteh document it turns grey.
I reformatted my computer and installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 service pack 1 and installed Photoshop CS6 and when I print my work the color gray prints as brown and the yellow green has a shade of brown in it as well so its darker. I did calibrate my monitor, I use sRGB IEC61966-2.1 as ICC profile and RGB in working spaces, and US Web Coated v2 as CMYK. I changed the mode to CMYK 16 bit and proof setup to Working CMYK. In printer setting I set the color handling to Photoshop manages colors and set it to hardproofing. I did match it with the color management in display settings.
I think my Epson T1100 printers are fine because they both print the same color gray as brown so it must be in Photoshop where the problem is.
This is frustrating..Before I reformatted I was using Photoshop CS5 and my prints are fine but when I reformatted and installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 and Photoshop CS6 the printing problems starts, I reinstalled Photoshop CS5 but the print outs still has problems, color gray prints as brown..By the way, I print on white bond papers and white box boards, so color blending is not the case I'm sure..
I draw comics digitally in Photoshop, working in Gray scale mode to reduce file size (I work very high-res). Is it possible to make Photoshop display certain layers in color, without switching to either CMYK or RGB mode?
The original image had the car in a deep shadow and it appeared to be black. I played around with it and this blue was the best I could do. The real color is silver gray. Is there anyway to change the car color to silver.
What ever color i put it only stays in gray colors!!?? When i click on the color i see it corectly but when for i example i use the gradient tool or paint bucket tool the color stay gray...
I'm running photoshop cs3 on XP. Does anyone Know how to change the color or I should say the grayscale of facial features on a photo without changing the texture or anything else. These photo are all grayscale.
For instance if I take a photo and invert it all the grayscale is changed. The hair might be lighter, the nose darker, the eyes somewhere inbetween. Of coarse a perfect negative is made. But lets say I want to lighten the nose a bit without changing its texture or anything else about the nose. And I want it all to blend together just as it was done when the photo was initially inverted ....
I am working in CS6... I am trying to replace the color of a flat simple gold logo to white. However, every time I attempt to replace the color with White, it shows up as a gray instead. Not sure what's going on, it seems like I've checked all my color settings, and if I try to replace with any other color it works just fine... its only with the WHITE that I'm having trouble making the change.