Photoshop :: CS2 The Adobe Updater Could Not Be...
Jan 9, 2008
After installing CS2 on my new Vista computer when I start Photoshop I get the message "The Adobe Updater could not be started, please reinstall application and components." Knowledgebase ID 331634 offers solutions for Windows 2000 and XT, but not for Vista.
Product: CS4 64 bit: Adobe Output Module-Adobe updater downloads 2 updates 75.9mb (Camera Raw 5.3). After download and permission to continue under user account control, I receive popup menu advising me that Installation Incomplete, close Adobe Bridge - 3 choices, which always fail. My Adobe CS4 and Bridge are not open. I tried this several times with the same result.I downloaded the zip file, saved, unzip, and still get the same notice - close Bridge.
I'm running Photoshop CS3 on Mac version 10.7.5. Every time I open PS I get the error message "adobe updater quit unexpectedly". Once I click out all I see is a white box for "Adobe Web Suite Premium CS3" that is blank. It can only be minimized - not closed. Everything else in PS is greyed out and unusable.
Error message (No connection - Please check you internet settings and/or firewall. Waiting for connection....)
I have attempted to check all internet settings in my Google Chrome browser and in the Windows firewall I have included it as an "Allowed Connection". Still no joy, unable to connect and of course no updates?
I tried to install the update with Adobe Updater and it failed with error code U44M1P7.I then downloaded the update patcht directly from the site and tried to install. Again error code this time U44M2P7.
Just got a notice that there's an update available for PS CS6 through the cloud. It churns and rumbles for several seconds and then tells me there's an error. See... for details. The details don't tell me anything I understand. (U44M1P7) Then clicking 'see details' takes me to a folder of log files that are all Greek to me.
Ironically, the description for the upgrade in the cloud window says its for 'bug fixes'... Looks to me like the 'bug fixer' is bugged itself! Are some of the government web contractors/programmers working for Adobe now?
I just installed the update for Photoshop CS4 and started removing CS3 from my computer. I deactivated CS3 then used Add and Delete Programs to proceed. Instead I got a window that says I must first stop Adobe Updater from running but I can't figure how to do that and I can no longer go back to CS3 to see if I can find it there. What do I do now?
Recently the updater on my version of CS2 started telling me that there was no internet connection, and to check my firewall and connections. Having recently installed a new firewall I spent some time checking that out, together with various other pieces of protective software. Despite ensuring that the CS2 applications (including the updater EXE) had the necessary permissions, I still wasn't able to automatically access the Adobe updates.
After puzzling for a day or so, I checked back on installations and changes to my PC over the previous couple of weeks, and realised that I'd started to try out Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3, at about the same time as I'd installed the new firewall. After removing the IE7 update, and returning to IE6, the Adobe updater started to function again.
I did a quick search to see if anyone else had posted regarding this, but couldn't find anything, so thought I let you know in case anyone else is thinking of installing Beta 3. I have emailed Microsoft to make them aware.
when using CS2 (and possibly previous versions, I can't remember) there is a folder titled 'Updater' that is automatically created everytime PS is opened. Is there a setting that I can change that will prevent this from happening, or maybe just change the path to which the folder is created.
On Oct 20 I updated Photoshop CC, and during the update it asked me if it could install an updater to monitor my CC apps. I allowed this to happen. Two hours later, Win 8 tried to update and failed for the first time, giving me a message that Windows could not configure features. I figured it was the newly installed monitor from Adobe that caused the problem so I found the file and disabled it. The file's name is AAM Updater 1.0. A couple of hours later, Windows updated itself with a huge update. I have left the Updater disabled to avoid having the problem again.
Is AAM Updater a necessity for keeping Photoshop updated or active? Do I have to have it running in the background ALL the time? If so, and if it prevents Windows from updating, how can I work around the problem?
I'm using Photoshop CS2 and recently installed it on my new Vista system. During normal use, I log in to Windows as a non-administrator, as recommended for security purposes.
Each time I launch Photoshop, it wants to check for updates, and asks for administrator privileges to do so. This is very annoying, first because I then have to enter my password for the admin account each time, and second because I don't need to check for updates every single time I run the program.
I can instruct Windows to run photoshop.exe as an administrator each time it runs, which fixes the annoying problem of it checking for updates, but it still means I have to enter my administrator password each time I want to run Photoshop. Surely there is a good solution to this problem? I'd be happy if I could just instruct Photoshop once and for all to "do not check for updates". I have this option set and it seems to work when I run it as an administrator but when I run it as a non-privileged user, it still insists on checking for updates.
I had Photoshop CS6 installed and working on my Mac using Adobe Creative Cloud. However now a dialog appears that says "Help Improve Adobe's Product". Regardless if I approve this dialog or not Adobe Photoshop starts up with every menu option grayed and I can do nothing. I have to force quit the application. At this point it is 100% unusable.
I've googled it and seen others with a similar issue but no solutions found. I have OSX 10.8.3.
Others with similar issues. URL....No real solution other than don't use Mac Keeper (which I do not) URL....
It looks like the same 2.3mb file that the update program is trying to download. Once the update is started it just keeps trying to download that file until I cancel the update.
I'd like to ask you what it is different between the ImageReady CS2 and Adobe Photoshop CS2, I am very confuse about them, they looks not different for me.
If i want to chose one of them for design webesite, which one is better?
I know Adobe Photoshop Extended can be used for 3d modeling but can just the normal Adobe Photoshop CS4 be used in the same way because i dont feel like buying it for $1000 but I need Photoshop for my 3d models for texturing. So can the normal Photoshop be used the same way as the Extended can and will not make a difference?
I received a message that an Adobe Raw update was available. I started the update and it told me to close PS CS6 which I did.
I restarted the update and it continues to give me the message to close CS6 even though it is already closed. I tried rebooting and had no affect on this problem.
I am currently running a Mac with OS 10.8.2 and have installed Adobe CS 5.5 Production Premium. Within Photoshop- Preferences- Performance, Photoshop is only recognising 2100MB of RAM, while my Computer has 16GB of RAM available. I have checked and according to the OS Finder, this 16GB is active.
I have also checked across other Adobe programs such as Adobe Premier and have confirmed that here it is also recognising the Available 16GB of RAM. Thus it is only in Photoshop that this is occurring. I have since deleted all of my preferences from both the user level and the hard drive but no recification. I have noticed a recent discussion which sounds very familiar, [URL]....
however this is on a windows based system and the last suggestion from a user was to a windows related issue and I am not sure that fixed the issue for them or not.
I am about to purchase Adobe CS6 soon. Noticed that the specifications say it needs at least Win XP or Win 7. I will be using Windows 8 & need clear clarification that Adobe CS6 will work perfectly and smoothly on Windows 8. If there are serious setbacks or problems to using adobe cs6 on Win 8.
I don't own Creative Cloud but use OS X 10.6.8 on the i Mac (2011 model) working with previous versions of Adobe CS products ( Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.) for my creative work.
Will these software applications work with the latest OS X Mavericks without any hiccups, even if my system doesn't have any Retina display resolution? I've been considering upgrading to Mavericks but wanted to make sure.
I have cs6, I want to scan from the program, My all in one Lexmark is not recognized? I tried to get a plug in from Lexmark, they said they don't support cs6?
i use Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 and i know that it's possible to add some fonts on it. I've downloaded them but don't know where to put them, i can't find the "Fonts" folder in Adobe folder. Also i want the font that is on this website: URL....
I able to add in the 3D tab as a plugin? I've purchased the standard PS CS5 and never got told we had other options, if this can be added in or do I need to pay another k just to upgrade?
Every time I try to log into my Adobe account the little wheel spins and spins. Right now it's been spinning for 10 minutes. The log-in email and password are correct and I get no notice that the user name or password are incorrect. I have to change the password every time I log in. And why do I need to log in to download Camera Raw 8.2 anyway?