Having issues opening Canon T2i .CR2 raw files with my MacBook Pro & Photoshop CS3. Will an uninstall and reinstall solve it or do I need to UPGRADE? Also, don't have original CS3 disc on hand. Online uninstall and reinstall?
I am working in Photoshop 8 and I did 4 different files and saved them. Then my computer locked up and now photoshop is telling me that those files are not the right type of file to be opened in photoshop. What can I do? I am working on a large project!
Shooting with a Canon 5dMarkii. Windows 7; Photoshop CS3. When I try to open RAW (CR2) files, I get a message that the file type can't be recognized. I've not had this problem before. My "updates" says that everything is current.
I have photoshop 7 and have been using my zip drive to save my work.
Got a new CD burner and works nice. But I have a dilemma. I save my photoshop graphics to the CD-RW and then close. When I reopen my file it says, "Blending modes not recognized switch to normal?"
I hit OK, then it says, "this file is not compatible with this version of Photoshop."
Of course I designed it in there. Now I saved my work from my zip disks to the CD and it opens them up fine, but when I change something, or alter a graphic, save and close, I open it up to the same thing.
I'm just saving to my CD. Also, this doesn't work with Illustrator, but I can save from any other program and open without any trouble whatsoever, except my Adobe stuff. The manual says something about fixing software programs to work with this but I'm unclear.
I need to fix in photoshop or something?
I'd like to work this way as my space on my hard drive is limited right now and this CD is working good for everything else.
It runs a Nero burning program and uses InCD to format the disks when I plug them in. The disks are CD-RW.
When I save a photo to a thumb drive after working in photoshop so I can get it professionally printed the files are not recognized by the printing machine. What am I doing incorrectly?
I have a Brother MFC-J835DW inkjet printer with an SD slot to read files to print. It will NOT read any JPG or PNG file created with Gimp 2.8.x. The thumbnails show up as a square with a "?" on it. I have 2.8.10 on a Win7 desktop and 2.8.4 on a Linux machine. My Win7 laptop has 2.6.11 and those files work fine. The win7 desktop had 2.6.11 before the (up?)grade and those files were fine too. The Linux machine had 2.6.x at one time and those files also worked fine.
Today my company's server went down. We are operating from a remote backup. Whenever I try to plot, our .ctb files are missing from the plot styles drop-down.
I have located the directory to place them there and the "real" Plot Style Manager folder contains the files. Interestingly, when I go to adjust the files in ACAD, it erroneously directs me to my computer's "Documents" folder. It seems clear it is being mis-directed since it cannot access the Server. Believing it'd recognize the files in the Documents folder, I placed the .ctb file there. ACAD still did not find the .ctb.
I have also ensured the plot settings in the Options menu is set to "Plot to color dependent styles." (Rather than .stb)
It is clear to me this issue is resulting from a lack of communication to the server.
I am trying to insert Geo-referenced TIF files into Map 2013 but the associated World files are not being found/recognised even though they are in the same directory as the image. I have tried both TAB and TFW using MAPIINSERTand Data Connect.
Going back to Map 2012, which we still have in the office, the World files are found and correlated correctly with both of the above World file types and Map commands.
I just got a new camera this week - a Nikon D610. I have Adobe Lightroom 5 and have processed my RAW files from my last camera with no problem. However, when I went to import my files just now, it tells me it is not supported. I checked for updates, it said no updates are available (it is version 5.3). I checked to see if D610 is supported and it is.
I am trying to import raw files captured with a canon 5D mark III but getting message the files are from a camera which is not recognized byt the raw format support in Lighroom. I have checked that I have the latest addition of LR 3.
Just installed the trial version of Corel Paintshop Photo Pro X3. Now I try to open old files made around 1999-2001 with Corel Photo Paint (from Office 7 Professional). None of the files are recognized. Funny thing is, WordPerfect X3 does recognize those files, and is able to import them in a document. But what do I have to do to be able to work with those files again in Corel Paintshop?? Or in any other photo-editing program for that matter?
All of a sudden my jpeg.jpg images are generating a popup message saying they are an unrecognised file type! I'm using GIMP 2.6.12. I cleaned my system. Rebooted - no joy. I uninstalled GIMP - rebooted - reinstalled GIMP - no joy.
I get the following error message "the files are not recognized by the raw format support in Lightroom (242)" Using 64bit windows 8 Having the same problem in Photoshop CS6
The 720p avi files on my toshiba camileo s20 are not recognized by my VS pro x2. VS will not capture them either from the camera or from the sd card. It does recognize the files on the sd card and shows a thumbnail, but when I try to capture them it says it cannot do so.
I can capture the files using windows 7 moviemaker but the avi files are still not recognized by vs even though windows movie maker has no trouble with them and treats them like any avi file. I have made a dvd with windows mm using those files.
VS does handle sd avi files from my JVC camcorder but no joy with the Toshiba. I have both the 1 and 2 updates for vs x2.
I just started using Lightroom 4.1 Trial version (coming from Aperture). I exported JPEG versions of some images using an ICC profile. On my iMac running Lion 10.7.5 the pictures do not show a thumbnail, the file on the desktop just shows "JPEG". I could not open the file with the Preview App, but I am able to open it with DPP (Canon software)? Also the file shows that it has 0 x 0 dimentions when I click Get Info even though it is about 25 Megs in size?
The message I get is "The file “Edit-739820120223Canon EOS 7D.jpg” could not be opened. It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize."
I have a new MAC running 10.8 IOS and Lightroom 4.3. I also have a new Canon 5d Mark III. According to documentation Lightroom should recognize RAW files on the camera for download into Lightroom. But while I had success with only importing a single image amid multiple attempts, I cannot. Files are not recognized or cannot be converted to DMG for import. I took the card and put it into my old Rebel XT camera body, and it very slowly worked.
I have been using Lightroom with the old XT camera with no issues. Now I have a 1000 CF card and I can't get this to work from the camera. I have oredered a card reader which I have seen in other groups is supposed to solve this, but quite frankly: what the heck?
All of a sudden, when I try to print from Photoshop CS6, I get a message that says my printer is not online. If I load the photo to another program I have no problem printing.
My grandson was using my Photoshop and may have changed some setting, but which settings!
I recovered some 600 jpg files inadvertently erased from a flash card, but they all have the extension THM. Since THM is not recognized by PS CS3 nor by Bridge, I can't Batch Rename them to show jpg extensions. It will take me 2-3 hours to rename them one-by-one.
I downloaded a copy of Photoshop CS5.1 to try with my Sony NEX-5N. When I try to open a RAW file, I get a message that the camera type isn't supported. The Adobe website indicates that the Sony NEX-5N is supported. How do I get the trial version of Photoshop to recognize the RAW files from the Sony NEX-5N?
I'm having problems with Silver Efex Pro 2 after upgrading to PS CS6, worked fine in older versions of PS..Downloaded the latest installer from Nik Software..The installer only find my Lightroom 4.1 when installing, and I have to add CS6 manually (locating the plugin folder, also tried other folders).It works fine in LR4.1, but in PS, the software opens, I apply changes, and clik OK, NIK closes, but nothing happens to my image. The history tab says "Silver Efex Pro 2", but no layers/changes to the original image..64bits WIN7 Enterprise, 12GB ram
I've been working in PS CS6 a while now and notice a consistent behavior, different from previous versions: it does not recognize the first click, after choosing a selection tool from the tool panel.
Try this:Select "Rectangular Marquee" tool, using the tool panel.Move cursor over document and click-n-drag. The tool does not work. It must be clicked a second time to work. When selecting the tool using the keyboard shortcut, this does not happen.
I recently became a subscriber to the creative cloud as well as recently getting a wacom intuos 5. The problem is, my new photoshop cc, does not show that I have a pressure sensitve tablet.
Is there a new driver from adobe that I need to install? I checked the Wacom site and as far as I can tell I have the newest driver available. Also, I do have photoshop cs5.5 could these two versions of photoshop be causing a problem when it comes to the tablet?
Just put a fresh battery in my pen. I've got an Adesso CyberTablet 8600 which, the last time I tried to paint, which was tonight, was not recognized as a pen sensitive tablet in Photoshop. I've tried resetting the file preferences or whatever happens when you hold Ctrl Shift and Alt, still no dice. Restarted computer, still no dice. It's not the tablet; I opened up SAI to see and was able to paint with wonderful pen pressure sensitivity. This wouldn't be a problem EXCEPT -- I don't know how to paint in SAI! I want to paint in Photoshop!!
System specs:
Windows XP Photoshop CS3
I've painted many times in PS before... this seriously only JUST started happening. Usually, if pen pressure is not recognized by Photoshop, it's because I've plugged in the tablet AFTER opening the program; shutting it down, plugging the tablet in, then reopening PS does the trick. However, not so this time.
I went to print an image out of Photoshop and it responds with the error message >>Before you can perform printer-related tasks such as page setup or printing a document, you need to install a printer <OK>I have a small network of 3 machines, they all print to a shared printer from my own machine, connected to my machine via USB wire. The printer is working fine in all other programs, including Acrobat. I have not tried any other CS4 programs, but Word, Excel, etc. all work locally and through the network. The other network machine that also has Photoshop CS4 is having a similar issue. It doesn't give the same error message, but in the dialog box where you pick the printer it says 'unable to connect.' This machine can print from other programs fine also.I saw a similar thread from fall 2008 in the Mac forum. I've tried everything they suggested there >> delete and reinstall printer, restarted several times, updated Adobe manually, updated printer driver, all Windows updates current, run anti-virus checkers. The only thing I can point to is the recent update processes,
i just got a new windows 8 tablet and thought I would try photoshop to see how the pen works vs. my wacom.
i cannot get any pressure control in cs6.
I checked with samsung and the driver is up to date and the pen works in one note and ms photo but not cs6
samsumg claims to be using a wacom driver in their sPen but they supply the driver. The pen is essentially the wacom pen and my intuios pen works on the tablet the same as the samsumg.
I just reinstalled CS3 on my refurbed Mac G4. When I try to open an Nikon camera raw file (.NEF), I get the error message, "Could not complete your request because Photoshop does not recognize this type of file." Prior to a hard drive crash, I opened .NEF files using CS3 on my G4 frequently with no problems. I have reinstalled the software twice and tried importing the files from the camera using Bridge all with the same result.
.cr2 files... i open them in either Bridge or Photoshop to the ACR panel, make changes, click DONE. when i reopen them to, say, make futher changes or process a whole bunch of files, all settings are back to default, all adjustments forgotten. this seems to happen often, but NOT always. weird.
using MAC 10.6.8 photoshop CS6 with latest updates installed.... this has happened for awhile, though...
When I first started using PSCS4, I was using a nVidia gs7800 card and with it open GL was flaky so I changed to an nVidia GeForece 9500 GT w/512 RAM )claiming open GL 3.0) and then open GL was stable. With the upgrade to 11.01 and the latest nVidia drivers for my card, PSCS4 now says I have no open GL it can use and I should either change my video card and/or update its software. What gives and, more important, how can I get get PS to use the open GL I have?